The No Name Bar

Page tossed the empty coconut shell behind him and stretched out in his booth.
"Hrmm," he said to himself, "I think I oughtta go for a walk.."
Page stood up and stretched. It was late and the bar population had thinned.
The vellosian lit a cigarette and went over to the bar.
"Hey, Can I have a Whiskey sour to go please?"
Dech nodded and poured Page's drink into a short glass.
"Thanks," Page said deducting the remaining 2 credits from General Cade Smart's credstick.
He picked up his drink and made his way out of the bar. He didnt really explore the rock that much since he got there so e decided to make a late night round of trhe station.
The generally busy outfitting section was at this time near deserted, there were a few engineers working on their own ships, because this was the only time they had to themselves.
Page sighed, there was no word back from Jasan. He could see him not wanting to talk, but why now. Page had no idea whether or not the Final Battle had been fought, or what the outcome was. But he wanted to know.
Page caught a flash of purple out of the corner of his eye.
Page looked over his shoulder, and saw an empty corridor. He turned his head again and saw nothing but an empty corridor.
Page started to walk again, he tightened his grip on the burlap roll that contained Antaries.
Then he felt it.
Page whipped himself around, Antaries was a flash of blue energy, and steel. The knife that was aimed for Page's head was stuck in the ceiling above him. A figure in a Purple cloak stood at the end of the corridor.
"What the ###### was that for?"
Page felt something behind him, he kicked off the ground and flipped away from the several speedy attacks from a Tonfa weilder. Pagelanded lighly on one hand, and cartwheeled to a standing position. He was now standing in an intersection of two corridors.
He had an assailant behind him, one before him, and he could feel one approaching from his left. He looked both ways and bot corridors were sealed by people in purple cloaks.
"Okay what's the ######ing deal?" Page said lowereng his sword. The cloaked figure before him spoke in a soft female voice.
"By order of the Zachit high council you are to be execute-"
"Now, let me ask two questions before you continue," Page interupted, "One: Who the ###### are the Zachit? And Two: What make's you think you can kill me?"
Page's last comment seemed to anger the figure on his left. The man charged forward, two swords outstretched.
If Page didnt have any sort of foresight he would have definately been missing his head.
The man had attacked high with his broadsword, and attacked low with his Katana. the two were both blocked by the easily 5 foot long Antaries. The katana was caught between the two tail blades at the handle's base, and the broadsword rested against the shimmering blade of Antaries.
By the time Page realized it was coming it was two late, Another of the people in the purple cloaks had caught him in the stomach with a powerful punch.
Page keeled back, and although the wind was knocked out of him managed to duck a potential kill blow from the sword weilder. The two men backed up, and stood next to the woman with the tonfa's.
The woman with the soft voice began to laugh quietly.
"Now do you really think you can take all four of us?"
Page stopped leaning on his sword and rested it on his shoulder.
"I think i can do it with my eyes closed," he said a wry smile creeping across his face.

OOC: I'll finish later

OOC: Screw it, I got a better idea.

Interesting signals from the outfitting section... Powerful telepath.

Deciding to investigate further, the cloaked and armored man headed in the direction of the outfitting section. Inside the featureless helmet, small points denoted every telepath on the station on a HUD.

Opting for a more stealthy approach, he shed the cloak as soon as he was in an empty corridor. Pausing in the shadows, the suit begain to shimmer slightly, distorting the light around it, becoming transparent. Soon, the sign on the wall, pointing to the "outfitters" was visible — through the suit. Almost completely invisible if he stood still, he was now a mere blur when moving.

Several intersections later, he came upon the telepath, surrounded by cloaked figures. I'll wait, and assess this telepath's capabilities. He may have useful information.

OOC: Finally! The Zachit have attacked!!

And conveniently, I've found time to write!

The Zachit have attacked!!

Jacey will have a chance to speak to Yume now,
and Bishop will be able to advance my main storyline.

Why? Because the Zachit have attacked!!!

Hold on tight, kiddies. This ride will be rougher than the merry-go-round at an amusement park for developmentally disabled toddlers.

The Zachit have finally attacked!!!!!

Yeah, it'll be crazy like that.

