Mission won't appear in EVN


Trying to make a plug with a mission that's dirt-simple to get. Availrandom is 100, it's in the bar, at Earth. No required bits to test. No moving. No travel, no return. You just hit the bar, get the mission, hit YES, and succeed. I've got my descs as 4737 - 4740 (for brief desc, quick desc, refuse desc, and complete desc). Onsuccess it sets a single bit. That's all.

Problem is: I never get the mission. I boot up Nova, and make a new pilot, and hit Earth, go to the bar, never get the mission. Go to other stellars, head back to Sol, hit Earth, nothing in the bar. Debuglog shows nothing wrong with my mission, but I am obviously missing something that I'm not finding in the Bible.

What am I doing wrong? Why can I never get my mission to appear?

Thanks in advance!

P.S. Sorry - didn't realize registration was back up and running!

-Bloop Whonkawhonkaville
... cruisin' the galaxy in the Li'l Tugboat.


Originally posted by Bloop Whonkawhonkaville:

Trying to make a plug with a mission that's dirt-simple to get. Availrandom is 100, it's in the bar, at Earth. No required bits to test. No moving. No travel, no return. You just hit the bar, get the mission, hit YES, and succeed. I've got my descs as 4737 - 4740 (for brief desc, quick desc, refuse desc, and complete desc). Onsuccess it sets a single bit. That's all.

Problem is: I never get the mission. I boot up Nova, and make a new pilot, and hit Earth, go to the bar, never get the mission. Go to other stellars, head back to Sol, hit Earth, nothing in the bar. Debuglog shows nothing wrong with my mission, but I am obviously missing something that I'm not finding in the Bible.

What am I doing wrong? Why can I never get my mission to appear?

Thanks in advance!

P.S. Sorry - didn't realize registration was back up and running!


Did you set the type and creator code of the plugin properly? If you're not sure, download (url="http://"http://kevin.sb.org/evnova")Nova File Changer(/url) and use it to change your file's type/creator codes for you.

Also, are you registered? If not, plugins don't work.

Kevin Ballard

Yup, I used ResEdit to set the type to Npif and creator to Nova (don't know how to make an umlaut on the machine here at work, which is a Windows machine, much to my consternation). The plug gave itself the Plug-In icon. I am registered, too. Hrm.

I read in one location in the Bible that misn descs are recommended as ID 5xxx. Another place in the Bible dictates that 4xxx is for misn descs. I've changed my desc ID#s to 5xxx and 4xxx, and had the misn point to the proper nuumbers, in order to test both out, with no luck. Bible's on my Mac at home - can't quote you where it says this ATM.

Also put the spob location as 128 AND 1128 (Bible's a little unclear here, IIRC), with no luck at either.

Question I'm wondering, beyond why doesn't it just plain work, is this: Does a mission HAVE to have a travel and return value? Or can you, in theory, get offered a misn, accept, and instantly resolve the effects of success, without ever leaving the planet? Because that's what I'm trying to do.

Anyhow, I really appreciate the help! I can figure most stuff out on my own, but I can't seem to get past this, and I know it must be something really dumb and obvious that I'm just plain missing (like plugging in the computer)! Thanks again!

-Bloop Whonkawhonkaville
... cruisin' the galaxy in the Li'l Tugboat.


Originally posted by Bloop Whonkawhonkaville:
Question I'm wondering, beyond why doesn't it just plain work, is this: Does a mission HAVE to have a travel and return value? Or can you, in theory, get offered a misn, accept, and instantly resolve the effects of success, without ever leaving the planet? Because that's what I'm trying to do.

Give it whatever travel/return you want, then set the auto-aborting flag. And if you hav a PayValue, set the flag that gives PayValue on auto-abort.

Kevin Ballard

Do you hace the actual mission desc? I was struggling with missions, and the very very first desc of the mission has to be 4000 - 128 + mission ID.
If that's not the problem, it could be that the mission is clashing with one in the Data files.
Oh yeah. ANOTHER problem could be that you went over the limited number of missions. ie, the mission ID you are using might be to high a number. ATMOS set like the last ten missions to be the last IDs, (so it goes from something like 885 to 1045. This is an example, with absolutely no proof behind it)
If, however you already solved the problem and are laughing at me... 🙂

"I've just had a brilliant stroke of genius! Oh now I've forgotten it." -Me

(This message has been edited by Mantaray (edited 04-24-2002).)


Originally posted by Mantaray:
**Do you hace the actual mission desc? I was struggling with missions, and the very very first desc of the mission has to be 4000 - 128 + mission ID.
If that's not the problem, it could be that the mission is clashing with one in the Data files.
Oh yeah. ANOTHER problem could be that you went over the limited number of missions. ie, the mission ID you are using might be to high a number. ATMOS set like the last ten missions to be the last IDs, (so it goes from something like 885 to 1045. This is an example, with absolutely no proof behind it)
If, however you already solved the problem and are laughing at me... 🙂


Max Missions is 1000. That means make the id <= to that. If it's above that, it's not loaded.

Kevin Ballard


Originally posted by Aranor:
**Max Missions is 1000. That means make the id <= to that. If it's above that, it's not loaded.


Well, actually, max missions is 1000, but resource ID numbers start at 128, so you can use any number from 128-1127 (not 1128 just to be safe, since it starts at 0 and I'm not sure about counting from 0). I also have this same problem about missions not appearing sometimes, and I can't figure out what is wrong.


Windows: Just another pane in the glass.


Sorry to drag this on! But I really appreciate all of your help!

I don't see anywhere in the Bible where it talks about having to set your misn's brief desc to 4000-128+misn#, but I did that. Quick is that plus one; complete desc is that plus two, and refuse is that plus 3. For lack of any other instructions. Hrm.

Solved: Mission does now appear. Yay!
Solved: Made it auto-abort, gave it random destination and return. Yay!

Problem: On accept, it just displays to me again the brief desc (not the complete). After that, it doesn't seem to set the bit that I want it to. Supposed to offer if !b33 and !b149. Supposed to set b33 (the idea is that the mission gives you access to the gates). After getting the misn, hitting accept (and seeing the misn into desc again), gates are still not available to me (even though I told it to set b33 on Accept, Abort, and Complete!).

So, you can get the misn. When you accept, you see the misn's introductory desc again (even though the ID# in the misn's resource points to the correct Complete desc), and it doesn't seem to give gate access. Feh.

Refusing works as it should.

Query: Would it not display the Complete desc if it auto-aborted? Would it instead point to a failed desc? If so, should I essentially copy the accept (Complete) desc to be a failed desc?

Again, I really appreciate all of your help! Sorry if I sound like a total newbie, here!

-Bloop Whonkawhonkaville
... cruisin' the galaxy in the Li'l Tugboat.