The No Name Bar

OOC: NOOOOO!!!! Anything but Christian scripture in an EV bar! You might as well declare that EV takes place inside the Matrix! ;_; but it's not my place to protest.....

Hamster2, on Sep 6 2004, 10:28 PM, said:

OOC The Third: And I'm still waiting for Valence ๐Ÿ˜›
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Unfortunately, Valence has had some trouble logging into the new boards; they won't accept his password, nor send him a new one (because the script that displays security images is disabled for some reason) so he won't be able to post for a while. (He asked me to post here to tell you guys this.)

anyway, be patient -- and great story so far! Keep it up. cryptic grin

Ozy!! Long time no see! I guess that goes for everyone, though.

Wow, just looking at this place gives me writer's cramp. Just don't ask me why....

((twiddles thumbs and whistles Waitin for Jacey...))

Yume watched Fettrin and Page for a few moments. It looked like Fettrin wasn't going to need her aid. He seemed to be trying to avoid a fight. That was the best approach. But then there was Page, who knew if he would agree with Fettrin and not fight or if he would attack once more. Yume already figured out that the two had some sor of connection. She would not get involved unless necessary. If Fettrin wanted to give her information about his connections wih Page, he would tell he. And if Fettrin needed her help, he would call for her.

But until then... Yume's gaze roamed over to Jacey who seemed impatient. For a moment, she too a glance to the blind man and raised a brow at what he had said. No matter, Fettrin could handle things here. For now, she had to concentrate on Jacey who seemed fed up in waiting for her like she had written on the paper. Yume watched as Jacey stood up, took a glance around, and then exit the bar to go lookfo her. Yume took a moment to take one more look at Fettrin before she then turned and headed out of the bar to follow Jacey.


Jacey was walking down an alley while he looked down at the paper in his hand as he read it once more. Jacey, I have recently found out they you seek me. You are most likey at the bar when you recieve this note but if not, wait for me at the bar for a while. Jacey sighed a little as Yum hadn't shown up at the bar but he continued to read the note. If do not arrive at the bar in ten minutes, then something must have delayed me. If this happens, come look for me. I'll be waiting at the spot where the stars gazed down upon us side by side. Where the stars gazed down upon us? Where was-. Jacey then realized where Yume was waiting fo him and quickly headed for that spot.

Jacey was panting as he came to an abrupt stop at the place Yume had told him to meet her. He took a look around as he remembered this place quite clearly. It was the first spot he had taken her to show her the stars. He frowned a little as he remembered how that ship had ruined their moment. But then again... He couldn't help but smile because if it wasn't for that ship, Yume would have never sat on him - in a miniskirt.- nor would she have pressed so close to him against the wall. He had to thank those green orbs for those moments. And he couldn't forget their first kiss, this made him smile ear to ear.

Jacey shook his head for a moment as he made those thoughts fade away and he looked around for Yume. Where was she? He had been so impatient. What if he left early? Or what if he left late and had missed her? Gah!, just the thinking about it made him upset. No, he couldn't have missed her. He must have come early and that's why she wasn't here yet. Jacey put his hands in his pockets as he waited for Yume again. His thoughts roamed back to the time he had shared with Yume and a small smile touched his lips. Yume had been such a fascinating and mysterious girl who seemed innocent... He just hadn't known how mysterious.

Yume had seemed... who would have known he had fallen for a cybernetic human. No wonder she looked perfect, he thought as he gazed at the stars. That was when he sensed eyes upon him and he quickly turned around while his hand gripped on the handle of his blaster which was in his pocket. He watched as the girl who he had fallen in love with melted out of the shadows. "Yume..." He smiled lightly as he couldn't describe how relieved he was to see that she was ok as he sighed softly. Jacey looked to her sapphire eyes and was intranced alone by how gorgeously they sparkled. Those eyes get me everytime, he thought.

"Are you going to shoot me with your blaster?" Jacey blinked for a moment in confusion before he realized Yume was talking about his blaster which he still gripped as if ready to draw it and fire. "Oh, uh..." Jacey took his hand off his blaster to itch the back of his head. He didn't know what to say to her... He was so happy to see her fine and well.... and beautiful as ever. He hadn't even noticed how coldy she had asked that question. Wait... was that a twitch? Had she twitched? Yume had indeed twitched as something got to her for only a split second before she became coldly serious. "We have much to discuss, Jacey." Jacey blinked as he had taken a few steps towards her to embrace her but now stopped and became serious too as he remembered why he had really wanted to see her. "Yes, much to discuss..." He murmured. And now the two lovers stared at each other while this time the stars gazed down upon them in a confrentation of emotions.

