EV Override 1.0.2 semi-public beta

I did send and am sending my bug reports both here and to the e-mail address.

I would have to agree with the earlier posts that:

  1. Something is wrong with the player ship speed; it is clearly lower than what is listed in the shipyard/what the AIs have. Even with caps lock on, the movement of my own ship just feels like molasses, while those %^#$ Crescent Fighters are hurtling around like turbocharged mosquitos.

  2. Little fighters are suddenly insanely evil. Two Crescent Fighters can destroy my Arada before I can even take one down to 50% shields, and I only have a Fair combat rating!

“If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger?” - T.H. Huxley


Originally posted by andrew:
BTW, folks, it's all well and good that you are reporting bugs here -- but you are ignoring what I asked you to do for bug reporting. Please go back and re-read the original message. If you have a bug that you expect to get fixed, eMail it to:


If you do not do this, it is highly possible the bug report will never be seen and acted on.

Yes people make sure you email them as well as posting here. Thats what I did.

I did some testing and these are the only problems I am getting with the beam weapons. The sounds don't work quite right. But everything else seems to work fine.

-when you put -1 in, its supposed to be no sound, but it uses beep 5.
-also when you select the flag $0010 the sound is supposed to be looped, rather than played everytime the weapon is fired. It works fine in other cases, just fails to wait until the sound is done before playing it again in beam weapons only. i tested this using different long sounds.

As for the phased beam, people were reporting problems with it, I was unable to find any. I tested different configurations of all beams and found no glitches.

As for the new marines outfit, I would suggest that it is moved to the spot before the forklift as most plugs use the slots right after the last outfit.

The speed changes are mostly the scenario, and also the new AI makes it harder to kill fighters, fighters move around more, they don't stay in packs. So you are going to have to accept the changes because it does make the game harder, so if you do not like your slow ship, then get a faster one.


(This message has been edited by Chamrin (edited 05-26-2000).)

No, the speed thing is NOT just a scenario change. The Override Data 1 and the shipyard both agree that an Arada has top speed 300, but when I fly one, my player info says I have top speed of 214. This is not right!

Oh yes, PLEASE move the Marines to the end of the outfits list, otherwise a tremendous number of plugs will break with 1.0.2.


“If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger?” - T.H. Huxley


Originally posted by Glenn:
(B)No, the speed thing is NOT just a scenario change. The Override Data 1 and the shipyard both agree that an Arada has top speed 300, but when I fly one, my player info says I have top speed of 214. This is not right!

Confirmed, it appears all ships lose 86 points of their top speed. But Human ships go the same speed as AI ships. ie. the shuttle is listed as 200, but it ends up only going a slow 114.



Originally posted by ShadeOfBlue:
**Well, sh?t, this is just great; now my phased beamer doesn't work at all. Not only does it not show up (it does make sound, though) it does no damage, even when righy by/over the other ship. And this is supposed to be final candidate?

Hmmm, I increased the memory. Nothing.


Same with me...

[ J_Ace21@hotmail.com ](mailto: J_Ace21@hotmail.com "E-mail Link")

also. when I tell my fighters to attack a ship instead of text saying Fighters Engaging(or whatever it did) it shows the number of ships that got the command.

[ J_Ace21@hotmail.com ](mailto: J_Ace21@hotmail.com "E-mail Link")

The speed issue seems to affect ships create by third party plug-ins as well. Also, "cheat" plug-ins which modify outfits can eliminate some of the new features. Fuel draining outfits no longer drain fuel, etc.
Frontier Express missions sometimes preempt other missions. During the investigate abduction missions and the UE/Huron missions several "meet me in the bar in a few minutes" type missions did not appear until after I had accepted FE missions and canceled them.
Maneuverable is spelled incorrectly in the scrolling introduction which appears after selecting a new pilot. (Maneuverable instead of Manoeuverable)



Originally posted by Glenn:
**No, the speed thing is NOT just a scenario change. The Override Data 1 and the shipyard both agree that an Arada has top speed 300, but when I fly one, my player info says I have top speed of 214. This is not right!

There was a cosmetic glitch in the player info dialog box (which has since been fixed) that was displaying the wrong value, but all the ships are moving at the right speed.

I'm considering putting back in a small player-speed bonus just so people will stop complaining... what do you think?


Matt Burch


Originally posted by mburch:
**There was a cosmetic glitch in the player info dialog box (which has since been fixed) that was displaying the wrong value, but all the ships are moving at the right speed.

I'm considering putting back in a small player-speed bonus just so people will stop complaining... what do you think?


No. Players shouldn't be allowed to cheat. If you buy a ship it shouldn't be allowed to go faster than other ships of its type without any upgrades...


