Shadows Dawning - Sign-up Thread

Shadows Dawning
an EVO-based interactive chronicle

Taking place in the EVO universe, from the beginning of the game, Shadows Dawning is pure EVO, and will remain so. No new space will be uncovered, no new alien species introduced, and there will most certainly be no moderator-controlled super-species who have been brought into the game to provide an "exciting epic." Shadows Dawning will not become a completely alien story after several months; it takes Peter Cartwright's universe, and rides it to a conclusion, whatever that may be. Will humanity succeed in destroying the Voinians? Which of the Strands shall reign supreme? Ultimately, who will dominate the known galaxy, through tactical and political manouevres?

However, through the suggestions of other writers (mostly just throwing suggestions at them and getting them to pick, actually, but it's nice to be able to say they suggested some things), Shadows Dawning has a vastly modified system of rules. Scientific research is no longer something to which a player assigns an Estimated Time of Completion, nor is that time measured in posts. Scientific research is slow, vague, and ultimately the moderator informs you what has been developed and when, via Breakthroughs. Besides this, the system of production (a string of horrifically long calculations only I need to try and deal with) allows for accurate production losses during raids or loss of a stellar object, as each stellar object is assigned a production amount. Normal projects, such as the development of a prototype, constructing a new outfit of some description, or refitting vessels, are all measured in posts by anyone (everyone would be asked to put the post number at the top of their post, and a project would, for example, be begun at Post #15 and end at Post #34.) Through this, not having much time to spare makes no difference: if you don't, you can create a project queue, and then only post for battle, if you wish.

The most important factor is that Shadows Dawning, like almost every story starting up now (Kim's Frozen Heart-based story, and the Levo Spaceport RPG), is based around character development and story writing - for example, the UE-Voinian conflict is already sketched out to suit the idea's of both writers.

But, I'll stop myself ranting now - I've given the general idea, I'll email the specifics to anyone I haven't ranted at enough on AIM. I'm not sure what is happening with the Frozen Heart story, and I was hoping that it'd work out. There shouldn't be a problem running both together, though.

The positions taken are as follows:
United Earth: Vice Admiral Ipvicus
Voinian: SilverDragon
Emalgha: RMA
Miranu: None *
Zachit: None **
Igadzra: Thunder
Zidagar: specops
Azdgari: asriel
The Rock Renegades: BattleDoctor
Mavs Renegades: Grunadulater

  • The last I heard from Redchigh, his computer was down. I can't say it's likely he'll be available to play Miranu, as he'd earlier said.
    ** Carnotaur was going to play as Zachit, but he later decided not to (to save his embarrassment, I won't say why...BattleDoctor)

Kim, Shade, Admiral Benden; are any of you available?

If anyone has any questions, please ask. A lot of rules that might have been normal in a web-story are different here, so I'd like to avoid misunderstandings if I can.

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 08-12-2002).)


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
The most important factor is that Shadows Dawning, like almost every story starting up now (Kim's Frozen Heart-based story, and the Levo Spaceport RPG), is based around character development and story writing - for example, the UE-Voinian conflict is already sketched out to suit the idea's of both writers.

Luckily I'm exempt from having to write well due to incompetance and a lot of insanity. Although I have promised to write more than 3 lines a post.

Oh, and about damned time! Haven't I bugged you enough about this?


If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

Voted most likely to be a serial killer by Insane Asylum - 2002

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 08-12-2002).)


Originally posted by RMA:
Luckily I'm exempt from having to write well due to incompetance and a lot of insanity. Although I have promised to write more than 3 lines a post.

I was considering writing that, actually. My little rule that people prone to xenophobic behaviour weren't allowed to play a side with much power certainly annoyed you, Carnotaur and BattleDoctor, but - hopefully - it'll keep you in check.

I'm not so certain, knowing you and Nathan...


Originally posted by RMA:
Oh, and about damned time! Haven't I bugged you enough about this?

Well, somehow I convinced myself that I had to complete Throne of the Damned I before I could make the sign-up thread, and the second time I started the topic, typed "The year is 2152", and couldn't write one more word. Luckily, though, I think I can finish my first post now, although I only have tomorrow before school starts again.

(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 08-12-2002).)


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
**I was considering writing that, actually. My little rule that people prone to xenophobic behaviour weren't allowed to play a side with much power certainly annoyed you, Carnotaur and BattleDoctor, but - hopefully - it'll keep you in check.

I'm not so certain, knowing you and Nathan...

Oh, I wasnt annoyed. Just means it'll take longer to galactic, peaceful coexistance with all.

heh, in check indeed. hehe.


If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

Voted most likely to be a serial killer by Insane Asylum - 2002


Originally posted by RMA:
**Oh, I wasnt annoyed. Just means it'll take longer to galactic, peaceful coexistance with all.

heh, in check indeed. hehe.


Oh, be serious. You always had more trouble getting around me than you did with Carnotaur, and not only are you playing Emalgha, you have the Voinian Empire sitting around for cannon fodder. I'll keep you in-check in that you won't have time for much else other than fighting me - my sacrifice keeps the rest of the story sane! Except for BattleDoctor...oh dear... <grins>


So are these Mavs Renegades the Human Renegades?

Out ride the sons of Terra,
Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen,
Out, far, and onward yet - Robert A. Heinlein, The Green Hills of Earth

NO! The Mavs Renegades are the rival of the HUMAN Renegades. By the way, I would like to do the Zachit part, please.



