You know you're an EVO fanatic when...

113. You never, ever, spell any EVO races name or planet name wrong.

The folowing statement is true. The preciding statement is false.
Books of the new millinea:Left Behind, Tribulaton Force, Nicolai, Soul Harvest, Apollyon, Assasins, The Indwelling, The Mark.


At school or work, you act like your an EVO ship. You act out a lifting off sequence when getting up, a warp sequence while in the hall ways, you pour drinks in your pocket to refuel, and all the while screaming the key commands to do such activities.

Slug and Lonevoinian's posts are my favorites.

It is not fear that will destroy you, but the absence of it.

Page two finally!!

115. When you check in at a hotel, you ask the hotel clerk whether or not you get a holo-vid in your room, and how many credits the rent is.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!

I've put all the "Signs of an EVO Fanatic" into a Mř$řƒÝ Word '98 file and detailed who said what. I'll post it to the Addons file once the incoming signs have stalled a bit.

Macintosh for productivity, Linux for development, Palm for mobility, and Windows for Solitaire.

(This message has been edited by Samurai (edited 11-13-2000).)


Originally posted by that traitor Samurai:

ARGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! blamblamblamblamblamblamblamblamblam**blam Whew. Got the little traitor. 🙂

The folowing statement is true. The preciding statement is false.
Books of the new millinea:Left Behind, Tribulaton Force, Nicolai, Soul Harvest, Apollyon, Assasins, The Indwelling, The Mark.

(This message has been edited by Lonevoinian (edited 11-12-2000).)

Samurai, you are hereby charged with heresy against our Holy Mac. I have no choice but to sentence you to be burned at the stake for the salvation of your soul... OR you can never mention the name of the Great Satan again (write it as Micro$oft).

"When the public finds out they're going to string us up in Martin Place!" -Nicolas Bell, Secretary to the Minister for the Games, "The Games"

Better than a text file, it should be in HTML and uploaded to someone's webpage.

"Competition is a good thing, Darwin thought highly of it."
-Robert Heinlein, Door Into Summer
(url="http://"")Official Resistance Webboard(/url)
Channel #EV3 now open on EFNet, give us a visit.

Sorry. I plead guilty to all charges. I was possessed by evil spirits at the time. I have edited the shocking and apalling post to a more suitable form. I will HTML the document that must not be named when I find the time. But if you want more proof that I am a mac faithful, read my sig. 😄

Macintosh for productivity, Linux for development, Palm for mobility, and Windows for Solitaire.

(This message has been edited by Samurai (edited 11-13-2000).)


Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:

  1. You wonder why REAL gambling machines don’t have pictures of spaceships on them. (I know, I know, Anon already posted that. Sorry)


Minderbender coughs and points at number 52...not that he cares, of course

You gonna bark all day little doggy, or are you gonna bite?


Originally posted by ElGuapo7:
**What language do the Renegades speak???😕 😄 😛


Viva El Guapo

(As you might guess, I like the ones about language...)


  1. You make out extensive plans to upgrade the family car with a hyperdrive, shields, and some heavy missile launchers.

  2. You sit down at your keyboard and your right hand automatically lands on the thrust (arrow) keys, and your left hand automatically touches down on the "target select" (tab)and "secondary weapon trigger" (shift) keys.

#22 has happened to me MANY times, people...

Me, too!


116. You put EVO in your Startup Folder.
117. You call the whitehouse to demand tribute.
118. You print screenshots of all of the EVO shipyard pictures and replace them with the picture of your girlfriend and your family.
119. You tell your co-workers that you own a Drednaught, and you can get 7 jumps to the gallon.
120. You see a speeding Mercedades, call it a renagade and attempt to shoot out tires so you can board it and steal it's credits, cargo, and possibly use it as your own car.
121. You joined the animal rights group because you want to save the fuzzes.

(This message has been edited by bbatch (edited 11-14-2000).)


Originally posted by bbatch:
116. You put EVO in your Startup Folder.
117. You call the whitehouse to demand tribute.
118. You print screenshots of all of the EVO shipyard pictures and replace them with the picture of your girlfriend and your family.
119. You tell your co-workers that you own a Drednaught, and you can get 7 jumps to the gallon.
120. You see a speeding Mercedades, call it a renagade and attempt to shoot out tires so you can board it and steal it's credits, cargo, and possibly use it as your own car.
121. You joined the animal rights group because you want to save the fuzzes.

