The No Name Bar

Yume listened to Jacey singing while she rested her head against his shoulder as for the moment, the memory that she dreamt about once she had fainted faded away from her mind. She forgot about how she had dreamt about Christopher...

Now she was just listening to Jacey's voice as he sang and tried to process the words he was saying while also trying to recover from the daze after waking up from blacking out. She wondered what song he was singing... Or if he wasn't singing a song at all but just using sounds to sing.

But she was still also thinking about why she had blacked out. She did remember that sting in her chest that suddenly became overwhelming as she tried to fight it back... Was that creature still here? The one who had caused such a reaction from her body? Shadows...and darkness.., she wondered to herself.

Why was she reacting? Was she suppose to react to such a thing? Had she been designed that way? There were so many questions but so few answers. Most of her answers was just the silence... She sometimes wished she could remember more of her past. But the memories seemed scattered, they didn't fit in any kind of order and this made it confusing to her. As if her mind just reached out to the closest one and grabbed it before playing it to her only to confuse her more.

She wanted answers. She already knew her answers weren't here, on The Rock. Shouldn't she leave by now? But then again, it might not be wise if she keeps remembering memories like this more frequently. This had never happened before. Perhaps she should wait until the memory flashes stop before heading off.

But now she realized she couldn't head off with the ship she had stolen, security might end up finding out that she had stolen it. She would have to abandon her ship soon and get a new one. But perhaps that might not be a problem...

Yume had yet to even wrap her own arms around Jacey. It was almost merely by impulse that when someone is hugged or held, they would hug or hold back but she didn't do that. It made it seem strange sometimes. But now Yume would slowly wrap her arms around Jacey while he rocked her gently back and forth, Yume realized where she could get another source of transportation without having to steal anything at all.

Yume opened her eyes a little as she knew Jacey would come in handy sooner or later. All she had to do was see if he was willing to help her. She knew he might even wonder how she had arrived here without a ship of her own but she knew she would come up with a good explanation. She also had to see if there was anything that could prevent Jacey from helping her.

No matter. If Jacey didn't help her, she would find another mean of transportation. She was sure there plenty of good ships on this station. She just needed to find one with good armor and hopefully fast speed along with it. But she would worry about getting another ship later, for now she needed to try to rest and recover until she was sure she could head off without any problems.

Yume closes her eyes again while she lets her arms around him tighten a little as her warmth returned again and she hoped she didn't end up fainting once more. Memories of Christopher were nice...but she didn't want to see a horrible memory at the moment, it would make her emotional state render her weak and vulnerable and she couldn't have that.

But while she listened to Jacey singing softly, she let her thoughts fade away and listened to him as he sang. Again, she wondered what he was singing. And was he actually singing to her or just to thin air? It did not really matter, she guessed as she enjoyed the heat of his body as it warmed her own body up to a normal temperature.

For the moment, she didn't mind just being out here with him. It was slightly safer being here with him then in the bar filled with drunk men who could have easily taken advantage of her if she had blacked out in there if her employeer Dech wasn't there. Jacey hadn't done anything of the sort so perhaps it was wiser to stay with him.

In truth... he had been fearful for her? Actually worried and concerned? That seemed...slightly...foreign to her but she guessed it was natural for any human to worry about another if the other was hurt or in some sort of discomfort. But she really should stop thinking for now and resorted to just listening to Jacey sing.

Life is learning to find happiness in any situation, however bad it may seem.

(This message has been edited by Seraphim (edited 08-10-2004).)

OOC: Matt is a returning character from the Albatross (even though I promised I wouldn’t bring anyone back) I thought the robe would give it away, but no one seemed to notice.


He sensed the battles around him. They were vastly different, yet, somehow they were connected. Different battles in the same war. Both were undeniably dangerous.

The repeats had finished their physical preliminary and were fighting in the Acaran’s realm. The youngest self of the Acaran had given herself up and was only staying alive through the desperate efforts of the powerful Vellosian. They were calling upon stronger and stronger godlings to fight their war. He had a hard time restraining himself from going to their aid, to protect them. It didn’t matter, he’d only destroy their minds and tip the balance in the wrong direction. He had enough power to watch, but he could never be anything but a distraction in the battle. It didn’t matter, it wasn’t real.

The second battle was more subtle and perhaps much more dangerous. Yume and the young man were huddled together to all those around simply sharing a moment of youthful joy. They were, to some extent, but the unknown currents were much swifter and more deadly then that. Matt gazed blankly in the direction of their table and knew how different they were. Without seeing he knew that Yume was the perfect ideal of what a human should be, every stage of her life she had been heart-wrenchingly beautiful. She was the figure of Greek perfection, every dimension sculpted to be aesthetically pleasing; her reflexes were nearly instantaneous and her physical strength was unbelievable. Her mind was a replica of her body, incredibly quick, brilliantly intelligent, resourceful and creative. She was unstoppable. Despite her strengths, her emotional development was warped and childlike. She was like a three-year old child that believed the world revolved around her. Her opponent was different, he was physically unimposing, his mind was intelligent, but not with the unstoppable brilliance of his opponent. Indeed, his only strength lay in his empathy, his understanding of others. It was no wonder he was losing. The man’s pure love flowed from him as his essence diminished and the girl’s soul strengthened. It wasn’t anything he remembered seeing before, but Yume was in herself unique and much that was around her was as well. He couldn’t join this battle, he was as helpless as the combatants. They didn’t know what was happening and they never would, but he knew and could only watch as they pulled each other closer and changed each other irrevocably.

He had to leave, the pull to do something, to interfere, was growing far too strong. He was too powerful to interfere with the war around him and too impotent to change the outcome of the other. He had done all he could, nothing. He stood up and walked toward the door waving his glasslike staff before him.

The corridor was crowded; it was much safer that way. People tended to shy away from him slightly even on this disreputable station, so he never had a hard time finding a pathway. He was just walking to keep himself from thinking, it didn’t help. His mind was eternally active, endlessly playing the lives of a countless number of people. He could still feel the warring of the repeats but Yume and the young man were not broadcasting their dance in the same way. He had escaped that, at the very least.

