How Many Weapons Are Possible In EVO?

The topic heading says it all.

Actually it comes from the EV:O bible. The beggining resource is #128 and it says at the end of the wכהp description that the last weapon is #163. (The special weapon, the forklift.) So 163 - 128 = 35 weapons! It says in the max resources that there is 64 weapon types.

So the question is, is there 35 or 64 possible weapons, and why?


The Override scenario uses weהp resources ID 128-163 (36 weapons), plus ID 191 (the Forklift).

The EVO engine can use weהp resources 128-191, for a total of 64 possible weapons.

This is one of the areas where the scenario does not max out the capabilities of the engine.

Hope this helps!

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Thank you Glenn. For some time there I was going to freak out because I had planned to max (or get close) to the weapon limit...


(This message has been edited by deepThink (edited 07-27-2001).)