The No Name Bar

Thank you, Valence, I was indeed tired of waiting, too.
I don't have time to post a story today, but that'll come tomorrow.

The lie is a truth, too. The truth of the one who believes it.
The Boozerama Bar died 05-10-2003. May it rest in peace. May it rest for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and may it never return.


A quiet voice wafted through the cavernous hall. It echoed slightly, each echo sounding different, one mournful, one angry, one laughing...

"Do not be surprised I know your name."

Your name... your name... your name... came the echo.

"I am called Fettrin. It is a pleasure meeting you in person."

in person... in person...

"If you are searching for Jacey, I am afraid you are a bit late."

Yume's eyes were still on the sword. She did not move.

"He ran off a while ago with his friend."

his friend...

Yume's mind was a blizzard of thoughts and accusations. She was very suspicious about this sword. And a friend...? She hoped that it wasn't the friend she-

"The assassin who knocked you out."

Yume closed her eyes, and shook, once, slightly.

"Oh dear... You didn't know about that? And all this time I thought you were hunting your hunters "

Yume's eye began twitching. How could she have let all this go on right under her nose. The logic made too much sense.

"I assumed you were seducing Jacey so you could take him out quietly. You didn't recognize him? They must have put you under worse than I thought!"

Wait, why was she blindly following what this voice said? She had no proof of its truth. For all she knew, this could just be a dirty trick... A portal opened up in front of the sword.

In it, Yume saw the whole scene. The figures standing in front of the sword. Jacey, and that assassin. Jacey was bare-chested... They disappeared, the scene changed to a ship. Jacey and that assassin... they were laughing...

"I'm sorry Yume. I understand that you have a strong sense of self preservation, but I implore you, do not hunt this prey as you have your other victims. Jacey has friends, strong friends, and the bounty on your head is spreading like wildfire. You are no longer safe. I understand you are more than capable of defending yourself, but here, from my lonely vantage point, I saw that you were soon to be cornered. And so, I had you brought here, a place of solace. I am deeply sorry for the abruptness of your removal from the station, but you were in great peril. Let me show you something else."

The portal changed to show Jacey, walking through the corridors of The Rock. 'Yume! Yuuuuuuume?!' he was shouting. He had his right hand in his pocket, clutching something. A blaster... was it for self-defense? Or was it for someone else...

"Your senses were directed to the room, you did not see the weapon peek around the corner. I had to snatch you, or you would've been grievously injured."

Yume was looking at the ground, she said nothing. Her face completely expressionless.

"Yume... let me help you. I know you can't voice your reply, but you can talk with your actions. Pull me out of this forgotten prison I have been stowed in, I vowed never to let the injustice that befell me to come upon another, and you stand accused of crimes you did not consciously commit. I will not let you go back there to be killed, alone. Though I accompany you into possible destruction, in the clutches of Jacey and his accomplices, my conscience and honor will be restored in the act. I leave the decision to you, Yume."

Yume raised her eyes to the sword.


Me Bar Pics Page-> (url="http://"")
'You couldn't get a clue during clue mating season in a field of clues if you smeared your body in musk and did the clue mating dance.' -Severin

OOC: An eternal pox on writer's block.

Matt was sitting as far away from the main entrance of the bar as he could manage. His staff was across the table in front of him along with three drinks and several empties that the bar-bot hadn’t managed to take away yet. Matt couldn’t actually get drunk, but the illusion was powerful enough to any observers. However, there weren’t any observers paying enough attention to know what he’d been drinking. Besides the bar-bot he had been completely isolated. The repeats had evidently finished their trivial battle and the bar was fairly empty other then them and the new arrival.

Jacey had just arrived near the entrance of the bar, looking around for either Yume or Matt himself. Matt was cut off from sight by a pillar, but he knew that the young man could catch a glimpse of the unmistakable robe after moving only a few feet. He didn’t really need to be confronted by the angry young man, especially if he hadn’t seen Yume since she left. Not much time had passed, less than an hour, so her “associate” was most likely searching for her. However, it was likely Matt would find blame because he had “abducted” the girl.

Matt downed another drink without any more affect then the last dozen. If Jacey wanted to find someone to blame, Matt was willing to be accused, attacked and whatever else the man wanted to do to him. It would at least keep his mind off the past and it might even be amusing. At the moment he needed all the consolation he could get.