“Don’t move bud.” He felt a cold surface pressed against his neck. He had thought he was safer in the crowd then he actually was. It was a foolish mistake to have made, and someone would pay the price. “Just empty your pockets into this bag and we’ll all leave alive.” It was a young voice, but he couldn’t just give him a little money, most muggers don’t like leaving aggrieved witnesses if they can avoid it. He had to stop that from happening.

When the blind man decided to move the boy wasn’t ready to counter him. Matt thrust the bag back at the weapon held to his neck and pushed it away. He thought he was safe then, but the mugger pulled the gun back toward him and fired before Matt could stop the shot.

The scream echoed again down the corridors of the Rock, more controlled this time. It would be inaudible to anyone but psychics and even to them it was hardly noticeable. Matt quickly brought it under control and turned again toward his opponent. The mugger’s laser blast had skimmed his knee and burned a hole through his robe. His opponent didn’t waste another moment getting off another shot, this one fired straight into his chest. Once again, Matt lost control and the scream blasted forth much more strongly, he lived with that scream of death continuously but normally he could control it. His chest felt hot and he was incredibly afraid as his senses took him far away from his body and into the galaxy around him.

For a moment, he was no longer limited by the ingrained control of his powers and his mind began to devour everything in sight. Millions more souls and minds were added to his “collection” as he swept across the galaxy. He felt all their lives and their deaths, their sorrows and their pains. He could do nothing to help any of them, he never could.

He was still standing where he had been shot, and even though hundreds of millions of years had passed for him subjectively, objectively time had stood still. The mugger was staring at him in disbelief. Looking at the hole burned into his robe and the unblemished skin underneath. Matt thought that he may be able help the boy end his violent days and give him some sense of peace so he changed. His robe became a brilliant unmarred white and he glowed brightly and brilliantly white.

“My son, why do you do sin?” Matt was the very image of a caring priest and the mugger was unable to hold his weapon, it dropped from his fingers as if he were a corpse.

“I..I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean to hurt anyone, I’d never, I mean, I didn’t think I’d ever, but you surprised me and ”

“It is enough if you go, leave this place and never harm another. You are forgiven your crimes. Go and sin no more.” The mugger turned and ran, trying to escape his past and this mysterious figure. Matt saw that he was telling the truth, he wouldn’t have shot Matt. Only his reflexes had forced him into it, he was a naďve boy who wanted nothing but to live, he had grown up as a pirate’s son and had never had a chance at anything different.

Matt suddenly realized that the corridor had never cleared out, whereas the bystanders had been willing to ignore a mugger attacking a blind man this was too strange for them to do anything but stare. Matt cursed silently and changed his robe to black while running away wishing he hadn’t done something so conspicuous. He cursed again as he recognized a scent out of the crowd. The bartender had seen the whole thing.

I move along the path alone, without a friend, without a home.
Yet though this tortured path I roam, knowing that my mind doth foam;
in madness shall I ever seek, an answer for the poor and meek.

The spiked ship landed, and a tall, hooded figure stepped out of the small boarding ramp. A slender arm extended a small blaster pistol, and several lights were extinguished, dropping the hangar into semidarkness.


Dech had gotten bored of sitting around the bar, waiting for more swordplay, so he followed the new patron, blending in with the rest of the station's inhabitants. He'd almost stepped in to aid the blind man, but had decided to see what would happen. He'd felt a familiar tingling that had gotten more and more common with all the telepaths around, but nothing other than that. And then suddenly the mugger was apologizing profusely and the crowd was staring. Dech looked around at the amazed faces.

I wonder what's spooked them... Dech thought. Odd crap's been going on lately, with that Acaran chick coming back all aggressive and stuff...

Dech wandered down the corridor, aimlessly. As he passed the No Name, he recognized a short man with an over-large cloak browsing at a weapons stand forty feet behind him. He'd seen the man before, passing an alley a few hundred yards down from the No Name. Dech continued.

Ten minutes later, the same man was browsing a nudie magazine stand, approximately the same distance behind. Dech continued on his way, headed towards the lower levels of the station.

Walking past an obsidian chunk in the wall, Dech studied the reflection. The man was still behind him, coming closer. Suddenly, Dech broke into a run, and ducked into a small, dark doorfront. Safe in the shadows, he waited. The man hurried past, looking desperately for someone or something. Dech was convinced.

Stepping out slowly, he followed the man at a distance. The man headed out of the lower levels, towards the docking area, and into a darkened docking bay. Dech hurried past the door to the bay, and took an elevator up one level, opening out on the familiar balconies that flanked most docking bays in the Rock. Through the darkness, Dech could see that the small man was talking to a tall, redheaded woman dressed in black, her back to Dech. Her black catsuit was form-fitting, belying a muscular yet feminine body, with several varieties of blades strapped in seemingly random places.

Staying low, Dech ran to the corner of the bay, where the access ladder to the floor below was. Laying flat, and poking his head through, he surveyed the scene. The short man and the strange woman were still talking, the latter seeming to be rather agitated. Dech sat, waiting to get a glimpse of the face of whoever it was that was having him followed.

Suddenly, she dismissed the small man, and he left, leaving the cloak behind. Dech didn't recognize him.

The woman walked to her ship and up the ramp, still denying Dech a view of her face. Who the hell is she? Dech wondered.

---to be continued or something like that---

"Oh... is that right, Rambo?"
cogito cogito ergo cogito sum

(This message has been edited by TheGreenFile (edited 08-11-2004).)

(placeholder) 😉

This placeholder is obsolete, yet here it shall remain for all posterity.

(This message has been edited by JaceySquires (edited 08-12-2004).)

OOC: (placeholder) 😛

Ha, just kidding. This is getting too interesting for that....

Edit: Edeted for speeling.

Nevell backed up. For a moment, the Fourth Telepath had thought that somehow he had come back, even though Nevell himself had done nothing to call him. But this was something else, not the one he feared above all.

Harmony still strode forwards, forcing Nevell to admit to himself that yes, he was afraid, but in the end it wouldn’t matter. He still held the advantage of his shadow shield, and he was prepared.

Though he could not see Larra through Harmony’s mist, the dark Acaran could sense her.

