What do you want changing?

As some of you know I and a bunch of other people are doing a EV:O TC onto Nova. So what really annoyed you in EV:O? What would you change?
One note, the mission are all going to be new so don't mention them.

Legal Disclaimer: Your suggestions may not be used in the plug. We take no responsiblity for any depression, loss of jobs or partners, heart failure or seizures caused by this fact.

"You're a hippo...and a rather naughty one at that...what do we do with naughty hippos???...we shoot them in the head and send the eliphants after them so they can't eat any more fishies." My strange and gothic friend, Matthew Cole
(url="http://"http://www.webanimag.com/ayb/")Now this is funny!(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum26/HTML/007969.html") My EV:O TC (/url)

Interesting that you should ask, Your last thread got a lot of comments, but in my opinion. I'm not sure. I will like to ask you how far are you? What type of things do you want changed for an opinion from us?


I would like to see, now that it will be on the nova engine, more galaxies. Maybe 3 galaxies total. This would not only add more fun, but also a wider selection range for missions. Also, I would like to see some shield... whatever it's called, where the shields light up when shot.

I see undead people.
Visit the (url="http://"http://www.wheenit.com/monkey-robot/webboard/phpBB2/index.php")Monkey-Robot boards(/url).

I don't think new galaxies is part of it, I assume they are keeping the stock Override scenario mostly intact. Perhaps a separate plug that expands the universe with new missions and systems would be better?

As for my wish list, I would like to see variants for different faction ships. For instance, the description of the U.E. Destroyer talks about captains eschewing one type of ammo entirely and concentrating on either missiles or rockets. This would be something that the Nova engine would accomodate easilly. New graphics would also be really cool.

Out ride the sons of Terra, Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen, Out, far, and onward yet - Robert A. Heinlein, The Green Hills of Earth
"Saddam Hussein foregoes weapons of mass destruction (and) values human life." George W. Bush

Does anyone else feel that the Zidagar should have an arada?

Cogito Ergo Cogito
United we stand, so I wandered off and got me a chair.

I like the sound of making a better EVO for EVN.. NovaRide if you will :). But I would rather just have things expanded than the missions being 'all' new. Personally I'm not too fussed about better graphics - well thought out missions and ships add more in my opinion.

A while back I started editing a lot of the text descriptions in Override, for stuff like spelling / grammar and ease of reading. It got pretty boring though.. I don't think I'm cut out for making plugins :). Anyway, I also had accumulated my own personal plugin set, from those I downloaded. The main things I would say are: make the Phased Beam and Zidagar Fighter Bay sellable; make the strange asteroid into a coke machine as was apparently intended; make comm pics for Igazra / Igadzra Arada; give ships more turrets / cannons by default; fix the graphic glitches with SADs and Plasma Siphon.

Of course a lot of that will be significantly changed anyway, i.e. default weaponry where Nova allows various types of ships. But otherwise, I always thought Override was hard to find fault with... speed up the hyperspace entry and get rid of the awful siren of death!

Re: a Zidagar Arada... I don't think so - it would be hard to find a worthwhile position separated enough from the 'pocket warship' and fighter. Perhaps some adjustments to the Zidara instead - sellable outfits as I said, and certainly some tweaking of fuel usage with the phased beam!

you should find a few good ideas here: (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum8/HTML/004684.html")http://www.AmbrosiaS...TML/004684.html(/url)

Insanity has its advantages

Revamp some of the ships, so people playing it won't be able to just leap in and know everything about the ships they're fighting.

Am I posting in Just Chat or B&B;? If so, I'm probably joking.


Originally posted by Deathmatch:
So what really annoyed you in EV:O?

The plot, the graphics, Hector...

...I suppose that wasn't particularly constructive for the topic at hand, but you did ask, so I answered. 😉

(url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
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Originally posted by EVula:
**The plot, the graphics, Hector...

...I suppose that wasn't particularly constructive for the topic at hand, but you did ask, so I answered. 😉


Well, all those things are being changed.