I move along the path alone, without a friend, without a home.
Yet though this tortured world I roam, knowing that my mind doth foam;
in madness shall I ever seek, an answer for the poor and meek.

OOC: Two pages without me... good God, where have I been? Ah well, here goes...


Dech raced through the corridors, headed towards his ship. Arriving at the Longbow , he activated the boarding ramp, and raced inside, and down the main hallway. Coming up on the captain's cabin, he braced himself for the worst.

Bursting through the door, he saw Nicol lying there, motionless. He rushed to her side, and discovered she was breathing, but asleep. Gently, he shook her. "Hey... You ok?"

Nicol sat up groggily, "What's wrong, love?"

Dech looked at her, relieved. "Some screwy crap's been going on. I was a bit worried about you." Standing, he walked over to an equipment locker. "Let's both carry these from now on, ok?" He tossed one to her. "I've got to head back to the bar, make sure it's still in one peice. Get some more sleep, baby, you look tired."


Back in the bar, Dech was surprised to see most of the patrons gone. Spotting the blind man's colorful cloak off in a corner, Dech began making his way over, only to be stopped by Jacey slamming into him. Jacey grabbed him. "Yume, or Matt! Have you seen them?" Dech stepped back from the colorfully dressed and highly agitated kid.

"No, I haven't seen them... But I'll let them know you're looking for them. I'd suggest you keep looking." Dech turned his back, heading over to the bar. Frustrated, Jacey raced out of the bar.

As the door closed behind Jacey, Dech turned around again, heading towards Matt. Sitting down opposite Matt, Dech cleared a small space in the group of empty mugs and tankards. He leaned forward. "Jacey's looking for you. He seems ready to do something rash. In the interests of my bar furniture, I'd like to know what's going on."

OOC: Matt, contact me via aim or email before you post anything about Dech. There's a little detail you need to know about Dech that you may not have picked up from my posts. Spanks a lot.

"Oh... is that right, Rambo?"
cogito cogito ergo cogito sum

Ta-vora still sits next to Larra when she opens her eyes.
“Good morning.” he says, “How do you feel?”
“Actually, not bad I think I should feel exhausted and tired, but I don't.”
“Yes, it's the crystals. They recharge your body and mind. I'm glad you made it back, Larra. Or should I call you Volicia now?”
“How do you know about that? You weren't there, were you?”
“Well, I was able to watch with the help of a hm friend.”
Larra tries to stand up but sways a little. Ta-vora supports her.
“Careful, not even a regeneration chamber can replace a good bed. Except when you're a Ka-nuth, of course.” he grins, then adds, “You better get some sleep.”
They leave the room.

OOC: Meh, this time I'm the one that runs out of time. :frown:

The lie is a truth, too. The truth of the one who believes it.
The Boozerama Bar died 05-10-2003. May it rest in peace. May it rest for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and may it never return.

Yume stared at the sword now as she tried to get her thoughts straight. Had Jacey really betrayed her? Was he really alleys with that assassin that had attacked her? The images that Fettrin had showed her had been of Jacey and the assassin laughing together... It clearly pointed that Jacey and the assassin had some sort of relationship.

But then again, Yume knew that images could be use to manipulate and give doubt. For now on, Yume put up her mental barrier to keep Fettrin out as she had some sort of sense that he could read her mind... and she didn't want that. He would be blocked now since her mental barrier had evolved and become stronger after she had been attacked by the assassin.

How could she be so sure that those images were real? And even if they were real, he could be just using them and making up lies to make her go against Jacey. But she had saw Jacey and the assassin laughing together... Yume frowned a little as she tried to get the facts straight.

How could she be so sure if Jacey had betrayed her? She couldn't as long as she stayed here with this demon in a sword... From what she knew, most demons were dark and manipulative... But then again, how could she be sure that Jacey hadn't betrayed her? She had to get out of here and only Fettrin could let her go..

And if Jacey had indeed betrayed her and what Fettrin said was true... Perhaps Fettrin could be of some use to her and perhaps could even aid her. And yet, he could be acting too and all this talk about honor... And if he was, she would either attack him if he proves a threat to her or she would just leave. She did try to avoid violence sometimes...

With that in mind, she made her way to the sword as she put her weapons on either side of her skirt as she tucked them in. Her hand reached and slender fingers gripped around the hilt of the sword as she took a moment before she pulled to see if she could get the sword out. And with that.... the sword smoothly slid out of the rock with ease and she held it in her hand as she stood there and wondered what would happen next.