The tile floor cracked where the unconscious figure lay, and four chains snaked out, wrapping around her and dragging her down. It wouldn’t kill her, he couldn’t even if he had wanted to, but if Nevell could drag her down he would be able to access her power completely and without resistance. More like assimilation.

Simply by expanding his aura, Harmony blasted the chains away. Nevell used the distraction to run away into the depths of Larra’s mind, weaving barriers and setting traps behind him.

The floor crumbled, and hundreds of chains shot out, attacking Harmony directly. They had barely time to touch its armor before disintegrating, but even as the pieces fell to the ground, a pure black web of thought engulfed the white figure and tightened, draining away the light. The web did not seem to be thrown together as an afterthought, but woven in a complicated, spelled pattern by someone who knew what he was doing.

Thought it may have immobilized Page alone, the trap was still no match for Harmony, who simply pushed against it until it snapped, unable to handle the strain. The third attack happened immediately; the walls of Larra’s mind raising up about and around it, threatening to crush the united gods.

This time, no matter how strong Harmony’s mental attack was, the walls would not recede. It wasn’t until it touched the walls that it realized they were simply an illusion, hiding the fact that Larra was being dragged down with more chains. As Harmony destroyed her bonds, it became quite clear that, expecting an attack like this or not, Nevell was really, really good at mental combat.


Deep in Larra’s mind, Nevell stopped for a quick rest. He ended up reminiscing instead.

Ten years should have been nothing for one of his age, but somehow time had stretched on endlessly since then, while still reminding him, as if it had been yesterday, what had happened that fateful day. He had gained control for the first time in his new host. She had taken longer than most, but he had finally had it.

He had let the fury she held at the time pass to him, so first he had finished killing the target of it. Eager to try out the new power he gained from controlling another telepath, Nevell had ripped open a dimensional portal, grinning as the read tear stretched across the sky. Now he would be unstoppable...

But in the end, that had been his only mistake. The violent, badly done portal called attention to him from the last place he would have wanted it. White light had blasted through Larra’s mind as the Codebreaker Master, Darbain, invaded it, easily throwing him from power and locking him down with a barrier that had taken him eight long years to break. It would have taken him much longer if Darbain had not trained Larra as a codebreaker, passing on some of that skill to Nevell himself.

The attack plan he had created the instant he came to power was meant to at least slow Darbain in the event of a worst-case scenario. It would only slow Harmony as well, but maybe he could talk his way out of this one. The first time, he hadn’t thought to put an injury on the shadow shield.

Nevell shuddered suddenly, as said enemy finally destroyed the last of his traps. He could now see Harmony across Larra’s mind. He hoped the invader was tired. It should be, after having to blast it’s way through all varieties of traps designed to snare those of high power.

The white mist reached Nevell before Harmony did, swirling around him, making him uneasy. But there was no where to run; he had to conserve his strength now, not use it to attempt to get away again.

“It’s over,” Harmony thundered, his voice echoing through the Larra’s mind.

It ain’t over ‘til the fat lady sings Nevell reminded himself, and I don’t see any fat ladies around here. “Maybe it is,” he called back. “And maybe it isn’t.”

Here, in the depths of his very existence, Nevell could not lie. Harmony knew this, but Nevell knew something else as well: The truth hurts.

The dark Acaran suddenly found himself against a wall, shoved there and trapped by a blinding white web. He could not escape.

“Coming to put me away?” Nevell taunted. “Well guess what! You can’t!” Harmony paused, so he continued. “I’m sure you remember my little shadow matter what you do here, it will still kill her if I am thrown from power.”

“Give it up. You have lost,” Harmony told him, closer now. Pointing a gauntletted hand towards Larra, it continued speaking, “Once I wake her up, I can leave here and destroy your shield. You can’t escpae, and only a touch from her will trap you down here for a long time.”

Nevell only howled with laughter. “Haven’t you noticed? She’s awake already! And I don’t think she’ll be doing anything to keep me here.”

Page’s head swung around to look. Larra was conscious now, but she hadn’t bothered to move from where she had fallen. Her eyes were open, but stared blankly at the same spot, ignoring what was going on around her. He was right, she wouldn’t be doing anything unless something jerked her out of that state.

“If the shield is broken, she will be fine,” Harmony replied, wanting to hear Nevell’s answer, but not actually believing it himself. The fourth telepath laughed even harder.

“While I have no choice but to tell you that it is the only way to save her life, I'll tell you of my own free will that she sure won’t be ‘fine’ afterwards. If anything, she’ll be worse,” the laughter faded from Nevell’s voice, and his tone became threatening and deadly serious.

“As the shield dies, she’ll feel the pain from every single hit. It won’t kill her, every wound will even heal afterwards, but it will be long. And slow. Even after that, I will still have power, because as much as you will weaken me, she will still be worse.”
Unless she recovers her strength now Nevell added silently, but he didn’t have to reveal that fact unless Harmony were to ask him directly. It was unlikely, anyway.

Harmony turned to walk away. Except for maybe his Kergoth side, no one really wanted to hear this. “Can you do it?” Nevell demanded. “Can you stand up there with your weapons and stop my shadows, breaking my shield, all the while knowing that by trapping me like this I’ll be to sluggish to even put up a fight? Knowing that the one you are trying to save will feel the pain from each and every hit instead of me?”

Harmony continued walking, making it impossible to for Nevell to tell what was going on inside it’s head.

“The ball’s in your court,” he yelled from his prison. “Don’t fumble.”

If all the world's a stage, why'd I get the part of the psycho?

(This message has been edited by Synesthesia (edited 08-11-2004).)

looks back at own post

What demented spot in my otherwise innocent mind did that come out of?

Forgive me, my inner Nevell made me do it....

If all the world's a stage, why'd I get the part of the psycho?


Originally posted by Synesthesia:
**looks back at own post

What demented spot in my otherwise innocent mind did that come out of?

Forgive me, my inner Nevell made me do it....


OOC: Hey! You double-posted! Leaping at Synesthesia, JaceySquires commences whacking her with a giant inflated pencil.

