Reign of Chaos 3 - Chapter VIII

Scorcher rushed into the command room in Barad-dur. "What happened?" he asked.

"The message we sent to Pozdag couldn't be recieved in time; they detonated the bombs..." Specter replied slowly.

"Dangit!!" Scorcher yelled, banging his hand on the table. "How are we going to explain to the population that we accidentally killed 300 million people?"

"Simple; we tell them the truth, nothing more. I guess a star must have gone supernova or something somewhere, causing the message to not detonate the bombs to get scrambled," Specter replied. "Well, maybe it isn't so bad. We never had time to set up all the bombs, so it's quite possible that a third of the people may have survived. Either way, the Prylak would have either killed them, eaten them, or done some other horrible thing to them."

Scorcher nodded slowly. "How is the evacuation going?"

"Nadej is still being evacuated, as are the other core worlds. Zachit is already evacuated, and mines and rigged asteroids have been set up to hit incoming ships. The Nadej-Sumo system has been mined with around 200 bombs, and ships are now evacuating by way of Eiribi. Our armada moved into Zimli and Nemnel and deployed minefields of 250 bombs each, as well as about 30 or more large explosive-rigged asteroids. We're still bringing in more trans-phasic bombs from Eta Cassiopea, and so we should be able to make a nasty surprise for the Prylak if they try and take Mirava."

Scorcher nodded again. "What about the defense enhancement?"

Specter turned around and pointed to a new map of the Mirava system. "The upgrade will call for three new battlestations put in, as well as the planetary shield upgraded, frieghters filled with bombs put in place, and an addition to the current compliment of Citadel Defense Drones. It's not much, but it's the best defense we have against the Prylak to try and stop them from taking this place."

"Very well. Start on it immediately. I want it done ASAP."


Delphi Sensor Net
ETA: 2 Posts

Mirava Defense Upgrade
ETA: 6 Posts

Trans-Phasic Weaponry
ETA: 2 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 03-01-2002).)

this board is evil. therefore this post will just be a summary. Galactica has ordered Svass Station abdandoned and set to self destruct when any Prylak are near. We dont know it's been taken over, just heavily damaged. Jupiter base has a heck of a lot of weapons, and the massive EMP beam is expect to be of use, as well as the numerous asteroid and comet forts, the moon forts, the weapon platforms inside Jupiter base, and missle drones.

Galactica is also evil.


Nemesis-class Hull Upgrade: 5 Posts

Phalynx Missle: 7 Posts

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 03-02-2002).)

T'akara and Xe'ls
The two Starfortresses meet with the remnants of their battlefleet in Svass, where both generals wait to consider the situation. They know from their neural scan of the commander on Svass that their opponent has only four solar systems left, and the locations of them. Victory, they believe, will be an easy enough task.

They knew about the Jupiter Base, and believed that if they moved straight for it and destroyed it, Galactica would collapse. They were also under orders to finish this war within eight days, recent word from the Divinity. Both generals were quite amused by this, especially since hearing that General Grenir had been forced into a change of plans.

The only way to win the battle in eight days would be to move on Jupiter Base straight away, and thus, despite the risk, the T'akara and Xe'ls left Svass, leaving the station in bad condition but not destroyed, and headed straight for Sol.

Grenir swore colourfully. The Divinity had given him eight days to destroy the Confederates. He would have preferred eight months - but now there was no time to take slaves.

The Loki quickly left Pozdag, moving through to Zachit, and taking heavy damages from mines. They then pushed on towards Barad-dűr after picking up the energy signals, believing, as the generals of the T'akara and Xe'ls had, that the destruction of such a major base would collapse their opponents.


High Admiral Fera looked at the sensor readouts. According to the sensor records recieved from Centauri, the 2 large ships should be arriving momentarily. All ships, bouys, drones, asteroids, comets, moons, and weapon platforms had their orders. All fire was to be concentrated on just one of the ships. Anything unable to get a target lock on the main target wouldnt stop firing though, they'd just shift fire to the other ship until otherwise.