Life is learning to find happiness in any situation, however bad it may seem.

OOC: Is a soulless bionic woman really a mortal? Just wondering...

"Oh... is that right, Rambo?"
cogito cogito ergo cogito sum


Originally posted by TheGreenFile:
**OOC: Is a soulless bionic woman really a mortal? Just wondering...


OOC: Somewhat I guess... you'll see sooner or later.

Life is learning to find happiness in any situation, however bad it may seem.

Matt contemplated the bartender staring at him with a certain knowledge. The bartender had never seemed to have any importance, so Matt had ignored him. It was undoubtedly a mistake. Even in a cold fury, this man seemed as hollow as a soulless. He didn’t broadcast any emotions, it was a rarity to find someone with such control. Perhaps he would be best to cooperate with this abnormal investigator. It would be most unwise to reveal too much, but fortunately, Matt had the perfect alibi.

He laced his speech with more slurs and blurring then usual and replied to his opponent. “Swhat? Jacey?” It was nice to know his name finally, rather impolite of him to not return the favor when Matt had introduced himself. “I don’t know anyone named Jacey, bartender.” He spoke intelligibly but with a slight slur as if he was only slightly drunk. If the bartender checked his orders and payment to the bar-bot he’d find that his strange customer should be a few drinks beyond legally deceased.

Dech didn’t buy the drunk act very well. “Listen, cut the acting. You know who I’m talking about and you aren’t nearly as drunk as you’re acting.”

Matt could see that this man had the admirable perception about patron’s conditions that all bartenders seemed to acquire. He still kept a slight slur in his speech, but he cleaned up a little. Point one to the interrogator. “Not quite that drunk, I’ll admit. This Jacey is the young man who has been hanging out with your janitor?” Dech offered a barely perceptible nod in return. “Well, he and the girl ”


“ got in a bit of trouble with a hired kidnapper. The gun used some kind of nerve bomb on Yume and then turned to deal with the more helpless Jacey.” Matt paused and drank another shot, seeming to forget about the conversation.

“Well, get on with it.”

“Sure, bartender.”


Matt seemed to be hitting the name jackpot. Names had power, but the revelations offered by Dech left him no more penetrable even though he was slightly irritated. Matt placed his left hand on the glasslike staff on the table and Dech betrayed a glance of curiosity at the object. It was beautiful and gaudy simultaneously, but too Matt it was a necessity. He truly couldn’t see, but the staff worked much better than eyes. He could easily expose the world down it’s most basic fabrics. He thought that he probably wouldn’t need it dealing with this “Dech” but safety was necessary if one wanted to keep a secret. “Yes, Dech. Anyway I had the unfortunate luck of witnessing a portion of this battle and I decided that it was best to get ” he paused for a moment as if he were recalling her name, “Yume out of there. I couldn’t exactly be of much help to Jacey unfortunately but I was able to get Yume away from the scene. Jacey saw me abducting her unconscious body and probably believes that I’m conspiring with the gun.” He downed another shot and waited for Dech’s response.

Dech thought Matt was being truthful, but something was missing from the story. “What did you do with Yume?”

Matt wouldn’t expose anything he’d discussed with Yume, or learned from her. He’d have to either tell a simple truth that would seem incomplete, evasive and probably untruthful, or lie outright and sound convincing. “That actually went fairly smoothly. I took her to one of the safest” or most dangerous “places on the station and waited for her to recover.” He didn’t need to mention changing her internal structure in order to make sure she’d survive.

“Then where is she now?”

The bartender obviously wasn’t going to buy it, especially when Matt told the unfortunate truth. “I don’t know, after she recovered she beat a fairly hasty retreat. I assume Jacey will calm down some when he finds her around the station in a few hours. However, he is taking the wrong approach running about and trying to find her. He’d have a much better chance just waiting here in the bar.

“You aren’t what you seem. The deranged old man act works better if all the pieces fit. The blind man act is almost as bad. Are you just wearing contacts, or did you have surgery to fix them that way?”

The bartender was wrong, but he was starting to get to close to the mark. Perhaps it would be best to avoid needing to answer many of these questions. He raised his left hand in a yawn and the staff lifted up with it gently bumping against Dech’s head. It would be simple to rewire his hard drive slightly and give him memories of the same conversation with a more trusting view of the entire event. It didn’t work. The bartender’s head turned the entire manipulation aside and it flashed into nothing.