OOC: Hopefully this is good enough for you, Jacey. ๐Ÿ™‚

This post has been edited by Seraphim : 08 September 2004 - 04:17 PM

Beyond the senses of Jacey, but not Yume, many shapes gathered in the shadows above the starlit meeting place. Wispy shadows with large hats, and big, round, glassy eyes. They scurried noiselessly across the metal I-beams, all of them looking at the two figures below. Yume figured she would be observed, but this was a bit much. She had wanted some sort of privacy.


In a far off listening station, the sole occupant retracted it's wispy appendages from the controll panel, and stepped back. It stood up straight as a rail. The Nirttef, after replacing it's gloves, removed it's hat, holding it against it's chest with one hand. With the other hand, it reached up to the top of it's bandaged head, grabbed hold of the one loose end of wrapping, and pulled hard.

The listening station exploded in a massive ball of force, sending tounges of fire and shrapnel flying in all directions. A lone hat drifted aimlessly among the fast moving rubble, and then faded into the nothingness of space. ๐Ÿ†’

While clean installing a new system, I created a backup using the Carbon Copy Cloner. Too late I noticed that I lost about two thirds of all data on this comp. It didn't ย“cloneย” at all. I also lost the next submission I wrote for the bar and I don't have time to rewrite it. That's why I'll give you an update on Ta-vora.

While running a system check aboard the Azula, Ta-vora suddenly felt a strange and somehow familiar presence coming from the NoName bar. He has been to the Netherworld once (although he doesn't know about that himself) and knows how the presence of a demon feels (not Fettrin personally, but all demons feel slightly alike). Feeling the danger, he put on a weapon he used only once before - it looks like a piece of jewelry worn like a bracelet. It is formed out of a coppery metal, beautifully carved, with a yellow matrix embeded into it. It is called a Kiras ta'Elysee - circle of lightning(s) and allows Ta-vora to ย“shootย” chain lightnings. He usually doesn't like to use this weapon because the lightnings can jump onto any person, not only enemies, but he feels that he needs something powerful.
He doesn't want anyone to recognize him, so he created the illusion of a slightly rundown and dirty pirate around himself, which is a very common sight on The Rock. Now he sits in the bar and observes Page and Fettrin.
BTW, not even Fettrin is able to see through this illusion.

You Guys are slow.

OOC: While waiting for Page to be able to post, I will divulge in a little violence.

In the whirling dust and sand of the Netherworld, a lone, kneeling, hunched figure works. Taking a small, nasty looking black hammer, and hitting a melon-sized, round stone set in the ground. Over and over again.

The frail old man paused from his labour, to wipe the beads of sweat that had accumulated on his wrinkled brow. Suddenly, he heard a hauntingly farmiliar whisp of fabric, and cringed.


The Nirttef struck before questioning, it's whip-arm flaying the thin rags the old man wore on his back, and raising welts on the bony skin beneath. The man wheezed a cry of pain, as he fell to the stony ground, and rolled, his back arched forward, moaning in pain.

"Why do you pause, old man?" Spat the Nirttef.

The frail form, huddled and crying softly on the ground, made an effort to reply, but could not, for all the sobs in his dry throat. The Nirttef cocked its head to the side, in mock sorrow.

"Answer me at once, slave!"




With each stroke, the old man cringed, as the little blood he had ran freely out of the long, cruel wounds, and into the grey dust. He hacked weakly, managing to bring a thin trail of blood out of the side of his mouth, and whimpered,

"Please I am tired, have pity! Please, I beg you-"

Here the man collapsed into a fit of coughing; pitiful, weak tremors rocked his frail body.

"I want to return to my family, I was so happy there, why was I brought here? There is no point to my labour- all I do is hammer at this deadston-"


The man, his tears run out, sobbed weakly. The Nirttef stood there, silently draining his spirit, and channeling it to its master.

"A- a little water, kind sir? I am too parched to rise, if only I might have a little bread-"

"Fool. You don't even know why you are kept here."

The old man sniffed quietly. His wounds had ceased to bleed, and he was beginning to enter shock.

"When you die, all the hellflies His Evilness infected you and your family with will pupate, bursting from your body, like seeds from a ripe pod. The planet of Elmaghia shall soon fall to our pestilence, and my master's power will grow, until at last he will be able to break through the universes, and claim his vengeance."

The corpse did not respond, rather, it bloated and swelled, and finally popped, in a burst of flesh, skin, and thousands of the tiny, winged servants of Fettrin.

The Nirttef smiled underneath the wrappings, as he watched the swarm circle off towards Tesshe's tower.

The hat drifted to the ground, and with the crumpled cloak, faded away.

OOC: Good Morning Elmaghia! ^_^

OOC: Valence here and ready for action. Untill everything gets worked out with my account I'll be using this one.

