The No Name Bar

"Ho hum, the multiverse?" Boomed the echoing voice.

"You could say, it's the galaxy that holds the star cluster of your universe. Except it's much bigger than that. Well, you shall learn about it once it concerns you. In the meantime, I have an agent to pay. Elessa, unless you would like me to pay you by way of account transfer, which could, conceivably, be traced, the only way we will meet in person is if you or Jacey pull this sword out of the pillar."

Elessa's eyebrows arched.

"Oh reeeealy? Is that why you brought Jacey all the way here? Some totally random person that you just decided you would have set you free?"

The voice was now low, and deadly serious.

"Firstly, Jacey has benefited himself from this experience. Secondly, I would not be so rash if I was you. Thirdly, I was thinking of just possessing your brain with one of my agents, once you got here, and forcing you to do it for me. I trust you two will make an educated decision soon. If not, you will begin to truly anger me, and this cavern will fill with brimstone."

Me Bar Pics Page-> (url="http://"")
'You couldn't get a clue during clue mating season in a field of clues if you smeared your body in musk and did the clue mating dance.' -Severin

(This message has been edited by Hamster2 (edited 08-21-2004).)

OOC: A collaborative effort, so to speak.
I claim full rights to the actions my character has taken in this post. I have hi-mi-tsu's explicit approval.


"So you need one of us to free you?" Jacey gestured between Elessa and himself. "In other words, you plan to use us. Well, I for one am through with being used, and if you even tried to, I think you'd discover that my body is no longer suitable for your service."

Bishop gave Jacey a mental thumbs-up.

"This one, however, seems quite suitable..."
Jacey approached Elessa and stroked her cheek, framing her face in his hands.
He winked slowly.
"Touch me, little boy, and you die." Elessa's eyes narrowed, though a smile played about her lips.
Jacey's expression turned very grim.
"No, you do."
With a quick jerk of his hands, he twisted her neck. A loud crack echoed through the chamber, and Elessa crumpled gracefully to the ground.

Jacey laughed and faced the center of the room once more.
"Honestly, I think the sword in stone idea is a little cliche. Try something more clever next time, and I might give your offer a second thought."
His tone softened when he looked at Elessa's body lying at his feet.
"She was an amusing woman, and certainly too beautiful to be used by you."
As an afterthought he added, "In fact, she's too beautiful for you to have her even in death. I'll take her body with me."
He changed his tone yet again to address the imprisoned demon. Fettrin should have taken Jacey more seriously.
"But first, one of my questions remains unanswered. While I have plenty of patience for the love of my cybernetic girlfriend, I have no such patience for you. I grew bored with your scheme ages ago, and obviously you won't succeed in getting me to assist you. Instead, I would like to escape this place immediately, and so I'll ask you one last time: How do I leave?"


Back in the Phalanx , Squiggy happened to open his eyes and gaped at what he saw:
the air in the ship shimmered with iridescent light. What he didn't realize was that space itself was warping due to the circulation of Bishop's pure energy between universes.

I'll so offend to make offence a skill,
redeeming time when men think least I will.

(This message has been edited by JaceySquires (edited 08-22-2004).)

OOC: Why is timing always on my side? No time to post today or yesterday, and now I will have no computer access for the next week or so. Bah. See you all later.

If all the world's a stage, why'd I get the part of the psycho?

"Hmph. As you will, Jacey. I'll show you out."

A swarm of dark, shadowy shapes descended from the blackness above like bats, swirling around Jacey's form. They dissipated with a burst of fire, and Jacey was nowhere to be seen.


Just as Squiggy had begun to get rested again, he happened to flutter his eyes open, just before falling to sleep, and got a worse fright than the first one.

"Jacey? How... when did you...who's she?"


ooc: (twitch,twitch) I will kill you all. :mad:

Me Bar Pics Page-> (url="http://"")
'You couldn't get a clue during clue mating season in a field of clues if you smeared your body in musk and did the clue mating dance.' -Severin

(This message has been edited by Hamster2 (edited 08-22-2004).)

(This message has been edited by Hamster2 (edited 08-22-2004).)

(This message has been edited by Hamster2 (edited 08-22-2004).)

((ooc:...Jacey picked me up...and took me with him...))