All my love,

Ta-vora had observed Page's conversation with Fettrin but was surprised by the demon's behavior. It seemed like he was nothing but a friend who had the odd habit to spice his drinks with sulfur. According to Page's reaction, though, this friendly behavier was unusual.
He had followed the Vell-os after he left the bar and was now watching the fight. These cloaked ones were good, no doupt.
He raised his wristcom to his lips and called the Azula.
“I need information about the Zachit. Are they another strand in the Crescent?” he whispered.
“No, Kre. According to our information, the Zachit are an independent Miranu militia who fight the Renegades within the Crescent.”
“But why do they attack Page? This may be a Renegade station but that doesn't necessarily mean he's a Renegade. And they did not chose him by chance, they're a killer commando.”
“Well, rumor has it that an extremely powerful being with an unmeasurably high PQ destroyed the Zachit HQ Station. Though it's not known wether or not he did it intentionally.”
“Hm sounds like Page.”
He deactivates the device.
They know he's powerful enough to destroy an entire station, yet they only send four warriers to execute him? Either these four are very good or the Zachit are fools.
Still suspicious, Ta-vora decides not to interfere yet.

_The fleet jumped in without notice, no one had managed to escape to warn about the attack. “Sweet Mirava!” Yirok was screaming and nearly incoherent. The Zachit fleet was right on top of them, the little outpost in DSN-6166 was overwhelmed almost instantly. He quickly dashed to the helm and tried to steer the little Arada out of the way of fire. There was no way that the tiny pirate fleet could fight the Zachit, but he might be able to escape. He pulled a quick turn and hit his engines full while he burned his afterburner. If he was able to warn the Rock the defense fleet would be able to hold up, and more importantly, he’d be able to survive. “Yirok, get over here. We’ve got bogies, drop a few of those defense pods.”

Sure enough, six Zachit fighters were on them, the remainder of the pilot fleet was trying to fight, but they didn’t stand a Zachit’s chance on the Rock, but the Zachit had a pretty good chance coming soon. Yirok still hadn’t done anything but babble, he was praying to one of the gods he never paid any attention to unless he was in trouble, but then he didn’t do anything by himself. “Damn it, I’ll just have to jump and hope they don’t shoot us down.” He rushed through the calculations and started the jump towards the Rock, he knew what he was doing, the Zachit only inflicted mild hull-damage before the Arada escaped. He’d be able to warn the Rock, or so he thought.

A day later when he arrived in DSN-2131 he was relieved to see a substantial force of renegade vessels forming a blockade, at least until they opened fire on him._


He didn’t stop, the Zachit had obviously infiltrated the Station as well as the fleets. He probably looked slightly out of place, and the Zachit were right to believe that anything that looked out of place could be dangerous. Most people dismissed the unusual, standing out made him nearly invisible.

Evidently, he underestimated the value the Zachit placed on him. He ran straight into an ambush and knocked down one of the Zachit with his momentum. They were not telepaths, but he wondered how they got onboard in such numbers without being noticed. Reflecting on it he realized it was probably his fault, he had disabled the cameras that could have detected the boarding. It might be best to do as they said for now. “What do you want?”

One of them, presumably the leader, stepped up. “You, obviously. We have no desire to harm you, if you’ll just come with us willingly we should get along fine.” From what he knew of the Zachit in this universe he wasn’t their primary target, this show of ‘polite’ force supported that.

“I’m sorry, but I’m already spoken for.” The Zachit were obviously a little confused by this statement, but Matt didn’t slow down for their comprehension. He clutched his glasslike staff and once again rushed at the Zachit, they must have been under orders not to hurt him because they didn’t pull their triggers. A moment before he was within grabbing range of the nearest he pushed his staff into the ground and it bent giving him enough kinetic energy to vault over the Zachit’s heads and grab the ceiling with one hand while holding the translucent enigma in the other. He pulled the staff off the ground and drew it across the ceiling cutting a pipe that released gallons of pressurized water reserved for putting out fires on the stations, it worked wonders blinding the Zachit and gave Matt a chance to keep running.

(OOC)LadySara, welcome to the boards. And I might add that that's quite a pretty lady in your avatar. What's she from?(/OOC)

Like clockwork the multiverse continued to move in forced, mechanized, repeated patterns; meanwhile, long orchestrated suplots continued to unfold... but for Jacey and Yume, time itself had frozen in that moment when they faced each other again in silence.

Looking at the way they faced each other, who could say if there had ever been any love between them?

For so long, all Jacey had wanted was to hear Yume speak to him, to open her heart to him. With a mental sigh, Jacey admitted that no woman would ever match her perfect physical form, but Jacey had not arrived on the Rock searching for a mate. And, even if he had, he would have been satisfied with far less – IF the object of his affection had a soul.

Jacey was unlike most of the other characters on the Rock. He was fully human, born with a relative sense of goodness in him, and something came along and hardened his heart. But, deep down inside, he still had a special tenderness for all humanity – and, for that matter, ALL life capable of kindness. He treasured the soul of all fellow sentient beings, wherever they were in the universe.

But in Yume he had not seen any sign of this “humanity.” She behaved like many female humans did, and her attempts at giving Jacey physical pleasure would get her the same place that many other females had – nowhere.

