New Life


Originally posted by Zax:
(EDIT)scrap that, can I be Lothe Prime?(/EDIT)

Lethe Prime is in EV, not EVO.

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- The only presidential candidate with two heads, three arms and a personality as nice as your Mum

He means Iothe; I swear it is an 'I', not an 'L'. *

*But I remain open to evidence proving my opinion incorrect.

Munb growers unite!

Cogito Ergo Cogito
United we stand, so I wandered off and got me a chair.


Originally posted by Solel:
**He means Iothe; I swear it is an 'I', not an 'L'. *

*But I remain open to evidence proving my opinion incorrect.

Munb growers unite!


Sorry! Yes you're right.

Vote 1 for Zaphod Beeblebrox- The only presidential candidate with two heads, three arms and a personality as nice as your Mum


Originally posted by Beeblebrox:
**Sorry! Yes you're right.


sorry 'bout that, I always thought it was an 'L'.
So, could I be Iothe Prime?
Oh, and another question, can Human governments buy Strand ships/technology.
And can you upgrade your fleet's ship's weapons systems? (e.g. could you outfit a fleet of Adaras with pursuit missile launchers?)

(url="http://"")Solar Knowledge(/url)|(url="http://"")Solar Quiz(/url)|(url="http://"")Image Gallery(/url)|(url="http://"")Fribbles!(/url)|
(This Message has been edited by a garden troll)

I'm pretty sure you can't use Strand warships/weapons if you are a human government, at least not until contact has been established and or some sort of peace deal including technology sharing is agreed upon by the respective governments.

UE Admiral will correct me if I am in the wrong.

Cogito Ergo Cogito
United we stand, so I wandered off and got me a chair.

And once again, someone says "lets make a webstory" and totally forgets to organise any sort of rule system...

Whether it's for people who've played the likes of this many times before, or for relative newcomers, a well-thought out plan of the rules is vital if you expect the story to work. I'm in support of something to awaken the EVO forum, but if you're going to do it, do it right. "New WoD"? Is that really the best name you can think of? I'm not insulting Dave's title, but for crying out loud, think of your own.

Bear in mind that if you want to make EVO alive again, you don't repeat the same old idea again and again -- it gets old. If you don't believe me, take a look at the following stories:

Light Beyond the Shadow
Red Horizon
Dark Tide
Reign of Chaos
Golden Horizon
Reign of Chaos 2
Silver Horizon
Reign of Chaos 3
Wave of Destruction

Pretty much the same type of story, again and again, and guess what? They got steadily less successful. LBS pretty much finished, if I'm corect. Red Horizon dragged a bit but made it. Dark Tide was pretty successful in comparison to later ones. Reign of Chaos finished without a rush, as did Golden Horizon. Reign of Chaos 2 finished, and then... we begin to lose it. SH didn't, WARFARE collapsed, RoC3 trailed off and WoD had some... problems.

I can't see a story which has nothing to make it unique from all the above doing well.


Esponer, as i said, i have been writing up a book of rules. I am looking to previous stories for advise.
and i said "Call it new WoD if you will" that isnt the name it's just to help explain the type of story.
I encourage you to do better. If you cant do it i dont think anyone can(i'm very closed minded).
Insanity has its advantages

(This message has been edited by U.E. Admiral (edited 10-25-2002).)

(This message has been edited by U.E. Admiral (edited 10-25-2002).)


Originally posted by U.E. Admiral:
Esponer, as i said, i have been writing up a book of rules. I am looking to previous stories for advise.
and i said "Call it new WoD if you will" that isnt the name it's just to help explain the type of story.
I encourage you to do better. If you cant do it i dont think anyone can(i'm very closed minded).

My brain's been very confuddled today. I managed to read the topic and miss every single thing, but still... if you're going to make it, I'd be careful to make sure that's it's original in some way.


I'm a terrible writer. All I really want at this point is for this board to liven up and for something to do.

