The Albatross

The rope snaps and pp falls into the pit. Afterwards, he climbs out and makes a supersized glass of Vanilla Coke. Cresent, on the other hand, soon runs out of the stuff.

"I love deadlines, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams.

Cresent freakes when she realizes all the Vanilla Coke left is diet and throws pp in the acid pit along with all the diet coke. The coke mixing with the acid pit causes an explosion launching pp into space. Cresent orders a miranu freighter full of Vanilla Coke with D's credit card number. πŸ˜›

Everyone has a photographic memory, just not everyone has film.

pp just then realizes that D has practically left, some on D! Come back! pp suddenly crashes through the roof of the Albatross, grabs D's credit card from Cresent, and orders repairs to be done on the roof and all of the bar.

"I love deadlines, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams.

Cresent decides that D must have been abducted by some unfriendly aliens and after snatching the credit card from pp, hires a some bounty hunters to look for him. She sits down and waits for her freighter full of Vanilla Coke to show up.

Everyone has a photographic memory, just not everyone has film.

(This message has been edited by Cresent (edited 03-14-2003).)

Well seeing as I am not interupting anything I just wanted to say that cresent and pp; you really crack me up. Thanks for the laughs πŸ™‚

"Chaos is our ally, discipline our mortal foe" --Azdgari Commander
Long live the Azdgari!

"Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"- George Shrub

(quote)Originally posted by Gordontron:
**Well seeing as I am not interupting anything I just wanted to say that cresent and pp; you really crack me up. Thanks for the laughs;)

Cresent waits even more impatiently for her Vanilla Coke to show up.

Everyone has a photographic memory, just not everyone has film.


Originally posted by Gordontron:
**Well seeing as I am not interupting anything I just wanted to say that cresent and pp; you really crack me up. Thanks for the laughs:)


Bleh, Cresent and pp? You make me sound like the assisstant or something! You and Cresent must pay. pp takes out his giant credit card of doom and throws it at Cresent.

I like the word spooky! Carry on.

"I love deadlines, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams.

(This message has been edited by phantompenguin (edited 03-16-2003).)


Originally posted by phantompenguin:
**Bleh, Cresent and pp? You make me sound like the assisstant or something! You and Cresent must pay. pp takes out his giant credit card of doom and throws it at Cresent.


Giant Credit Card of Doom?? That's a new one. πŸ˜›

Everyone has a photographic memory, just not everyone has film.


Originally posted by Cresent:
**Giant Credit Card of Doom?? That's a new one.:p


pp plays an old movie (GASP* It's black and white!) of cavemen discovering the wheel, fire, and giant credit cards of doom. pp laughs in Cresent's face. Hah!

"I love deadlines, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams.


Originally posted by phantompenguin:
*pp plays an old movie (GASP It's black and white!) of cavemen discovering the wheel, fire, and giant credit cards of doom.

Discovered by cavemen....yup it's simple enough for pp to understand how to use. πŸ˜›

Cresent gets mad when she finds out her bounty hunters haven't found D yet. (c'mon D where are you??)

Edit: Do you think we scared cooldude off???

Everyone has a photographic memory, just not everyone has film.

(This message has been edited by Cresent (edited 03-16-2003).)

D "enters" with pride. He notes that many of his total of 4 patrons have been scared off. "Release the hounds!" he cries, at which point one Tickel-Me Elmo appears at every door, each one bigger than the last. D's new minions go forth, scouring the universe for all patrons (excepting Cooldude.)

"I've learned that the people you care most about in life are taken from you too soon and all the less important ones just never go away."

Yea D's back πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚


Originally posted by Cresent:
**Grinning, Cresent mixes up another one of her drinks for the next person who dares enter the bar;)

Cresent hands D the drink and dares him to drink it. While D is looking at the drink, Cresent puts D's credit card over where pp is sitting and tries to look innocent as her freighter full of Vanilla coke lands in front of the Albatross.

Everyone has a photographic memory, just not everyone has film.

Trugati walks into the bar. "Yeah, I'm back. Long time no see, pp." With that, she shoves pp into the acid pit and tapes up the regenerator button.

The great space parrot is a biped


Originally posted by Cresent: **
Edit: Do you think we scared cooldude off???

If so, amen to that! Damn was he annoying! pp throws D's credit card at Trugati, happy that she's returned to (url="http://"")both bars,(/url) and than runs off to steal Cresent's coke. Penguins can drink quite a bit of the stuff, y'know.

"I love deadlines, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams.


Originally posted by phantompenguin:
**pp throws D's credit card at Trugati, happy that she's returned to both bars, and than runs off to steal Cresent's coke. Penguins can drink quite a bit of the stuff, y'know.


Cresent sees pp go after her Vanilla Coke and sends her bounty hunters, who have just returned from their hunt for D, to protect the Vanilla Coke. The bounty hunters shoot pp and pp flies into the acid pit.

-Everyone has a photographic memory, just not everyone has film.
-Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
-Great minds think alike but fools never differ.

(This message has been edited by Cresent (edited 03-19-2003).)

Trugati immediately orders synthale in bulk. Then she dumps the rest of the credits in the "Save Penguins from Vanilla Coke Fanatics" fund.

The great space parrot is a biped

D picks his teeth with his credit card, scratching himself and wondering where the bathroom is. Well, there does happen to be a can marked "save penguins from vanilla coke fanatics"... ahhh, sweet relief.

"I've learned that the people you care most about in life are taken from you too soon and all the less important ones just never go away."

Cresent gives D a high-five and sits down to drink some of her Vanilla Coke.

-Everyone has a photographic memory, just not everyone has film.
-Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
-Great minds think alike but fools never differ.

Trugati reminds D that he could have done his business in the acid pit and kicks him in. Then she seals up the acid pit. Again.

The great space parrot is a biped

(This message has been edited by Trugati (edited 03-20-2003).)

After 2 days, _4 regenerates back from being shoved into the acid pit.
He still wonders why anyone hasn't given him a mission. He makes it to the bar, and asks camly,"Whats the most toxic drink here?"


-Rule 1.Don't tell everyone everything you know; Rule 2. See Rule 1
-I donΒ’t suffer from insanity, I love it.
-ItΒ’s bad luck to be superstitious.