------------------ the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

Matt was safe now; he had bribed the security guards and was sure that all the tapes of the event had been deleted. The rumors of the event were exaggerated beyond proportion already. If he believed what he had heard then a crippled blind clown had become eight feet tall and spit a sword out of his mouth. It was no longer safe to be as inconspicuous as usual so he had abandoned his normal attire and put in contacts to fit in slightly better. It was hard to disguise being the only blind man on the Rock, but he could manage it. He was even wearing a coverall jumpsuit that pilots had taken to wearing for convenience. It was incredibly well designed but he longed for his robes, he wasn’t quite the same person without all his outward eccentricities, he’d worn a robe like that for his entire adult life, which seemed like a very long time. He probably wouldn’t need to keep the disguise up long, a few weeks and a new rumor should spread wiping all their minds of the old. He would have to postpone his investigation of the girl. He could easily get tapes of the bugs in the bar, but it wouldn’t give him everything he needed.

_The boy walked up to the beat up Arada. “Cumen.” He used the voice activation and then punched in the eighteen digit code. The machine took an imprint of his fingerprint as well as a DNA sample. It was standard with the old models of Aradas but the new one’s had additional security measures as well. He knew his father wasn’t going to like what he had to say but he didn’t have a choice. Besides, his father may not like it but the boy had lived with him his entire life and his father had provided for him as best he could. He didn’t know anything about his mother, it was a taboo topic when talking with his father. Maybe he could work up the courage to ask him that after the bigger upset. Then again, it might be better not to tempt fate. His father came bowling down the narrow corridor, jolly and overweight. He was a gentle pirate as they went, more of a black market trader then a fighter. It helped to explain why the Arada was hardly still in one piece. “How much did you bring back? We need every bit.”

“Dad,” he didn’t know quite what to say but he’d try “I’ve got something to tell you.”

“Not a good run? I’m sorry to hear that but we’ll get by. Should we stay another day so we don’t have to worry about not being able to maneuver past security?”

“Dad,” this was hard, he loved his father more then anything else, but he couldn’t keep on going like this. “Dad, I need to stop. I’ve got all the stuff you gave me but the gun. You can sell it all for the next run and keep going, but I can’t hurt anybody else.”

His father stared in disbelief, or denial. “What do you mean Johnny?”

“I guess I’m trying to say that I quit. I love you Dad and I owe you everything good I’ve ever had, but I need to stop.”

His father had just left denial behind and moved to rage. “It’s a girl, isn’t it. You’re going to leave me to die just for some bitch!” Johnny tried to explain but his father was too enraged to understand anything, he walked forward and punched the nineteen year old in the face knocking him back into the bulkhead. The blow wouldn’t have been fatal, but a piece of metal damaged in an old firefight was sticking out and gashed deeply into the young man’s head, it was irreversibly fatal. The boy saw the man’s eyes stare forward in disbelief and he used his last moment of life to mouth three words. “I forgive you.”

His father never saw them.

“Damn!” Matt drew a few strange looks in the smaller bar, but not much, probably due to the dancing girls on stage. He had destroyed an innocent boy with the belief in a religion of blame and hatred. The boy had taken the priestly experience far too seriously and had committed the crime of stupidity. It was a common crime of fanatics. He could have lived and would have never killed anyone with his gentle soul. He was dead and it was Matt’s fault, just as it always was. He stood up and walked out of the bar already knowing what he would do, he could help in one way, at the least. He quickly maneuvered to the station engineers bay. It was smaller then any of the public facilities and guarded much more lightly. The engineers almost never went out and by the time that they noticed that he had stolen a suit it wouldn’t matter. He quickly suited up, the man who owned this suit had died a few days ago, and with the way people disappeared, it was doubtful anybody knew it. He shut the five clasps down and secured them before going through decompression and onto the surface of the asteroid. The gravity was about the same as it was in most of the station, about one-fifth what he had grown up with on Earth, but it was as familiar as anything else. He pushed off the ground with his legs then activated the emergency propulsion; it lasted for less then a minute but it was enough to escape the gravity of the Rock. He floated through the field for a moment before planting devices on each of the helmet clamps. The were small explosives and the detonation didn't even effect him, except the resulting depressurization.

He would finally be able to finish it. He knew it wasn’t a pleasant way to die, but he could fix that. He set the timer for twenty seconds and began the countdown. He had learned a technique commonly practiced by multiple cults, he could put himself to sleep in an instant and he could sleep through the unpleasant process to follow. It would be good to sleep again, his body was designed to last indefinitely without the rest, but six years was a long time for his mind to go without sleep. He forced his consciousness down, he feared even the few moments he would dream, but he would survive, actually, he wouldn’t.

The tiny flash was invisible from further then a few feet away and any sound that might have sounded in an atmosphere was inaudible in space. A little pressure could be felt for a distance as a little air rushed out of the suit as the helmet flew off exposing his open eyes and his long grey hair floated in front of the backdrop of asteroids.

I move along the path alone, without a friend, without a home.
Yet though this tortured path I roam, knowing that my mind doth foam;
in madness shall I ever seek, an answer for the poor and meek.

Dech crept back through the corridors, pondering. I hope it's not some bounty-hunter come to collect because someone ELSE is pissed off at me... again. He checked several times for a tail, but nobody was following him.

Arriving back at the bar, Dech entered. A familiar tingle started up as soon as he walked through the door. He took his normal place behind the bar, surveying the room. His jaw dropped.

"Shek? Shek Sunrunner?"

"Oh... is that right, Rambo?"
cogito cogito ergo cogito sum

(This message has been edited by TheGreenFile (edited 08-11-2004).)

OOC: I'm back. Apologies about the length. At least it's not the Hypergate.


The Legend of the Voronov
Part II

Imperial Command, Voina Overworld, Voinia System

Two Voinians stood in the Grand Office of the Tower of Borb. One wore raiment that was both majestic and ceremonial while somehow remaining austere. The second wore a crisp black uniform. It had no decorations whatsoever.

The first was the Emperor of the Voinian Grand Empire, Zorokov I, First of His Name. The one who stood beside him was Fleet Admiral Arakev. Anyone knowledgeable about galactic politics would have been hard pressed to determine which of the two held more power.