Jacey was attracted to something else about Yume:
her expressionless face that betrayed nothing, unless it be an oversimplified character,
her kiss which hinted at the opposite, a possibility for complex emotion,
and above all her sapphire blue eyes.

This is what called Jacey to her. He approached her in the No Name because he was genuinely interested in her. Her cold blue eyes cried out to him for help. Someone was trapped in her, just like the others he had met here. But he thought he could open her up, and offering her his love, he wanted to serve her.

Who could say if there was any love between them now?
Jacey stood before a robot – a beautiful, lethal female form - unhuman and unfeeling.
He had not arrived on the Rock searching for a mate.
He had arrived on the Rock searching for the source of the most recent pain in his life: the strange individual who had purportedly destroyed the entire Zachit station in one violent act of unspeakable evil.

Jacey had a secret he kept attached to this desire for revenge. It was found in his bright blue shoes, the blue jacket he now wore, and the blue jumpsuit waiting for him in the Phalanx. Tinted with metallic silver, his uniform would have been universally recognized in this region of space.

With Bishop as his mentor, Jacey had become an agent to combat the many evils of Miranu space. He had adopted the habits and body language of his targets, either behaving erratically to confuse them or attempting to fit in to deceive them. He had used pocket firearms, concealed blades, and stealth to slay individuals in the streets, and in space he had been in many dogfights to do his part to take out renegade fleets.

Jacey's secret? Jacey was a Zachit.

Having joined a brotherhood of many alien races, he had sworn to fight to cleanse the universe of the evil which manifested itself in men’s hearts and turned them into pirates, serial killers, rapists, and felons guilty of all manner of high crimes against life.

It had been hinted to him that Yume had fled to the Rock for sanctuary, and that she contained tremendous power within her slender frame. Jacey wanted to know once and for all if she was the one who had destroyed his second home.

He believed she was.

But if he opened his heart to her one last time if he tore himself down once more, even though he was currently at his most focused and determined state of mind maybe if he made himself vulnerable when he knew he was at peak performance, this would show her the love a human was capable of having the love - if she were truly human - she might learn to accept from others.

Jacey was set on challenging this agent of darkness to her limits.
“If you were created by humans, then you are only as perfect as humans are capable of creating things to be. Which means you are inherently imperfect.”
He would fight her, and even if he could not defeat her, he would not lose.
“I ask you one last time, Yume. Who are you?”

It would take Yume a moment to respond. Jacey figured that she would probably avoid answering him. She would waste his time with a short, vague reply, and on realizing this he decided he would give her no time to waste. He already knew what words he’d use to describe his current feelings for her because he had one last poem to share with her – improvised and true to his feelings.

Jacey knew how to force her to think faster.
“I can wait no longer to avenge my fallen brothers! If you have an answer for me, fight me and speak it at the same time!”
Thinking of the poem he had written her long before, Jacey raised his blaster again to eye level, aimed at Yume’s wrist, and fired at the scar barely visible under her black glove.

He didn’t want to hurt her, and he didn’t expect to. He just wanted to resolve her presence here once and for all.


(edit) 🆒

This post has been edited by JaceySquires : 22 September 2004 - 11:26 AM

OOC: Mark, that was brilliant.

This post has been edited by TheGreenFile : 22 September 2004 - 12:26 AM

Yume was almost surprised as she watched Jacey raise his blaster and then aim it at her wrist. But suddenly her form would become a blur and the blast only went through the trenchcoat as the person it had been on was now gone as it slowly floated to the ground. Before Jacey could even do anything, he found himself slammed up against a wall while a hand gripped his throat as sapphire orbs softly glared at him. Even he hadn't expected her to be that fast. But this was only because inside, Yume's emotions were boiling and this affected her movements and reactions.

Yume quickly grabbed Jacey's wrist with the blaster and twisted it harshly, but just enough so that it would force him to drop the blaster as it made a soft thud as it hit the floor before she moved quickly turned Jacey around so that she could twist his arm behind him while she pressed him roughly into the wall but not enough that she would actually hurt him because she didn't want to. Her face was emotionless as she slowly leaned closer until her lips softly brushed against one of his ears while she spoke to him as her each word was like a drop of venom.

"Who am I? Who am I?!" She paused for a moment as she realized she was letting her emotions take advantage of the situation but she soon buried them as best she could while she resumed talking in a more calmer and cold voice. "Who I am... is of no importance... Because even I am in the dark of who I really am. I have been given several names over the worlds I have visited... But I'm mostly called by the name you know... Yume." Again, she would pause as she wondered if she should tell him how she got that name but decide not to.

