EV:O emulation issues

Hey, anybody out there familliar with Basilisk II, I've got an issue that I need some help with. Running under and emulated Quadra 900 with OS 7.5.3, I can run EV:O but do not have any sound (only for that game, however). If anybody has an answer/suggestion as to what the deal is, I'd be much appreciative. Thanks!


Originally posted by Wazoo:
Hey, anybody out there familliar with Basilisk II, I've got an issue that I need some help with. Running under and emulated Quadra 900 with OS 7.5.3, I can run EV:O but do not have any sound (only for that game, however). If anybody has an answer/suggestion as to what the deal is, I'd be much appreciative. Thanks!

That's rather strange. I'd suggest going to the prefs in EVO and checking to see if the volume is set to "Silent," but you probably did that already...other than that, I can't think of anything that'd be wrong if your other games work...

Mike Lee (Firebird)
Visit Cymltaneous Solutions: (url="http://"http://cs.paching.com/")http://cs.paching.com/(/url)
(hosted by (url="http://"http://www.evula.org")evula.org(/url))

You may as well update to 7.5.5, seeing as it's free. Try increasing the sound priorities in the Basilisk II GUI, and set the ROM type to 14 (which I presume you did, as that is the Quadra 900), the author recommended doing that no matter what ROM you are actually using.



Originally posted by Lizard Blade:
**and set the ROM type to 14 (which I presume you did, as that is the Quadra 900), the author recommended doing that no matter what ROM you are actually using.


Did he? :redface: I have used ROM type 7- Mac II Fx because you have said its marginally faster. You didnt say how much.

I am eager to try to ansver mission questions

(This message has been edited by General Cade Smart (edited 04-19-2003).)

Actually, I didn't say it, Warbeast said to use that ROM type for some reason and I was trying to find out why. Besides Cade, you can't run OS 8 on that rom 😉 . Not that it matters for EV and EVO that is.



Originally posted by Lizard Blade:
**Actually, I didn't say it, Warbeast said to use that ROM type for some reason and I was trying to find out why. Besides Cade, you can't run OS 8 on that rom;) . Not that it matters for EV and EVO that is.


Wow! You answered like in 4 minutes! Can you say "chat room"? :eek: I am confused too... probably the E-Mail adress still exists? Yes, I know what youre hinting. 😉 Good to know it doesnt matter for EVs

I am eager to try to ansver mission questions


Originally posted by Wazoo:
Hey, anybody out there familliar with Basilisk II, I've got an issue that I need some help with. Running under and emulated Quadra 900 with OS 7.5.3, I can run EV:O but do not have any sound (only for that game, however). If anybody has an answer/suggestion as to what the deal is, I'd be much appreciative. Thanks!

EVO's given me some pretty funky sound issues as well, but I always turn them off anyways, so it wasn't a big issue for me. Upgrade, if possible, and see if that works. The thing that really irritates me about EVO's sounds is that if they are silent, so is everything else running, including mp3s..


I think that you don't see many love stories in EV simply because the engine isn't quite geared towards that. What are you going to do, keep meeting your significant other in a bar (or, with Nova, the Outfitter, Shipyard, or Trade Center) and have questions like "Will you go out on a date with me?" | Yes/No | "Great, pick me up on <DST> in a month and we'll have dinner."?

Thanks for the suggestions everybody. I ended up downloading one of the improved sounds plugs so all is good now with respect to my original question. I am curious, though, as to how I can allocate more memory to specific programs within Basilisk so as to run some of the more memory intensive plugs (i.e. Clavius or any plug aside the basic "ship x"). Another curiosity question is how do I go about creating missions and the like myself?


Originally posted by Wazoo:
Thanks for the suggestions everybody. I ended up downloading one of the improved sounds plugs so all is good now with respect to my original question. I am curious, though, as to how I can allocate more memory to specific programs within Basilisk so as to run some of the more memory intensive plugs (i.e. Clavius or any plug aside the basic "ship x"). Another curiosity question is how do I go about creating missions and the like myself?

You want to allocate more memory programs inside the Basilisks Mac OS? Click Archive, Get Info (Alt-I). Then raise the Minimum and Preferred size. To create missions yourself you need developemnt tools. Use ResEdit and NovaTools if you want to do Nova plug-ins; plain ResEdit with templates for others. You can also use Mission Computer or EVONE though they are not complete (not editors for all resources).

I am eager to try to ansver mission questions

Ah good morning, General. Just getting ready for bed.
(Have you sent in everything, General?) Don't mind this post. It only applies to General.



Originally posted by kauthor:
**Ah good morning, General. Just getting ready for bed.
(Have you sent in everything, General?)


Heh, you need to remember I live in a different timezone. It is a 7 hour difference between US and Finland. So I had just waked up, the clock was 10:15. I havent sent in any bug reports because I have tried to make Nova work after Lizard Blade offered me some help in getting OS 8. Neverthless, the last time I did I sent 15 bugs in. I will try if I can find enough bugs to send today.

I am eager to try to ansver mission questions


Originally posted by kauthor:
**Ah good morning, General. Just getting ready for bed.
(Have you sent in everything, General?) Don't mind this post. It only applies to General.

He has his email listed right above every single post.

(url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
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Originally posted by General Cade Smart:
**You want to allocate more memory programs inside the Basilisks Mac OS? Click Archive, Get Info (Alt-I). Then raise the Minimum and Preferred size.

That seemed to work. Thanks!



Originally posted by EVula:
**He has his email listed right above every single post.


I didnt mind being posted, but if you as moderator say so...

I am eager to try to ansver mission questions


Originally posted by Wazoo:
**That seemed to work. Thanks!


No problem. I like to help and especially when people thank me. 😄

I am eager to try to ansver mission questions


Originally posted by Lizard Blade:
**Actually, I didn't say it, Warbeast said to use that ROM type for some reason and I was trying to find out why. Besides Cade, you can't run OS 8 on that rom;) . Not that it matters for EV and EVO that is.


I said to use it because it works that way for me. shrug 🙂 Gimme a break, I never claimed to be the end-all expert and it's been a long while. :frown:

Anyway, congrats on gettin it to work..

Want to play EV/EV:O but have a PC? (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/game_master107/howtoemulateamac.html")Click here(/url) for step by step by step instructions to set up an emulator, all the supplies are included.


Originally posted by WarBeast:
I said to use it because it works that way for me. shrug 🙂 Gimme a break, I never claimed to be the end-all expert and it's been a long while. :frown:

Anyway, congrats on gettin it to work..


/me looks at the name of the poster and stares in surprise. WarBeast, what do you do posting here? I thought you were retired from the community. Your last post is from November 2001. I wasnt sure even your E-Mail adress was valid anymore. Anyways, great to have you back. Now my emulation questions can be ansvered directly instead of having to rely on (very helpful though) Lizard Blade. :eek: :eek:

I am eager to try to ansver mission questions

It's good to be recognized. 😄

I still pop up from time to time, if a topic catches my interest. Plus I'm an EVO fan to the death. 😛

And yes, the e-mail above my name works , but...it's kind of a wild card. I've been real busy, it's been a while since I mucked with the emulator (do plan to get back into it), and I get a lot of spam on that account. Hope to be more active soon, then be utterly inactive for two months, then go from there. 🙂

Want to play EV/EV:O but have a PC? (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/game_master107/howtoemulateamac.html")Click here(/url) for step by step by step instructions to set up an emulator, all the supplies are included.