whos good at making shaders...

for mechanisto. I suck at making them. I was wondering if anyone had good shaders that they could share, or advice at making them.

Perhaps I can help. What do you need, ship files, textures, bump maps, glows, what?

~ThE kWaNzA mAn~
"Thou shalt not mess with the fury of KwAnZa!"

(This message has been edited by Kwanzar (edited 02-09-2000).)


Kwanzar wrote:
**Perhaps I can help. What do you need, ship files, textures, bump maps, glows, what?

Actually textures and bump maps are probably good. I could make them except the best 2D graphics program I have is expert color paint :redface: . Right now I am making ships for 2 governments, one is a bunch of good little technologically advanced people, the other is primitive cannibalistic evil folks. Ironically the plugin is going to be about the good people giving away technology to the evil cannibal race, then the evil cannibal race backstabs them. 🙂



(This message has been edited by Raddy (edited 02-10-2000).)

Cool idea. All I can tell you is search around for textures and such, they're all over. My skills of making texture and bump maps are very limited.

~ThE kWaNzA mAn~
"Thou shalt not mess with the fury of KwAnZa!"

To tell you the truth I never really figured out how to work Mechanisto...

The reason I even tried is I need something a little more perky than Ray Dream Studio 4 and Ray Dream 3D...

I've never really figured out how people make all those nice texture maps, all I can do is some effects like marble or something along with about a million sliders for things like shininess or specularity...

Sooner or later I'll put up kind of an I-candy page for upcoming plug-ins so you can see exactly where my skills rest...

"Landing request denied."

- The Igadzra

Company Tritanium Enterprises: (url="http://"http://www.megalink.net/~joe1/w/")http://www.megalink.net/~joe1/w/(/url)

I think Mechanisto is WAY easier than everything I've tried.
Infini-D, Strata, etc.

~ThE kWaNzA mAn~
"Thou shalt not mess with the fury of KwAnZa!"


LoneIgadzra wrote:
**To tell you the truth I never really figured out how to work Mechanisto...

The reason I even tried is I need something a little more perky than Ray Dream Studio 4 and Ray Dream 3D...

I've never really figured out how people make all those nice texture maps, all I can do is some effects like marble or something along with about a million sliders for things like shininess or specularity...

Sooner or later I'll put up kind of an I-candy page for upcoming plug-ins so you can see exactly where my skills rest...

Actually making the texture maps is pretty easy. You just need to create a pict in some kind of drawing program. Size of the picture really doesn't matter. Then you go to texture map and insert that pict.

Making bump maps is pretty cool too. Just make a picture in black and white. Black areas will be raised up, white areas will be a dent.

The reason why I suck at making these is that I don't have any decent drawing programs, or any skill at making pictures on the computer.


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