New Pugin: the Sigma Shipyards mission strings

I'm starting a new plug: it will be a new mission string, which starts right after th Sigma Shipyards introduction missions. Since Sigma Shipyards is a trade company, the first goals the player will have to achieve will be essentially commercial: develop trading in Auroran Space, restore and extend the Hypergate Network, and negotiate the merging between Sigma Shipyards, Pyrogenesis, Gli-Tech and Rautherion Engineering into the "Consortium".
This Consortium then cooperates with a part of the Federation governement which isn't controlled by the Bureau and has its own projects for taking over the Known Universe by provoking a war between the Aurorans and the Polaris : Operation Overlord II. The player will at this moment be entrusted of the control of the Juggernaut, a giant supply ship (at least 8 km long) of the task force that, by making a few assaults on Polaris borders, should lead the Polaris into believing that the Auroran Empire is attacking them.But the evil Bureau manages to place one of its famous "anomolous objects" on the Juggernut, which is damaged before it has started the "operations": this formidable ship and its crew (including the player) then decide to serve the Rebellion (introducing you to the REBEL SUPPLY MISSIONS).
After the defection of the Juggernaut, the Consortium quickly contacts the Rebels and negotiate a treaty with them, whose goal is, ultimately, the fall of the Federation. The player then makes a few assassinations (the last being Commander Krane). The Bureau is then quickly dismantled, and Paul Pentcost takes the head of the new Federation. Frandall himself is promoted to the head of the new Federal Information Agency.
A peace treaty is negotiated between the Auroran Empire, the Polaris and the Federation, but at a critical time information from the avorted Operation Overlord II leaks to the auroran and polaran embassies: indignated, both nations declare war on the Federation. The player is promoted from the rank of Ambassador to Grand Admiral: he takes crucial decisions for the war (using the plot branching features) and leads himself his fleets to battle against the Aurorans and the Polaris.
The war has three endings, depending on the player's actions during it: or the Federations wins totally, and all the Known Universe is united under the federal banner; or it loses, and the player is publicly executed after his Vell-Os trial for crimes of war, or it comes to a draw, and each nation withdraws its forces within its borders and the universe only barely changes(what a boring ending).
I'm thinking of an open end: the Kontik probe finds new hyperspace links, and the Consortium, helped by the player, discovers and colonizes new territories with the Juggernaut...
(don't forget: this is the Sigma Shipyards plot)
Since we're speaking of a shipyards company, there will be lots of specially retrofitted ships given to the player during the mission, like the Juggernaut: a "blockade runner" Leviathan of Doom, for exemple, could be issued during the first phase of the missions.
This plot will be supported with new gameplay features: destroyable stellars, interdictor beams, active displaying of the front-lines and offensives (during the war) using the nëbu resources, intelligent missiles and flak-type weapons for example...
Opinions? Criticism?
Feel free to post!

-signature in
development stage;
please wait-


Originally posted by AGDenton:
**I'm starting a new plug: it will be a new mission string, which starts right after th Sigma Shipyards introduction missions. Since Sigma Shipyards is a trade company, the first goals the player will have to achieve will be essentially commercial: develop trading in Auroran Space, restore and extend the Hypergate Network, and negotiate the merging between Sigma Shipyards, Pyrogenesis, Gli-Tech and Rautherion Engineering into the "Consortium".
This Consortium then cooperates with a part of the Federation governement which isn't controlled by the Bureau and has its own projects for taking over the Known Universe by provoking a war between the Aurorans and the Polaris : Operation Overlord II. The player will at this moment be entrusted of the control of the Juggernaut, a giant supply ship (at least 8 km long) of the task force that, by making a few assaults on Polaris borders, should lead the Polaris into believing that the Auroran Empire is attacking them.But the evil Bureau manages to place one of its famous "anomolous objects" on the Juggernut, which is damaged before it has started the "operations": this formidable ship and its crew (including the player) then decide to serve the Rebellion (introducing you to the REBEL SUPPLY MISSIONS).
After the defection of the Juggernaut, the Consortium quickly contacts the Rebels and negotiate a treaty with them, whose goal is, ultimately, the fall of the Federation. The player then makes a few assassinations (the last being Commander Krane). The Bureau is then quickly dismantled, and Paul Pentcost takes the head of the new Federation. Frandall himself is promoted to the head of the new Federal Information Agency.
A peace treaty is negotiated between the Auroran Empire, the Polaris and the Federation, but at a critical time information from the avorted Operation Overlord II leaks to the auroran and polaran embassies: indignated, both nations declare war on the Federation. The player is promoted from the rank of Ambassador to Grand Admiral: he takes crucial decisions for the war (using the plot branching features) and leads himself his fleets to battle against the Aurorans and the Polaris.
The war has three endings, depending on the player's actions during it: or the Federations wins totally, and all the Known Universe is united under the federal banner; or it loses, and the player is publicly executed after his Vell-Os trial for crimes of war, or it comes to a draw, and each nation withdraws its forces within its borders and the universe only barely changes(what a boring ending).
I'm thinking of an open end: the Kontik probe finds new hyperspace links, and the Consortium, helped by the player, discovers and colonizes new territories with the Juggernaut...
(don't forget: this is the Sigma Shipyards plot)
Since we're speaking of a shipyards company, there will be lots of specially retrofitted ships given to the player during the mission, like the Juggernaut: a "blockade runner" Leviathan of Doom, for exemple, could be issued during the first phase of the missions.
This plot will be supported with new gameplay features: destroyable stellars, interdictor beams, active displaying of the front-lines and offensives (during the war) using the nëbu resources, intelligent missiles and flak-type weapons for example...
Opinions? Criticism?
Feel free to post!


When Will It come out sounds good we need a new storyline in evn

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worldwide. Macintosh

I've just begun its development...
But I can already say that I'll need ship graphics (for the Juggernaut for example) and, since I'm not really good at this, I will need a little help. That's why I posted this thread: if there are enough people that want it, maybe someone will want to do the graphics as well...
For now I'm trying to create a potent mission branching for the "war phase", when the player's choice will lead the war to its completion.

-signature in
development stage;
please wait-

Sounds like a neat idea!

However, for one, i don't think that Pyrogenesis, Gli-Tech and Rautherion Engineering would want to merge with each other. They almost hate each other.

Secondly, why would the Consortium want to war and take over the rest of the universe. Sigma is a peaceful trading company, i don't think that's exactly the kind of thing they would want to do.

(url="http://"")The Stars Are Fire(/url)-A TC for Ares

I would recommend making the initial hypergate access much harder to get. I'm currently adding this to my realignment plug-in, but my solution is merely to take that reward out of the first Sigma mission and add a series of missions to do with piracy and lost shipments and stuff, which may have several effects afterwards, but the main thing is that you are granted hypergate access for some particularly dangerous task or something.

Non cognosco quo modo dicere linguam latinam bene.

For the juggernaut you could use the vonian dreadnought nd change the coulors and stuff like that

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worldwide. Macintosh