Official Graphics Contest!!!


PyroManiac wrote:
So I take it that there can only be one submission per person in each catagory? Just one stupid question. The catagory for scenes....what exactly are the scenes? Is it the start up image when you run EVO?

Anyone can submit any graphics they have made regardless of quantity. Scenes are just stuff like battles between multiple ships, or cool invasion scenes, for example, you could combine graphics from Bryce, Poser and another modeler to get a cool invsion effect.

Micah L.
(url="http://"")Micah World(/url)
(url="http://"")The EV/O Player's Spam Board(/url)
(url="http://"")Micah's EVO Page (Mostly Operational)(/url)
(url="http://"")Micah's Links (Not completelly updated)(/url)
(url="http://"")The EV/O Board Members Bio Page, 2 people to be added(/url)
ICQ: 57161584 }{ AIM: MicahL1 }{ iTools: mlanier

Just a quick question:

What's the size/format restrictions here? If I were you, I'd say size (X pixels by Y pixels, dimensions) should be appropriate to the image, but no larger than 640x480. As far as format, GIF files always seem to look best, while taking less disk space. Just a suggestion.

- () () / }{ -

(formerly fatalin.tycho)

(url="http://"")Cold Blood(/url)


Onyx wrote:
**Just a quick question:

What's the size/format restrictions here? If I were you, I'd say size (X pixels by Y pixels, dimensions) should be appropriate to the image, but no larger than 640x480. As far as format, GIF files always seem to look best, while taking less disk space. Just a suggestion.


Actually, GIFs take up more disk space, and generally look worse. JPEGs have some quality reduction, but they look better than 256 color crap, and they take up so much less space.


I think you're both wrong there. Neither format is perfect, and it's just a matter of tring both to see which has the best space-quality balance... adaptive pllette GIFs often win out though.


Moderator, EV Developer's Corner.
Roses are red
Violets are blue.
I'm schizophrenic
And so am I.

website: [

]( "External link")


Weepul 884 wrote:
**Looks like it's gonna be you and me, Onyx...I hope you're preparing (as I am).

Fools! All of ye! Thoughst pitiful graphics shall crumble like a tower of so many grains of sand before my pictures! Mwahahaha! Go ahead, try and put me out of your head as you seem to have done in this post, maybe you'll be able to concentrate; then again, what good would it do?

Ok so I got a wee bit carried away. 😄

Anyways, may the best graphics dude, win, err, in their category!


(url="http://"")EV:O Revenge(/url)

"Science is like sex: sometimes something useful comes out, but that is not the reason we are doing it"

(url="http://"")The Onion(/url)

There aren't any real size restrictions, but I was going hoping to make a series of different pages, each with about 50-70K of images. I can put any "special" ones on different pages. I haven't gotten any scene submissions yet, I hope they're some out there Looks woried :frown:.

Micah L.
(url="http://"")Micah World(/url)
(url="http://"")The EV/O Player's Spam Board(/url)
(url="http://"")Micah's EVO Page (Mostly Operational)(/url)
(url="http://"")Micah's Links (Not completelly updated)(/url)
(url="http://"")The EV/O Board Members Bio Page, 2 people to be added(/url)
ICQ: 57161584 }{ AIM: MicahL1 }{ iTools: mlanier


Fools! All of ye!

thwacks Shade on the head with high-detail freighter 🙂

Question to Shade: Do the graphics on your web page accurately show your current skill level? I know the ones on my site don't, but the various scenes floating around just in my web space are fairly close.

To Micah: I'm currently working on a ship, for "other". I'm basically doing my ships first, since scenes take longer and I want to use the ships I'm making for the contest in the scenes. First things first, see?

To me your decision to open scenes first wasn't very logical...



Weepul 884 wrote:
**thwacks Shade on the head with high-detail freighter🙂

Question to Shade: Do the graphics on your web page accurately show your current skill level? I know the ones on my site don't, but the various scenes floating around just in my web space are fairly close.

<font color="#11BBFF">Ack, those are pretty old; they don't represent my skill at all (although I do like the carrier one.) These are better representations of my skill: (url="http://"")http://www.crosswind...ruiserpic2.html(/url)

Here's another one, It isn't all that great, but I do like it (you can ignore the text): (url="http://"")http://www.crosswind...comparison.html(/url)

And finally, an Emalghia station: (url="http://"")http://www.crosswind...ue/station.html(/url)

So how about some of your examples?


(url="http://"")EV:O Revenge(/url)

"Science is like sex: sometimes something useful comes out, but that is not the reason we are doing it"

(url="http://"")The Onion(/url)

I have four ships to submit, but I'm gonna get my arse kicked. :frown:


Hmmm, examples. The ship I'm currently working on is going to be the best I've ever done, and all I have done is one cargo pod (over 100 objects for one pod??? aiee! and I'm going to have a few of these in a scene! time to test my G4!) so I can't really show it to you.

