Whatis the deal with Registration?????

I paid money for the game, got the registration code and now the code has expired?
What is the deal with that???? I sent an email to the support web site like I was instructed to do and still no anwser! So, if I get another code is it going to expire too? If this is how all of these games work I'm sorry I even bought the game. I didn't see any document that stated the code would expire if I bought the game. I'm very disappointed in this company! Great game, bad way for the company to do business.

-Mike Boatright



Originally posted by MikeB:
**I paid money for the game, got the registration code and now the code has expired?
What is the deal with that???? I sent an email to the support web site like I was instructed to do and still no anwser! So, if I get another code is it going to expire too? If this is how all of these games work I'm sorry I even bought the game. I didn't see any document that stated the code would expire if I bought the game. I'm very disappointed in this company! Great game, bad way for the company to do business.

-Mike Boatright


I've never had that problem... I've heard nothing but good about Ambrosia's technical support, so they should fix your problem. Make sure you typed in the code properly, of course. If you misspell your name when you register, that'll cause problems too. I can't imagine a code should expire, though, since it's based on your name and the number of copies you bought rather than a date.

David R. Wright
"And six Davemans make one Daveman Deluxe!"

When I register it says

The license code you entered has expired.

Yes, your registration is still valid. You simply need to contact Ambrosia and request another license code for this product.

What really bugs me is I paid for the code and now I have to get another one. What happens if the company goes under and my code doesn't work. Not good.

Mike B.


Ambrosia uses time-limited registration codes in their newer products in order to cut down on piracy. Evidence from Ambrosia's server logs seems to suggest that it works. As you yourself noted, if you have a legitimate code, then you can easily obtain a new valid code when the old one expires. Once you've entered the code, it remains valid, and you will only need a new one if you reformat your hard drive or do something similarly drastic.

Before you get too excited about this fact, I would strongly recommend you read the long and thorough discussion about this matter on forums.macnn.com . (Unfortunately, I can't seem to access the server at the moment, but if you do a topic search on their "OS X Software" board for the words "ambrosia license", you should find the 2 topics in question without trouble.)

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. - Douglas Adams
Only member of the webboard to gain 2 karma points by writing a flame, and openly atychiphobic since 2000.

(This message has been edited by Glenn (edited 07-08-2002).)


Originally posted by Glenn:
**Ambrosia uses time-limited registration codes in their newer products in order to cut down on piracy. Evidence from Ambrosia's server logs seems to suggest that it works. As you yourself noted, if you have a legitimate code, then you can easily obtain a new valid code when the old one expires. Once you've entered the code, it remains valid, and you will only need a new one if you reformat your hard drive or do something similarly drastic.

Before you get too excited about this fact, I would strongly recommend you read the long and thorough discussion about this matter on forums.macnn.com . (Unfortunately, I can't seem to access the server at the moment, but if you do a topic search on their "OS X Software" board for the words "ambrosia license", you should find the 2 topics in question without trouble.)


yes heres what Andrew had to say at MacNN:

"A few months ago, we started implementing license codes that would expire if not entered within about 30 days. The main reason for doing this was that we saw leaked license codes from just about every product under the sun were distributed in online pirated serial number 'newsletters'. Details on this license code system can be found in this article:
(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/newsdisplay.cgi?action=topics&number;=14&arti;")http://www.AmbrosiaS...&number=14(/url) cle=000052

It is important to note that license codes don't expire once entered -- the only time you'll need to re-enter one of our license codes (and thus may have to obtain an updated code) is when you're installing the product on a new computer, or you've reformatted your hard drive. 30 days or so should be an ample amount of time to enter a license code.

I'd also like to point out that our server is never contacted surreptitiously -- if you enter a license code that is expired, the registration application offers to connect to our server to automatically obtain an updated license code, but only if you click a clearly labeled button.

According to our renewal server logs, 103 people connected to it yesterday (5/6/2002) to obtain an updated registration code. Out of those 103 connections, 71 were attempts to use a known pirated license codes (and thus were blocked).