At the moment, they were both reading a report from the Voinian Security Directorate. The VSD, with the blessings of the Emperor and the orders of the Admiral, had dispatched a Dur’achi special forces unit to the Galactic North, specifically, to the Rock. The VSD had reason to believe that the pirate scum of the Crescent were on the verge of developing a powerful new weapon, one which could have potential use in the Voinian Imperial Warfleet.

“Do we truly believe this mission is worth the cost, Arakev?” The Emperor had asked the same question for three days now, the Admiral noted.

“I believe so.” The two never dealt with honorifics with one another. It was a waste of time, and no diplomats were present to object. “Zathe ek Daal is one of our most reliable field agents, and his combat record is impeccable. If he had been born a Voinian, in all likelihood he would have beaten me to this job.”

The Emperor allowed himself a chuckle. “And his crew?”

“Again, all exemplars of the Fleet and the VSD. If this weapon truly exists, we’ll have it.”

“And if the Crescent learns of our activities? Will the Igadzra finally tire of our meddling and cut a swath through human space to wage war against the Empire?”

“I doubt that will occur,” the Admiral said slowly. “The Strand War rages on in bloody stalemate still. Unless one of them gains the upper hand, and unless that one is the Igadzra, we have little to worry of on that score.”

“And the Miranu?”

“They can hardly object to our actions against the pirates. And their business interests will not tolerate policy that loses them the profits they reap from business with us. I believe we shall have a relatively free hand in this matter.”

“Very well then. Let us not speak of it further until the first reports from Ship Commander ek Daal come in from the VSD at Vorik. Now, let us discuss the Emalgha nuisance ”

The V. I. S. Thorokovsky, Voinian-Emalgha Border

“Captain on the bridge!”

“As you were.” Ship Commander First Rank Borb IX entered the bridge and took his seat at the command chair. “Status of our friend across the line?”

“He’s still there, sir. But looks like he’s got some friends incoming. Isled says long range hyperspace sensor arrays are picking up five more blips headed this way. VSD thinks they’re fighters, but my bet’s that at least one is a warship. Nothing we can’t handle.”

“Very good, lieutenant. The Thorokovsky can take on anything the Emalghans throw at us, especially those flying dumpsters they impishly call ‘warships’. Our ship—he is a good ship, would you not say so, comrades?”


Borb smiled. The direct descendent of the great Voinian naval legend, every citizen of the Empire knew his name. A fact that sometimes caused the Emperor worry, Borb knew. But he had no aspirations for the Steel Throne. No, like almost all well-informed Voinian naval officers, Borb knew that the real power of the Empire rested in the Fleet Admiralty.

But he refused to allow Admiral Arakev to promote him just yet. Borb wanted to ensure he had the experience of every ship of the Imperial Fleet. That way, when he was a Fleet Commander, and eventually—inevitably, with his name—Fleet Admiral, he could make decisions with the knowledge that he knew the capabilities of every ship at his command.

His current mission was designed to test the limits of the Voinian frigate. The intel folks and their research spooks at Isled were contemplating a refitting of the warships, likely for a grand offensive designed to finally sweep the Emalgha off the galactic map like the puny vermin they were. Borb had been assigned by Vorik High Command to find out how well the refits were likely to perform in battle.

The crew was exhilarated to be testing the first of a new line of warship. The frigate had been outfitted with a remarkable new shield array, which Borb had learned had been negotiated from the Dur’achi. That was good. Borb was one of the few officers in the Fleet who recognized just how important the Dur’achi were as allies, and just how foolhardy it would be to try and betray them. The Dur’achi were no threat to the Empire. No, they were great friends. If only the Fleet Commanders recognized this, Borb thought. If it weren’t for Admiral Arakev’s wisdom, we’d be launching an offensive against Dur’ach even now, and lose half the fleet before we knew how stupid we’d been.

Supposedly some other new technology would be coming in the near future from what VSD called “other sources”. Perhaps he’d get to test that too.

“Helm, bring us to within one AU of the enemy ship. And spin up the new weapon.”

The V. I. S. Voronov

“You are certain?”

The Engineer nodded. “Absolutely. There’s no mistaking it, Commander. Telepathic talent on the Rock. Strong telepathic talent.”

Ship Commander Zathe ek Daal nodded thoughtfully. So the precautions VSD High Command had ordered would come into their own after all. And Somm would see how well his additional tinkering with the Thanofire systems worked. Best to do as much as possible here on the ship too, though.

“The Thanofire shield grid is up?”

“Yes, sir. It’s positioned in front of the two main shield grids that defend the ship from conventional fire. Normal weapons will go right through the Thanofire, but no telepathic bursts should. The main grids are in no danger of psi-assault.”

“Very well then. Continue as you were. I’d like an update on my desk in four hours.”

“Aye sir.”

The Rock

Shek Sunrunner turned to the one who was calling his name. Who could possibly know him ?

By Sorul

“DZ? Dechtran Zel?”

Indeed it was. Dech seemed just as surprised to see them.

“Finally back from Dur’ach?”

“We are. Perhaps you can help us with some, some business we are conducting here. Or perhaps,” Shek said, “we can help you with something?” Dech looked as if he’d been busy enough on his own. The old Dur’achi swordmaster training never failed.

Lelos Somm flagged down the waiter and ordered them all drinks. Then they began to speak.

Hear the Myth, Feel the Glory
(url="http://";=26")The Search Feature(/url)

Jacey's body rose in temperature when he felt Yume's arms wrap around him. He naively misinterpreted this as a gesture of affection and held the girl more closely to him. Jacey relaxed; Yume seemed fine now.