Matt covered his surprise after a fraction of a second, but Dech had felt the bump and something else, a tingle that he couldn’t quite describe and saw the instant of recognition in Matt’s face. “What was that? Trying to knock me off? What did you just do?”

Matt had not anticipated this. He couldn’t explain anything to the bartender but he knew what the man was. He was dead. Not literally, of course, that was obvious to everyone, but his mind was immune to manipulation. The old terms of “dead” or sometimes “deadcells” were used to describe the rare people who were immune to all “telepathic” actions. It wasn’t actually that they were dead to telepathy, but they had mental defenses that were unparalleled in the natural world. Matt wasn’t a telepath in the traditional sense, he had merely tried to reorganize Dech’s memories in a less sensitive and more physical manner. It would have been safe and left no one the wiser, but Dech was more unusual then he knew and much more dangerous. The dead had been one of the models for the soulless, their defenses were deemed necessary for a successful assassin. That was why they could attack the most powerful telepath without a chance of failure as the telepath would always assume that their powers would work successfully against a normal, but not a deadcell. Matt idly wondered if the man knew of his powers, or if he knew he was probably worth about two-hundred million dollars on the flesh market alive, and probably one-hundred and fifty million dead.

It didn’t matter what Matt said now, the ball was in Dech’s court. He could throw him out, try to kill him, probably even have him arrested. He'd stay silent, otherwise whatever he said would be used against him. He reached for another drink but stopped when he realized that the bot had stopped bringing them. He wished he could actually get drunk, he wouldn't even complain about the hangover.

I move along the path alone, without a friend, without a home.
Yet though this tortured world I roam, knowing that my mind doth foam;
in madness shall I ever seek, an answer for the poor and meek.

Once out the bar door, Jacey slowed down and jogged over to another street corner. He leaned against the wall behind him and pulled out a cigarette. He lit it but didn't smoke. Smoking was an ugly habit, and Jacey couldn't bring himself to start it. But, he wanted to keep himself occupied while he watched the entrance to the No Name. After Dech's reply, Jacey had decided that he himself would need to keep an eye out for Matt and Yume. Jacey hoped he'd catch any suspicious patrons entering or exiting.

Dech really wasn't very helpful.

Jacey took an experimental puff on the cigarette.

All I wanted to do was talk to Matt... He frowned and tossed the cigarette to the ground. ...or Yume.

Jacey knew that much was true. Hadn't Dech?

(This message has been edited by JaceySquires (edited 08-27-2004).)

Her eyes widened and she grabbed his hand, studying his katar. "Where did you find this? They're supposed to be nearly impossible to get!" Then she laughed at herself, dropping his hand. " want me to come with you? Sure...I haven't actually gotten a chance to have any real fun on this godforsaken rock."

Hm...looks around How much madness and mayhem can I create here?

OOC: -wonders where Hamster is, wants to get Yume back to Jacey and is getting bored of waiting-

Life is learning to find happiness in any situation, however bad it may seem.

OOC: hugs Thanks Valence, I’m kind of glad that you finished it, seeing as I felt so bad not being able to post. I wasn’t simply busy, but away from computer access for the last week or so. Sorry guys.

Though she leaned on Ta-vora heavily for support, Larra found herself slowly regaining strength. Finally, she stood on her own and stopped walking.

“Ta-vora,” she said quietly, “If you don’t mind, I need a little time alone. I’ll be fine by myself now. Thank you.”

“All right,” the Karee responded. With a nod he left, knowing there was probably some business for him to take care of. Wearing a faint smile, Larra watched him go. She was glad he had respected her wishes. Had he known more of her past, he probably wouldn’t have.

Turning and wandering off, the young Acaran reached the regeneration chamber in which the red crystal had been incased. Her swords, still twin black voids, lay on the floor where they had fallen. No one, herself included, would feel inclined to touch them like this.

Larra lowered herself to her knees in front of the swords, studying them carefully. The last time Nevell had gained control, this hadn’t happened. Then again, her swords had not been like these ones back then.

With a sigh she got to her feet, using a small amount of telepathy to levitate the blades behind her. Railixium, the metal used to forge the swords, had always seemed to stand out to her in a strange way. Her telepathy was drawn to it, and it was extra responsive in turn.