Page's insides twisted with uncertainty. Why was Fettrin here, and how had he gotten out? Fettrins blank stare seemed to cut into Page's mind. He needed to answer.
"It may have felt like an eternity Fettrin, but Ozy couldn't have locked you away more than 2 months ago," Page lowered his sword, and in a flash of bright swirling blue and black Antaries dissappeared. "I will accept your offer for a drink but if you try anything I will tear out your spine."
Fettrin laughed heartily untill Page took his seat. He picked up the glass Fettrin had ordered him and took a large sip.
"So tell me, what are you doing here?"

emainiac, on Sep 11 2004, 01:11 AM, said:

You Guys are slow.
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Could someone please steal his soul and make an end?

Bloody thing won't let me log in properly. I'm still here, and I'm still writing a post to slap up when the boards get back... if ever...

The above post is definitely me. tgf. And I hate this board.

Yes, the passwords seem to be corrupted. You need to click on the lost password link, enter your username there and the numbers you see, then they'll send you an email. There you need to follow the URL and enter a new password (or the old one).

pwned ๐Ÿ˜‰

"Hmm, rip out my spine eh? Heh, well, to answer your question: I'm stuck, that's why I'm here. Didn't think to see you though. You frequent this reality often?"

Fettrin chuckled, and took a long swig, emptying the mug.

"Bartender, another mug, but I feel like whisky with some sulfur. Thanks."

Turning back to Page, Fettrin propped his head up on one arm resting on the bar.

"I'm stuck and I can't get out. I'm getting to the point where I can leave, sure. But still, it's rather humbling, having to wait like this."

Page took another drink, his eyes fixed on Fettrin's.

"Where are you going then?"

"Oh, just to visit some old friends." Said Fettrin, in an innocent voice. The side of his mouth curled up into a smile.

"Mmhmm. And when are you leaving?"

"So eager to see me gone?" Asked Fettrin, in mock hurt.

"Well, I suppose I can't blame you. Keeping company with demons isn't generally regarded as wise. Ah, here's my drink."

The acrid fumes of the mixture spilled off of the brim, dissapating in the humid air. Fettrin leaned his head back, and downed the mug in a single gulp.

"Mmmm, leaves a tingly feeling on the way down." Said Fettrin, as he set the mug back down on the bar surface.

"And how were you able to get out so fast? Ozy imprisoned you-"

"I do wish you'd stop bringing that up. For you, 2 months elapsed. For me, I spent hundreds of thousands of millions of billions of years locked in that horrible place. Of course, solitude has its benefits. I meditated, and thought, and expanded my horizons, you might say."

"Your Nirttefs are weak, and using them is cowardly." Page remarked, in an admonishing tone.

"You've never heard of strength in numbers my boy? Ha ha ha! But yes, they were merely extensions of thought, scouts and spies you might say. I'd like to show you how I've changed- if I weren't worried about public image right about now, I would take great delight in scaring the souls out of every living being here, but as it is, I'm lying low for a while."

Page glared at Fettrin out of the corner of his eye, and drained his mug.

"Why would you have to lie low, if all you've said about your power is true?"

Fettrin leaned close to Page, and hissed, "Fear itself is powerful, but fear and ignorance is a beautiful thing."

The old demon leaned back, smiling.

"Do you like the yellow eyes? I mean, do they suit me? And is this whole preacher getup convincing enough, personally, I think it makes me look fat "

Fettrin laughed again, and slapped Page, unnervingly forcefully, on the back.

"Acting out the part of a mortal is one of the great challenges I've encountered so far with you humans. Ah well. Our discussion so far should give at least a few owners of prying ears something to think about."

Fettrin's gaze sliced across the room, lighting momentarily upon certain persons.

"Hmm. You miss Eversor, don't you?"

Page glared at Fettrin, and motioned for another drink.

"Why should you care?"

Fettrin rotated his head slightly to the side, nodding slowly, and said, in an almost predatory tone of voice, "Oh, I care."

The seriousness of his voice was cut short, as he flashed a quick grin, and stood up.

"Well, it's been quite interesting talking with you, Page. I'm sure we'll meet again- soon."

Fettrin smiled, and extended his hand in a shake.

Characters are limited by their author's own limitations.

OOC: Yikes, this place has gotten slow! I'm gonna have to pull Fettrin back into the Nova bar pretty soon now.



OOC: Well, with Valence having technical problems and Jacey not advancing the Seraphim story-line the rest of us are summarily stuck. Unless I break character and make Matt interfere not much can happen.

mana, on Sep 14 2004, 10:33 PM, said:


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:Takes out anti-spam-bot minigun:

No one spams the Bar topics! :mad:



Yea, I'll see if I can contact Jacey and Page but I'll soon be pulling out of this bar for the time being anyway, as my whole being here was merely part of a larger plotline.

/ooc :mad: