Conquer Freeport

I demanded tribute from freeport and i keep fighting of hundreds of kraits turncoats and helians.
How many exactly are there? :laugh:
srry if i have typos.

Not sure of the exact amount, but there's a lot. Though not as many as Council Station. 😄

If you really want to know, it's not hard at all to download one of the plugin editors and look up the number for Freeport.

Any1 know any easy conquerable planets?

Ugh, I can't recall the name right now, but it... It's really, really easy. In fact, it has one Krait for a defense fleet. It's... Two jumps away from UE space, I believe, to the Northeast. It's also a jump or two away from one of the border alien systems. Maybe I'll peek into the data files for you later.

Is there any way to release planets from bondage? 😛 :laugh:
And is Emalgha tough for conquerage?

This post has been edited by aarth : 15 March 2007 - 07:21 PM

@aarth, on Mar 15 2007, 04:11 PM, said in Conquer Freeport:

Any1 know any easy conquerable planets?

Travel to the Western most part of the Voinian Empire and you'll find the station Outpost Topel that use UE freighters for defense

@anaxagoras, on Mar 15 2007, 07:05 PM, said in Conquer Freeport:

Ugh, I can't recall the name right now, but it... It's really, really easy. In fact, it has one Krait for a defense fleet...

What? Just one krait? That's news to me

This post has been edited by Coraxus : 16 March 2007 - 02:19 PM

Man, I haven't played EVO in years. Its north of Iothe Prime, between UE and Strand space, when you land the desc says the planet is plauged with earthquakes. Demand tribute and it'll release one Krait or Helian.

The independent planet is called sumer not sure about the defense fleet though.

How do u release planets ?

@aarth, on Mar 26 2007, 10:53 AM, said in Conquer Freeport:

How do u release planets ?

When a planet is dominated, the Demand Tribute button changes to Release from Servitude. This will then change the planet back before you asked the planet to yield to you.