_"You think I'm sort of cybernetic human? Somewhat I guess, my mechanical parts will vanish after a few years. I do not remember who I was before my memory was erased... I might have been an agent, I'm not entirely sure. But who I am now is different from who I was in the past. I keep to myself and only seek out the people who were responsible for bring me into this universe. That's my only goal, to seek out and eliminate those governmental creatures."

"And further more, I have no idea of these brothers of yours. Yes, I will admit I have killed many creatures before I came here to the Rock and I have even killed a few here who pricked at me. But I assure you, I don't kill any innocent people. I only kill those I see as a threat to me in some way. You are very close to that line Jacey for firing at me even when I didn't even threaten you... And I have also recently got information that you are alleys of the assassin that attacked me, and I see that it's true since there are small traces of her DNA on your lips... I just never thought she was more of a friend to you, Jacey.. Who would have known..."_

Her last few sentences were almost hisses as she had been caught by surprise that the assassin could possibly be Jacey's mate and that he only had played with Yume. She paused now before she then took a step back as she let him go so that he could turn around or something. She backed away from him until she was almost in the shadows again while she watched him for now warily. She wondered if he would get his blaster again and try to shoot her again. But if Jacey really had a talent for acting, then he would be able to notice that something lane behind the coldness that Yume expressed. The coldness was ment to hide the pain that she felt inside at the moment. The pain that only grew as other creatures fed it. Who knew, one day the pain might prove too much for her to handle... Help? Did she need help? Yes she did... but she did not see herself worthy of other people's help... And even one time, she thought herself not worthy of Jacey's love and that she didn't deserve it. But now as the knoweldge that he had kissed the assassin pricked at her like a thorn, her thoughts of him were quickly changing. But one thing did bother her more... why was she so upset at the thought of Jacey possibly not loving her at all? Why... did this whole situation... hurt so much? .... Why?

This post has been edited by Seraphim : 21 September 2004 - 06:41 PM

Nicol sat up. I'd better get back to the No Name... she thought, groggily.

Popping the ramp, she headed out into the corridors. They seemed darker than usual.

A sense of foreboding came over her.

-half an hour later-

Where the hell am I? she asked herself for the hundredth time. She'd gotten lost in thought about... nothing at all, really. Odd.

Did these endless corridors and intersections ever end?

This post has been edited by TheGreenFile : 22 September 2004 - 12:31 AM

((ooc: OMG dies mark, darlin, that was so good...I can't wait for Bishop to be written so Elessa can move...laughs))

Up above the two forms, the shimmering eyes had reduced to one pair. The Nirttef sat crouched on the steel girder, looking down. At this time its master was traveling between universes, and it was not bound by Fettrin's will. The Nirttef thirsted for death, for living souls, and it stared hungrily at the two. It seemed, to the Nirttef's mind, that the young man was in a position of least resistance.

Dark yellow ichor began to stain the bands of cloth in front of where the Nirttef's mouth would have been. Its eye plates began to glow slightly red.

Jacey had just recovered from the sudden attack, which left him to decide whether Yume was playing ignorant, or whether there was someone behind her that dictated her actions. Suddenly, Jacey glimpsed something above in the darkness. Two red eyes. Usually, that was not a good sign.

Jacey jumped to the side, narrowly missing being sprung upon by the Nirttef, who crouched against the wall, ready to strike again. Yume, who had originally thought that Jacey's sudden move was to get his blaster, had struck a fighting stance, and was holding her blades when she saw the Nirttef pounce from the ceiling.

The Nirttef sprang again, its gloves torn and punctured from within by wispy spikes, which arched toward Jacey along with its jump. Jacey drew a small blade, and was able to thrust it into the floor, and spin around, ending up behind the Nirttef.

What? She thought, Fettrin, why are you doing this? I had everything under controll, you rash fool!

The Nirttef wheeled around, stood up to its full height, and cracked its neck to the right. Then to the left.

"I thirst." It hissed, menacingly.

Expecting a reply from Fettrin, she got none, and in desperation, rushed forward into the fray

More high-level psychic activity less than a klick away. Looks like one or two high-level telepaths and some odd reading. Maybe the odd reading is...

Flaggin Page in his computer system for later reference, Drake ran in the direction of the three signals. A yellow circle appeared around the three red dots. Weave. Someone is fighting, or attacking.

Increasing pace, he covered the last few hundred meters as a blurred rush of air.

The Nirttef was preparing to attack Jacey again, just as Drake got to the spot. Well, that's definitely not a deadcell...

Drake watched, unnoticed, as Yume attacked the Nirttef. More observation, before I intervene...

They didn’t permit him to run for long. The station was overrun with Zachit. Most seemed preoccupied with other tasks but there seemed to be a task force set on him as well.