Hm...looks around How much madness and mayhem can I create here?

Yume was at the place where the assassin had attacked her and knocked her out with the electromagnetic device.
She had gotten a bit of Jacey's DNA and it showed that he had been here.
Yume wondered why Jacey had been here where the assassin had attacked her.
Had he seen her and followed her here? She wondered as her hand brushed against the ground. Could Jacey had tried to help her? Or... was Jacey alleys with the assassin?
Yume frowned at the last thought but then reviewed how Jacey was and such a thought was not backed up with enough evidence.
Jacey was kind and caring... He wouldn't have assisted the assassin in taking her hostage... right?
Unless the Jacey she had grown to know was just some sort of mask and the real Jacey was nothing like the one she had grown fond of.
Yume frowned as she thought it over while her fingers trailed over a dried bloodstain on the ground when she had cut the assassin while her blue lines seem to cross in her eyes as she scanned the blood to put the DNA of the assassin into her memory. Jacey's was already in her memory as well.
Yume remembered that she had assignments in the past that she had to track down creatures by even the tiniest of clues.
Yume picked up a strand of hair and scanned it as she realized that it was the assassin's hair although she didn't realize that the hair had fallen when Jacey had shot at the assassin and gave her a new hair cut.
Yume wouldn't believe that Jacey had betrayed her until she got more evidence to back it up.
Yume stood back up as she stared at the ground as she scanned it.
There were footsteps on the ground... two different ones...
One were Jacey's footprints.. and the other... the assassin's most likely.
It looked like there had been a struggle.
This made Yume believe more on that Jacey had tried to help her.
Yume looked forward at the assassin's footsteps lead away from the area... Jacey's footsteps seemed to have just disappeared. Which most likely said... Jacey had been taken hostage..or..he was dead and the assassin had taken his body away.
Yume twitched at the last thought. She was starting to think on how in the world she had let that assassin knock her out and now Jacey could be seriously hurt... or worse...
But then again if the assassin had killed Jacey, why hadn't she just left his body?
The place was remote and no one would have come upon it soon...
Yume frowned as she followed the assassin's footsteps to where ever it led and hoped that Jacey was at least alive.
Yume came upon some room but she sensed some sort of energy emitting from it.
In another situation, she would have ignored it but the assassin's footsteps led into the room and Yume needed to find out if Jacey was alright.
Yume was ready to draw her weapons if necessary as she walked towards the area and got ready to enter it and meet whatever lay behind the door.

Life is learning to find happiness in any situation, however bad it may seem.

(This message has been edited by Seraphim (edited 08-22-2004).)


Originally posted by Hamster2:
ooc: (twitch,twitch) I will kill you all.:mad:

OOC: Good luck.


Jacey Squires stood in the cockpit of the Phalanx with Elessa’s limp form in his arms. The woman he held had been an experienced mercenary assassin, and it was possible that a search on Squiggy’s computer would reveal her identity. Was there a bounty on her pretty head?

He would ask his comrade later. For now, he propped up Elessa’s body in the seat beside Squiggy’s. Someone would eventually explain the recent events to the engineer, but Jacey felt it necessary to check on Bishop first. Meanwhile Squiggy turned his head to the woman, rubbed his eyes furiously, said nothing, and stayed in his chair. Nothing will disturb me if I pretend it isn’t there...

Bishop met Jacey as he stepped into the next chamber, fully clothed and wearing his black robe. Drops of moisture trickled down Bishop’s arms.

Jacey spoke first.
“It’s great to see you at full power again.”
“And the same to you, especially after experiencing your recent ordeal. Well done, Jacey. Well done indeed. Your cover may be blown soon, but as long as nobody questions your quick change, you should be able to get some successful investigating done.”
Although one clearly outranked the other, the two regarded each other with mutual respect. Both were familiar with the other’s unique talents.
“Now hurry up and find Yume.” Bishop smiled. “You’ll need to if you still want to save her.”
“I know.” Jacey turned to leave.
“Then again... as much as Yume might enjoy seeing you this way,” Bishop nodded at Jacey’s bare chest, “I suggest you get a shirt on.”
Jacey grinned. “I know.”
“However... you might want to clean up first.” Bishop tossed Jacey a damp towel.
“Okay! Okay!” Jacey laughed as he rushed to wipe the dried blood from his scraped body.

