Voinians & Misc. Missions

The lesser taken paths

I've been playing EV Override for quite some time now and have completed the storylines for both the Zidagar and Igadzra species several times, and am intriqued as to what other possibilities there are in the game.

1.) I've seen the topic of Voinian missions mentioned several times and I'm wondering if that's referring to U.E. missions against Voinians, or is there some way of allying with the Voinians in the game? If there is, I'd love to know how.

2.) At one point at the beginning of one of my pilot's lives I encountered a mission I hadn't seen before in Saalia's bar - it was a transport mission of brandy for an unscrupulous looking character. At the time I decided not to pursue the matter, but now my curiosity is aroused and I'm trying to get to it again. Anyone know how to?

Greshamite, on Jul 25 2005, 05:58 AM, said:

I've been playing EV Override for quite some time now and have completed the storylines for both the Zidagar and Igadzra species several times, and am intriqued as to what other possibilities there are in the game.

1.) I've seen the topic of Voinian missions mentioned several times and I'm wondering if that's referring to U.E. missions against Voinians, or is there some way of allying with the Voinians in the game? If there is, I'd love to know how.

2.) At one point at the beginning of one of my pilot's lives I encountered a mission I hadn't seen before in Saalia's bar - it was a transport mission of brandy for an unscrupulous looking character. At the time I decided not to pursue the matter, but now my curiosity is aroused and I'm trying to get to it again. Anyone know how to?
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Nice, the Igadzra and Zidagar strings are probably my favourites in EVO. There is similarly a string for the Azdgari, starting at South Tip Station, in case you didn't know that one :).

You can indeed join the Voinians, although they don't make it easy. The string starts at Pax. I think you're allowed to have done the very first UE mission (rescue voinian defector) but no more. However, if you keep both active for a long period and play your cards just right, you can apparently end up doing all missions for both the UE and the Voinians in one pilot ... if you're that way inclined.

The Saalian brandy mission is one of three (I think) random, repeating missions for Stellar Corp. Basically you have to have done their introductory mission - and there's probably a combat rating level required but I'm not sure what exactly. Those missions are pretty infrequent in my experience.

MartiNZ, on Jul 25 2005, 05:54 AM, said:

The Saalian brandy mission is one of three (I think) random, repeating missions for Stellar Corp. Basically you have to have done their introductory mission - and there's probably a combat rating level required but I'm not sure what exactly. Those missions are pretty infrequent in my experience.
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The Saalian brandy mission is an individual mission which you can get regardless of wether you work for Stellar Corp or not. But there are some similar missions which you can get from stellar corp.

It is indeed possible to work for the Voinians, and quite fun while it lasts. Unfortunately, in the basic EV:O the Voinian mission string is a bit stunted.

If you download and correctly install 'Reign of the Voinians' (1 and 2) you can have a new pilot who betrays humanity and plays a part in the invasion of Earth, and more.

Well worth the effort. Game balance isn't quite as good as in 'real' EV:O but it provides a good extension to the game's appeal, when you've otherwise finished it.

Oh - and welcome to the Dark Side!