A laser blast over his head reminded him that there were firefights going on between the Renegades and the Zachit. He had learned quickly what the pirate hunters were doing on the Rock, hunting for a monster that had destroyed their Station. They had incredible mercurial assistance from a few of the Renegades as well as substantial monetary donations from the Zidagar and the Igadzra. It seemed that no one wanted this super-being on the loose, as long as they couldn’t control it. They must not have been willing to take the risk.

An armed Renegade popped around a corner and motioned him to pop behind a corner to escape; Matt didn’t stop. The Renegade had already slaughtered a couple of his buddies while pretending to assist them. Not that running saved him in any case; the Renegade lowered his rifle and fired three shots at Matt’s rapidly retreating back and all three hit. Matt sprawled forward from the force of the impact and his senses sharpened , he could hear through the dense walls, he could understand the shouts through miles of tunnel, but the minimal force of the projectiles was not enough to make him transcend again. He had to find Yume before he was hit with much worse, she was the most reasonable target for this assault, but the being she was now hadn’t destroyed their station. Why couldn’t they see that?

He dashed around another corner, trying to escape the traitorous Renegade but he ran into another squadron of Zachit. He was well within the territory they controlled and he should have expected to run into them frequently, but they were always too prepared. He attempted to break through the six warriors ahead of him but they fired upon him immediately and efficiently. Fortunately they weren’t using lasers, just heavy tranquilizers. As he continued running, he reflected on the fact that they’d probably given him a lethal dose and had prepared to extract the fluid to keep him alive. He didn’t slow down, his body would decompose the toxin faster then it could take effect.

They must have been after him; one of his stupid displays had obviously set them on his tail. He should have guessed that surviving a laser blast was too noticeable. He should never have let it happen. Then there was his bloody imbecilic loss of control after the event and his subsequent arrival in this Universe that mirrored his home. It wasn’t his, the politics were different, the state of affairs was different, but something about it was beyond coincidence. The “Repeats,” the Vellosian and his two sidekicks, he had seen them before in his Universe. They were the same ones. He had taken their genetic information and their psionic readings and they were identical to the three he’d met before. His staff could not make mistakes and he had triple checked using traditional means out of pure disbelief. They went beyond identical clones; they were identical beings existing in different places. It was impossible, completely impossible. That was what led him to doubt the reality of the universe; he’d thought that his loss had driven him completely insane. That was still the most probable possibility but Yume seemed to contradict that otherwise plausible theory. She didn’t fit anywhere in any logical explanation.

“This is your last warning. Stop now or die!” Apparently, now they had gotten orders that they could kill him. He finally slowed after nearly twelve minutes of navigating the corridors, running towards Yume, the human soulless. He could feel her and knew that something was wrong, but he wasn’t a telepath and he didn’t know what it was, or what he could do.

“You’re not so tough.” There were at least twelve of them this time, well hidden in the rafters for picking off targets on the ground. The one that had spoken second was coming towards him with a refinement cuff. “This thing’ll make sure you follow commands, if you disobey you’ll get enough of a shock that you’ll be down.” The warning came too late for Matt to escape; the thing was already around his wrists he pulled back in horror and the guard pressed a little button.

The energy flowed through him, it was a heavy dose and when he didn’t fall down they increased it. His body fed upon the pure energy and he broke through the metal cuff as a last resort and started to run again. It was a mistake. Four lasers blasted out of the rafters and six came from around him on the ground. The intra-universal energy was impossible for him to contain.

He had once again begun to transcend.

This post has been edited by Paranoid : 22 September 2004 - 08:58 PM

OOC: Paranoid, is the girl that Matt went up to Yume? Just checking.

OOC: He was running towards her, but he never saw her. Sorry for the complete lack of clarity...

new post saturday/sunday/whenever i feel like it

cuz y'all know it's BShop time

OOC: Sorry for being so inactive, but I’ve been writing little snatches of this post whenever I’ve had spare time...anyway, it’s not done, but after today I won’t be able to post until Monday, so here’s the first half.

**Everything below in italics is spoken in Acaran.

Consciousness returned slowly, fading back into existence as did the memory of how she had arrived in this strange dimension. Feeling hard rock beneath her, Larra sat up and glanced around, though even her sharp violet eyes could see nothing in the dark. She felt calmer than before, as though she had been given time to think over her situation, and was prepared to deal with it. Now, Larra realized that the stifling sense of terror, overlaid with a memory of death and destruction, was not in her own mind, but here, scattered throughout the world.

Realizing that she no longer felt any pain, the Acaran raised her hand to the back of her head, feeling where she had hit it before. There was no cut, bump, or anything out of the ordinary, and her hair was soft and smooth as usual, showing no signs of having once been matted with blood. Larra frowned, confused.

