Multiplayer EVO


Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
P.S. Do you mind if I post a link to your screenshots on the Ares board? Or maybe you could do so? It would be a good idea to get your plug popular before it's released...

I'll post a link on the Ares board(s) some time tomorrow morning. Right now I have to finish rendering the Arada.


OOOH! The Arada! I'll bet that is looking cool! I am so hyped about this thing, I've told probably about 30 people about it already! All of them had the same reaction: WOW! 🙂

- Captain Stud Beefpile
- UE Naval 238th Squadron
- Azdgari Squadron "Firebird" Leader
- Member of the Zacha Renegade Elimination Corporation

(This message has been edited by Stud Beefpile (edited 03-11-2001).)

I posted a new topic on the (url="http://"")Ares Officer's Club(/url)


So I was right! It came to me this morning as I played with the EVO Personalities plug I made. I signed online to say it was Ares:Override but you had already said so. How much longer until its finished Madfax?

"The heathens are upon us, arm yourselves and go with God."-Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet


Originally posted by Admiral Benden:
**How much longer until its finished Madfax?

Beats me 😛


It's looking great. Your old screen name was Mordon, right? I've been doing a some work for Rift, and I'll email you the full scoop soon.

"From now on, this place has a new motto: A bullet to the head, you get a bed."~Chris Rock(Down to Earth)

(quote)Originally posted by nwa728:
**It's looking great. Your old screen name was Mordon, right?


(QUOTE)Originally posted by nwa728:
**I've been doing a some work for Rift, and I'll email you the full scoop soon.

I was wondering what was happing with Rift...

-(b)MadFax7** (url="http://"")

MadFax, what races will be replaced by the EVO ones? What is the plot line? Is it just going to be "Kill Everything" or will you be the UE and just kill things for them. I just earned up enough allowance to buy Ares so I don't know all the possibilites yet :frown:.

"The heathens are upon us, arm yourselves and go with God."-Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet


Originally posted by MadFax7:
**Beats me:p


Heh...I've always had the same answer to that question. People often ask me when my plugins are going to be complete, and I always say "I don't know" or something along those lines. 🙂

~Captain Skyblade

Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Admiral Benden:
MadFax, what races will be replaced by the EVO ones?

Its hard to say right now, but any race that you can be that can build, well not be replaced.


Originally posted by Admiral Benden:
What is the plot line?

Same as EVO.


Originally posted by Admiral Benden:
Is it just going to be "Kill Everything" or will you be the UE and just kill things for them.

The single player version well actually be 4-5 versions, one for each mager mission string.


Originally posted by Admiral Benden:
I just earned up enough allowance to buy Ares so I don't know all the possibilites yet:frown:.

Have you played Ares yet?


Yeah, I have played Ares. It took me about two hours to do the tutorials and the first six levels. I played online once (and lost). It took me three days of constant playing to beat EVO. I like them both but I have had other things to buy so I haven't had the chance to pay for Ares.

"The heathens are upon us, arm yourselves and go with God."-Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet


Originally posted by Admiral Benden:
**Yeah, I have played Ares. It took me about two hours to do the tutorials and the first six levels. I played online once (and lost). It took me three days of constant playing to beat EVO. I like them both but I have had other things to buy so I haven't had the chance to pay for Ares.


Well once you get Ares, you won't regret it. 🙂 The fourteen levels following the demo levels are a blast from the start, from fighting the Cantharans to the final destruction of the Gateship (which is the equivelent of the Dreadnaught). I'd recommend playing the full original Ares levels before using plugins.

~Captain Skyblade

Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

sebek is back!
i am very close to a net ev/o. the game is roughly playable via lan using tcp/ip. if i get ready to implement UDP correctly i could post a playable version (2 player) today. but i'm having heavy problems with this... i am actually workin' on it but i don't have much time for this. i have alot to do with studys and drama group at the moment :frown:

but here my principial note to EVMP:
EVMP is possible! under Linux there is a game called xsw (XShipWars) that proves this!
The most difficult part is the netcode for syncing the players data. A functional plugin engine exists! My actual research shows that there can be up to 50 ships in a galaxy if the server has enough bandwidth and power.
If a universe is spit into multiple servers (my attempt) it could easily carry thousands of players.


live and let die...

Madfax, I would like you to post status reports. As some of our lives depend upon Ambrosia SW. So, what are you making? When will it be finished? Am I going to die today? Are you going to kill me for asking to many guestions? What? Why? When? Who? I don't know, tell us something?!

"The heathens are upon us, arm yourselves and go with God."-Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet

Oh, I forgot. The UE Destroyer is only about as long as three Ishiman Destroyers Bow to Aft. Sure, its big, but The screenshots were all taken at atleast 2:1. In pic number 10, it says "1:1". They ain't as big as advertised(Yeah, ain't isn't a word). So, why the dupe Madfax? You just let us believe those were 1:1 scal when they were really 2:1. Why?

"The heathens are upon us, arm yourselves and go with God."-Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet


Originally posted by Admiral Benden:
**Oh, I forgot. The UE Destroyer is only about as long as three Ishiman Destroyers Bow to Aft. Sure, its big, but The screenshots were all taken at atleast 2:1. In pic number 10, it says "1:1". They ain't as big as advertised(Yeah, ain't isn't a word). So, why the dupe Madfax? You just let us believe those were 1:1 scal when they were really 2:1. Why?

Notice how Ares takes a second or two to zoom to another scale.


I withdraw my complaint and criticism. Sorry Madfax:*(

"The heathens are upon us, arm yourselves and go with God."-Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet


Originally posted by blackhole:
**hmm, I seriously doubt you'll have any takers, as although it is possible to have an ev-like game in multiplayer, you cannot have a true EV multiplayer, it's all in the logistics of transmitting data across the net at sufficient speed, though most of the problems have workarounds. I have actually devoted some time (about 1/2 hour) to working out how to do it. It is possible, just dont expect fast results.

As for people saying it's not possible: please dont flame in this thread, you WILL suffer 😉


How? I was sort of wondering what it would take a while ago. If you feel like it send how to

"Well, we could grind
our enemies into powder, but gosh, we did that yesterday."


Originally posted by
**sebek is back!
i am very close to a net ev/o. the game is roughly playable via lan using tcp/ip. if i get ready to implement UDP correctly i could post a playable version (2 player) today. but i'm having heavy problems with this... i am actually workin' on it but i don't have much time for this. i have alot to do with studys and drama group at the moment :frown:

but here my principial note to EVMP:
EVMP is possible! under Linux there is a game called xsw (XShipWars) that proves this!
The most difficult part is the netcode for syncing the players data. A functional plugin engine exists! My actual research shows that there can be up to 50 ships in a galaxy if the server has enough bandwidth and power.
If a universe is spit into multiple servers (my attempt) it could easily carry thousands of players.

** you plan on porting this to Mac OS X? Because if you do...use Cocoa. It's fast, stable, and as I am told, easy to debug. Just my insane idea here!



Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**Well, I will say the krait and helians are pretty terrible ships, but the Turncoat is downright awesome, and with upgrades is a formidable vessel. I like it.:)

You've got that right...I want another screenshot! That first one was cool enough, and I'm dying to see another one!

As for GameRanger, I've had it for about five / six months. I used to be known there as an expert in Ares, (my screen name was "Ares Sniper") but I haven't been on GameRanger in a very long time. When this plug comes out, however, that will probably change. 🙂

~Captain Skyblade

Visit my EVO website! **

Oh come on, the Helian isn't that bad (I spend most of the early game in one).

"Well, we could grind
our enemies into powder, but gosh, we did that yesterday."