Voinian Missions

I am going over my old pilot files when i realize that I've never worked for the voinians.
I have already been accepted evrywhere except Voinia, which is still forbid.
How do I get the last, main mission string where I "beat" it for the voinians?


Once I worked for the Vionians. I started the game off by killing a
bunch of UE ships in the same system as pax station. Then I went into
the bar and the missions began. I've read what other people have said
on the subject also. It seems that you must begin the Vionian missions
before you do any of the UE missions. So you probably can't use an
existing pilot.


No, no, I have already started it. I want to get the final mission string....


The Voinian string isn't nearly as complete as the UE one (unless you play the plug Reign of the Voinians); once you've demolished Verril Prime, that's it. :frown:


“If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger?” - T.H. Huxley

There are several Voinian mission strings.

The first is the "intro" set, where you kill the shuttle, etc. These let you land most everywhere Voinian (except Voinia and others).

Next is the Vonian trading missions, which aren't EXACTLY a set. (If you really want to land at Voinia, get a mission there).

After those there is a "starter" that allows you to do others. It is the Raid Outpost Alpha mission and you get it at a random port. Pretty easy.

After that you can do the Verril Prime mission set, Which starts at a random place and upon completion you get...A lottta money (2.5 mil).

The Voinian Cruiser set pix up from Denlon and after u do it, you can buy V. Cruisers.

Finally, there are the raid/defend missions against UE and emalgha.

Basically, the only way (I think) to get to Voinia is to kill lotsa UE/Emalgha or a mission computer. Someone tell me im wrong, please.


No matter how much you shake the peg, the last few drops run down your leg...
-My father
AIM: Esvaem6 (duh)

Sorry.You're right. :frown:

Yes, I must concur, after I finally realized the VOinian missions were over I was quite sad. I kept poking in bars all around Voinian space, and never found anything. I checked it with Ev-Edot, there were no more. So I picked up Reign of the Voinians!!!! IT KIIICKS!!!! I hear ROTV 2 is being made.

"Where'd you get those


Originally posted by Esvaem6:

**issions against UE and emalgha.

Basically, the only way (I think) to get to Voinia is to kill lotsa UE/Emalgha or a mission computer. Someone tell me im wrong, please.


If you do a LOT of cargo missions (20+), you can eventually land on both Voinia and its station. Not much to see on Voinia, but its station is pretty cool. 😄

"The toilet is over there!"-Stalin at the Yalta Confrence, denouncing one of Churchill's ideas.


Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost


Reign of the voinians 2 is already out, been for at least a month!!! Go to Micah L's page.

I'll Eliminat u!


Originally posted by Esvaem6:
**There are several Voinian mission strings.

The first is the "intro" set, where you kill the shuttle, etc. These let you land most everywhere Voinian (except Voinia and others).

Next is the Vonian trading missions, which aren't EXACTLY a set. (If you really want to land at Voinia, get a mission there).

After those there is a "starter" that allows you to do others. It is the Raid Outpost Alpha mission and you get it at a random port. Pretty easy.

After that you can do the Verril Prime mission set, Which starts at a random place and upon completion you get...A lottta money (2.5 mil).

The Voinian Cruiser set pix up from Denlon and after u do it, you can buy V. Cruisers.

Finally, there are the raid/defend missions against UE and emalgha.

Basically, the only way (I think) to get to Voinia is to kill lotsa UE/Emalgha or a mission computer. Someone tell me im wrong, please.


How the heck do you raid outpost alpha? It's just way to hard: you + 2 voinan frigates against a carrier and 4 or 5 destroyers.
P.S. I have a freight-courier with 2 rocket launchers instead of hunter missiles and 3 blaze turrets. But I killed the Dreadnought with the UE and the hunter missile version. So think before you say my ship sucks.

no, i'm sorry but i still think your ship sucks(just joking)I'd recomend you get neutron turrets though



Originally posted by nova_raptor:
**no, i'm sorry but i still think your ship sucks(just joking)I'd recomend you get neutron turrets though

Please don't dig up any more old topics or I'll karma slap you for it. Thanks.


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