Nowhere To Go

no more missions!!??

what the FU-heck? After i finished exploring into the western nebula and finding a planet that looks strangly like earth, i cant do no more missions! i checked mostly every system, conquered all the pirate systems, and even conquered a few Vonian systems, so what now? help me! 😞

This post has been edited by Bless : 15 August 2005 - 06:23 PM

Bless, on Aug 15 2005, 11:20 PM, said:

what the FU-heck? After i finished exploring into the western nebula and finding a planet that looks strangly like earth, i cant do no more missions! i checked mostly every system, conquered all the pirate systems, and even conquered a few Vonian systems, so what now? help me! 😞
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Help you? Well I guess saying, "Well done, you have (probably) completed all missions that you can with this pilot" probably counts :)! The nebula missions are usually the last ones that you do, but just to check, have you done the Zachit missions, culminating in the destruction of 'The Rock'? Have you finished the other two 'central objectives'? (These would be destablising the strand war and getting the upper hand over the Voinians - you would have been told they were central objectives).

There is always somewhere to go.

Play the Voinian missions.
Play each of the three Strand storylines.
Get a nice TC.
Dominate the galaxy. Bet you can't take down Council Station.


I have played and would recommend:
Empire for EVO
Femme Fatale
Frozen Heart
Babylon 5
Reign of the UE
Triple Agent

Since a TC (and most of those large plus) would require starting a brand new pilot, may I recommend 'Beyond the Crescent'?

It's quite a cute little gamelet that allows you to have some fun with a pilot who must otherwise be put out to grass.

FOTVE and Reign of the UE are expansions, and I think you can use your current, non-Voinian pilot.

I don't mind startig a new pilot file. To me, half the fun of a TC is finding the best weaps and upgrades.

EDIT: Don't forget to back up your original pilot file before starting any plugin. Most plugins require that you use a pilot that hasn't been used with a plug.

I also played the following:

Fourth Reich - expansion, decent
Dominion - major problems
F-25, a bit buggy, but enjoyed it
Galaxy's Edge - a bit buggy (oops, this is a TC, and has way too many empty systems to jump through)
Kalar War - buggy
Saboteur's Realm - expansion, a bit buggy
Universe Next Door - very short, one planet, expansion

This post has been edited by wondergirl : 17 August 2005 - 05:52 PM

I didn't like Fourth Reich. It's got some pretty ship graphics, and I liked the way carried fighters weighed something, as well as bays, so you could choose to carry just one or two on a smaller ship. Cute!

The game balance was poor, though. Too many items were 'mega powerups' that rendered the rest of the EV:O ships, outfits and foes harmless. Why bother making an expansion instead of a TC, if you're going to make all of known space impotent?

Deep Space 9: BAD. Nothing works like it's supposed to. I've found a good number of duplicate resources, including a couple of good-sized PICTs, and nothing works like it's supposed to. If you're really bored, fix that and submit it.

The Apple Cřre, on Aug 23 2005, 08:10 PM, said:

Deep Space 9: BAD. Nothing works like it's supposed to.View Post

Ah, yes. I tried playing this one, also. I agree with you. And many of the hyperjumps worked only in one direction, ie: you could jump from Planet A to Planet B, but not back again to A.

Frozen Heart++

VoinianAmbassador: Hehe, you're still using my avvie. :wub:

I must say, I'm slightly disappointed that my plug-in, 'CdH exodus' was not mentioned in any of the above lists. In my opinion it is by far one of the more original plug-in ideas, in which the Voinians give up on their natural empire and emigrate north to the crescent - it's quite a bloody laugh, actually. You need a fresh pilot though.

Then again, I did have some trouble finiding it on the add-on pages myself, as for some reason it is only titled 'CdH'. I may post a snippet on this board asking for it to be changed and more easily accessible.

For those who are interested, the link is hnyah.

