The Great Expansion Status Update

The Great Expansion website has been updated.

Not much new just made some comments in the
news section, but keep your eyes open for the
next time I update as there will be a surprise

The Great Expansion - An upcoming total conversion of EVO

Wow. Those ships REALLY look like pieces from my plastic chess set or something. Just constructive criticism, mind you; I usually don't do that.

Graphics. Games. And more...
(url="http://"")Meowx Design Studios(/url)

The status of The Great Expansion has been updated.

To see whats new visit the webpage

The Great Expansion - An upcoming total conversion of EVO

Meowx Design (crappy nick), I'm also doing some rendering works, but which program do you use?

The Slayer

(email) <--- email The Slayer

Nice graphics, but the real reason for posting this messgae is to tell you that your outfit graphics link doesn't work. Well at least on my computer.

By the way the landscape graphics doesn't work either.

The models are quite inventive, but when are we gonna see some textures? Right now, everything's made of plastic. 🙂

“If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger?” - T.H. Huxley

I have a graphics artist working for me, thus I am not too sure what programs he uses

The outfits and landcapes links arn't up yet but look in the near future for a change to that 😉


The Great Expansion - An upcoming total conversion of EVO


Originally posted by Phillip:
**The Great Expansion website has been updated.

Not much new just made some comments in the
news section, but keep your eyes open for the
next time I update as there will be a surprise


Yo, you probably used lightwave for the graphics, right? Well, if you did, do you know how to make PICS animations for spďn graphics like sprites and masks?

Admiral Zombat
"so I messed up, shut-up!" Eddie Murphy, Saturday Night Live

Yes they were made in lightwave, I remember that, but i think they just spun the ship a certain degress then exported to a pic. not too sure tho.

I am pretty sure if you start a new thread asking for help on making spins somone will know how.

Sorry, I couldn't help more

The Great Expansion - An upcoming total conversion of EVO