Insanity has its advantages

Why don't we call it Fribbles?

"When your back is against the wall the only thing to do is to turn around and fight" - John Major
(url="http://"")Solar Knowledge(/url)|(url="http://"")Solar Quiz(/url)|(url="http://"")Image Gallery(/url)|(url="http://"")Fribbles!(/url)|(url="http://"")blork?(/url)|
(This Message has been edited by a garden troll)


Originally posted by Zax:
**Why don't we call it Fribbles?


Space was overwhelmed by a tremendous explosion of plasma, an expanding sphere of brilliant white light five thousand kilometres across, the heat four times as intense as that at the core of an average star. Three more such spheres of light expanded, contracted and eventually blinked out of existance shortly after the first sphere imploded, outputting immense waves of energy in an after shockwave and then disappearing into nothingness. Beams of light not much less intense crisscossed space, some centring in on each other, others spread out in wildfire. Blinding blue-white balls of plasma flashed across the specked and striped background of space, energy from them spinning off in a trail behind it.

This incredible barrage was targetted at the Fribblian fleet, comprised of 156,043,090,238 vessels (although some of the vessels were actually just highly advanced warp sensor ghosts, links to other vessels.) Unfortunately, the Fribblian fleet had actually moved ten light years away, and the entire attack missed.

Joyous of evading this hellish display of power, the Fribblians played Final Fantasy VIII, accidentally spilling one of the more beautiful tunes out onto their recruitment site (url="http://"") .

(Edit: Oh, and how about Eyes On Me next time? I love that song)


(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 10-26-2002).)


originally posted by -REDCHIGH-
this will confuse the heck out of you, but here goes.

You are free to research and design new technologies-ships-weapons-etc for any race, however techs that are developed in EVO can be developed at a faster pace.

It would take the UE 6 posts to develop a cruiser, but would take the adzgari 10.

Take the Igadzra 4 posts to develop the Plasma Siphon, but the voinians would need 7 or 8 posts to do the same. Get it?**

That is one of the rules.

Money is not used, everything is done by posting as seen above.

Common sense is to be used at all times(ill get a submod to help me with this one as i have none).

No one post battles.
This is what ive got so far. What am i missing?

Insanity has its advantages

It would be nice if Shade would join but i havn't seen him here for a long time.(/B)(/QUOTE)

Actually UE, I'm pretty sure shade isn't a he... If you want to talk to her (I think) just go to b&b.; Post a message at the hypergate.

Good luck with your webstory. The key to success is not to play like some sort of game, but take on a character based narrative. All the ones that tried to be games came and went, but the Hypergate has been alive for two and a half years, ever since nova was announced to be on the agenda. No one can beat that.



"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

(quote)Originally posted by Azdara:
It would be nice if Shade would join but i havn't seen him here for a long time. (/quote)

Actually UE, I'm pretty sure shade isn't a he... If you want to talk to her (I think) just go to b&b.; Post a message at the hypergate.(/b)(/quote)

Damn, he always seemed to be a he. You know, on account of the first thing I ever said to him being "Shadey boy" and he said nothing to the contrary. I have a very good sense of gender. If I haven't chatted them up, they're a guy.

Esponer (1:03 pm): How many girlfriends have you ever had?
KSarragh (1:03 pm): none. I prefer it that way. And you?
Esponer (1:03 pm): And how many chances have you known you had?
Esponer (1:03 pm): As in, the other person would definately have gone out with you.
KSarragh (1:03 pm): None. Of course, I have been known to miss things right under my nose

Well, it doesn't quite say she's a lesbian...

(quote) **Good luck with your webstory. The key to success is not to play like some sort of game, but take on a character based narrative. All the ones that tried to be games came and went, but the Hypergate has been alive for two and a half years, ever since nova was announced to be on the agenda. No one can beat that.



Indeed. I tried that with Shadows Dawning, although we tend to have a player base that half wants a story, and half wants a game. What results is an unsuccessful OOC rant about how powerful someone's lasers are.