Simply by focusing for a few seconds, she could tell with exact accuracy the location of any Railixium in the multiverse. She could tell what each was by the unique signal it sent out. The swords in front of her were the closest. Next was her throwing knifes in her ship, which had been forged with the same metal. Then there was the Kamikaze itself, which had the left overs from her weapons embedded in the hull so she could always find it. Last was a distant planet off in another dimension. For now, it was the only source of the unique metal in the multiverse. Seeing as the substance was only created by certain stages of development in unique types of planets, it was never in the same place. Larra strongly believed that none but a chae telepath such as herself had the ability to find it.

After a few moments of walking she exited the Azula, following her instincts to get to her ship in the least possible amount of time. Finally she reached the ship that was really the closest thing she had to a home. Feeling incredibly sick, she opened the door and entered, collapsing on her favorite chair and dropping the swords on the floor. Even passing the area in which Lance had ambushed her shook her up more than she would admit.

It had reminded her of Demon. Larra brought her knees up and rested her forehead on them. Then she heard a familiar sound, and a flying ball of fur knocked her clear off her chair.

“Demon!” she screeched, hugging the shapeshifter, who was in the form of a furry little pomeranian dog. Demon licked her face until she was totally covered in little dog drool. Sitting up, Larra buried her face in his soft fur. As happy as she was to have him back, it didn’t stop the depression that came with given in to the one thing she hated.

Before she knew what she was doing, the young Acaran found herself crying softly; Demon’s fur tickling her face. The shapeshifter licked her hand, to comfort him as much as her. In the eight years he had been Larra’s constant companion, he had never seen her even tear up, forget actually crying.

She recovered after about five minutes, simply hugging Demon and trying to decide what to do. She had been fourteen, the first and only other time Nevell had taken over.
Deep in the depression of losing her brother and nearly killing all others who tried to help her, Larra had attempted suicide more than once. Had she not been under the watchful eye of Darbain at the time, she would have succeeded.

Larra hugged Demon harder, fighting against her own emotions. Her friends had been hurt, badly yet, but they had still hung in there to help her despite that. Somehow that thought gave her strength.

Demon lifted his head and licked her cheek. “I’m going to tell you right now,” he announced, “ that I’m not leaving you alone for even a moment. If you even try to hurt yourself, I’ll call Darbain. I don’t know how I’ll do it, but I sure will.”

Larra’s only answer was to hug Demon tighter. “I don’t think you’ll have to,” she whispered. “I’ll get through this.”

Not wanting to let each other go, the two simply sat there for awhile, until Larra spotted blood on Demon’s fur. “What happened?” she exclaimed, holding him at arm’s length.

The dog studied her with his little black eyes. “It’s all over you.”

Larra looked down at herself, realizing that when the shadow shield had broken, her wounds had become real. In the less then second in which Carnexi had taken to heal her, she still had bled all over the place.

“I think I need a shower,” she muttered, getting up. Demon gave her a doggy grin, knowing that showing concern for such a thing meant that Larra would be just fine.

About and hour and a half later, she could be found sitting up in her spot on Kamikaze’s wing, Demon sleeping on her lap.

OOC: Just so you all know...Larra is capable of opening portals into the Netherworld as well...

If all the world's a stage, why'd I get the part of the psycho?

OOC: Oh, to hell with that. Just so you all know, Bishop can TURN INTO a portal to the netherworld. So there! 😛

I'll so offend to make offence a skill,
redeeming time when men think least I will.

OOC: I wonder how Fettrin would deal with a Deadcell... So there! 😛

I'll be writing soon, when I um... get around to it... School's starting in a little over a month, so I'm kind of busy clearing stuff up here, and getting ready to move.

"Oh... is that right, Rambo?"
cogito cogito ergo cogito sum

OOC: That's not a problem, school starts in under a week here and I'm trying to pack my stuff to move into the dorms. I don't have time to post for a few days either.

I move along the path alone, without a friend, without a home.
Yet though this tortured world I roam, knowing that my mind doth foam;
in madness shall I ever seek, an answer for the poor and meek.


Originally posted by JaceySquires:
**OOC: Oh, to hell with that. Just so you all know, Bishop can TURN INTO a portal to the netherworld. So there!:p


Can he go through himself? 😉 😛

For me, school starts on TUESDAY! sobs

If all the world's a stage, why'd I get the part of the psycho?

OOC: Yeah, I really don't think we'll be seeing any posts for a while. I'm flying to school on... TUESDAY. Yay! We start at the same time! high fives the sobbing Synesthesia

I'll so offend to make offence a skill,
redeeming time when men think least I will.