As his vocal cords finally warmed up, Jacey's voice richened in tone and rose in volume. Leaning against him, Yume listened to the words of his song:

_J'ai compris tous les mots, j'ai bien compris, merci
Raisionable et nouveau, c'est ainsi par ici
Que les choses ont changé, que les fleurs ont fané
Que le temps d'avant, c'était le temps d'avant
Que si tout zappe et lasse, les amours aussi passent

Il faut que tu saches

J'irai chercher ton cœur si tu l'emportes ailleurs
Męme si dans tes danses d'autres dansent tes heures
J'irai chercher ton âme dans les froids dans les flammes
Je te jetterai des sorts pour que tu m'aimes encore

Fallait pas commencer m'attirer me toucher
Fallait pas tant donner moi je sais pas jouer
On me dit qu'aujourd'hui, on me dit que les autres font ainsi
Je ne suis pas les autres
Avant que l'on s'attache, avant que l'on se gâche

Je veux que tu saches

J'irai chercher ton cœur si tu l'emportes ailleurs
Męme si dans tes danses d'autres dansent tes heures
J'irai chercher ton âme dans les froids dans les flammes
Je te jetterai des sorts pour que tu m'aimes encore..._

Jacey's voice lingered... and then stopped. He had forgotten the rest of the lyrics.

Yume on the other hand didn't seem to have noticed. Had she even understood a single word of his song? Of course, Jacey reassured himself, French is such a romantic language. Maybe she didn't care. Jacey was actually surprised that he had remembered it so well. How long had it been since he had spoken French in school, or sung in French? Or sung anything, for that matter? Jacey's body jerked with a silent laugh. For someone whose voice should have been rusty from lack of practice, he sounded pretty darn good.

Yume remained fully immersed in the lyric beauty of the song until she realized it was over.

At the same time Jacey realized something else:
Though the cold night air effectively stole away much of their heat, there was obviously plenty being generated between them. Yume felt warm to the touch.

Jacey smiled upon noticing this.
Still rocking her gently, the young man touched his lips to Yume's hair - in a kiss too soft even to be sensed by her superhuman synapses.

Jacey lifted his head to gaze at the stars but instead found himself silently thanking whoever had gifted him with this moment.


"Why are you smiling, Bishop?"
Bishop turned. Squiggy was eying him inquisitively.
"It's nothing." Good for you, Jacey.
Squiggy just shrugged at Bishop's terse reply.

You're a good kid. Why then do you have to disregard my advice?
"So, Bishop, does that mean we can go now?"

Bishop didn't hear Squiggy's question.

Why should you offer your help to a woman? She'll take advantage of you, abuse your kindness, and stab you in the back...

Bishop had just christened his first ship the Chrysalis. A pretty name for a transporter, he thought, but it was really nothing fancy. All he had outfitted his new ship with was an escape pod. Still, it was the first ship he had taken beyond the Sol system, and it was his very own...
"Uh... Bishop?"
_His first hyperspace jump to First Centauri had been a total adrenaline rush.
His second jump to Saalia - home of the galaxy's favorite brandy - was no let-down either.
Bishop drank a little too much when he arrived, and once he had sobered up he found himself in one of the seediest bars on the planet, sitting among pirates, pimps, and other riff-raff. Captains of ships with names like Crimson Rapier , Lucifer's Glory , and Bloodwake weren't the type of men Bishop wanted to socialize with. Only through slick mindgames was he able to avoid an altercation, and even then he was barely able to escape their “hospitality” alive.
That said, his entire first week of being a ship's captain was certainly exhilarating... until yet another surprise came along to complicate matters beyond his control.

Two days after filling his cargo bay with Saalian brandy (legitimately purchased), Bishop took off from the planet ready to get back home to Sol and reap the profits from his first cargo run.
He rotated the ship around for a hyperspace jump. A blinking point of light caught his eye. Apparently his ship's radar had located a tiny pod drifting through space. Bishop expanded his consciousness throughout the surrounding space until he detected a faint life presence within the escape pod.

"Poor soul; He's lucky we found him."

The Chrysalis matched the velocity of the derelict vessel and pulled alongside it. Bishop ran to unlock the hatch.

Inside the pod he found
"A woman?!" Bishop exclaimed at the sight of the huddled figure on the pod floor.
A nude woman, in fact.
"JASON! Fetch me some clothes and a blanket!!"
Bright red hair cascaded over the woman's bare shoulders, but tattered rags barely covered the rest of her bruised body.

Unwilling to wait for his copilot to find spare clothing, Bishop took off his outer robe and tossed it to the shivering girl._
Squiggy glared at Bishop.
_An hour after taking her aboard, Bishop had no luck getting a word out of his new passenger.
"How long have you been floating out there?"
No answer.
"I’m only trying to help.”
The woman kept her face down. She wouldn’t even look at him.
“Answer me, dammit!”
Bishop probed her mind, hoping to read her thoughts. Why wouldn’t she respond to him? What was going on inside of her? What Bishop found was overwhelming. This creature was full of such maddened fear and blind hatred that his prying mind was instantly repelled by hers.

Bishop decided to stop questioning her and got up to lead her to a room behind the cockpit.
“You’ll be staying here tonight,” he told her, holding open the door to his small cabin.
The young woman took a few steps into the room until she realized she had entered this man’s sleeping quarters. She turned around with a wild look in her eyes.
“No! It’s not what you think!” Bishop yelled.
She leaped at him, but Bishop was able to slam the door in her face before she escaped. He locked the door for her own protection.

Bishop spent that night dozing in the cockpit.
After a fitful sleep, he awoke in the middle of the night.
He had a sick feeling in his gut. Either he was desperately hungry, or something was very wrong.
Bishop turned and saw his copilot Jason sitting beside him.
After a sigh of relief, Bishop realized that his friend was a good man. He would never have gone after the vulnerable girl. But, a nagging suspicion remained. Bishop would have to check for himself.

Bishop froze when he saw his cabin door ajar. There was only one place the girl could have run to...
An explosion from the cargo bay justified his fear. The redhead had found a way to ignite one of his cases of brandy.

Bishop ran to cut her off at the escape hatch.

The two almost crashed directly into each other.
The woman whipped out a blaster.
Bishop stood still. This time he was determined to sift through the fear and hatred in the girl’s anguishing mind and finally understand her.
A living nightmare flashed before his eyes as his mind was bombarded with horrible images: a capture by pirates, a beating, a torture, and a rape – images that would be burned into his memory forever. Bishop swooned and nearly passed out completely, but he wouldn’t give in to the pain that raged from her mind into his. He pushed further into the woman’s memory.

That anyone had survived the abuse she had was unfathomable. How had she survived? Suddenly, amid all the painful emotions and visions of violence, a single word came to Bishop’s mind.