A faint glow appeared off in the distance, and she turned her attention to it, squinting to make sense of it. Large, bulky shapes periodically passed in front of the light, causing it to blink every now and then. At first the vague glow, appearing intense in contrast to the thick darkness around her, seemed to be getting larger. When Larra became aware that it was actually coming closer, she was almost alarmed to realize that she felt no fear.

But by the time the form closed the distance between the two, Larra had no doubts as to who it was.

“Carnexi,” she asked quietly, staring up into the telepath’s illuminated face, “where are we? Is this somewhere in my mind again?”

Smiling serenely, the women shook her head, but offered no other explanation. She seemed much different than she had in Larra’s mind, more commanding, more authorative.

Confused, Larra frowned. “So why are you...out there? I mean, not in my mind?”

“We were hoping that you could figure that one out,” another voice piped up, from directly behind her. Larra spun around as quickly as she could, only to find herself face to face with a second glowing form. The figure held up his hand in an attempt to stop her from asking any questions.

“Who are-” Larra began to say anyway, but was cut off as the wind picked up from nowhere, nearly knocking her off her feet. Another light appeared to her right, and Larra found herself staring at another women, who could have been easily been Carnexi’s younger sister.

“If you want to know where you are,” the woman commented, in her smooth, lilting voice. “think about why you feel like you have been here before.”

“Or,” another voice spoke out, as a fourth glowing form, a man, appeared, “you could ponder why, though you are out in space, you are not dying of any of the countless ailments that afflict unprotected people out here.”

“I don’t know,” Larra said helplessly, staring out at the people around her. The glow from their bodies now illuminated more of her surroundings, and she realized that she had been standing on a small asteroid. Others, stretching farther than she could see, were the only distraction from the engulfing blackness. There were no stars.

“Then how come there is gravity? And why do you feel the pain of this world?” This time the new voice was right in her left ear, nearly causing Larra to fall off her rock with surprise. This place, this world full of the lingering aura of death and cold shock of still terror, combined with these glowing spirits who knew what she was feeling and seemed to relish in using that information to confused her, were becoming far too much. Larra hadn’t exactly been stable before entering the strange dimension, but now she was falling apart. Overwhelmed, she sat back down on her asteroid and tried to block out everything around her.

“Watch it, Desrin,” One of the men glared at the most recent arrival. “Don’t scare her.”

“I’m not afraid,” Larra lied from down on her rock. The thought had just occurred to her that with Carnexi out here, Nevell might be too.

As if she had heard her name being thought, the Second Telepath floated down to the asteroid to stand beside the confused Seventh. “Carnexi, where’s Nevell?” Larra asked softly, fearing the answer but using a tone that demanded the truth.

“Safe,” the glowing woman replied. “In here.” She made a move as if to tap Larra’s forehead, but didn’t quite connect the touch. That’s when it hit her. Ghosts. Or spirits. They were spirits.

Backing off to let Larra adjust to this new idea, Carnexi met the eyes of the others. Almost immediately, the five moved together, so Larra wouldn’t have to look around constantly to see them.

The spirit that appeared oldest floated a little ahead and snapped his transparent fingers in front of Larra’s face. Though theoretically it shouldn’t, he snap still made a sound, echoing eerily around the empty dimension before fading into nothing. Blankly, she stared up into his eyes. She wouldn’t call him old, exactly, especially because he looked like he could have been in his early twenties. But there was something in his eyes, an ageless quality that proved this man was thousands of years old. “Volicia,” he commanded, “Listen up. We probably don’t have much time.”

Larra snapped back into reality a little at the sound of what Nevell had said was her Acaran name. If this was reality. It sure didn’t seem like it. ”First, tell me who you all are.” she demanded. It seemed right to speak her native language with these people.

The ghost smiled. “I am Levvitt, the First Telepath. It’s me you got that unfailing intuition of yours from.” He turned and gestured with a hand, past Carnexi, to the other woman. “This is the person responsible for making you think that the wind is always whispering to you. I give you Santora the Windtalker, Third Telepath of the Acarans." Santora smiled and inclined her head forward in a nod. Several strands of windswept hair fell into her face, a trait Larra recognized in herself.

Levvitt continued his introduction with the last two men. Desrin, the Fifth Telepath, was known for his teleporting abilities, while to the Sixth, Retren, any mind was an open book. Carnexi’s specialty, Larra remembered, was healing. Hers was dimensional travel.

The Seventh nodded slowly, unsure what to say. These five people had been in her head all her life, yet she had never been able to speak freely with them, save her brief chat with Carnexi during Nevell’s reign. They knew her better than she knew herself, yet they might as well have never existed for all she knew of them.

