EVO God Latest News...

Put me on too!

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is to try to please everyone."
-Bill Cosby
Star Trek Escape Velocity


Glad to be of service, ladies and gents. Oh by the way Phoenix I have started a mailing list of sorts for those who wish to be informed of latest updates, you were added to the list of course!

Thanks. I'm just starting the main mission coding for Nemesis, seems that EVO God came out just in time! Great program, I would suggest it to all developers!


"Who is more foolish? The fool or the fool who follows him."
(url="http://"http://commonwealth.cjb.net")Commonwealth Software - Nemesis(/url)


Originally posted by Phoenix:
**Thanks. I'm just starting the main mission coding for Nemesis, seems that EVO God came out just in time! Great program, I would suggest it to all developers!


Make sure you BACK UP often, please! It's a development version and i'd hate to see something go terribly wrong!


Kane O'Donnell

I'd like to be added to your mailing list, please! Thanks!

The latest version (0.7.5) has been posted to the addons page and to the fortunecity site, it fixes the dude editor and govt editor problems. Cheers!


Kane O'Donnell

Did you get my email about a feature request? Basically it was asking if you could make all fields be set to a default value of ignore (-1 or 0 as the case may be) when a resource is first created. This would help immensly since it would cut down on bugs from forgetting to change a field's value to ignore when the resource is created (especially for missions!).


"Who is more foolish? The fool or the fool who follows him."
(url="http://"http://commonwealth.cjb.net")Commonwealth Software - Nemesis(/url)

Yeah you're right about that, I'll add it in a future release.

Just for those who are wondering, I've been spending time planning (and prototyping) the spob/syst editor but i've also fixed a lot of bugs and silly application things so 0.8 shouldn't be the mess that 0.7 was when I released it.



Kane O'Donnell

Hey Kane, I just got EVO God (several days back, like a week ago) and there's one BIG bug I've found, its when I try and open an outfit I've created. The error was a class error and it said something like Objoutof Bounds (or something like that). And the thing is that nothing is wrong with it, its just that the outfits were all created initially in EVO God and then streamlined and de-bugged in ResEdit. The outfits are valid and work great in EVO, but I still get that funky message when I open up the an outfit of mine that I have personally created. Oh, and what's you fortune city site address and I to would like to be added to the list.


-author of "Dragerron"
-OotS member
-Star Wars and EVO
nut. 😄

Hey Kane, did you get my email with the mission editor bug report? I didn't get a reply and have not recieved anything through your mailing list.


"Who is more foolish? The fool or the fool who follows him."
(url="http://"http://commonwealth.cjb.net")Commonwealth Software - Nemesis(/url)