Alll the ships are being chnaged in someway and there will be a lot of new ones.

"You're a hippo...and a rather naughty one at that...what do we do with naughty hippos???...we shoot them in the head and send the eliphants after them so they can't eat any more fishies." My strange and gothic friend, Matthew Cole
(url="http://"http://www.webanimag.com/ayb/")Now this is funny!(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum26/HTML/007969.html") My EV:O TC (/url)


Originally posted by Deathmatch:
Alll the ships are being chnaged in someway and there will be a lot of new ones.

Ah, good.

• No über ships (well, not too über.)
• Give the Voinians something in the region of a gunship.
• Give the UE some sort of warfrigate - something between the destroyer and cruiser in terms of that sort of battle tactic (carriers being in a totally different field.)
• Uncrappinate the human renegades a bit, maybe?
• Kill / fairianate the experimental shield generator.


Am I posting in Just Chat or B&B;? If so, I'm probably joking.

On Esponer's idea, instead of making a UE Gunship class, perhaps just make two classes of the destroyer, a Standoff Frigate (slower, less turrets, more hunter missiles, long range ability, more shields, no rockets, Needles perhaps) and the Gunship, a destroyer without hunters, just less shields, more rockets, more turrets, more maneuverability..

Also, I'd enjoy tons more weapons. No unfairly strong weapons, just a bigger variaty. perhaps giving the UE 2 classes of blaze weaponry, light cannons, light turrets, heavy cannons, heavy turrets... with the light having a faster reload but less damage, and the heavy, well... you know. weighing twice as much but almost twice as strong, and longer range..

"And as the Darkness descends, do you follow the light, or embrace the darkness?"
~Diane Kinsman
(little known philosopher, early 21st century)
Proud Member of the (url="http://"http://www.roostermac.net/cgi-bin/ikonboard/ikonboard.cgi")Webstory Developer's Commune(/url)


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**Ah, good.

• No über ships (well, not too über.)
• Give the Voinians something in the region of a gunship.
• Give the UE some sort of warfrigate - something between the destroyer and cruiser in terms of that sort of battle tactic (carriers being in a totally different field.)
• Uncrappinate the human renegades a bit, maybe?
• Kill / fairianate the experimental shield generator.



One slight problem. In all my deciding how this would work I sort of wiped out the Voinians. They didn't fit in the new story properly. It's set later on than the original.
Other than that they all sound reasonable requests.

"You're a hippo...and a rather naughty one at that...what do we do with naughty hippos???...we shoot them in the head and send the eliphants after them so they can't eat any more fishies." My strange and gothic friend, Matthew Cole
(url="http://"http://www.webanimag.com/ayb/")Now this is funny!(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum26/HTML/007969.html") My EV:O TC (/url)


Originally posted by Deathmatch:
One slight problem. In all my deciding how this would work I sort of wiped out the Voinians. They didn't fit in the new story properly. It's set later on than the original.
Other than that they all sound reasonable requests.

You're wiping out major species? Hmm. Not gonna' be much like EVO, is it?

Am I posting in Just Chat or B&B;? If so, I'm probably joking.

I think he's making a plugin for what happens after EVO ends in Nova's engine.

I see undead people.
Visit the (url="http://"http://www.wheenit.com/monkey-robot/webboard/phpBB2/index.php")Monkey-Robot boards(/url).

Heres my ideas.

1. A Igadzra string that actually does something. The Igadzra don't destroy anything in their string- even the destruction of Novitia is explained as they already having bombs there. Instead, you get so much secrecy that you get sick. Make the Igadzra show of their military might! Destroy Outpost Plogok or Morin (example).

2. Show the armor percent. It's annoying when it just says Shields Down, and you have to pummel until it's disabled. It's especially annoying when fighting Voinians. It's already in DispArmorPercent. but you could integrate it.

3. A F-25 that is permanently colonized. This didn't just happen in F-25; it happened in Secession too. Inhabitate the other 11 systems in Ji Nebula, making a mini F-25.

