The Albatross

As everyone progresses along, a Zachit Dreadnaught moves into the docking bay and out come the Zachit Leader, named Kirk. Kirk walks briskly to the bar, and yells, "Drinks are on the house for the next hour!" and he put his hand in his pocket and gives the bartender 250,000 dollars to go home.



Originally posted by kauthor:
**As everyone progresses along, a Zachit Dreadnaught moves into the docking bay and out come the Zachit Leader, named Kirk. Kirk walks briskly to the bar, and yells, "Drinks are on the house for the next hour!" and he put his hand in his pocket and gives the bartender 250,000 dollars to go home.


🙂 You're going to need more than that to supply us all with drinks. pp starts ringing up a tab. After a whole lot of drinking, pp begins to wonder where the bathroom is...

"I love deadlines, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams.


Originally posted by phantompenguin:
**:) You're going to need more than that to supply us all with drinks. pp starts ringing up a tab. After a whole lot of drinking, pp begins to wonder where the bathroom is...


Cresent hands pp the "Save Penguins from Vanilla Coke Fanatics" can, and just because drinks are on the house, ignores the Vanilla Coke for once.

-Everyone has a photographic memory, just not everyone has film.
-Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
-Great minds think alike but fools never differ.

Trugati cleans the can and the credit chip throughly with alcohol and takes back the credits. Then she bonks Cresent on the head with it and hustles pp off to the acid pit.

The great space parrot is a biped


Originally posted by Trugati:
**Trugati cleans the can and the credit chip throughly with alcohol and takes back the credits. Then she bonks Cresent on the head with it and hustles pp off to the acid pit.


Trugati picks up pp and begins to rush towards the acid pit when a gooey liquid slowly crawls down her neck. Taking a bit of it on her finger, she examines it... Yellow. She tastes some and suddenly collapses to the ground, continually twitching. pp runs off to get a few more drinks. Yes, I realize who utterly disgusting that was

"I love deadlines, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams.

But alas, pp had not realized the fact that she was holding him at arm's length. Awaking from his too short fantasizing, he finds himself hurtling down into the pit.

The great space parrot is a biped

Cresent recovers from being hit on the head with a can, and, seeing Trugati so close to the acid pit after throwing pp in, pushes her in after pp. Cresent yells for a janitor to come and clean up the stinky yellow stuff pp left on the floor on the way to the acid pit.

-Everyone has a photographic memory, just not everyone has film.
-Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
-Great minds think alike but fools never differ.

(This message has been edited by Cresent (edited 03-22-2003).)

Personally ignoring the drunk people, cooldude presses cyber-ear-muffs to soothe his ears. After drinking his 14545374th ale, he starts jumping around the bar to encrust himself.


After consuming his 353658747th drink, DY starts thinking irrationaly.
Wondering what's p.p.'s middle name, if his Zachit Crusier will still fly if it drank as much as he did, thinking Cap'n Hector's on his back, if someone's in one of the Albatross's imposibble-to-breach-rooms, and why there's 327 million credits in his pocket.


-Rule 1.Don't tell everyone everything you know; Rule 2. See Rule 1
-I donÂ’t suffer from insanity, I love it.
-ItÂ’s bad luck to be superstitious.

Cresent gets annoyed with DY4's irrational thinking and throws him in the acid pit. Once for every irrational thought that entered his mind.

-Everyone has a photographic memory, just not everyone has film.
-Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
-Great minds think alike but fools never differ.

Trugati sneaks the credit chip from his pocket in the confusion and splits it with pp and Cresent.

The great space parrot is a biped

Cresent decides throwing people in the acid pit must be profitable, so she throws Cooldude in.

-Everyone has a photographic memory, just not everyone has film.
-Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
-Great minds think alike but fools never differ.


Originally posted by Cooldude:
**Personally ignoring the drunk people, cooldude presses cyber-ear-muffs to soothe his ears. After drinking his 14545374th ale, he starts jumping around the bar to encrust himself.


Dammit! He's back! pp goes back to his lowly bartender position and raises the security cameras and weapons system. By the way, anyone notice that D is gone again?

"I love deadlines, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams.


Originally posted by phantompenguin:
**! pp goes back to his lowly bartender position and raises the security cameras and weapons system. By the way, anyone notice that D is gone again?


D where'd ya go?

Cresent reprograms pp's security system to be anti-penguin, just for kicks.

-Everyone has a photographic memory, just not everyone has film.
-Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
-Great minds think alike but fools never differ.

(This message has been edited by Cresent (edited 03-23-2003).)


Originally posted by Cresent:
**Cresent gets annoyed with DY4's irrational thinking and throws him in the acid pit. Once for every irrational thought that entered his mind.


After being thrown in the acid pit 100,000,000 times _4 heads straight for the Big Hot Place and never comes back again.
But, by poplular demand, he comes back, sober, for once, except for run-on sentences.


-Rule 1.Don't tell everyone everything you know; Rule 2. See Rule 1
-I donÂ’t suffer from insanity, I love it.
-ItÂ’s bad luck to be superstitious.

Trugati throws him into the acid one more time and pulls out a calculator.

The great space parrot is a biped

Cresent grabs a Vanilla Coke and wonders what Trugati is doing with a calculator.

-Everyone has a photographic memory, just not everyone has film.
-Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
-Great minds think alike but fools never differ.

Nebula looks at the calculator.--- Which looks more like a portable mind idea taker machine.

Rebels=fast Confed=suck Traders=cool BountyHunters=little bros chasin you, bitin you.


Originally posted by Nebula Roamer:
**Nebula looks at the calculator.--- Which looks more like a portable mind idea taker machine.


... I really didn't understand that post. Angered, pp takes Nebula Roamer and tosses her into the acid pit. And the crowd goes wild!

"I love deadlines, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams.


Originally posted by Cresent:
Cresent reprograms pp's security system to be anti-penguin, just for kicks.

The securty system shoots pp until he is in tiny pieces and throws the pieces in the acid pit.

-Everyone has a photographic memory, just not everyone has film.
-Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
-Great minds think alike but fools never differ.