How to destroy the Chimera

If you want to destroy safely the chimera,just buy a modulo8,which you can find on Rastaban,the pirate system.The Chimera s torps will be jammed!.



Originally posted by Crypton:
**If you want to destroy safely the chimera,just buy a modulo8,which you can find on Rastaban,the pirate system.The Chimera s torps will be jammed!.


Uh... for which plug is this again?

I am eager to try to ansver mission questions

Modulo8 sounds like something from the Frozen Heart/Femme Fatale world...(?)


Originally posted by Starfish:
Modulo8 sounds like something from the Frozen Heart/Femme Fatale world...(?)

Yeah,it is from the Femme Fatale plug.It seems that this mission is very problematic for most of players,but i disabled it without a problem,thanks to the modulo 8.Unfortunatly it costs 10.5M credits.


I just recently unearthed my copy of Femme Fatale, and played this again. To destroy the Chimera, you need a few things:

  1. a very fast and agile ship, that turns easily. It will help if you have good shields, too, as the Chimera pretty much knocks you out. If you can wait until you get the Mosquito, that's a good ship to do the mission in, but some folks have done it in a shuttle.

  2. a Delta thingy to collect energy so you don't get stranded in that system.

  3. a dust sprayer and/or flare thrower.

Anyway, you jump in, evade the first one, throw dust or flares on it. For some reason, those hurt the Chimeras. Then just keep evading the fake Chimeras. You only have to disable the real one, then it won't generate anymore fake ones. That's also the one with the "prize" inside.

Hope that helps. You'll still need to either keep backing up your file, or reloading from a saved pilot file, because this is a hard mission, and you'll die many times before you succeed.

Hope this helps.


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,(url="http://"")670NC Chapter 3(/url), (url="http://"")Hypergate - Rebirth(/url)

A mosquito? Those take ages to save up for.... I just use a cargo shuttle and plasma botls. Er, bolt. Two will destroy it. I wonder where crypton managed to come up with ten million so early in the game...

While I'm at it, the flare launcher is the way to go. It fires faster, and the flares last longer.

War is a two edged sword. That dosen't mean that both sides loose. That means that I can dismember you on the swing and the backswing.


Originally posted by Crypton:
**Yeah,it is from the Femme Fatale plug.It seems that this mission is very problematic for most of players,but i disabled it without a problem,thanks to the modulo 8.Unfortunatly it costs 10.5M credits.

So you know, if you want to use the Americanized spelling of your location, it's "Brussels". Welcome to the boards (Bienvenue ŕ le panneau de message). 🙂

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Where can ya buy a Modulo 8? I've been all over and can't seem to find one! Maybe a pirate world would have one!

~Ace :

"There is simply nothing in life more worth doing than kicking ass for money." - J. S. Jordan, Mercenaries Guild

2 months... is that considered grave digging? Well anyway, tsk tsk.


I will say if it was a year-old topic, that will be closed.
