EVO God Latest News...

Well having skimmed the webboards for opinions etc I have reached an overwhelming response - NOBODY likes third party editors!!

Oh well I don't care, EVO God is going ahead regardless. Let me say that I am putting tons of work into anti-corruption checking for this program, and when it hits final release it should be a very reliable program to use.

Anyway on a positive note, the latest version, 0.5d is available at:

At the moment the editors that work are: Weapons, Outfits, Dudes, Disasters and Cargo Name editors. All work quite well and are fully functional. Fleet, Govt and Mission editors are coming up.

Post comments/questions/verbal abuse here, or email me at shado83@optusnet.com.au


Kane O'Donnell

Nobody likes third party editors? I think your program is better than the ones from R&R;, though that's because I like the layout of it and the fact that it tends to look more Mac-like.

I really, really hate applications with their 'own cool look and feel', though shipwrite etc dont have this to the same extent as others, it does seem to have some differences from standard Mac applications.

'If not you, who else?'

Nobody like unreliable third party editors. I haven't heard a word of complaint against DevMap, for instance. ResEdit is reliable, but slower than heck so a single all-in-one EVO editor that works would be great! I'm glad you're going ahead. However, what this community doesn't give much of is praise and support. Even F-25 didn't stir much enthusiasm when it first came out. If all your hard work turns out a program people want to use, you will have to take your satisfaction from that, not their praise.

Thankyou for the kind words, gentlemen. Rest assured that EVO God has the same Maclike feel and touch of The Docks.

Anyway the satisfaction I get out of writing software is the knowledge that I have completed another challenge, the main purpose of this topic is to tell people about the updates to EVO God, not get praise 🙂

Thanks anyway, and don't forget to have a look at EVO God when it comes out!!


Kane O'Donnell

My only complaint about EVO God (apart from the name, which still offends my religious sensibilities) is that it doesn't as yet do many things, and the things it does are done by other programs I already know and love.

The killer features, when ready, will be:

ability to change the world while writing missions (that's really the only point of integration - I have no problem to create weapons, planets, etc with hundreds of different apps. It's when I'm writing missions that I need to get in fast, make the change, and keep writing.)

ability to export and import everything (and I will make good on my promise to provide a run-time database front end for this).



M A R T I N • T U R N E R

If no one else will give you praise, I volunteer. The interface is terriffic!

I was kinda stretching it in my last post. 😉 I could never really decompress the program. The way your interface sounds is terriffic, but it only makes me want to see it more. I have Stuffit Expander 6 and Maclink Plus. Neither could decompress the file.


Originally posted by Ellmist(no cookies):
I was kinda stretching it in my last post.;) I could never really decompress the program. The way your interface sounds is terriffic, but it only makes me want to see it more. I have Stuffit Expander 6 and Maclink Plus. Neither could decompress the file.

Hmm, that's strange. It's encoded with Dropstuff 5.1, it should decompress into a folder with 4 files. I'll have a play around and see what's going on...

Kane O'Donnell

Maybe you should MacBinary or Binhex it.

I'll encode it different ways and put the different files on the webpage, so everyone should be able to unstuff it.

Did you manage to open it??

Kane O'Donnell

I tried downloading that one several more times with different programs. Stuffit Expander seems to work for everything except this. Stuffit Expander 6 opens for a few seconds and – without begining to decompress it – closes again. Either I have Stuffit set the wrong way, or Expander was somehow broken when I downloaded it so certain files won't open. This probably didn't happen because it worked for everyone else is that I didn't get the resource fork because it wasn't binhexed or macbinaried.

Thanks so much for your help. I'm anxiously(literally) awaiting EVO God. After all of this everything will probably turn out to be the simplest mistake on my part.


Originally posted by shado83:
At the moment the editors that work are: Weapons, Outfits, Dudes, Disasters and Cargo Name editors. All work quite well and are fully functional. Fleet, Govt and Mission editors are coming up.

Post comments/questions/verbal abuse here, or email me at shado83@optusnet.com.au

As soon as you get Missions up and running I'm there!

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is to try to please everyone."
-Bill Cosby
Star Trek Escape Velocity


Originally posted by Metzen:
**As soon as you get Missions up and running I'm there!

Go to members.fortunecity.com/shado83 tomorrow afternoon and the mission editor, govt editor, intro text editor and junk editors will be working.


Kane O'Donnell

YAY! Is it safe for my plug-in? (TC)

G4, the faster computer.
E-mail me for a teaser of my upcoming plug.

Well I haven't really released anything that hurts plugins yet but since it's a prerelease, make sure you make a backup copy. And when I say tomorrow afternoon, I mean MY tuesday morning here in Australia...

I started the mission editor today and it's an absolute nightmare!!! Some "crown jewel"!!

Oh well, i'll battle it today and tomorrow arvo, and i'll see how I get along. I'll post here when it's been posted to my website.


Kane O'Donnell

Well I'm terribly sorry but the mission editor is going to take a bit longer, you see it's being a B*#@*!•, and the time it's taking me to physically WRITE the code has just blown out of proportions, so I'm going to start it from scratch (just the mission editor part that is!!) and try writing it a different way.

In the mean time, I'll start working on Systs/Spobs as well, to keep things coming..

Sorry for the delay.


Kane O'Donnell


Originally posted by shado83:
*Well I'm terribly sorry but the mission editor is going to take a bit longer, you see it's being a B#@*!•, and the time it's taking me to physically WRITE the code has just blown out of proportions, so I'm going to start it from scratch (just the mission editor part that is!!) and try writing it a different way.

In the mean time, I'll start working on Systs/Spobs as well, to keep things coming..

Sorry for the delay.



I love these instant updates. Sort of reminds me of the .plan files...

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is to try to please everyone."
-Bill Cosby
Star Trek Escape Velocity

I like them too. I am anxiously awaiting the release of EVO God.

"Four Flint Motion Sun had to stifle a grin when word came that the brigand camp had been attacked by twelve to fifteen swordsmen. He remarked, 'It's odd that I didn't see them, but I was rather busy'"
Play Myth or Myth 2 today!

It's coming, ladies and gents. I'm ignoring my Software Major Project for the while and focusing on this, and hopefully it will be out soon.



Kane O'Donnell

The mission editor is finished. After a few bells and whistles this afternoon I'll release it onto my webpage at fortunecity.

Because these last few development versions are nearly the complete program, they'll be 10 day limited trial versions. In 10 days i'll definately have the next version up so don't panic.



Kane O'Donnell