I figured out the problem with turrets!!!

😄 Its like this: The turret firing trajectory is calculated using a stationary point of fire. This works fine if you're sitting still. If you are moving along side the target at the same speed your turrets will attempt to hit the target using only the target's speed and trajectory causing them over-compensate and fire to far in front of the target.

"Landing request denied."

- The Igadzra

Company Tritanium Enterprises: (url="http://"http://www.megalink.net/~joe1/w/")http://www.megalink.net/~joe1/w/(/url)

A great explanation - but I have to admit I wasn't aware of any problem with turrets. I tend to stay pretty still when I'm using turrets anyway.


I'm waiting for the day when "this side up" arrows appear on grocery bags.

The problem was mainly with the original versions of EV. You could take out a Confed Cruiser in a defender. That's not true in Override, though. Those Voinian Rocket Turrets know where you're going, and it shows...


Yeah, but those Voinian Frigates are stationary...

...yeah, I know, but it's close enough!

Mike Lee (Firebird)

Swivel weapons are aimed just fine with no problems at all, and rocket turrets are swivel (90 degree radius forward firing) weapons. I love rocket turrets, but only if I'm working with the Voinians! 🙂 Turrets (360 degree firing), on the other hand, calculate things wierd in EV and EVO.

One of the funny things in EV is that when I'm turning and my target shoots by me al my turrets will shoot straight forward! 😕

"Landing request denied."

- The Igadzra

Company Tritanium Enterprises: (url="http://"http://www.megalink.net/~joe1/w/")http://www.megalink.net/~joe1/w/(/url)

Suffice it to say that the physics in EV are less than consistent. Most of the physics code for the game doesn't seem to understand the concept of additive velocities. The AI certainly doesn't. These two couple for some really weird results during gameplay.

For example, the so called Monty Python maneuver is impossible in our universe. The only reason it works in EV is that weapons fire sometimes uses an absolute velocity. Since you are moving away from the enemy, and he is moving towards you, your range is effectively increased. In a normal universe, the relative velocities of the two ships is zero, so they have the same range.

Basically, the game is flawed. That's the hard, cold truth. 🙂

Chris Burns

Yes, the game is flawed, but not in that way. When your ship is at a constant speed, the projectiles fly the same distance in any direction, as they should. The only time it isn't the same distance is when you're accelerating/decelerating (actually the same thing), as it would be in reality. The reason you don't get hit during the Monty Python is either of three things, you have a longer range weapon, you're just barely f hitting it and the AI doesn't fire till you're a little closer, and/or the ship has a turret disposition towards the back. However, you're right in saying the Monty Python wouldn't work in reality, but the reason is nobody would be stupid enough to follow along getting blasted away.


(url="http://"http://www.crosswinds.net/~shadeofblue/")EV:O Revenge(/url)

"Science is like sex: sometimes something useful comes out, but that is not the reason we are doing it"

(url="http://"http://www.theonion.com")The Onion(/url)