The best examples I've got are: (url="http://"") - a fairly good representation, pulses helped by Photoshop (url="http://"") - a nice scene, the fighters are on the simple side of the set I'm doing for an Epsilon plugin. The cruiser is low-detail, though. Beam impacts done in Photoshop. (url="http://"") - 2 of my particularly good ships. The image is a bit small to see them with full texture detail, but you can still see them well enough.

So, to that what do you say?


Ah yes, I forgot to mention, the last one was just of the ships, no starry background or semi-fancy lighting.


Weepul 884: Amazing! And I thought the graphics in your never-updated shipyard were good. I don't suppose you could donate a few of your ships to the graphically-deficient members of the EV/O community?

" The Zaphod Beeblebrox?"

"No, just a Zaphod Beeblebrox; didn't you hear I come in six-packs?"
-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Question.. Do the graphics have to be of EV/O type stuff? I'm kinda doing really abstract stuff latly, like people walking, windows, buildings, the works.

I also made a pair of killer dice in Form Z the other day.


"All power corrupts, absolute power..."
" even more fun!"

"The meek shall inherit..."
"...what they're bloody well given. And be thankful for it."

-BOFH, Simon talking to his PFY.


ShadeOfBlue wrote:
** <font color="#11BBFF">Ack, those are pretty old; they don't represent my skill at all (although I do like the carrier one.) These are better representations of my skill: http://www.crosswind...ruiserpic2.html

Here's another one, It isn't all that great, but I do like it (you can ignore the text): http://www.crosswind...comparison.html

And finally, an Emalghia station: http://www.crosswind...ue/station.html

So how about some of your examples?

If you really want some good examples, check out the following images of fighters i recently made:

(url="http://"")The Razorback(/url), a rather old (primitive, I suppose) fighter used for in-system roles. This image is intended to be a desktop for a 1024x768 screen, so expect it to be big.

(url="http://"")The Jade fighter(/url), for lack of a better name as of yet. It's sort of a second-generation razorback, since it shares many qualities. Just created it this morning (monday, the 21st).

- () () / }{ -

(formerly fatalin.tycho)

(url="http://"")Cold Blood(/url)

Youch! Can we say "winner"?! Those are great graphics. What program did you use?

Suggestion: Jade fighter is great, but you might want to try on a different shape other than that one (as seen below). I think that it comes way to common. Just a thought. 🙂



Dumb thing! I can't use tabs in this board. It ruined what my graphic up there. I had it all ready and then poof! Oh well. Life goes on...

(This message has been edited by Zeta (edited 02-21-2000).)

Zeta: Just use (CODE) tags.



Youch! Can we say "winner"?!

Don't be quite so quick to judge. I have no intention of slacking off on my graphics fact I'm upping the quality for this. I'm kind of looking foreward to your reaction when I finish my first ship for this contest, seeing yours now.

"It's gonna be a close one folks..."

Hey Onyx, do you do landscapes?


Onyx, some cold (haha), hard criticizem.

Your ships look positivly beatiful in side/whatever veiws, but from the top down (I poked around in your directorys a bit), they look like, well, crap.

While looking at the spins, I kept a) wondering what was the front, 🆒 wanting to zoom in by a factor of 5.

I had this problem a lot with, uh, Final Battle? The fighters on the Falcon were SO hard to fly because I kept loosing track of the front and the back.


"All power corrupts, absolute power..."
" even more fun!"

"The meek shall inherit..."
"...what they're bloody well given. And be thankful for it."

-BOFH, Simon talking to his PFY.


I wish there were some way I could learn how to make good graphics. If I submitted anything you'd all just laugh. Software manuals just don't cut it...

I don't even know what program I should be using. I'm kind of stuck with Ray Dream Studio 4... I gave Ray Dream 3D a spin and I can make it spit out stuff twice as good (but I still feal limited), so part of my problem has to be the software. I wish I knew if Carrara was any good...

"Landing request denied."

- The Igadzra

Company Tritanium Enterprises: (url="http://"")


I wish I knew if Carrara was any good...

Heh, hee hee HA HA HA HAA HAAA! snif excuse me... "is Carrara any good"... Heh...

Don't mind me. I have Carrara, so let me tell you. It's got some good stuff. I'm very used to Infini-D (it's the only program for making ships I've ever really figured out how to use), so Carrara is a big jump for me. Maybe not for you. It's got some powerful tools and options. Now, to answer your question, "is Carrara any good": no. And I'll tell you why; just try keeping it stable enough to create something, and hope it actually saves it. My verdict: shun Carrara until the "soon" promised patch comes out. And, don't expect it to import anything very well, even with the patch.

I'll be braving Carrara to make my organic ship entry, though.