Finally, Jacey found an appropriate article of clothing and grabbed it from off a nearby hook. He zipped it up to cover his chest and admired it for a moment. The metallic blue jacket matched his shoes perfectly.

Returning to check in on Squiggy, Jacey found him asleep in his chair.
Jacey’s eyes lowered, then he looked at the body of the assassin.
“You owe me a shirt,” Jacey said very seriously to Elessa.

He suddenly burst out laughing, tears streaming down his face.


OOC: 😉

I'll so offend to make offence a skill,
redeeming time when men think least I will.

It seemed like he stood there for an eternity. The room was empty and he’d rented it for a few more days. She hadn’t given him a name or a number. She didn’t trust him, but he hadn’t given her his name either. Perhaps he was reading to deeply into this and it didn’t mean anything, but one piece hit him again and again. She was a black angel. He must have pulled the name from someone’s past, perhaps even his own, but it took him a long time to remember where it came from.

An eternity ago he’d been given a similar name, he tried to stop himself from remembering but the thoughts rushed backwards unbidden and unstoppable.

_”Enough Matt.” She pushed him away gently. He was emotionally delicate and very strange, but he was perfect for her. They’d been together for years now, and he was still the same beautiful, tortured man she’d met long ago. His eyes were amazing, pearls of incomprehensible depth and she hardly cared that he was blind. With his staff it didn’t matter, he saw as well as anyone else. His eyes were beautiful but his hair was unbelievable, it was longer and softer then hers! She had to admit she was a little jealous even as she ran her fingers through it on the bed. “You know you’re hopeless? “

He continued to stare vacantly toward her as he replied with his usual boyish joking grin. “Hopelessly in love, you already know that.”

She pushed him away again, enough so that she could get out of bed and check their bearings. The ship was an amazing hodgepodge of materials and toys, it was originally hers but she knew that Matt knew it more intimately now than she did. It was great to be able to share the work with someone. She wouldn’t let him paint it, and he always looked like a puppy-dog in the rain after she refused. His color sense was worse then his sense of timing if such a thing was possible. The ship was a heavily modified Argosy class freighter, he had modified it to run with a crew of two, it was cheaper and gave him more personal freedom. They both agreed that they could always run from trouble and they didn’t need weaponry. It was profitable business and just perfect for a young couple, they didn’t worry about trade barriers and tariffs. Matt was essentially classed as a pirate by both the Rebels and the Confederates, but no one ever minded a cargo load of food and medical supplies. It must be hard for the man to be on the run from everyone. As far as she knew he had never done anything wrong, but he had a knack for being in the wrong place.

The bearings looked good, they would make it into Yemuro in a little under an hour. She should probably go get dressed for landfall. She loved not having a crew sometimes.

“Looks like we’ll be there soon.” She jumped and turned around staring into Matt’s ghostlike eyes. On the other hand she might get better warning when her ghost of a husband snuck up behind her with a full crew compliment.

“Get dressed Matt.” She relaxed back into command, she was his captain whatever their relationship. “We’ll make landfall soon.”

“Yes ma’am!” He replied snappily as he whipped into attention then whirling into a military turn. He could avoid mocking her for at least a few minutes a day, couldn’t he? No matter, it was in good fun and she’d have a great chance to return the favor when he came back wearing that atrocity he called a robe.

Sure enough a minute or two later he was wearing the fluorescently colored robe. Somehow every color managed to clash with each other, his golden hair and his eyes. She’d torn that thing up several times and even dumped it into space but he always continued to wear it. It had taken her a long time to get him to even wear trousers underneath it, but a few weeks with near freezing temperatures had encouraged him. “Did you kill three more peacocks last night or does that thing have a mind of it’s own.”

He laughed good naturedly and shook it. “It’s alive! Oooh.” She had no idea what a peacock was but she’d heard him refer to them and explain how many birds used bright colors to attract a dull-colored mate. Better to hide the nest, he said. Apparently, the method worked on her. That was fine, she had her wings and in comparison with him, she was dull.