Originally posted by kauthor:
**NO! The Mavs Renegades are the rival of the HUMAN Renegades. By the way, I would like to do the Zachit part, please.


Silly me, I really should play through EVO, never could force myself to stick to it before.

Out ride the sons of Terra,
Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen,
Out, far, and onward yet - Robert A. Heinlein, The Green Hills of Earth

From memory, there are three human renegade systems and four Crescent renegade systems. Each renegade player only has command of one system at first (I think it's a reasonable assumption that there's little unity at all). Of the Crescent renegades, The Rock is premier, North Tip is second, Histori Station (Mavs) is a close third, and the fourth I can't remember is last in terms of power. Of the human renegades, Pariah is premier (probably the best of all the renegades, or would be if human ships didn't have a slight disadvantage against Crescent ships if they don't have extra armour), with Riomor second and Yelts tagging along.

kauthor; I'd strongly suggest you don't finalise that until there is a Miranu player. The Zachit are the only militant force that lack the shipyards to support them, and it's up to the Miranu player how much of her/his production goes to you. Unless you'd like to be stuck with Outpost Zachit's construction rate of 5 Zachit fighters and a Zachit Arada every 40 posts?

And that reminds me. Construction! Some places might build, say, a UE fighter every 4 posts. But with so many stellar objects, and so many types of ships, trying to micromanage that would be nigh on impossible for a major government, so I've brought it all to every 40 posts (call it a page for all intents and purposes.)

Smaller governments would likely be able to micromanage, meaning they get the ships when they're done, not every page.

Emalgha Totals:
38 Emalgha Freighters / 40 posts
8 Emalgha Warships / 40 posts
100 Emalgha Fighters / 40 posts

Since the figures being dealt with are low, RMA might choose to micromanage, and build 1 Emalgha Warship / 5 posts, and 5 Emalgha Fighters / 2 posts. The freighters don't go in easily, but having the ships on the spot might help if he's under attack (and RMA, you can rest assured you will be.)

In just a little bit, I'll post the total fleet statistics (navy/construction) of every government playing. I won't post the entire calculation, including every stellar object, unless someone asks (it's an enormous load of text.)

Lastly, if anyone wants to change their production, i.e. concentrate on building fighters, then I won't have to change the entire calculation, just the total (and if a stellar object is ever captured/destroyed/raided, I'll have to work out what construction it would have had.)

Don't get scared off by the confusing maths below; it's nice and simple up on top.


I would like to join up as Kayan.

"Doritos:The official currency of fat people."-My friend
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Originally posted by Admiral Benden:
I would like to join up as Kayan.

As I mentioned on AIM already, that's perfectly fine as long as Espona (who wanted to be Kayans a while back) doesn't show up anytime soon. I don't think he will, but, you never know.

Just hope 'ya realise that there are Kayans, and South Tip Strandless. They work together, and the latter are the ones with the fleet.

I was refering to the people with South Tip Station. I guess that would be south tip strandless then. I need to play EVO again.

"Doritos:The official currency of fat people."-My friend
"All your bandwidth are belong to us."
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Originally posted by Admiral Benden:
**I was refering to the people with South Tip Station. I guess that would be south tip strandless then. I need to play EVO again.


It's a technicality our good 'ol Thunder ignored, so why can't you? <smile> It should be noted that how the government works is entirely up to the player. As long as it's interesting and not too nonsensical, no-one will mind.

i think i would like to take the Miranu. it has been a while since my last webstory so i'll need to take some time to get back into it. (hopefully being a trading race doesn't require good writing skills)

Insanity has its advantages


Originally posted by U.E. Admiral:
(hopefully being a trading race doesn't require good writing skills)

UE, Voinian, Miranu, Igadzra, Zidagar and Azdgari positions all require good writing skills above all else, and preferably an internal plot (the Voinian's "Throne of the Damned" story, for example.) I would strongly advise you don't try to play Miranu.


in that case, are the Pariah Renegades open?

Insanity has its advantages

Well, if UE Admiral doesn't want it after your last post, I could try to be the Miranu. It seems to me they would be a great deal more political than military, so there would thus be more development in their government and trading conglomerates than writing space battles and such. I might need a bit of clarification on the original EVO Miranu missions in the game to successfully write this, as its been a while since I did the nebulae.

Other than that, I think it would be fun to write the Miranu.

P.S. Just to get this straight...this is a collaborative story? Or is this an RPG?

Ash nazg durbatuluk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul Elendil!


Originally posted by Solel:
Well, if UE Admiral doesn't want it after your last post

i dont feel i can command a race that requires good writing skills. after all i have none.

Insanity has its advantages

Solel; it's probably somewhere in between. Hopefully , if all goes according to plan, it should string together to make one huge story, or be broken down into several (playing Voinians, I'll be paraphrasing everything people do that I know about, so I can have a story all in my own writing), but in some ways it's an RPG. The scale of the EVO galaxy is what makes character interaction difficult; which is why, perhaps, people who would really like to interact with other players' characters should take up a lesser role.

And yes, Solel, if you're up to the writing, you can be Miranu. I had my fingers crossed that Kim would like to play them, but I hadn't counted on people I didn't know were into writing. Kim would probably prefer a lesser position for more character development anyway, come to think of it.

UE Admiral; you're fine for Pariah renegades. Just make sure you know what you're doing against Ipvicus!

Thanks a million SilverDragon. An oppurtunity to write about a Eudaimonic government! ::munches on Munb leaves::

Ash nazg durbatuluk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul Elendil!