Hitchhiker's Guide TC

I am an immense fan of HHG2TG, I want to make a TC but I am really out of practice and not at all sure of how to program in EV Nova. I'm sure it won't be much different from the first two EVs but I was wondering if anyone else would be interested in putting together a team to make one.

"Absolutely nothing, which is entirely the point you are completely succeeding to miss"-me


Originally posted by Wowbagger:
**I am an immense fan of HHG2TG, I want to make a TC but I am really out of practice and not at all sure of how to program in EV Nova. I'm sure it won't be much different from the first two EVs but I was wondering if anyone else would be interested in putting together a team to make one.


Hmmm, right now I'm making a plug for Nova based on HHG. It's not a TC, though. But hey! Maybe we could make it together.

"I've just had a brilliant stroke of genius! Oh now I've forgotten it." -Me
(url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/mantaray5/EV/index.html")http://homepage.mac....5/EV/index.html(/url) for my EV plugin website

(This message has been edited by Mantaray (edited 04-23-2002).)

I was thinking of doing a Hitchhiker's Guide TC, but I realized that not very much of any of the books are in space a lot. Most of the plot takes place on planets, so I didn't think that there was enough space "meat" for a TC to work very well. However, if you figure out a way to do it, I'd be the first to try it for you.


Captain: What happen?
Mechanic: Someone set up us the bomb!
Operator: We get signal.
Captain: What!