About then she and her husband both had to take their seats so they could navigate out of sub-space and into physical space. It wasn’t tricky but it was a big enough ship to require some attention. As soon as they were stable again they received a call from the local militia. That wasn’t unusual, they’d brought much needed medical supplies from Levo straight to Yemuro as fast as they could manage, they seemed to have problems with about six plagues a year recently. She had warned them about keeping those pigpens in the middle of cities, but did anyone listen to her?

“This is from Yemuro command, so don’t shoot the messenger.”

“This doesn’t sound like good news John. It better be, cause I’ve got my finger on the trigger.”

“Ha, ha very funny Jennifer.” They were pretty well known to the Corvette’s pilot, as well as every other militia man in this little galaxy. Since flying into Confederate or Rebel space was like putting their head in a guillotine (another one of Matt’s strange expressions) the Independents got to know them pretty well. “We have nothing against you but we can’t do business with you anymore.”

Damn, they couldn’t afford to lose more clients. “That sounds like you have something against us to me.”

“Captain we love you and your business and would gladly have you back if you’d just dump him out the hatch.”

Matt generally could keep his temper in check but she had to admit this was pretty insulting. “What the hell are you talking about? I’ve only helped Yemuro.”

The other captain may have been pilot to Jennifer but he clearly disliked Matt. “Shut up. You cause death and havoc wherever you travel. Haven’t you heard, another six billion people died these last few days because they were accused of harboring you? You’re the bloody angel of death and we’d kill you right here if we could.”

This was enough to anger even the slow tempered Jennifer, but she didn’t want Matt to overreact, so she shut off the communication. “I guess we won’t land here. Those medical goods were atrociously expensive, I’m afraid we’ll have to take a loss.”

He didn’t respond, he just sat in his chair staring blankly. He would be withdrawn and moody for a few days after this. Perhaps it was for the best, he needed to deal with his grief in his own way. She just wished that he wouldn’t take it out on himself. He was male and they always had to deal damage to something for their grief and pain, but he was too softhearted to even hurt a fly. She knew what she’d do. Next time they landed, she’d take a short vacation with him and pay some friends to paint the ship in his style. Then she’d turn the insult he’d just been given and make it into a joke. She’d rename her multi-colored trading vessel the “Angel of Death.” She’d paint the lettering in yellow and purple and bright red, with green and blue dots. It would be an eyesore to everyone that saw it, but it would make him happy. That was all that mattered._

He cut off the memory and tried to delve into something else, anything else. He didn’t want to dwell in the past but it was such a temptation. He hated being helpless, but it was who he had chosen to be. He sighed slowly and began to walk out another escape hatch. It would be best if he got back to the bar now. Things always changed to quickly if someone dwelled in their memories, but memories were always flowing in. To understand them he needed to analyze every one. It was impossible.

I move along the path alone, without a friend, without a home.
Yet though this tortured world I roam, knowing that my mind doth foam;
in madness shall I ever seek, an answer for the poor and meek.

(This message has been edited by Paranoid (edited 08-23-2004).)

OOC: -whistles- waiting for hi-mi-tsu...

(This message has been edited by JaceySquires (edited 08-23-2004).)

OOC: I've developed a habit of disappearing for days at a time. It's quite refreshing, and it throws everyone around me into disarray for a little while.

Anyway, I'm now working on a pretty big post, but I need some help. Jacey, contact me.

"Oh... is that right, Rambo?"
cogito cogito ergo cogito sum

"Ah, Yume. We will see whether or not you have a soul. If you do not, I will give you one hehehehEHEHEHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!"


Cautiously, weilding her keen-edged blade, Yume inched towards the door. Her senses were attuned to any movement, any slight giveaway of an attacker. She crept ot the side of the door, and kicked it open, outwards, ready to kill anyone who came charging out. No one came. No sound could be heard from the room. She looked through the door. There were signs of an explosion marring the walls and ceiling, and there was a strange, oval shaped ring, sitting in midair, large enough for someone to step through. Yume took a step into the room, blade held in front of her. Two steps. Three.