Phoenix Command, hidden behind a solid outer hull of Neutronium was probablyt the safest place in the system. Especially now that a score of gravity wells had activated and compressed the material around the command center to an extremely thick and dense material, providing just a bit more protection ontop of the local shield grid and garv sheath. Above that where several independant shield layers and grav sheaths. Further above that Jupiter Bases inner defence ring projected yet another shielded layer. The situation repeated itself out to the outer defence perimeter. Then all the moons and asteroids had their own shield generators and grav sheaths. Jupiter Base looked a bit like an onion in the Command Center, the myriad layers all displayed.

As High Admiral Fera looked at the sensor readouts, he blinked. The Starfortresses had arrived. Before the wake of the hyper-exit had even begun to disperse, over a thousand mines exploded. 2 dreadnaughts and 5 Battleships went up instantly, the other 'small' ship damaged ot varying degress. The mammoth explosion didnt even seem to phase the Starfortresses.

Then before that explosion could begin to die down, every missle pod and launhcer within range had unleashed a volley of proportions never seen before. Much like the last never seen before volley, just bigger. It seemed to be a repeating phenomenon recently.

ECM fields erupted throughout the system, daring sensors to cut through the garbage and find a target. No Galadctica ship was outside of Jupiter Bases shield grid though, none of them capable of surviving the battle if they did go out. Well, with a few numerous, small exceptions. The Shrike Fighter should prove useful when they actually atacked.

And deep down in Jupiter Bases core, the emitters for the EMP Beam buzzed with the energy running through them.


Nemesis-class Hull Upgrade: 4 Posts

Phalynx Missle: 6 Posts

Dreadnaught Count:1. Time till next one:5 posts

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 03-02-2002).)

The T'akara and the Xe'ls emerged through one of the titanic barrages, their shields glowing red from the numerous explosions that had occured around it. In their wake flew three dreadnoughts and eight battlecruisers - what remained of their battlefleet.

Since the mines had struck, the Prylak had been falling down a spiked slide with riflemen shooting at it. They hadn't had time to open fire, and even their sensors were disturbed.

Now, however, after the third barrage Jupiter Base had fired, the Prylak force organised themselves, and went on the attack.

Hundreds, if not thousands, of hunter-seekers and hunter-killer modules were launched, streaking out through space much faster than Galactica's missiles had, crashing into the main shield network on the Jupiter Base. The barrage was repeated almost immediately, and continued. Galactica's missile fire returned, but several hunter-killers intercepted a group of missiles, exploding them, using Galactica's own missiles to damage their shield network.

Meanwhile, the Prylak were able to push further and further forward, into primary weapon's range.

And they were quite shocked by what they came up against.

An enormous array of thoron beams discharged upon the Xe'ls, it's shields taking heavy damage. The myriad of beams eliminated many modules in midflight, allowing a missile barrage from the base to strike upon the Xe'ls. The second, dominant Starfortress was taking heavier damage than they had expected.

At that point, the T'akara charged and fired it's temporal disruption beam, and a wave that tore at time came crashing upon one of the base's moons. The beam bore straight through the moon, which broke apart. Meanwhile, anti-spacial beams, combined with the mass of primary warp fire, plowed across asteroids and other moons, ripping apart many shield networks.


OOC:Erm, time has been rewritten. Nothing has changed though. Nothing atall. Honest. Apart from a few blips caused by the being known as Esponer that is.

GSS Nemesis-Command Bridge
'Twelve minutes to realspace entrance, Sir'
'Acknowledged. Status of Jupiter Base, Lieutenant?
'The Prylak ships appear to have ripped several of the fortress moons apart, but one of their ships looks to have taken heavy damage. Accoridng to the code groups, Phoenix Command is preparing to use a Shrike Fighter attack to disrupt the enemy, as well as the EMP Beam.'

Fleet Admiral Havanna considered this information for a few moments. He had disobeyed all orders to come here, and he knew he would get a courtmartial should he survive. But he could not let the Sol system fall to the Prylak. If it did, all he had worked for would be lost. He turned to tactical.

'Prepare to launch Shrike Attack Fighters, and charge the Heavy Thoron Beam emplacements. Activate all ECM and point defence systems and linkages. Thoron Beams look to be particulary effective against the Prylaks long range weaponry. Prepare Grav Sheath for deflection.
'Systems active and ready, Sir.'
'Sound general quaters, all crew to their stations.'

