Raising Azdgari Legal Status Quickly

I'm using triple agent, and I've completed the Igadzra and Zidagar strings. I was able to get the first Azdgari mission, but I can't get the second, since I am Most Wanted in Azdgari space. Is there a way to raise Azdgari legal status other than killing Zidagar/Igadzra/Renegades? I've killed a lot of those around Muid, and my legal status hasn't risen (I mean, it's probably better, but it's still most wanted). I'd prefer a way ro raise it a lot at a time, since I'm so hated there. Or is there a plug with an Azdgari Fake ID?? I'd prefer to do it without cheating like that, but if it's going to take 50 hours or so, then a plug would be ok.



I found the easiest way to get back status in those parts was to kill Renegades - now I'm not talking about the ones you usually find over there....

Go to a Human Independent system (Iothe / Hatuli / Huron if you've freed it) and get a mission to hunt a renegade warship - this will be a Turncoat, but as long as you have that mission, three Human Renegade ships will follow you to every system you go, no matter how many times you kill them. This allows you to kill a lot of them quite quickly, especially as they are much weaker than Crescent Renegades as well :), and for some reason it seems to have a significant effect on your legal status, all over the galaxy, including Voinian space!

In fact the only time I ever got up to 'Pillar of Society' was using this technique. I was trying to get a positive status in every system in the galaxy - except perhaps the Human Renegade systems, which I dominated :).

Hey, that really works well!! Thanks!!