Suddenly and without warning, Yume was set upon on all sides by hissing black shapes. They had shiny, round black eyes, and their faces and hands were completely bandaged with black cloth. She slashed with her blade, releasing plumes of grey mist from some of the Nirttef's chests, but it appeared as if she was overwhelmed. She could not see, for the dark fabric whipping all around her. She felt herself falling forward, being carried. With a cry, she redoubled her attacks, but they were in vain. The swarm of Nirttefs carried her to the portal, and suddenly and forcefully threw her into it. Soon, with a jolt, her surroundings changed dramatically.

The plateau lay empty. Grey dust swirled through the air. The sky was jet black, pockmarked with countless stars, in strange configurations. Just as abruptly as she had been attacked, a giant hole opened up beneath Yume's feet, and she fell into blackness. The hole resealed itself, and the moaning of the wind continued. A lone Nirttef appeared next to the portal, took off its glove, and drew back the wisp-like appendage. It brought the etheral whip down with a crack on the portal, which shattered in a blaze of white. The Nirttef, its job done, calmly disintegrated into a smoking pile.


In the room Yume had been kidnapped from, the portal vanished, dissolving into tiny bits of smoke, which faded away.

Me Bar Pics Page-> (url="http://"")
'You couldn't get a clue during clue mating season in a field of clues if you smeared your body in musk and did the clue mating dance.' -Severin

((ooc: sorry for not posting))

Her eyes opened and she looked him directly in the eye. "And you owe me the five inches of hair you cut off on either side of my head, dummy. Personally, the loss of my hair bothers me much more than your shirt." She shook her head slightly, pushing herself up. "So does that severe crack of my neck you just gave me. Do you have any idea how much that hurt? Geez..."

Elessa looked around. "So. We're on your ship, hm? These must be your friends..." She stood. "Hey, I'm Elessa; I'm the one who kidnapped Jacey here. Of course, he's fine, and I never intended to hand him over when I saw my 'employer' was an evil demon in a sword. How do you do?"

Hm...looks around How much madness and mayhem can I create here?

(This message has been edited by hi-mi-tsu (edited 08-23-2004).)

Jacey gently tugged the sleeve of Squiggy, who had his eyes shut tightly.
"Ah... Hello, Elessa. I didn't see you come in... Welcome aboard the Phalanx. My name is Squiggy." He took her hand and kissed it lightly. "Always a pleasure to meet a lady in a place like this."
Jacey rolled his eyes.
"So," Squiggy continued, "I'm really bad with names and remembering who they are... You're Jacey's girlfriend, aren't you?"
"No" was Elessa's curt reply.
Jacey, however, smirked and said, "Maybe." As she scowled at him, he added, "No need to rush things though, ehehehe..." He poked his tongue out at her. "You may stay on board this ship with us if you like," Jacey invited Elessa, "though I don't know how your former boss feels about your leaving without saying 'goodbye'..."
"If you do stay here, you'll have guaranteed protection if you require it," Bishop added as he entered the room. He gestured at Squiggy, who was sleeping soundly in his copilot's chair. "Either way, I have decided to explore this station a little more, and Jacey really needs to hurry up and find Yume."

Jacey had already exited through the hatch.

I'll so offend to make offence a skill,
redeeming time when men think least I will.

Yume found herself falling but the curled up and seemed to almost roll in the air before she landed gracefully and softly on the floor below when she sensed a physical matter beneath her as she landed on her feet like a cat would do when falling.
Her knees were bent since she had to absorb the impact of the fall and her hands held both of her S-shaped weapons in front of her as she quickly scanned the area she had fallen into.
She had realied too much on normal readings. No wonder those creatures had been able to ambush her. They seemed to have just appeared out of thin air... Or perhaps not and she had been careless.
Yume's pupils widened a little as she scanned the area quickly while flashes of blue lines crossed her eyes.
She would be able to detect anything now that had organic or any kind of energy reading which most things had.
She saw nothing but her attention was quickly caught by a source of strange energy in the middle of the cavern she had fallen inside of.
It was shaped into some sort of sword... pierced into a rock of some kind.
Yume's face was expressionless as she slowly rose up to stand but kept her senses on high alert now so that she wouldn't be caught off guard again as she slowly made her way to the sword with the odd energy readings. The readings seemed calm at the moment... but something about it told her that it was just the tip of the iceberg.
Her footsteps didn't even make a sound as she took feathery soft, slow steps so not to make a sound before she stopped before the sword and took another glance around the room as she still had no other readings.
Her twin weapons still held in her hand in front of her, she set her eyes on the odd sword once more and seemed to be waiting now.