OOC: Ha, I win! School starts in the middle of October for me.
OOC2: Let's do a little scene change, this happened after Larra's inner struggle ended, while she was still unconscious, so I wrote it in the past.

Far away from The Rock, but not oblivious to the actions taking place there, something drifted through space. It was different from anything most people have ever seen, kind of like a dragon made out of light.
The few that spotted it actually believed in a halucination or some kind of strange phenomenon. But as soon as a ship approached to study it, it disappeared.
Aliksandr knew he still had his dept to repay. He had assisted the Ka-nuth in his desires, but his actions had not been as effective as he had hoped. Actually, they hadn't been really helpful. His time was almost up, he knew the phoenix-effect would happen soon and then he wouldn't be able to repay his dept. He would not be able to return until long after Ta-vora's death.
But the shifter knew what the Ka-nuth wanted at the moment, what he wanted more than anything else. When Aliksandr gave it to him, his dept would be repaid. He knew Ta-vora had an encoded message from his companion, but the companion - what was her name - Ki-jara didn't know where she was taken, so the message wouldn't help. That's why the shifter was searching now. He knew the name of the location, Ckar Tokch, and he knew it was within Voinian territory. So he had to search for it.
So Aliksandr skimmed through the systems, searching for the familiar wave harmonics of hyperspace routes, determining where they lead. One of them had to be a secret one, not marked on any map. The Voinians were unable to jump out of fixed routes, so it had to be there.
After a period of time that seemed like days to him, although it actually was only a few hours long, Aliksandr ni Harakur had searched through the upper half of Voinian territory. He was not only searching for the route, but also for someone who might know it. Then he found an unusual mind. It was located aboard a Voinian Cruiser.
Apparently it was asleep, but Aliksandr knew he had to be careful if he tried to probe it. This was no Voinian, it was a psionically active being he had not yet encountered in this part of the galaxy. But it proved no danger to him since the being was asleep. However, he soon was blocked by a barrier around the being's mind. No matter though, the ship's captain “told” him that the ship was on its way to the system he was searching for: two jumps outside of DSN-1188. It required a bit convincing, but one of the crewmembers gladly transmitted the coordinates of the system to the Azula. Of course the poor engineer didn't know what he did, he also didn't remember he did anything.
Then, with a big jump, the shifter entered the system.
As soon as he entered the system, he knew he had to be very careful. It required him a great deal of attention to not be spotted mentally or physically. But he felt a mind on the star's only planet that held patterns very close to Ta-vora's. That was it, he had found her. Perhaps he could even try and rescue her. It was most certainly within his powers.
But before he could act, he felt his energies fail, his shape dissolving until nothing but a dimly glowing sphere was left. The phoenix-effect. Aliksandr ni Harakur is more or less immortal but always after a certain periode of time, when he used all his energy, he transforms into an egg-like being.
Next to the egg, a small rift opened. The violett energies swirling inside reached out and pulled it in. In this dimension of pure energy, Aliksandr ni Harakur would be able to recharge his energies - but this would take him hundrets of years. His last thoughts were filled with hope that he was able to repay his dept.
After all, it is a terrible thing for a shifter when he completes a cycle with depts still open or problems unsolved.

The lie is a truth, too. The truth of the one who believes it.
The Boozerama Bar died 05-10-2003. May it rest in peace. May it rest for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and may it never return.

(This message has been edited by Ta-vora (edited 08-29-2004).)

Cyden shook his head lightly with a laugh, speaking for the first time but looking down, still a slight smile on his lips. "So, it's going to be one of the situations where even after someone betrays them, the betrayer apologizes and the betrayed hugs and makes up. Pa-the-tic. This is why I hate life so much. Humans forgive too easily. They should die." He lifted his deformed katana from the wall and stepped up to the sword in which Fettrin was imprisoned in, and took it from the cybernetic, who he was beginning not to like. He turned his back on the bionic and started to walk towards the pentacle. He looked once back at the girl over his shoulder, red eyes glaring. " Now go and make up with your boyfriend before I throw up. Damn goody-goodies. " He spat directly infront of the cybernetic's feet. " You disgust me." Cyden stepped away into the pentacle, where he and the sword dissapeared and reappeared at the plateau in a burst of flames. He set the sword down infront of him and stared at it. "So, Fettrin, your move."

(This message has been edited by Nevermore (edited 08-29-2004).)