The GSS Nemesis was almost at the Sol system, and while compared to the Prylak ships it was weak, it could also provide immense firepower. Far more than the Prylak could expect from such a 'weak' government as Galactica. The triple shield grid was about to get its first real combat test.


Nemesis-class Hull Upgrade: 3 Posts

Phalynx Missle: 5 Posts

Dreadnaught Count:1. Time till next one:4 posts

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 03-05-2002).)

"Sir!" the lieutenant ran to Admiral Scorcher. "The Starfortress is approaching Barad-dur!"

"They took their time dealing with the other bloody colonies," Scorcher said, then he turned to Specter, Firebird, and Carnotaur. "We have to get to our ships now. When the Prylak attack, we should all leave. I think Barad-dur should be able to take it down, but who knows; I don't want to be here if it DOES win."

Carnotaur nodded. "All senior admirals, to the Red October."

As the admirals and other important members began to evacuate, Scorcher looked at the tactical display. "Begin deploying mines in DSN-3544 and DSN-2322. Scramble all vessels, and begin charging of the Firestorm Defense system and weapon grids."


Delphi Sensor Net
ETA: 1 Post

Mirava Defense Upgrade
ETA: 5 Posts

Trans-Phasic Weaponry
ETA: 1 Post

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

The Skraine were fighting a rear-guard action in Haru'El when Commander Aurilae returned.
The Watcher had told them that the Defender was effectively immortal; still some officers had entertained doubts.
Their happiness was mirrored by the shock and fright of General Thakara as the Defender reappeared to fight again.
As the defence fleets of the Core Sector arrived, a message was sent to the Minerva; "You cannot hope to defeat us, Pry'lahk scum, for we are the Skraine. We are the beloved of the Senn; Watcher Protects!"
But of course the Prylak would never surrender.
New waves of fire were exchanged; while the Minerva had to beat off several hundred capital ships, the Skraine focused their Hyperlattice Warheads on a single point on the Minerva's hull, doing massive damage to a small section. While they did this, the Defender flitted in and out of the combat, blazing away at the Minerva's shields.
And then two things happened nearly simultaneously; the defence fleets from the Hoth Sector and the Senn Sector arrived as did the Prylak Dreadnaughts and Battlecruisers.
While the Skraine fleet now numbered about a thousand capital ships, the Prylak attacked with the full force of their ships.

Hoth V was one of the few sites which still had a large defence fleet; as Skraine and Prylak warred for control of the present battlefield, Magistrate K'Sarragh was looking ahead to future battles, future wars

(message to:Confederates)
(message fr: Skraine)
(message re: hyperspace inhibitiors)
(We realise that at this time the Prylak are the major threat; however when they are defeated, the fool Raiek will attack us. We require any technologies you might have capable of closing off the Wormhole to Ross 154.We can repay you in technology or aid to your people once the Prylak have gone.
Yours, Magistrate K'Sarragh)

(message to:Galactica)
(message fr: Skraine)
(message re: gravity well emitters)
(We realise that at this time the Prylak are the major threat; however when they are defeated, the fool Raiek will attack us. We need any technologies you can spare capable of destroying anything which exits the Wormhole to Ross 154 a kind of spiked doormat to Skraine space, if you will. We can repay you in technology or aid to your people once the Prylak have gone.
Yours, Magistrate K'Sarragh)

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

(Message to Skraine)
(From Confederates)
(Reply: Hyperspace Inhibitors)
(We cannot offer the inhibitor technology at the moment, seeing we do not yet know its effects on wormholes (only hyperlinks), and it is very highly classified technology. We can, however, set up a few outposts in the system and mine the wormhole using our trans-phasic bombs, and have the outposts keep up the supply. We can also bring in Citadel Defense drones if you wish. We also hope you will soon begin the construction of the Balrog Dreadnaught that we suggested you start building earlier; these new warships will be key in fighting the Prylak.)

The Confederates had finally completed research of the Trans-phasic Cannon and Turret; it was now no longer a prototype weapon, and would give the Confederates an almost unheard-of advantage in close-range firepower.

The Confederates immediately began upgrading Barad-dur with the new cannons. All efforts were focused on that station, and soon the upgrade was completed. The commander station was readied for combat, and the ten battlestations around it were also upgraded.