68% of the people attempting to obtain an updated license code yesterday were actually attempting to steal a free copy of one of our products. This figure, of course, doesn't count the number of people who were trying to enter a pirated license code, but thought better of contacting our server to attempt to get an updated license code.

Let's assume the average price for a product is $30. That translates into $2,130 worth of known pirated attempts in a single day. Granted, it is likely true that many of the people who were attempting to pirate a piece of software will never buy it -- but some of them will, if stealing it isn't ridiculously easy.

In addition, simply because they would never purchase the product does not mean they are entitled to use it in perpetuity as our paying customers do.

We're a small Macintosh developer; software piracy has an impact on our ability to stay in business and keep working on cool new products. While our main focus is providing great products and services for our paying customers, things like this can't be ignored."

the thread can be found here: (url="http://"http://forums.macnn.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=37;t=003285;p=1")http://forums.macnn....37;t=003285;p=1(/url)

Shift Pattern Graphics at [http://shiftprint.com
See](http://shiftprint.com<br />
See) CGE_Tips at:


Originally posted by straytoaster:
**blah blah blah piracy blah blah blah


What I find sickening is the people that are criticizing Ambrosia for trying to protect its already razor-thin profit margins. I'm sure that even a 10% downturn in registrations would force the fine people at Ambrosia to bring pencils to work to sell on the street. It drives me insane that some people think that it's perfectly OK to pirate software, or don't even see why they should purchase multiple copies of software for each machine in the office. It's completely indefensible. When I don't have money to buy software, I say to myself, "Why don't I cut out on eating at Burger King every day for a few weeks and then use the money I saved to buy Microsoft Word." I bet that most of the people that pirate software to use (I'm not speaking of hackers) have plenty of money to buy the software... they just don't want to sacrifice their take-out beer and pizza every night to do it. It's not about a lack of funds, it's about the American way, which is, "I should have everything I want and it should never be uncomfortable to get what I want."

Speaking as a musician, I feel the same way about people copying CDs. (I've had many arguments with my sister about this one.) But that's for another board.

David R. Wright
"And six Davemans make one Daveman Deluxe!"

MikeB, there is hope! I was frustrated when my code expired, but if you dial (remember, if it's out of your area code, dial 1 first) 716 - 325 - 1910 between 9 A.M. and (I think it was) 10 P.M. you can get a new code that way, and if there's a problem, call again! And even if there isn't a problem, call again, and ask whoevers there out just for kicks! (Regardless of gender)



Originally posted by phantompenguin:
**MikeB, there is hope! I was frustrated when my code expired, but if you dial (remember, if it's out of your area code, dial 1 first) 716 - 325 - 1910 between 9 A.M. and (I think it was) 10 P.M. you can get a new code that way, and if there's a problem, call again! And even if there isn't a problem, call again, and ask whoevers there out just for kicks! (Regardless of gender)


Theres also a handly little button somewhere in the register app that connects to ASW and updates it via net on the spot.

Ecky- ecky- ecky- ecky- pikang- zoop- boing- goodem- zoo- owli- zhiv'
Now lobbest thou thy keyboard towards thy monitor, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it.
(url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/arcangel_c/PhotoAlbum2.html")Rogue Thoughts(/url)

I like (url="http://"http://www.sluggy.com/")PoG(/url).


aac: "I hate all caps, and ads, but now atleast its pog related"

(This message has been edited by ArcAngel Counterstrike (edited 07-20-2002).)


Originally posted by phantompenguin:

Do that some where other then here. That has nothing to do with PoG.

Ecky- ecky- ecky- ecky- pikang- zoop- boing- goodem- zoo- owli- zhiv'
Now lobbest thou thy keyboard towards thy monitor, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it.
(url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/arcangel_c/PhotoAlbum2.html")Rogue Thoughts(/url)

(This message has been edited by ArcAngel Counterstrike (edited 07-20-2002).)

Sorry, I was bored.


Ok so what if your like under 18, living in england and realy are a poor person, how am i expected to pay for some american registration jobby? and can i please have someones recent code cos i think mine is one of the pirate ones.


