Favorite ship

What is your favorite ship from EVO and any plugs that aren't cheat plugs.

Omegans, Unite!

I forgot, put down Stats and all the upgrades.

Omegans, Unite!


Originally posted by Xero Curvox:
**I forgot, put down Stats and all the upgrades.

If you use the edit Posted Image button than you can add corrections or things you forgot into your post.

All hell that ends well -Me
Are you accusing me of planting the bomb in that building that I put a bomb in??? -Me
(url="http://"http://www.weebl.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/b3ta/pie.html")Weebl and Bob(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.liquid2k.com/ethan_sucks/quiz6/pumpkin.jpg") Pumpkin Puke(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.magleague.com")MaG League- Overrider(/url)
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"http://community.the-underdogs.org/smiley/gallery.htm")Underdog Smiles(/url)

my favorite ship would be the UE Cruiser from the game. and from plugs, i liked my Querin Battleship. i cant remember what other ships i liked, but sooner or later ill add them.

Insanity has its advantages

<long suffering sigh, wonders whether to hire someone else to answer this question for him>

Crescent Fighter. With plug-ins, Crescent Fighter. Without plug-ins, Crescent Fighter. Flipped, reversed, twisted, frozen, melted, dissolved, evaporated, transcended, flipped again,spat out of the mouth of a dragon, regurgitated, sliced, dice, hung, drawn, quartered, defenestrated and finally punched squarely in the stomach, Crescent Fighter.

I'm not sure why you want the statistics, so I'll simply state: normal phase cannons (I'm not so keen on targetting, so I hate swivel these days), a repulsor beam, and the usual expected system upgrades.

-Lyat Esponer Corsair


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**< long suffering sigh, wonders whether to hire someone else to answer this question for him>

Crescent Fighter. With plug-ins, Crescent Fighter. Without plug-ins, Crescent Fighter. Flipped, reversed, twisted, frozen, melted, dissolved, evaporated, transcended, flipped again,spat out of the mouth of a dragon, regurgitated, sliced, dice, hung, drawn, quartered, defenestrated and finally punched squarely in the stomach, Crescent Fighter.

I'm not sure why you want the statistics, so I'll simply state: normal phase cannons (I'm not so keen on targetting, so I hate swivel these days), a repulsor beam, and the usual expected system upgrades.

Do you like Crescent Fighters?

My favorite ship is the Lazira, loaded up with blaze turrets and some disperals will put a stopper in anything.

All hell that ends well -Me
Are you accusing me of planting the bomb in that building that I put a bomb in??? -Me
(url="http://"http://www.weebl.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/b3ta/pie.html")Weebl and Bob(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.liquid2k.com/ethan_sucks/quiz6/pumpkin.jpg") Pumpkin Puke(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.magleague.com")MaG League- Overrider(/url)
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"http://community.the-underdogs.org/smiley/gallery.htm")Underdog Smiles(/url)


Originally posted by Overrider720:
Do you like Crescent Fighters?

<ponders thoughtfully, scratches his non-existant beard> 'nah.


My favorite ship is the Lazira, loaded up with blaze turrets and some disperals will put a stopper in anything.

I've always wanted to use a Lazira, but they look so...ugly. Hmm. Well, I suppose people's tastes in ships says something abou themselves. OV, are you old, reliable and pointy? 😛

-Lyat Esponer Corsair


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**I've always wanted to use a Lazira, but they look so...ugly. Hmm. Well, I suppose people's tastes in ships says something abou themselves. OV, are you old, reliable and pointy?:p

Well, i'm not old, I am reliable, but i'm NOT pointy!

All hell that ends well -Me
Are you accusing me of planting the bomb in that building that I put a bomb in??? -Me
(url="http://"http://www.weebl.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/b3ta/pie.html")Weebl and Bob(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.liquid2k.com/ethan_sucks/quiz6/pumpkin.jpg") Pumpkin Puke(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.magleague.com")MaG League- Overrider(/url)
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"http://community.the-underdogs.org/smiley/gallery.htm")Underdog Smiles(/url)

Azdara. I hope that's spelled right. But with the speed upgrades and phase cannons, it's insanely great.

Read my (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&number;=20&SUBMIT;=Go")story(/url)! It's good! Really! Comment on it, too! I'm desperate!

Remember, everyone, I'm joking. Seriously!


Originally posted by Rawzer:
**Azdara. I hope that's spelled right. But with the speed upgrades and phase cannons, it's insanely great.


well said. 😄

Insanity has its advantages


Originally posted by Rawzer:

Are you green, curvy and prone to run away?

-Lyat Esponer Corsair

I wonder how Silver will interpret my current favorite ship.

Voinian Heavy Fighter. Shield Generator. Experimental Generator. 4 Shield Enhancers. Dospect Armor. 3 Phase Cannon. 2 Phase Turret. Azdgari Upgrade. UE Cloaking Device. All standard-regulation systems upgrades.

Ash nazg durbatuluk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul

well how about this
voionian dreadnaught with.... about 30 of everything exept really cool stuff like SAE and spcamines yes im ashamed to admit i did cheat

I'm the one that has no sense of humour?....well ok.

Renegade Lazira ships are VERY easy to beat, a few shots and hes dead
(okay, I might be exaggerating a bit) But yeah, it could be quite a good ship.


Without plugs, Either Arada or Igazra.
With plugs, Purple scimitar
Why? a reason.

Hmmm, interesting.

My favorite ship is the...Igazra.

5 Phase Turrets, all three Thrust upgrades, all shield upgrades, the only armour you can get without playing Voinian, Fuel Tanks, Auto-Refueler (obviously), depending on your mission you add SAD modules, crescent missiles, or crescent rockets...

There are more upgrades, will add as I remember them.

This ship already kicks ass :), and you don't have ot cheat to get it.

The Evil Spoonman

im always amazed at what i can do with my UE cruiser, max sheilds and armor upgrades, all five blaze turrets, i forget the rest because i haven't played in ages, sorry! but i love the UE, and just even thinking that im piloting like the best ship in the fleet... awesome. i love being a slow but unstopable carrier and backing up my fighters with loads of missles or rockets. the ship doesn't have one strength, it's just good overall.

"Man invented language to meet his need to complain."

Without plugins, I personally like the Zidara. Turning/speed upgrades, 2 phased beamers, 2 Zidagar fighters (may as well use 'em if you can't sell the bay) Zidagar ECM, and 3 phase turrets. My second favorite would be the Krait. It just owns everything. 😄 With plug-ins...well, I don't use plug-ins very often, and I can't remember much from the ones I've played it's been so long.


Originally posted by Desperado:
**i love being a slow but unstopable carrier


Ever heard of '101 Ways to Toast a UE Cruiser'

Is that a sword? Luxury! Is that a horse? Sloth! Is that a helmet? Vanity! —Sage Truthbringer
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(This message has been edited by ESPilot (edited 08-26-2002).)


Originally posted by ESPilot:

Ever heard of '101 Ways to Toast a UE Cruiser'



"Man invented language to meet his need to complain."


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**< long suffering sigh, wonders whether to hire someone else to answer this question for him>

Crescent Fighter. With plug-ins, Crescent Fighter. Without plug-ins, Crescent Fighter. Flipped, reve...

What he said but about a Crescent Warship. 😄

Don't bash llamas.

(This message has been edited by Borb II (edited 08-28-2002).)