On a hunch he yelled, “ FIRENO , wait!!!”

The woman flinched and pulled the trigger. Bishop saw a flash of red light and blacked out._

Bishop opened his eyes to see Squiggy standing over him.
“What’s your problem, man?! I told you three times ‘I’m ready to go,’ and you just crap out on me like that!”
Bishop put a hand to his chest, expecting to wince in pain; his robes covered a wound that had physically healed but Bishop would never forget.
A dry laugh escaped Bishop’s lips. If he ever met that woman again, he would use all his power to-
A flash of heat erupted throughout Bishop’s head, effectively interrupting his train of thought. In his mind he heard a strange sound: a sigh, the sound of rushing air, silence.

“ ** FOLLOW ME!!!** ” Bishop bellowed as he jumped to his feet and rushed toward another area of the station.
Squiggy shook his head in amazement and then jogged after him. Had Bishop lost his mind?


Far beyond their range of vision, Matt’s body floated into space.


While he ran to the station engineers bay, Bishop couldn’t help being distracted by one final thought.

He was concerned about Jacey's preoccupation with Yume. No good would come of it.

(This message has been edited by JaceySquires (edited 08-13-2004).)

Why? I thought we were quit?
Yes, Nevell is in control again.
Are you sure? She sure isn't the person to give up soon.
Is there no way I can help?
Nevell is very powerful as well.
So if you can't help, why did you return?
What do you know about my fear?
Good point
I just wish someone could answer my questions.

I hope so _

The lie is a truth, too. The truth of the one who believes it.
The Boozerama Bar died 05-10-2003. May it rest in peace. May it rest for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and may it never return.

OOC: New post from me! You can find it just above Ta-vora's.

Mark does a little victory dance.

(This message has been edited by JaceySquires (edited 08-13-2004).)

Yume listened to Jacey sing while the words were processed and translated in her mind. The song was...beautiful... She opened her eyes to look to Jacey as she wondered who else had singed for her. She never recalled a time that anybody else ever singed to her... except Christopher...

Yume sighed softly as she held Jacey more closely to her as he felt pleasantly warm all of a sudden. Yume glanced to the base of his neck where she could see a vien pumping his blood. Just out of curiousity, she placed her lips there and closed her eyes to feel his heartbeat as she thought it jumped a little but wasn't sure.

Her hands moved up to the back rim of his pants were she would slip her hand under his shirt and glide her fingers up his back as she felt his bare skin upon her fingertips. She was curious on how his skin felt all of a sudden and she moved her head so that now she could place her ear right above where his heart should be.

She heard it racing in his chest.... Was he afriad? No, that couldn't be since she was doing nothing that could make him fearful. Or was he perhaps excited? She wasn't all that sure also since she didn't think she was doing anything that would excite him other than the fact that her hands had slipped under his shirt and her fingers were now caressing his back.

She didn't pay it too much mind as she moved her head back to his shoulders were she could press her lips to where his pulse was at. She felt it beat lightly as she continued to feel his skin upon her fingertips in innocent curiousity as her fingertips glided across his back. She was somewhat glad now that she had taken them to a secluded place.

Yume raised her head to look at Jacey's face while he smiled lightly to her as he raised a hand to caress Yume's cheek. Yume tilted her head to press against his warm hand more as Jacey caressed her cheek in an affectionate and caring manner. Yume for a moment gazed into Jacey's eyes as he gazed back into hers as she wondered what he could be thinking at the moment.

Yume pressed her lips ever so gently against Jacey's in just a short kiss as she pulled away a moment later to look back at his expression. Jacey's hand roams to the back of her neck as he pulls her to another kiss but longer and deeper this time while Yume enjoys it.

The kiss was broken later on while they both sighed and gazed at each other again in their silence. Yume pulled away from him a little so that she could move her hands to his stomach where she would lightly run her fingertips up to his chest but blinked when she heard Jacey take a sharp intake of breath. A gasp perhaps?

Yume looked to him as she was really was just being curious in her innocence while she wasn't realizing how much she was affecting Jacey. She moved her hands down his chest again so that his shirt would move down again too. Perhaps it was because as she moved her hands up, his shirt went up also and he felt the cool air. Perhaps that's why his breath faltered.

But she wasn't going to take any chances that she would probably make him feel in some unease so she moved her hands to his back again where her fingertips would brush against his bare skin as she pressed against him again. She rested her head upon his shoulder once more while she nuzzled her head against his neck just to get comfortable while she pressed her lips against the pulse at his neck once more just to feel his heartbeat.

Yume sighed while she blinked as Jacey shivered since her warm breath had traveled down into his shirt since her lips were so close to the opening of his shirt. Yume didn't pay it too much mind but stay pressed close to Jacey as she thought his body temperature had risen even more. Of course, there could be many reasons for that but she didn't really seem to care as she closed her eyes and caressed his back while her lips remained pressed against the pulse at his neck.

The song Jacey had singed to her still played in her mind...

Life is learning to find happiness in any situation, however bad it may seem.

This post has been dedicated to thegreenfile:

Mark wipes the previous image from his mind for the sake of human dignity and so he may not be dubbed a "shameless bastard."


(This message has been edited by JaceySquires (edited 08-14-2004).)

ooc: mooooOOOOOOF!! Clarus the angry Dogcow wishes it to be known that I can't make a relevant post until Jacey and Yume pull apart from their 2-freaking-page-long 'moment,' not that I haven't enjoyed the change in pace of the writing. But come on people, let's get this show on the road! Hurry it up a bit! I have evils to seed, and chaos to sow >: D

"Yess, it is perfect. He would do anything for her. Anything at all. He wants to give her back a soul, I'll help him. What harm is there in that?"

Through the darkness of Fettrin's subconscious, maniacal laughter echoed, redoubled, and eventually petered out.

"Eheh... heh, heh... Ahh. But first, I must prepare "


On a windswept plateau among the grey mountainous ranges of the Netherworld, a Nirttef appeared. A small, minor imp looked on with interest, wondering if the Nirttef would taste good.

The wide brimmed hat looked up, and the two obsidian circles reflected the light of the strange and foreign constellations that dusted the sky of this plane. Far off, the Nirttef could see Tesshe's tower, and the mighty force of Rasputin warriors contained within. But this was of little matter at the moment.

