Some Questions

I'm playing the Override Nova port, and I have a few questions:

1. Are Phase Turrets or Neutron turrets better, assuming their mass is irrelevant?
2. Is it a feature or a bug that you can only buy, say, 4 guns or 4 turrets, not both, if your ship can have a maximum of 4 turrets and a maximum of 4 guns?
3. Can you participate in the strand war even if you are doing the UE or Voinain missions?
4. The Voinain Cruiser seems to be flawed..... it claims in the description to come with 80 free tons, yet when I buy it, it comes with 0, and if if I sell 130 tons of items, I am left with 10 free tons.
5. Can you sell the Heavy Fighter bay?
6. How can I turn the far left Voinain planets "blue"? They are orange and I am a decent individual, but I can't find anything to kill or do that turns them "blue".
7. Will I know when I'm done with the Voinain string (a message saying "you're done!" or something), or does it just end?

Thanks in advance.

1. It depends totally on whom you are fighting! That's the great thing about Override compared to Nova - there is no clearly best weapon choice. Phase Turrets are very good against shields but lousy against armour - use them in fighting UE ships and strand/crescent ships. Neutron turrets are pretty good against both shields and armour, and have a very good range; blaze turrets have a short range but are good against Voinians.

So buy what is best for where you are fighting at the time - I personally enjoy fighting in the Crescent most so use either Phase or Neutron. I'm really starting to miss Override!

2. That's a feature. It was changed from the earlier version of Override when it was decided that some ships could get too powerful with the maximum of both.

3. Yes, another great thing about Override compared to Nova. You can do HEAPS with one pilot file. To complete the 'main objectives' you have to finish the UE missions and complete the missions for one side in the strand war ... and then explore the nebulae, but that's much later.

4. Not sure, never bought one - very slow and clunky! Rocks in the crescent though - as I said, phase turrets are no good vs. armour.

5. I think you can if you've gone far enough in the Voinian missions to be able to buy it; can't remember for sure though.

6. Hmmm, kill some Emalgha, although they might be too far away to affect that.

One thing I found out was that if you get a mission for the UE Independents (Hatuli, Iothe) to kill Human Renegades, a few of their ships will follow you to every system you go to, and it turns out that EVERYONE hates Human Renegades :).

7. The guy tells you that they would have much more for you to do but they don't want A HUMAN involved ... it's a bit of a cop out really :).

Trah, on Feb 26 2005, 12:32 PM, said:

1. Are Phase Turrets or Neutron turrets better, assuming their mass is irrelevant?
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I've never played the Voinioin String. I tried both and, comparatively, to me, the Phase Turrets seem to take out a ship quicker than the Neutrons (despite what it says in ResEdit!).

Thanks guys (and girl?)

It seems odd to me that only EVO has the weird turret/gun limit.... I find it rather annoying.

Well, the Voinian string was very anticlimactic..... I mean, I felt like I was barely into the string now to learn I'm done.

I'll have a bit of work getting into one of the strand strings.... I made money by pirating the capital ships of the three strands so I'm a felon up there :D.

I'm gonna stick with my Crescent Warship.... the Voinian cruiser is just too slow. I'll probably get one of the three strand top-class ships if I can, though.

Trah, on Feb 26 2005, 08:50 PM, said:

It seems odd to me that only EVO has the weird turret/gun limit.... I find it rather annoying.
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Well, I found it annoying too, but it really was necessary. I shouldn't have been allowed to run around with my Arada maxed out on not only phase turrets but also swivel phase cannons (which put out a ridiculous amount of firepower).

Trah, on Feb 26 2005, 08:50 PM, said:

I'm gonna stick with my Crescent Warship.... the Voinian cruiser is just too slow. I'll probably get one of the three strand top-class ships if I can, though.
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Yeah, I never really got into playing capital ships like that. I just find that you don't have enough control over much of anything for it to be fun (now if you had more control over your fighters or something, it would be, but too bad).

I haven't played the game in awhile, but can you actually buy an Azdgari Warship? I don't think you can, but I might be wrong.

I never really found the turret/gun limitations to be much of a problem - I'm a turret man anyway and most ships don't have the space to max out on both. I did enjoy doing that with the bigger ships in EV though.

Yeah, the Voinian string is a bit of a disappointment - I guess they concentrated on the UE side and left the Voinian more open for plugin designers. And they took the chance from what I understand - with the Reign of the Voinians plugs ... I've never played them but maybe you should if you feel like you need more.