Originally posted by U.E. Admiral:
**That is one of the rules.

Money is not used, everything is done by posting as seen above.

Common sense is to be used at all times(ill get a submod to help me with this one as i have none).

No one post battles.
This is what ive got so far. What am i missing?**

There are several systems that've been used for development/research, with the normal posts one being the most popular... there is, however, one that you might want to consider that as far as I know has never been in a webstory that actually started.

Imagine this situation. The UE will need 23 posts to research and design a plasma beam cannon. Then, the Miranu provide their research capabilities to aid with the development of the plasma beam cannon. How many posts will it take? Do the two governments share the project? Can the Miranu still research something else?

And what about when you're researching two things? Is it slower than researching one thing?

Now imagine that the UE have 50 "Research" points, and the Miranu have 75 "Research" points. This is like a research income. The plasma beam cannon needs 2000 points to complete.

So it starts at 0 of 2000 points, and every UE post it gains 50 Research points (as long as those points aren't shared out with other projects.) If you're involved in other projects, you have to share out your points, and if other governments are helping, it's easy to work out how much faster a project is. Also, you can easily upgrade your research capabilities this way.

Well, consider it. It's a bit more involved, but perhaps easier to handle in the long run.


The points sounds good...

here's another alternative to keep in mind (good in theory, likely doomed to fail, worth stating anyway)

A mod that posts on a regular basis and is not involved in the story would advance research... they would be per-post, but by his posts only. that way two players can't repeatadly post back to back and advance their own research...

and I dont know if this has been tried, but what about using realtime to measure research? Plasma laser beam- 4 days to completion etc?

and UEA, what about me being a mod?

"And as the Darkness descends, do you follow the light, or embrace the darkness?"
~Diane Kinsman
(little known philosopher, early 21st century)
Proud Member of the (url="http://"")Webstory Developer's Commune(/url)

I've been persuaded to dig up Wave of Destruction and write a finale to it. I was going to wait until Carno, Red, et al had finished each other up in a hellish battle, but I think I'll just post it as if it had happened. Then if you all want to pick up where that leaves off, go for it. It'll be a post-apocalyptic scenario, where the battle of Adzgari just about finished all the known races off, but in which the Acarra were finally defeated.


another note: the gossip and speculation about Shade - who is male - is entirely inappropriate. Of course, guys don't gossip, :rolleyes: do they?

(url="http://"")Reality, Chapter 1(/url)
(url="http://"")The Hypergate(/url)

(This message has been edited by mamajama (edited 10-27-2002).)


Originally posted by -REDCHIGH-:
**The points sounds good...

here's another alternative to keep in mind (good in theory, likely doomed to fail, worth stating anyway)

A mod that posts on a regular basis and is not involved in the story would advance research... they would be per-post, but by his posts only. that way two players can't repeatadly post back to back and advance their own research...

and I dont know if this has been tried, but what about using realtime to measure research? Plasma laser beam- 4 days to completion etc?**

Typically, systems where the player posting won't speed up research fails. Like in Shadows Dawning, for example... a project would take <x> number of posts by anyone in that topic to complete. And therefore, after everybody had posted once or twice, they waited for everyone else to post so they could complete their stuff... and the story stopped abruptly.

For a story to have energy, it helps for there to be something to give the player reason to post. It can be unfair, but... it's difficult, really.


If you don't have a title in mind yet here are some ideas:

Galactic Chaos
Flaming Sky
Cosmic Powers

Just some suggestions.


Esponer, I don't mean to sound harsh, but one reason SD stopped was because two of the main players were delayed by a single person. The UE and the Miranu (me) could not successfully post until RMA set up the Emalgha treaty convention.
Oh well. 😄

I do this just as a writing gig, so I'll follow whatever rules are needed, as long as I have an outlet to improve my composition.

I sure hope this one works out.

Cogito Ergo Cogito
United we stand, so I wandered off and got me a chair.