Delphi Sensor Net
ETA: Completed

Mirava Defense Upgrade
ETA: 4 Posts

Trans-Phasic Weaponry
ETA: Completed

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(Message To:Skraine)
(Message From:Galactica)
(We will endeavour to help you with a blockade of the wormhole, but we will have to build a research station in order to study the efefcts of gravitic wells on it. Any technological exhcnages can await till after our victory or defeat)
(Message Ends)

OOC:Someoneorother,remember AIM conversation. If questions, ask on AIM.


On kaya, the South Tip Command Center awaited further news on the progression of the Sol Battle


Nemesis-class Hull Upgrade: 2 Posts

Phalynx Missle: 4 Posts

Dreadnaught Count:1. Time till next one:3 posts

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

re:Research Base
Of course you may construct a research base there- we will aid you in it's construction, once the current crisis is over.
Yours, Magistrate K'Sarragh

re:Subspace Technology
Greetings, Haorn. Centuries ago, the Skraine fled from your enemies, the Prylak. Now the Prylak's decendants, the Raiek, plan to attack us once the current crisis is over. We would be interested in working with your researchers to develop a sub-spatial "plug" for the wormhole joining Ross 154 to Eta Cassiopea. We can repay you with technology.
Yours, Magistrate K'Sarragh

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

OOC: I'm going to try a slightly different path here; finish the Starfortress battles one scene at a time, Galactica first. Please, unless you intend to spare ships to the battle or make communications, don't post until myself, RMA and BattleDoctor have done some killing. As for this battle's title, BD can change it if he wants. : )

Proving of the Phoenix
The G.S.S Nemesis, pride and joy of the Galactica Imperium, made it's arrival in Sol even as the twin Starfortresses began to break through the defences of Jupiter Base, and hope was fading.

The Nemesis was one of the most powerful vessels ever built in the Milky Way. It was larger and more powerful even than the United Earth's Paladin or Excalibur supercruisers, which had both been lost thirty years past in the Battle of Pokoren. It could have gone toe to toe with the Sephiroth , and even stand up to the Garland itself, after having been upgraded with the spoils of war.

The Prylak had never expected the power of resistance that they had met in the Milky Way, beginning from the Gadzair, and then against the Merc. Alliance, Galactica, the Azdgari and others. They had expected their bio-weapon to end the war for them once and for all, and yet it had not. And then, again, in New Sol the Andromedan Prylak had tasted their worst defeat - the death of their Emperor and flagship, at the hands of two majestic vessels, the Equinox and the Paradox, built by a dying race.

And now, the Prylak were about to face a worse loss. They were about to learn the resistance that the Voinians, the humans, the Azdgari, the Igadzra, the Zidagar, the Miranu, the Skraine, the Haorn, the Sijak, their brothers the Raiek, and even the apparently insignificant Hinwar could put up in their will to live.


And thus, the G.S.S Nemesis made it's entry into Sol amid the enormous match between the Andromedan Prylak and Jupiter Base.

With that signal, every thoron beam, missile silo and ion battery within the system pinpointed the same target - the A.S.S Xe'ls, Starfortress and seat of command of Second General Riose.

And the Nemesis charged, it's charged thoron beams bathing it in unbelieving bright light. Three seperate points of white light from three seperate beams grew and grew, as the beam charged almost to overload.

Fleet Admiral Havanna, captain of the G.S.S Nemesis, stood at the bridge, looking out towards his target. "Time until weapon's range?"

"Fourteen seconds, sir!" replied the same lieutenant who had informed him of their impending arrival.

"Can the beamers sustain until them?" Havanna asked.

"If we want to do this, they'll have to," replied his second-in-command with a grin.

He was about to make a second comment, when the lieutenant shouted out "Now!". A split second later, an ensign professionally tapped three large holo-points in front of him, discharging the beams.

Havanna blinked as the streaks of light reached out to encompass the Xe'ls. "Status!" he demanded when the impressive display was over.

"We can't break their jammers," replied the lieutenant. "There was a definite shield ripple, though."

"And still is," the second-in-command noted, watching as hundreds of missiles crashed into the Xe'ls' shield bubble.