Your legal rating in strand systems shouldn't affect your ability to get their strings - you just might want to start killing a lot of the other sides' ships after you decide which to go for. And then of course you need to know where to get their starting missions, and depending on which you choose, you might just have to downsize your ship to make the first mission possible :(.

As for the strand ships, I'd recommend going with the Igadzra and getting the Igazra! Don't listen to what they said in the poll string about God killing kittens; the Igadzra rock!

If you need to know where to find the strand missions (it sure isn't obvious) you'll find out easily enough around here :).

Firebird, on Feb 27 2005, 02:10 AM, said:

Well, I found it annoying too, but it really was necessary. I shouldn't have been allowed to run around with my Arada maxed out on not only phase turrets but also swivel phase cannons (which put out a ridiculous amount of firepower).
Yeah, I never really got into playing capital ships like that. I just find that you don't have enough control over much of anything for it to be fun (now if you had more control over your fighters or something, it would be, but too bad).

I haven't played the game in awhile, but can you actually buy an Azdgari Warship? I don't think you can, but I might be wrong.
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No, you can't buy their warship - it's really just a painted Crescent Warship anyway - but you can buy all 180 tons of the Azdara Bay if you can fit it in another ship! I've never been a fan of fighter bays but I do like capital ships :).

Well, I remember doing the..... hmmm.... whichever strand government has those beams that are fused to your ship..... string when EVO first came out however many years ago that was.

Could someone tell me where to start the Igadzra string? I've always liked those bananas (even if I raid them for cash :laugh:).....

You start the Igadzra string on Kitrack. It helps to have a Miranu Courier... a lot.

The Zidagar have the phased beams, which are, annoyingly, unremovable without a plug.

I've never done all that much with Azdaras, but they work pretty well against Voinians, in spite of the phase guns. Neutrons can't track them... which is why I don't like neutrons that much in the Crescent. They even have problems tracking crescent fighters (but once they take more than two shots...). That, and UE capship shields need lots of work... only from the Azgardi.

And now that you brought up EVO vs. EVN, I have to bring up the Centris that would otherwise have no use whatsoever. Plug devs... can't keep PICT conflicts from happening, and they rely on those silicon floppy disks they call G5s to smooth it out.

Oh, and there is a cheat (NOT data-file hack or plug) that allows two strings... but only two. Likewise, there is a cheat (flaw, not plug) that lets you do both UE and Voinian storylines in EVO.

MartiNZ, on Feb 26 2005, 06:16 PM, said:

Your legal rating in strand systems shouldn't affect your ability to get their strings - you just might want to start killing a lot of the other sides' ships after you decide which to go for.
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I think to continue to receive missions, you need to be at least a Decent Individual in the system you are receiving missions from. I ran across this with the Azdgari string, especially once the missions moved over to Xarnes.

PS: If you haven't complete the initial Igadzra mission, you will need a fast ship. Like a one-day jumper.

This post has been edited by wondergirl : 27 February 2005 - 12:05 AM

Hmmm, you can do the Igadzra first mission with a 2-day jumper, just not with a 3-day one, so the Crescent Warship will be fine.

If you were to go for the Azdgari (mission from South Tip Station) then you would need a 1-day jumper for the first mission.

You can do 2 strand mission strings on the same pilot without cheating - well you can do either Igadzra and Zidagar or Igadzra and Azdgari, but not Zidagar and Azdgari. It's complicated but has been discussed to death on this board over the years - those were the days :).

I originally played EV and EVO on an LCIII, which took about 5 minutes just to start up EVO and then played pretty slow (with hindsight). We've really come a long way!

Doing both the UE and Voinian strings eh? Hmmmm... I kind of thought that may be possible because I had started the UE string (I can buy UE fighters) when I started the Voinian string. If I get my legal rating back up, can I move right along with the UE string? I like the UE Cruiser....

Well, all is going well in my EVO world (Igazra with both Voinian armor upgrades, speed, turning upgrades, etc.:)).... but I'm stuck on the Idadzra mission "Recover Shipment of Equipment".... I'm supposed to "Find, and recover the cargo of, a missing Miranu Freighter, and return with it to Igadzra." Now, I have absolutely no idea where to go. I have spent a day flying around, but haven't found anything. The universe is rather big, and I don't really want to plot a course to go to every single system. Does anyone know where I have to go? Thanks.

Well first of all I have to say well done, as you obviously found the Azdgari warship in the mission that stumps many of us :). As for your current, if I remember, you'll find the ship in Kelmaon (not the one by Emalghion though). Little uninhabited place northeast of Igadzra space.