gah, texturing stage (GRAPHIC(S) INSIDE!)

i'm moving onto the texturing stage (big sigh)

(url="http://"")Click Here To View The Picture (medium anti-alias)(/url)

here's another one for ya...

(url="http://"")Click Here To View The Picture (medium anti-alias)(/url)

give me comments flames whatever...i'll put some later renders on this post as i get them

Jeremy Woodruff as,

(This message has been edited by Jeremy Woodruff (edited 06-27-2001).)


Originally posted by Yahoo!

We're sorry, but this page is currently unavailable for viewing.

just keep refreshing

Jeremy Woodruff as,

not really much texturing there... 🙂

(url="http://"")Harzius Productions(/url)
(url="http://"")Iced Earth(/url)

ah, captain obvious strikes again 🙂

it was meant more for a show of it rendered 🙂

Jeremy Woodruff as,

put some plating on the hull

"Don't piss me off because my revenge is brutal. It won't come instantly, but when it does, it will be a deep emotional wound that never heals, for I am Dark Templar, Lord of Vengeance"
Neo Ice of Neo World - 118:3:2 (EVA)(osX)(INFINITY)
(url="http://"")My EzBoard(/url) (Looking For Mods)

good idea, any other suggestions?

Jeremy Woodruff as,


Originally posted by Jeremy Woodruff:
**just keep refreshing


About how many times? As far as I can see, that would not do anything and nothing's happening, but apparently I'm alone...

"Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun. Orbiting this at a distance of roughly ninety-eight million miles is an utterly insignificant little blue-green planet whose ape-descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea." - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Ah, you are not alone!

Just edit and copy/paste the URL 🙂

(url="http://"")Feel the Jive(/url)
The most sure-fire way to avoid death, is to avoid birth.
(url="http://"")Resistance Site(/url) | (url="http://"")---20---(/url) | *(url="http://" &number;=20&forum;=EV/EVO+chronicles&DaysPrune;=25&article;=000108&startpoint;=")Renegade Wars(/url) | (url="http://"")Quillz(/url) | (url="http://"")Anada(/url) | (url="http://"")Corsair Developers(/url)

Hey, a couple things (neither actually pertaining to the pictures themselves):

1. Geocities is evil. If you're going to link to a picture on their (evil) servers, link to a simple html file that's just <img src="rederback.jpg"> called rederback.html - that way, people won't become annoyed by the evilness.

2. There IS and EV/O image gallerey for this very sort of thing, you know... 😉


(url="http://"")Meowx Design Studios(/url)
Graphics. Games. And more...

Oh, and the pictures themsleves look like Legos. what prog did you use?

(url="http://"")Meowx Design Studios(/url)
Graphics. Games. And more...

first of all, i originally tried to post it on the nova board, since this is going to be placed in a nova plug-in, secondly, they aren't finished graphics, which is what the ev image gallery is for, thirdly, i'm looking for responses, which makes it as more of an interactive subject, which is what the board is for.

Jeremy Woodruff as,

forgot to mention... lightwave 6.5

Jeremy Woodruff as,

If you want, there are some bumpmap-capable images on our (url="http://"")website(/url). I've never really had the chance to bump them. I use Bryce 3D. Nice design, although, I've always been a fan of longer, thinner ships 😄

-James Lomax

i guess nobody understands taht it's an engine, but i didn't really clarify it in this post. so now i am...btw, i just realized, i hit the 300 post mark w00t

Jeremy Woodruff as,


Originally posted by Meowx Design:
**Oh, and the pictures themsleves look like Legos. what prog did you use?


This happens when textures are replaced by simple colors applied to the models...

Pesmo's Profile Refresh no. 8
-I didn't found anything more spiritual or intelligent to write here.-


Originally posted by Meowx Design:
Geocities is evil. If you're going to link to a picture on their (evil) servers, link to a simple html file that's just <img src="rederback.jpg"> called rederback.html - that way, people won't become annoyed by the evilness.

Or use iCab and set the referer to be 'Only within domain', that way they cant tell it's an external link 😉

(url="http://"")Carracho Help(/url)