"Continue. Fire everything we have at the Xe'ls," commanded Havanna, still staring out towards the Xe'ls. He had not expected it to be so large - so titanic.


Second General Riose swore in language so foul it made several Prylak cringe. "Get the dreadnoughts on that ship!" he spat at one Prylak, quickly turning to another. "Charge the temporal disruption beam."

"It's already charged, Master."

"Lock the Nemesis in. Destroy."


The Nemesis was now upon the Xe'ls, concentrating all it's fire on it despite the dreadnoughts that were attempting to engage it with anti-spacial beams and such. The Nemesis, however, was quite simply dwarfed by the massive bulk of the Xe'ls, and Havanna realised that unless Phoenix Command had some trick up their sleeve, things might become difficult here.

The irregularities were what gave it away. The entire space-time continuum seemed to shiver. No energy readings were given out, but instead, the energy readings that came from every other weapon in the system were suddenly all blocked out from the Nemesis, as is neutralised.

After that, some hint was given away when the officer in charge of engineering noted that Havanna appeared to be speaking very slowly. Havanna was confused, not entirely sure what was going on, but he realised it's source.

"Evaasiive maaanoueevrees!" he shouted in a surreal slow motion, but it was already too late. The full brunt of the Xe'ls' most powerful struck the Nemesis head-on. And time collapsed, and space collapsed, and everything that was there was no more.

Or so it seemed.

Time and space repaired themselves, the tear disappearing as it normally would. But to the immense shock of Riose of the Xe'ls, the Nemesis remained.

And a signal went directly to the Xe'ls and nowhere else, and the Prylak were frightened at what they heard. "You may have doomed the Gadzair to their death five thousand years previous, but you will never doom our children, or destroy our memory."

Then, perhaps under the perfectly understandable attack from Jupiter Base, or perhaps because of something else, the shield bubble around the Xe'ls collapsed, leaving the Starfortress vulnerable, as Andromedan ships never armoured their vessels.

Havanna was smiling a grim smile then, as he had the Nemesis open fire with every weapon it was equipped with.

The poor, undefended Xe'ls could not withstand that.

Aboard the T'akara, the viewscreen became white, and the sensors almost overloaded from the explosion that occured so close to it, and on the proud bridge of the T'akara, the captain screamed a heart piercing scream for the death of his brother.


High Admiral Fera laughed as he looked at the large holographic battle display high above his head. All of the holoprojectors in the room had now been tuned to one display, a massive representation of the Sol system. Though the distortion was still extremely heavy, it was clear that the Xe'ls had been destroyed.

Fera's celebration, however, was brought to a halt as Emperor BattleDoctor put a hand on his shoulder and said, "There is still one of those ships out there. I want that downed before any celebration takes place."

Fera quickly regained his composure and leaned over his command console. "All ships, this is High Admiral Fera. Concentrate all firepower on the remaining Prylak supercruiser. Destroy it at any cost."

Far above Jupiter, things began to move. The throngs of Shrike fighters began to scream towards the T'akara. Many had been damaged or were low on ammunition, but they charged ahead anyway. Laser Frigates and Heavy Beam Cruisers began to move forward, firing everything they had at the remaining Starfortress. Warcruisers and Support Cruisers began unloading their massive missile loads towards the Starfortress while they hurled debris at the Starfortress. Strike Cruisers and Missile Frigates stood by for orders in Jupiter's upper atmosphere while providing cover fire, as these ship classes were too light to go up against the full force of the Starfortress.

The moons began to recharge and ready for another Thoron Beam attack, all the while launching massive volleys of missiles. The Starfortress was taking hits from all sides, its shield bubble glowing but apparently not affected much. The Starfortress continued firing at ships near it, but otherwise, activity was at a minimum. The Nemesis pushed slowly forward towards the T'akara.

Suddenly, there was a massive movement among the Prylak forces. The Battlecruisers began to accelerate towards Galactica's shield grid, taking heavy fire. As one of the massive Thoron Beam Emitters on one of the moons readied to fire a burst at an approaching Prylak vessel, the Starfortress fired its temporal disruption beam.