”Nevell couldn’t make it to the introduction," Desrin said cheerily, "He’s a little tied up at the moment." The other four spirits rolled their eyes at the terrible joke.

"Look what we have to suffer through,” Carnexi gestured towards him, smiling at Larra, who, for once in her life, was quiet and a little shy.

”Let’s get down to business,” Retren announced, fixing his fierce, mind piercing stare on Larra. That, too, she had seen in herself. "Volicia, where do you think you are?”

She met his gaze solidly, wishing she could ask him to just call her Larra. But from what she understood, it was an insult to ask him to call her something other than her Acaran name, and to refuse to call him by his was saying the same thing. Confusing.
"If I didn’t know better," Larra said quietly, making her best guess, "I’d say this was, or used to be, my homeworld."

Slowly, Levvitt nodded. ”It is.”

"So the answer to all those questions before,” Larra continued, still confused, ”Was simply ‘because this is what’s left of my home?’" It felt extremely strange for her to say the words “my” and “home” in the same sentence. She was a nomad, home was nowhere.

”Yes and no,” Carnexi answered. ”You have gravity, air, and warmth because your mind automatically assumed, when you arrived, that it should be here. We’ll explain that better later. What I want to know is, why aren’t you searching this dimension with your mind? I thought Darbain would have taught you better than that. I suggest you do that now.”

Though she had been about to protest that she had tried to search the dimension upon her arrival, but that her probes had bounced back, Larra decided that humoring them would take a lot less time than convincing them.

She sent her mind out again, realizing all too soon why she had messed up before. In a panic, she had put more strength to the task as needed. Her thoughts had not been thrown back at her, they had rebounded off the limits of the dimension.

With no trouble at all, Larra quickly took inventory of the entire, lifeless world. It took shockingly little effort, and to her surprise, she suddenly knew exactly how many asteroids were there. It was easy to mentally leave her body behind, and coast with her mind’s eye through the asteroid field, zooming in on anything of interest. Focusing her thoughts more on things closer to her body, Larra was stuck with another sensation, one that she realized she had been searching for all her life.

The contrast was like using a butter knife to cut something, then swapping over to one of her sharp swords. Larra had been sensing other telepathies, such as weave, with the dull butter knife. She could tell they were there, but everything seemed so fuzzy and incomplete. Now she had the sword in her hand, focusing her attention on the signals put out by the only other chae telepaths she had ever met.

It was incredible, how clear and concise everything seemed. She didn’t have to struggle, not even a little, to become aware of the goings-on here. After a moment, Larra convinced herself to return to her physical plane of awareness, only to find her senses still just as strong. The Five stood before her still, each wearing a big grin.

”Okay, I give," Larra didn’t blame them, she couldn’t stop smiling either. "Maybe there is something to this place after all.”

”I don’t know how you live with your senses all in a mess out there in those other worlds.” Santora commented, ”If you ever need an advantage in battle, this is the place to go. Your abilities will be back up where they should be, and after a while maybe we can live here.”

Larra cast her psychicly enhanced gaze around the dimension again, searching for whatever had given Santora the idea that it was habitable. ”But this place is....empty,” she objected, confused.

Desrin shrugged, ”You can change that. It is your world, after all.”

”My world?” Larra was beginning to believe that she was unconscious who-knows-where, having the strange dream to top all. ”Why is it my world?”

”Besides there obvious job of keeping the peace,” Levvitt explained, ”We telepaths also had much influence over the world itself, keeping it safe for the Acaran people. Now they’re gone, and we’re a part of you, not including the fact that you’re one of us in the first place. That makes it your world. You command it.”

Larra raked a hand through her hair, attempting to make sense of this all. If this wasn’t a dream, all that time in her mind must have scrambled the telepath’s brains. ”People can’t command worlds," she protested, ”What is there to command?”

”You’ve even been in a world that was commanded by another,” Retren commented. ”You must of some idea of the concept."

”I have? Where?”

He smiled. “The Coded World. If Darbain were to one day decided gravity should disappear, it would without hesitation, and no one but he would have the power to change it back.”

Larra thought this over. It made sense, she realized, after seeing some of the things he could do. That makes one out many new things had she been told today?
"I understand Darbain,” she said finally, "but we’re not weave users. What allows us to alter the weaves here like he does?”

”I think you’ve been around those Vell-os for far too long,” Retren declared, smirking. ”There are no weaves here.”

OOC: Now to go back and see if I got all those dang tags right...

Edit: There's always one..
Edit2: Err...two?

This post has been edited by Synesthesia : 04 October 2004 - 09:46 PM

OOC: This past is a continuation of a previous story that I interrupted before. The earlier post.


