Star Wars Problem

I just downloaded and started the Star Wars plug for EVO. All the writing on the menu at the side is stuffed. It has been replaced by spirals, smilly faces, question marks and just about every other main symbol. Whats up wit dis??

Australians all let us rejoice for we are young and free.
There's so many (url="http://"")evula(/url) advertisments. Does anyone not know about EVula's Site?
Advance Australia fair.

PLease Help Me I want to play this!!!! I'm the STAR WARS FREAK!!!

Australians all let us rejoice for we are young and free.
There's so many (url="http://"")evula(/url) advertisments. Does anyone not know about EVula's Site?
Advance Australia fair.

Please!!! Somebody help me!!!

Australians all let us rejoice for we are young and free.
There's so many (url="http://"")evula(/url) advertisments. Does anyone not know about EVula's Site?
Advance Australia fair.

This is the EVO board. The blood of this place has flowed to the Nova board. Replys are no longer as fast as they used to be. Expecting an answer to a problem within a day is a bit much. Try waiting till tommorrow. If you have more patience, you might be interested in waiting for Star Wars:Nova or Star Wars:New Jedi Order. I can promise that my plug will be tested till all the bugs are out, and I'm sure the developers of SW:NJO will be as attentive when checking for bugs.

Sorry, but I haven't a clue as to what's up with your copy of SWEVO.

"Moronic User Error. Details:If I had hands I would slap you silly."
"It must be a common fault. I see that error message all the time."-(url="http://"")Freefall(/url)
"Error #101: No keyboard. Press F1 to continue."
(url="http://"")Shameless(/url) (url="http://"")Advertisement(/url)

Thanks, I didn't know this board was so slow. I'm eagerly Anticipating Star Wars Nova but I thought this game would do to 'quench my thirst' so to speak.

Australians all let us rejoice for we are young and free.
There's so many (url="http://"")evula(/url) advertisments. Does anyone not know about EVula's Site?
Advance Australia fair.


Originally posted by rocky:
**I just downloaded and started the Star Wars plug for EVO. All the writing on the menu at the side is stuffed. It has been replaced by spirals, smilly faces, question marks and just about every other main symbol. Whats up with this??


I agree, I have had a similar problem with the star wars plug-in for EVO. Mine had graphics for the ships that only showed at 300 degrees and 180 degrees, not to mention the problem you described. I suggest that you reload the plugin or check for updates that might fix this. You might also try upping the memory for EVO. But I'm still trying to get it to work. If you find anything put it on the Web board.


I never had this problem in the EV version of Star Wars. Did you check the search feature? And Lycos, I gave you the EV version of Star Wars. Hey, maybe that's it! You are using the EV version of Star Wars in EVO. All I know about the two is that they leave some systems the same, and so some sytems may be conflicting with each other. There may be other problems, and all of this brings EVO down.

I can solve problems just by writing down a few facts. Cool!