The moon was rent asunder by the force of the attack as the beam and the Battlecruiser hit it simultaneously. The shield grid in the vicinity of the moon was shattered. As a different Battlecruiser lined up for what looked like a similar attack, a Galactica Support Cruiser clipped it with a piece of massive debris. This sent the Battlecruiser hurtling past the moon at high speeds, headed for the planet. One of the massive weapons platforms in Jupiter's atmosphere incinerated what was left of the Prylak vessel with a Thoron Beam burst and a hail of Standoff Missiles.

A large wing of Shrike fighters fell into formation behind a Prylak Battlecruiser and began to open fire with their Thoron Beams. One of the Battlecruiser's engines was rendered useless by a Thoron blast and it began to spin out towards the shield grid of the planet Jupiter. Suddenly, the Shrike squadron was hit by a large beam from the Battlecruiser. Most of the lightly armored Shrikes were destroyed on contact with the beam, and the rest peeled off from the pursuit and began to regroup. A few seconds later, the hulking Prylak warship smashed into the shield grid.

The Starfortress was shooting off weapons and bombs seemingly randomly, unloading gigantic amounts of weapons towards the Galactica fleet and the moons. The mass of weapons fire from the T'akara meant that the Galactica defenders were unable to get near it for fear of being destroyed. Several Laser Frigates were ordered to go on a suicide attack against the Starfortress, but the randomness of the T'akara's attacks meant that no real attack plan could be formulated and thus the ships were blasted to debris before they entered primary weapons range.

The Prylak seemed to be holding their Dreadnoughts in reserve. These warships could prove to be a large impediment to Galactica's destruction of the T'akara, laying in wait until Galactica's forces were suitably softened up. Fleet Admiral Havanna, on the bridge of the Nemesis, sought to engage the Dreadnoughts in combat and force them to take part in the attack, so the G.S.S. Nemesis could destroy them.

Havanna ordered all missiles from his ship to be fired at the Prylak Dreadnoughts. The Nemesis quickly re-oriented its targeting systems and, though it was still out of primary weapons range, huge salvoes of Standoff Missiles began to head towards the Dreadnoughts. Havanna then waited to see how they would react.

Hull upgrade: 1 post

Phalynx Missile: 3 posts

"Look -- the trees!" Galan cries. "They have leaves!"

The Confederate Dreadnaught Balrog cruised through the Centauri system. It's commander, Captain Jacob Savaers, had decided to take a detour near the Sol system after hearing of the trouble Galactica was having with the Prylak Starfortresses.

Now waiting in the desolate Centauri system, Savaers ordered a scan of the Sol system, and then detected huge amounts of weapons fire. He then sent a message to Galactica...

(Message to Battledoctor)
(Encrypted Emergency Level)
(From Captain Jacob Savaers, Balrog )
(We have detected the massive battle going on in Sol, and are willing to offer assistence in destroying the remaining starfortress. We await your response.)
(End Message)


Meanwhile, the Confeds were beginning research of the Sentinel Defense System, which would be an upgrade to the original Citadel Defense System. It would add two new drones (a new artillary drone and a heavy beam drone), as well as many improvements to the old drones. It would also have an upgrade to the ECM and Sensor Systems included in the system.

The Confeds were also beginning construction of the second Balrog dreadnaught; the Invincible. They knew it would be too late in order to help fight the Starfortress, but at least it would be done eventually.


Sentinel Defense System
ETA: 30 Posts

Mirava Defense Upgrade
ETA: 3 Posts

Balrog-class Dreadnaught Invincible
ETA: 11 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

The now quite large Hinwar fighter fleet come out of hyperspace in Sol, and started firing every enhancement that had been made on the fighters. Lasers, rockets, missiles, and electric discharge flew into the Starfortress. Fighters swerved everywhere, dodging just about everything. Kinda. Lots of ships were getting damaged. When the slower "cruisers"(which is really what the attack freighters had become) came into the system, there were very little Hinwar fighters left. The Cruisers launched everything they had against the Starfortress. It was finaly when The Hinwar ships were fully being attacked, Grunadulater decided to use weapon technique that he and his scientists had created. With all rocket silos completly empty, all remaining Hinwar ships shot the lightning beam in one spot. A cruiser then flew into the spot, detonating and sending a shockwave to momentarily blind the Starfortress. Just for one second, it was blind in one spot. Grundy flew his and all other Hinwar ships into that spot, and hoped that it would do damage...