His humanity was disappearing, his body wasn’t under his control anymore. It just stood there and endured the blasts the Zachit fired at it. It was impervious and oblivious to everything around it.

The memories hit him unbelievably hard as they did every time but this time he devoured the souls of every dead creature in the entire universe, but the past that hit him hardest wasn’t one of the innumerable new lives but an old one he’d wanted to avoid.

_“Get up, you lazy fool. You promised to work on the engines today. The Rebels have been getting more aggressive.” She looked down at Matt with an unshakeable fondness; she didn’t like getting emotionally attached to anyone but after living with him for only ten days she’d fallen in love. Even now, ten years later, she still loved him more then anything else. Hell, she loved him more then everything else.

He opened his blank, sad eyes and looked towards her. “Jen, why don’t you crawl back in bed with me. It’s no fun shirking responsibility without you.”

The incorrigible man always managed to make her laugh, even when he wasn’t funny. “You know I’d love to, but this ship doesn’t hide from every known government in the world by itself.”

“Come on Jen, you know as well as I do that the cloak I built will never fail as long as we keep close to the sun. Here in Altair no one will ever bother us.”

“Darling, we’ve gotta eat somehow. I haven’t seen you invent a toy that can make plasma into food.” That was one of the things that bothered her about him, he wasn’t honest with her. It hurt that even after ten years he still didn’t trust her.

“If the ship can run on pure energy why can’t we?” After he said it his face formed a grimace and he recoiled back into himself. She hated it when he withdrew for no reason.

“What’s wrong?” She wasn’t going to let this slip away, she wanted him to share his pain with her. She may not understand but she would be sympathetic and with what she’d seen of him she’d believe whatever he said.

“I knew someone who tried to live on pure energy. Worse, he actually managed to do it. I don’t think he was actually human when he finished. I really don’t want to think about it.” He looked so hurt; it must have been someone close to him. Could it have been another lover? A flash of jealousy ran through her but she suppressed it easily. They’d openly talked about past experiences, his previous wife had committed suicide. It was one reason he was so torn up, but it didn’t make any sense that he would tell her that but not other things.

She couldn’t push on and hurt him even if she really wanted to know. “Okay, I won’t push any further as long as ” Something hit her back and knocked her sprawling forward onto the bed, onto Matt. He was feeling her neck, his hand was so comforting, she hoped he’d leave it there a long time. There wasn’t any pain just a thin haze around her, everything was kind of blurry and she was glad that Matt was there.

She dimly heard him say something, he sounded upset. Then she smelled burnt meat. She didn’t think they had any meat on board but maybe he was trying to cook something special for her, he was a horrible cook. She really wished he wouldn’t.

Then she felt the burning it brought her further from the induced coma the drugged bullet had forced her into, the entire ship was burning hot. She was burning alive, she still couldn’t scream she had no control over anything. The pain was excruciating for a few moments before it disappeared entirely, she hoped Matt was okay._

OOC: She's Deanna Troi from Star Trek the Next Generation.


last time on Eversor:

Scott looks to the girl of his life... The one that he would live for,
do anything for, but he will not let her do for him. That's his Job...
He would love to pamper and take care of them, him and her. He
does not see that a woman shall take care of the man. He leans in...
whispering into her ear... Ever so sweetly and ever so softly he says
the most wonderful thing to her... "Crystal, My Darling, I Love You."


Crystal smiles brightly at the love of her life, the one that she could
never bare the thought of loosing. She remembers their first kiss
compared to that of Seth... She loved the nice small peck compared
to a man who she could feel, just wanted her for her body and not
her. She leans herself against Scott with his help and support.

Scott nuzzles his face against her's. "All I've done is think about you
often, Since the many times that I've seen and been with you." I
hated when we were apart." He sees her give a slight not and he
hears her soft reply, "I am glad that we decided to wait two months
before we started dating." He sighs, "Yes, I know... Two months after
you and seth spoke no more."

Crystal shakes her head, "Let's not speak of him. We have us to think
of." She smiles as she notices that he agrees with her. She loves his
voice and she gives a soft inward sigh as he spoke, "That is true.
Do you think you'll like this station that we'll be heading to?" She gives
a slight nod yet again, "Yes... I am looking forward to visiting No Name
Bar and to see what it is like inside there."

The Shuttle makes it's way from Eversor on to the new station and on
to it's destination. A couple from with in this shuttle await their future.

OOC: There's my 2 character Introduction.

LadySara, on Sep 24 2004, 03:38 AM, said:

OOC: She's Deanna Troi from Star Trek the Next Generation.

I went online looking up pics of her, and she's not as pretty, young, or brunette as I thought she'd be.

All my love to the brunettes of the world,
Jacey Squires

Mark smacks him upside the head