Ok, um, then explain the shuttle listed having the same speed in EVO 1.0.1 and 1.0.2 yet going significantly slower. Over a 40% loss this the shuttle craft. The PLAYERS shuttle is being outran by a comp shuttle, and that shouldn't happen. Last I checked, the shuttle didn't come with an after burner. No way is there just a problem with the speed displayed in the user's info window.

"Do or do not. There is no try."


Originally posted by Dave Lesovoy:
Ok, um, then explain the shuttle listed having the same speed in EVO 1.0.1 and 1.0.2 yet going significantly slower. Over a 40% loss this the shuttle craft. The PLAYERS shuttle is being outran by a comp shuttle, and that shouldn't happen. Last I checked, the shuttle didn't come with an after burner. No way is there just a problem with the speed displayed in the user's info window.

I'd suggest you go try again, I was able to go EXACTLY the same speed as other ships of the same type, for more than just the shuttle.



Originally posted by Obormot:
**I know what a .sea file is. It's a Compact Pro .sea, to be specific. I double click, and get the "password-protected, can't open" message with no prompt.

Try opening stuffit expander (do you have the deluxe version of stuffit?). Then select the .sea file. Then go back to stuffit and choose "expand" from the menu. If that doesn't give you a password prompt, try choosing "remove self-expanding" from the menu. If that doesn't work, try downloading again with stuffit expander NOT chosen as the app in your browser preferences for .sea files. Then double click on the .sea file when it has downloaded.


I think the player SHOULD be given a speed bonus still. Why? The player doesn't have the advantage of being infinitely replaceable like AI ships, and a lot of combat missions involve the player being massively outnumbered. I think with the new AI, and without the player getting some kind of advantage, the game's just gonna be too hard. Maybe I'll change my mind after playing longer, but at the moment, I'm still frequently losing my light warship to a concerted attacks by two or three fighters. If that continues to be the case, how'll I be able to take out, say, four Turncoats (like in some of the Needle Jammer and UE Cruiser missions) while flying anything less than an Iggie or a UE cruiser?

“If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger?” - T.H. Huxley

Ok, only one thing I have to complain about -- the bug that affects escorts (ie they stay in the same position with respect to you whatever your speed or their direction) is still there -- and has been since EV 1.0.0!!! :frown:
(Yeah, I have emailed this report to ASW)

Otherwise, is it just me or do the homing missiles not work... whatever I launch, always misses the target by about 5 pixels, and then spends the rest of the time circling with no aim whatsoever... Is this because all ships now have jammers or what? It doesnt matter whant I fire, it just misses unless the ship is directly ahead of me, and not much further away than a ship-length. I am back to using dispersal missiles, which aint much fun when Im taking on a turncoat!
I was just wondering whether anyone else has suffered the same thing...


Email: jon@jonpearse.cjb.net
AIM: HEGildor


Einstein proved that space and time were interchangable when he showed up three miles late for a meeting.


Originally posted by jonpearse:
Ok, only one thing I have to complain about -- the bug that affects escorts (ie they stay in the same position with respect to you whatever your speed or their direction) is still there -- and has been since EV 1.0.0!!!

That's actually an intentional thing. It's done on purpose so the escorts & fighters can have an easier time of staying in formation. Think of it as tractor beams of something...


Matt Burch


Originally posted by mburch:
**That's actually an intentional thing. It's done on purpose so the escorts & fighters can have an easier time of staying in formation. Think of it as tractor beams of something...


I know, pretend you are Steve Jobs with a massive charismatic reality distorition field surrounding you, which allows your escorts to move in ways that were impossible, so they can bask in your presence.

"Do or do not. There is no try."


Originally posted by Jude:
**Try opening stuffit expander (do you have the deluxe version of stuffit?). Then select the .sea file. Then go back to stuffit and choose "expand" from the menu. If that doesn't give you a password prompt, try choosing "remove self-expanding" from the menu. If that doesn't work, try downloading again with stuffit expander NOT chosen as the app in your browser preferences for .sea files. Then double click on the .sea file when it has downloaded.


Thank you, Jude, I'll try that. I don't have Stuffit Deluxe. It looks like I'll be needing Stuffit Lite for that, yes?

God. Root. What is difference?

AIM: obormot345


Originally posted by mburch:
**That's actually an intentional thing. It's done on purpose so the escorts & fighters can have an easier time of staying in formation. Think of it as tractor beams of something...



Yes, I know. Less vector calculations, and such. But it SUCKS! Horrible, horrible, horrible!

God. Root. What is difference?

AIM: obormot345


Originally posted by Dave Lesovoy:
**I have a PM 8500 with a 233mhz G3 daughter card. 64 megs of ram, etc. G4 is in the mail though. Maybe it doesn't like low-end G3 processors?


No, you actually need to create a new pilot file for fc2


Voinian Raid outpost alpha mision is impossible with new combat AI.

That's a good thing, not a bad thing = )
