Nova shan and sprite questions

I want to start rendering the sprites for Rift, but first I got a few questions:
What was the angle or slope that the Nova ships were rendered?
When you make the lights, for example, you just render the ship with the running lights, and the game will fade that to transparancy over the base sprites, right?

(url="http://"")Rift Homepage(/url)
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(url="http://"")The Dark Beyond Homepage(/url)
Apparently, common sense isn't so common...


Originally posted by nwa728:
**I want to start rendering the sprites for Rift, but first I got a few questions:
What was the angle or slope that the Nova ships were rendered?
When you make the lights, for example, you just render the ship with the running lights, and the game will fade that to transparancy over the base sprites, right?

Well I know one of the answers, the angle is 45 degrees. Apart from that I dont have a clue.


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