Meowx-Dark Realms-How??

Meowx or any one else for that matter,
How on earth will Dark Realms work??
A fantasy RPG using the EV engine with no ships just charachter sprites
and No ships??
I mystified ?

"some would say that
it possesed both a mind
and a will. others will
claim it to be a demon in
disguise. some believe it
composed of the vestigal
souls of all damned
mortals trapped

net](http://mailto:jr.watkins@virgin.<br />

Er, the ships will be the characters.

It is a bit of a stretch thinking of using the EV engine for a fantasy RPG; there are plenty of good fantasy RPG's already.

"I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."
-Gen. Jack Ripper, Dr. Strangelove


ColdFusion wrote:
**Er, the ships will be the characters.


so the charachters will just float around in space???
mmmmmm. strange :rolleyes: 😕

"some would say that
it possesed both a mind
and a will. others will
claim it to be a demon in
disguise. some believe it
composed of the vestigal
souls of all damned
mortals trapped

net](http://mailto:jr.watkins@virgin.<br />

That was the problem i had with my new plug too. If you can't change the background it makes almost no sense. But you could always ignore that and give planets images of buildings. You could make little villages.


There is already a RPG game for the Mac. It's called Clan Lord and made by Delta Teo.

Is it possible????? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
An RPG for the mac I,ve never seen such a thing in all my life.!!! :rolleyes:

"some would say that
it possesed both a mind
and a will. others will
claim it to be a demon in
disguise. some believe it
composed of the vestigal
souls of all damned
mortals trapped

net](http://mailto:jr.watkins@virgin.<br />

What, a mac RPG game? Never! I mean, the Exile trilogy, Nethergate, Cythera, Blades, Digital Messiah, they are all just cheap PONG clones.



Moderator, EV Developer's Corner.
Roses are red
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I'm schizophrenic
And so am I.

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Okey...let me clarify! I mean an online RPG game for the Mac.

And that is relevant how to a fantasy RPG using the EVO engine?

"I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."
-Gen. Jack Ripper, Dr. Strangelove


Originally posted by PyroManiac:
Okey...let me clarify! I mean an online RPG game for the Mac.

Diablo?? What the hell is Diablo??? Isn't that some cheap Moria clone????

Ok, seriously though, Dark Realms, although it does use the EVO engine, will look and feel real. That's all you need to know for now... 😄

Graphics. Games. And more...
(url="http://"")Meowx Design Studios(/url)


Originally posted by Meowx Design:
**...Ok, seriously though, Dark Realms, although it does use the EVO engine, will look and feel real. That's all you need to know for now...:D

That will be quite a stretch, since EV/O doesn't look and feel real to begin with.

Or perhaps you mean "as real as EV/O"? 😄

Joe Burnette

"I find that humans can be divided into only two meaningful categories: Decent Humans and Sonsofbitches; both types appear to be evenly distributed
among all shapes, colors, sizes, and nationalities." -- Keith Laumer


Originally posted by Meowx Design:
**Diablo?? What the hell is Diablo??? Isn't that some cheap Moria clone????


You're joking, right?

"The only things that bring me close to damaging my computer are 3D illustration programs."