The Nirttef spread his arms wide, and suddenly, the imp struck. It never touched it's target, as in this plane, the power of the Nirttefs was greatly magnified, and a fine mist of bone flying outward was the only visible remains of the unfortunate imp. Continuing as if nothing had happened, the Nirttef ripped a thin line in the space time continuum, running between it's palms. It brought its hands together, and the line opened, like a spark-rimmed eye, little bits of ether spattering off it's edges, and fizzling into non-existance. Now the hole was oval shaped, up and down, big enough for a human to step through comfortably. The portal was filled with swirling white and black, like a maelstrom of static, twisting and roiling. The Nirttef brought it's hands back, and the portal stayed, suspended in midair. The black-cloaked figure reached within it's cloak, and withdrew a tiny glass vial, with a red marbled stopper of stone.

The Nirttef drew back a few steps from the portal, and cast the vial into the swirling gate. A massive shockwave blasted out of the perimeter, splintering the fell rock, and blowing a sudden violent wind into the air, raising an arc of dust into the sky, and ruffling the clothes of the Nirttef. As the grey-black dust settled, and sharp little rocks fell all about, the portal was revealed as clear now, appearing as a pencil thin black line, forming an oval, levitating in the wind. The Nirttef stepped through, and came out the other side. Nothing had happened. No change to the portal or the Nirttef.

"Good." The Nirttef hissed quietly, and slumped in a cloud of smoke. The portal was left alone, a solitary oval ring in the desolation of the Netherworld.


The sword of the Styx lay silent, stuck in the stone pillar at a perpendicular angle. No sound passed through the vaulted hall. The occupant of the sword was busy.

Me Bar Pics Page-> (url="http://"")
'You couldn't get a clue during clue mating season in a field of clues if you smeared your body in musk and did the clue mating dance.' -Severin

(This message has been edited by Hamster2 (edited 08-14-2004).)

Elessa's Zidigar fighter jumped into the space outside the Rock, and she immediately hailed the station. "I'm not a Zidigar...just using one of their ships." She smiled inwardly, remembering how she'd aquired said ship, as the station gave her permission to dock. Swinging her ship in, she docked and leapt down, looking without interest on the two others modifying their ship.
She sat at the bar, completely ignoring the madness going on around her, as she ordered a Saalian brandy. This was where she had been told to go for further information on this strange assignment she'd been given. Surveillance wasn't usually her thing, but hell, it paid. Sipping at her brandy, she brooded over the glass as she watched the others in the bar.

((ooc: whoot, first post. Fun stuff.))

Hm...looks around How much madness and mayhem can I create here?

"Good, this is very good. Her record is excellent, flawless as far as I can tell. She should be more than capable to carry out my purposes, but she couldn't be a target, she could sense something wrong... no, I need that boy. He is blinded by love, and perfect prey. She has reached the station, yes, the battle should not concern her... Indeed, she is ignoring it."

Far away from the Rock, on a Miranu listening post, a lone Nirttef appears, inside the 5 man crew space. The Miranu gasp at the sudden appearance of the tall cloaked figure, dressed all in black, but have no time to yell, or sound an alarm, as their brains are suddenly punched out the back of their heads in a quick succession of rapid strikes. The Nirttef approaches the computer console, and removes one of it's black leather gloves, revealing it's wispy revealed limb. It thrusts this appendage into the console face, which crackles with electric discharges. Soon, the Nirttef has achieved complete control over the stations wiring and systems.


/send (securemsg)




/download (netstring:



The Miranu security technician saw the download request, and would've alerted the security network, had his inner cortex not collapsed in on itself. The Nirttef leaned over him, erased knowledge of the download request, sent a secure message with password clearance, and dragged the technicians corpse to a garbage chute, where it was dumped in. The Nirttef collapsed, and before the grey mist cleared, the cloth and leather had already faded into the air.



The Nirttef smiled imperceptibly. It was a little much, just to get one encryption codec, but Fettrin wasn't taking any chances. You can only murder so many people before they start to wonder.


/send (securemsg)




{To Elessa}
I apologize for not providing you with additional information regarding your assignment. This is partly due to the somewhat ambiguous nature of the mission, as I may need your services for multiple actions that must be set in motion for the plan to succeed. Additionally, having not worked with you before, and having only your, however impeccable, record to look off of, I am not at liberty to disclose certain mission details at the present time. This much I will tell you: Be on the lookout for a young man by the name of Jacey, I have attached a suitable biographical file on him. Keep track of what he does, and keep me informed, via this channel I am using to contact you. I have additional agents in the field, and I don't mean to be rude, but please don't do anything rash. I am sorry if I seem to doubt your abilities in any way, but consider this assignment of the utmost secrecy. And try a lemon wedge with your Saalian brandy, it gives it an extra kick.
-Reverend Sen

Me Bar Pics Page-> (url="http://"")
'You couldn't get a clue during clue mating season in a field of clues if you smeared your body in musk and did the clue mating dance.' -Severin

(This message has been edited by Hamster2 (edited 08-14-2004).)

(snip) dubbl post. Gomen nasai. -_-

(This message has been edited by Hamster2 (edited 08-14-2004).)

Her personal communicator beeped frantically. She reached for it, shutting it off as she scanned the message and the personal data. Her eyes narrowed.
-Hm...rash...- A faint smile crossed her face. -There's always different definitions of rash...-
Ah, the gun-for-hire responds. Define rash for me, as my definition of rash could be quite different from your own. You want me to keep track of this Jacey fellow? Am I allowed to have any fun with him? And I need to know at least vague descriptions of your "other agents", so that I don't think they're just watching me as normal creepy people and do them some sort of harm. You know, like shooting them, or throwing my knife at them. That sort of thing.
Also, I like my drinks straight up. Additives that are natural, like lemon, take away from the beautiful taste of the alcohol.
She laughed quietly, draining her second glass of brandy. -That oughta get his attention...-

((ooc: the stuff that's between -- is thoughts. ex. -that oughta get his attention- is a thought))

Hm...looks around How much madness and mayhem can I create here?