Hahahahhahahh!!!! Those are great!

122. You join the International Trading Rights Association and say that they should start using Miranu couriers.

123. When a police car tries to pull you over, you floor the accelerator and speed away screaming "You'll never take me alive over-protective mitilia!!!"

124. ...And then you explain to the authorities that you thought the officer was going to shoot his phase cannons at you.

125. You post at least 500 times a day on the webboards.

126. You become a moderator on six boards.

127. You start the National Hinwar Rights Association, located in a city you recently founded called Hinavar.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 11-17-2000).)

(QUOTE)Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
Hahahahhahahh!!!! Those are great!

122. You join the International Trading Rights Association and say that they should start using Miranu couriers.

123. When a police car tries to pull you over, you put you floor the accelerator and speed away screaming "You'll never take me alive over-protective mitilia!!!"

124. ...And then you explain to the authorities that you thought the officer was going to shoot his phase cannons at you.

125. You post at least 500 times a day on the webboards.

126. You become a moderator on six boards.

127. You start the National Hinwar Rights Association, located in a city you recently founded called Hinavar.

Thanks! Yours are pretty funny too. 123 & 124 is pretty good. 🙂


128)You have picts of evo ships in your wallot.
129)Your a stock broker on UE commodity exchange.
130)You protest about the govt taking away our blaze cannons.
131)You wonder why the speed limit is 70 mph when your ship has an average speed of 300.
132)You wonder why you can't find the mission computer at NASA.
133)You intercept and disable a convoy of semitrucks and wonder where the airlock is.
134)You demand tribute from ISS.

It doesn't take rocket science, but it sure helps.

#3672: You check back at topics like this one.

Very funny, now beam down my clothes. These ladies look rest-less..... uh-oh...
Alien's famous tongue...
"Vionions?? Voinioniommoins?? Viks? Veggies? Vegetables? Oh wait, that's a hewman plant...
SEARCH..... THEN...... ASK!!!!


Originally posted by Dekota:
**128)You have picts of evo ships in your wallot.
129)Your a stock broker on UE commodity exchange.
130)You protest about the govt taking away our blaze cannons.
131)You wonder why the speed limit is 70 mph when your ship has an average speed of 300.
132)You wonder why you can't find the mission computer at NASA.
133)You intercept and disable a convoy of semitrucks and wonder where the airlock is.
134)You demand tribute from ISS.

Hey! You're from Florida? Who do you support, Gore or Bush?

  1. You wonder why politicians always consontrate on tax cuts and all kinds of reforms, when they should be talking about fighting the Voinians or strand war policies.

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!

Hey! You're from Florida? Who do you support, Gore or Bush?

Yeah tick in my face starts jumping yours is the deciding vote....


Hey! You're from Florida? Who do you support, Gore or Bush?

Yeah tick in my face starts jumping yours could be the deciding vote....



#2240597 You get all the jokes

#2240598 You think they're funny

#2240599 You can relate to them

#2240600 You have designed a working tractor beam

#2240601 And SAE modules

#2240602 You refer to stupid people as Voinians(sp?)

Originally posted by Lonevoinian:
ARGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! blamblamblamblamblamblamblamblamblam**blam Whew. Got the little traitor. 🙂

Get those Microsoft B@$Ý@ŽDS! Wait, I'll help! Blam Blam Blam Blam Blam Blam Blam Blam Blam Blam Blam Blam Blam Blam Blam Blam Blam Blam Blam Blam Blam Blam Blam Blam Blam Blam Blam Blam Dait, it's not enough! :mad: Bring in the Drednaughts! Bring in the UE Cruisers! Bring in the Cresant Warships! Rid the universe of this Godamn scum! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! I feel better now.


136.Your dads name is "McPhearson"

137.Your mothers name is "Anna Boleshiva"

138.Your brother's name is "Stud Beefpile"

139.You named your car "Journeyman"

140.Yor first word was "Zachit"
