Unstoppable Ships?

First, I'm sorry I haven't been on the Board for a while. I used to check in more regularly.

I have two questions I'd like to pose for the group:

What exactly is "Disco Bison"? It seems to be unstoppable.

Also, how do I get a Voinian Dreadnought? Has anybody ever taken one over?

1: Idano. I probably should, but I don't.

2: Qaanol has successfully taken several Voinian dreadnoughts. In fact, he had 8 on the screen at one point.

The Disco Bison is a përs. It has high shielding and fires a Disco Machine Gun. I can't remember what happens when you capture it. I think it reverts to a stock Emalgha Warship. Even if it does retain the machine gun, that'll disappear when you land because it doesn't have an oütf. And you definitely don't keep the shield bonus.

Once I saw a battle between The Disco Bison and John Cook, I think. Or maybe it was UES Incontrovertible. One of those UE Destroyers with absurd shielding and weaponry. I think the Bison lost. The Destroyer had 17% shields, or something, and then I finished him off myself.

Any ship with nonzero armor can be captured. If it's a mission ship the mission must be aborted. If you want a full list of mission-ships that can be captured, check out the following thread.

Capturing Mission Ships, Shield Status: -2147483648%

Also... something neat. The disco machine gun... It has all the stats of the amalgha cannon, more speed, and in beam form. Yep, the machine gun is a beam.

Use the search engine next time-many, many topics will mention the Disco Bison.

In a popular game this old, you name it, it's been done by many people.

Personaly, defeating the Voinian Dreadnaught in a shuttlecraft is my personal favorite accomplishment. Someone had a movie of them doing it at some point....

It took me a while to do that, at first I just ran away while pressing Tab (change target) constantly and holding Option (Forklift/secondary weapon) and firing forklifts. In fact, yesterday I destroyed one with a shuttlecraft armed only with a single laser cannon. Though my armor was at 3% at the end. And the Disco Bison is useless to capture, it just reverts. It battled with Andrew once.

@buzzzzy, on Apr 5 2006, 01:41 PM, said in Unstoppable Ships?:

Though my armor was at 3% at the end.

You disable at 30% on a shuttle.

I did it with phase cannons at first, and found it nearly impossible. When I did it with emalgha weaponry, though, it became child's play.

A single Blaze Cannon, and a Plasma Siphon used primarily for its knockback against the Interceptors. Its mass damage is negligible anyway. I had a UE Cloaking device but didn't use it. I might've had a Nebula Penetration Device as well, but so what? No other outfits. Specifically, no other weapons, and neither shielding nor speed upgrades; in particular, I didn't have a layer of Dospect Armor or an afterburner. Just me, my shuttle, and its trusty blaze cannon.

Monty Pythoning is cheap though, and the hardest part was taking out the fighters that were faster than I was. That's why I needed the popcorn gun. It was still tense going against the mothership, and I did get hit by a few neutron blasts, narrowly avoiding rocket-induced death a couple times.

Regardless, the Destroy the Rock mission is tougher to complete in a shuttle than killing the Dreadnought is. I needed Dospect Armor and phase weapons for that. And it still came down to my ability to deal with the 18 crescent fighters. The 6 warships were just a matter of more MPing. Now, if someone were to dominate Council Station in a Shuttle with no escort, then that would be, um, well actually that would just be a mark of having way too much time on their hands. Nevermind.

My 41+ million credit trade-in value ship is still sitting on my hard drive somewhere.