Life is learning to find happiness in any situation, however bad it may seem.

Hey thegreenfile, I didn't get anything done today, but when I have something worthwhile to show you, I'll share it with ya and then we can post.

(This message has been edited by JaceySquires (edited 08-24-2004).)

Elessa sighed, looking at Bishop. "Are you as cocky as he is? If so, I really don't think I can stay here any more. If it's just him...him I can deal with."
She laughed quietly, thinking of how she'd "dealt with him" before.

((ooc: It's short, blame Jacey's creator XD))

Hm...looks around How much madness and mayhem can I create here?

ooc: sry for the absence of posts, I'm working on a biggy

Me Bar Pics Page-> (url="http://"")
'You couldn't get a clue during clue mating season in a field of clues if you smeared your body in musk and did the clue mating dance.' -Severin

"Cocky?" Bishop raised a thin eyebrow. "Let's just say I know when to hold my tongue."
Bishop pulled a sharpened katar from under his robes and fitted it to his wrist. "I intend to explore this station for the next few days, hunting down a certain telepath I've been warned about. I notice you've got some fine blades with you. If I run into trouble, I may need your help. Would you please accompany me?"

I'll so offend to make offence a skill,
redeeming time when men think least I will.

OOC: Okay I'm tired of waiting for this to end, i think i speak for both Ta-vora and I when i say we're both bored, I'm going to try my best to finish this, if you have any suggestions on how i should change it then i will do so.
Page caught Larra, and set her down lightly A gentle light surfaed in her mind and washed over her body.
"You brought us to the regeneration chamber right?" Page asked Ta-vora's mental figure.
"Yes," he replied.
"Good then she'll be fine, Now get us out of this damn crystal, before i decide to bust my way out."
The crystal surrounding Page and Larra dissipated, and Page took a deep breath. On the exhale he stood and dropped his sword. He sighed and then suddenly his arm began to tense up.
"Are you okay?" Ta-vora asked.
"I'm fine," Page replied massaging his fore arm.
He watched Larra's body lift off the ground, and float over to the regeneration crystals.
"Do you think she'll be okay?" Ta-vora asked.
"I just hope she straightens everything out." Page lit a cigarette, and began to walk towards the door. "I'm going to the bar." His sword flew into his hand, and a pair of black sunglasses opened, and flew onto his face.
As Page left. ta-vora took note of the drops of blood that fell down the vellosians hand.
Page entered the No Name, the burlap roll he always seemed to carry resting on his shoulder. Page sat down at the bar.
"What can I do for you?" The bartender asked.
"I'll take a scumb-sorry, a rum and coke."
The bartender raised an eyebrow and fetched Page his drink. Page sat there for a few moments his head resting in the palm of his hand.
"You want a bandaid for that?"
Page looked down at the blood on his hand. He sighed. It was getting worse.
"I'd need a bit more than a bandaid for that," Page replied.
"Oh yeah? Lets see it then," The bartender said rolling up his sleeves and putting on his square glasses.
"I'm a trained medic, believe me I've seen it all, and I can help you."
Page rolled his eyes, "Believe me you havent seen anything like this."
He rolled up his black sleeve revealing his heavily tattoed arm. The crest of the Heraan House, surrounded by flames, and banded to his wrist was the first thing the Bartender saw. and then directly above it he saw what was wrong, It looked like an abyss in the middle of his arm. It was a black crack over all his tattoo's, and within it there was nothing but a swirling darkness.
"You're right stranger." The bartender finally said. "Never seen anything like it."
Page rolled down his sleeve ad then downed his drink.
"See that table with the palm tree? I'll be over there, send me a bottle of tequila and a bottle of sailian brandy."
Page slapped a credstick on the bar, and walked over to his booth.
OOC: He's back folks..


Jacey popped out from behind the palm tree right when Page was about to sit down.
"How'd you-"
"I just arrived. And I'm in a hurry. Have you seen Yume?"

Jacey's eyes darted around the room. Was Matt here?

I'll so offend to make offence a skill,
redeeming time when men think least I will.