Originally posted by Lewla Ferrari:
Ok so what if your like under 18, living in england and realy are a poor person, how am i expected to pay for some american registration jobby? and can i please have someones recent code cos i think mine is one of the pirate ones.

1. Dont have money....Awww, guess you can only play the try out version.
2. Want the full game? get money, mow a lawn or somthing, bug your fokes. Someones paying for your internet arn't they.
4. Not that bright wanting to pirate on the companys own webboard mister You best not ask again.

Thank you for reading your local peeved warmonger Mod.

Ecky- ecky- ecky- ecky- pikang- zoop- boing- goodem- zoo- owli- zhiv'
Now lobbest thou thy keyboard towards thy monitor, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it.
Rogue Thoughts: reorganizing for a new season near you.

(This message has been edited by ArcAngel Counterstrike (edited 07-31-2002).)


Originally posted by Lewla Ferrari:
Ok so what if your like under 18, living in england and realy are a poor person, how am i expected to pay for some american registration jobby? and can i please have someones recent code cos i think mine is one of the pirate ones.

Well, in that case, since you are poor and foreign, there is a special code generator (url="http://"https://secure.ambrosiasw.com/Registration/Register.html")here(/url), but don't tell my secret to everyone, ok.

Just pimpin' my (url="http://"http://www.thejbfc.com")fishing skills(/url) and (url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/dampeoples/Sterling/Menu19.html")other stuff(/url)

alright Lewla, ignore the last post.

just email ambrosia's lostcode e-mail addy, and they will reply in around a day.
that happened to me with EVN - it expired, and they emailed me a new code wit no fuss,

Greetings from the 52nd state


Originally posted by Arazon:
**alright Lewla, ignore the last post.

just email ambrosia's lostcode e-mail addy, and they will reply in around a day.
that happened to me with EVN - it expired, and they emailed me a new code wit no fuss,


Why should he ignore my post?

"Ok so what if your like under 18, living in england and realy are a poor person, how am i expected to pay for some american registration jobby?"

Doesn't sound like he has a legit code to start with, hmmm?

Just pimpin' my (url="http://"http://www.thejbfc.com")fishing skills(/url) and (url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/dampeoples/Sterling/Menu19.html")other stuff(/url)

ok first to deal with ArcAngel Counterstrike's wise words of wisdom
1: Awwww, ya, no money for me. I don't know the first thing about economics.
2: My internet is free, and I found my Mac in a trash can. PoG was already on it.
3: Yes, I must be punished for my horrible ideas.
4: Yes again, im a twit. sorry sorry sorry.

Thanks dampeoples thats much appreciated, I will buy it now with your handy link.

Peace y'all.

(This message has been edited by ArcAngel Counterstrike (edited 07-31-2002).)

(url="http://"http://www.angelfire.com/nj/megshomepage/idiot.html")The Idiot Test(/url), I think you apply.

1. awwww no money, get a pirate code
I'm glad some people have enough morals to pay for their software. Ambrosia wouldn't be a company if they passed out free software.

2. its england, the weather is too bad for grass to grow, and my internet is free
What, is England communist now? And AAC was assuming that you were smart enough to realize that the generic statement "mow the lawn or something..." actually meant "get off your *** and do some work for money."

3. That not "your's" you stupid git


From the web board guidelines
Don't wander off-topic, don't ramble and don't post messages solely to point out other people's errors in typing or spelling. These, more than any other behavior, mark you as an immature beginner.

After all, your punctuation and capitalization leaves a lot to be desired...

4. seems like a brilliant place to post this message, ill try my first link now, and for someone with "Blessed" karma, you need to chill a little.
Good luck avoiding an IP ban!

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

(This message has been edited by spitfire (edited 07-31-2002).)

I love paying for things, it gives me great joy. To have actually earned something by my own merit. oh happy day.

(This message has been edited by ArcAngel Counterstrike (edited 07-31-2002).)

On that note, and the first question being answered....

Ecky- ecky- ecky- ecky- pikang- zoop- boing- goodem- zoo- owli- zhiv'
Now lobbest thou thy keyboard towards thy monitor, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it.
Rogue Thoughts: reorganizing for a new season near you.