4. Make the Enchanced Azdara and Enchanched Arada buyable. You only see them once, and can never buy them. You can do this with plugs, but again, you could integrate it.

5. A UE Cloak that you keep when changing ships.

The idea 1 is so important I refuse to play the plug without it.

I am eager to try to ansver mission questions

As I recall, in contrast to what I'm working on, your TC is set in EVO's future. My advice is to not worry about changing what exists, only upon your own particular vision for the situation in the galaxy several years down the line.

If you're referring to superficial elements, its obvious that people will want very good graphics.....you don't want them to be reminiscent of EVO's design. Outside of that obvious thing though, there really isn't much. Implement original ideas, & everything else is gonna fall into place.



Better graphics aren't that important.. especially if it turns out to make everything pretty dull and grey a la Nova, where I don't feel inspired to work up to any particular ship - mind you that's also to do with the fact that big ships seem to be killed just as quickly in Nova, but hey....

So basically, keep with the bright colours - strands in yellow / orange, green, purple. It just adds an awful lot I find, and keeps one playing longer with ambition.

Re: show off Igadzra military - I think that what you get out of the existing string in EVO is that they really aren't going to let you have much to do with the important things - they seem to get off on pulling the wool over your eyes just as much as their enemies'. I think it's a similar story to the Voinians' "of course it's much too important for a human to be involved" ending.. although I'm sure that was mainly done for development time concerns and to leave larger opportunities for plugs.

Just one other thing: don't go the road of Nova and have huge expanses of empty space and then some inhabited space with loads of dead ends, i.e. Fed space - that just got to be a pain. Keep it with about the balance of EVO, although as it's meant to be after, the gaps between UE and Miranu / Strand space should be narrowed. Maybe the human renegades could have stolen the plans of the NPD (they'd do things like that) and expanded their influence further into the nebula. After all, they follow you in there if you have a bounty hunting mission when you go in anyway :).


Originally posted by grunadulater
**I think he's making a plugin for what happens after EVO ends in Nova's engine.

Basically right and a bit more.


Originally posted by General Cade Smart:
**Heres my ideas.

1. A Igadzra string that actually does something. The Igadzra don't destroy anything in their string- even the destruction of Novitia is explained as they already having bombs there. Instead, you get so much secrecy that you get sick. Make the Igadzra show of their military might! Destroy Outpost Plogok or Morin (example).

The idea 1 is so important I refuse to play the plug without it.


Funny you should say that....You'll probably like this plug... <huge massive cryptic grin> 🙂

"You're a hippo...and a rather naughty one at that...what do we do with naughty hippos???...we shoot them in the head and send the eliphants after them so they can't eat any more fishies." My strange and gothic friend, Matthew Cole
(url="http://"http://www.webanimag.com/ayb/")Now this is funny!(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum26/HTML/007969.html") My EV:O TC (/url)

(This message has been edited by Deathmatch (edited 12-12-2002).)

1. The max number of any type of primary weapon should be as high as the ship with the highest number of primary weapon slots. In EVO 1.0.1 you could only put 3 emalgha cannons on at a time event though you have 5 gun slots on a UE Cruiser.

2. I would like to be able to change the colors of my ship. Maybe a body shop next to the shipyard. I just thought an Igazra would look good with a UE paint job.

3. The phased beams should NOT count as a primary cannon slot. It is a SECONDARY weapon. I just never understood why it was done that way in EVO 1.0.1.

4. Shield regen should be based on some sort of base regen rate. Like say a 25% increase in original shield regen time.

5. Shield enhancers shouldn't be so weak. I think they were in EVO to keep a person from making a ship with too insane a recharge rate.

6. A device that could change how a government saw you. For instance if you flew around a voinian ship in UE space, regardless of your standing, they would attack you. It could change your "type" of ship to a government for a very hefty sum.

Why are there no maroon ships?

(This message has been edited by Jubee (edited 12-12-2002).)