Never pet a burning dog.
Come visit (url="http://"")Nova6s Webboards(/url).


Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**Meanwhile, the Confeds were beginning research of the Sentinel Defense System, which would be an upgrade to the original Citadel Defense System. It would add two new drones (a new artillary drone and a heavy beam drone), as well as many improvements to the old drones. It would also have an upgrade to the ECM and Sensor Systems included in the system.

The Confeds were also beginning construction of the second Balrog dreadnaught; the Invincible. They knew it would be too late in order to help fight the Starfortress, but at least it would be done eventually.


Sentinel Defense System
ETA: 30 Posts

Mirava Defense Upgrade
ETA: 3 Posts

Balrog-class Dreadnaught Invincible
ETA: 11 Posts


MOD: Carnotaur, we're going to backtrack to that later. Bring those techs back up 1 point, and don't continue them until we've finished. Same goes for everyone - you're NOT going to benefit 7 times out of the same two weeks.


Guys, I'm sincerely sorry for not telling you this when I returned from vacation, but I'm out of Reign of Chaos. I've posted once in the past month, and I have no real interest in catching up. Unless something happened to all my planets and such (i.e. the Prylak destroyed them) my last post is in Chapter VII, so if someone wants to play Tribunal, be my guest.

Au revoir,


(url="http://"") Meowx Design (/url) | (url="http://"") The Lord Of The Rings (/url) | (url="http://"") BoardGame (/url)
e-mail: (url="http://"")

OOC - sorry to see you go, Asriel. If no-one else is interested in replacing you long-term, I'll kill off the Alliance of Azdgari and take your place. 🙂 I wanted Tribunal from the start, after all.


Galactica was hard pressed against the Prylak force. Despite the destruction of the Xe'ls, Galactica was still outmatched by the T'akara and the dreadnoughts. The battlecruiser's desperate tactics had not been entirely futile - the first few shield networks of Jupiter Base had been destroyed, and two battlecruisers had been able to pass through, their shields overwhelming the base's, and had been destroyed by Shrike squadrons combined with the EMP beam.

Three dreadnoughts remained, and finally, the T'akara's missile barrage came to a halt, with tens of thousands of modules launched. The silos in Jupiter Base were also running low after two hours of heavy combat.

The Prylak force moved forward in a slow charge, concentrating all their fire now on the central complex, ignoring the moons and asteroids, many of which had been destroyed now. The last stage of the battle had commenced - their charge would decide who won.


Admiral Fera looked at the sensor net reports, and grimaced. The whole of Jupiter Bases outer perimeter had been demolished, and the Prylak dreadnaughts were shielding the Starfortress from a lot of firepower, as well as dealing with a lot of missle that would otherwise do a lot of damage.

'Order Inner High Orbit energy-weapon platforms to change targets to the remaining Prylak Dreadnaughts. Missle platforms to maintain current firing patterns. Prepare to release reserve Shrike Fighter Squadrons on my command.

'Prepare inner defence asteroids for kinetic attacks. Prepare to prime antimatter charges when ordered.

Out in Jupiter Bases orbit, the 3 remaining Dreadnaughts came under the firepower of scores of Thoron Beams. The missles, now unchallanged by Prylak modules, began to impact the T'akara in increasing numbers. After all, their was no point in holding reserve ammo if you wheren't going to be about to use. A missile had but one purpose after all, and that was to destroy.

All the way over at Mars, the entire Shrike fighter complement, having been held there incase the Prylak attacked Mars, launched and headed for the Prylak ships, to reinforce their comrades, and strike the Prylak down.

And on hundreds of asteroids, not a thing changed. Yet.


With confirmation, and permission to enter the system, the Confederates most powerful ship, the Balrog was now close to entering the system, and joining the battle.


Hull upgrade: Complete

Upgraded sensor net:12 posts

Phalynx Missile: 2 posts

Next Dreadnaught:1 post (Total :1)


OOC: Dang, Asriel, pity you're leaving. That leaves us all to deal with Esponer when (garbled) happens! Anyway, no one else post, since all these extra posts have forced this chapter over 100 posts for the final Sol battle, and we dont want to keep pushing it up. Thanks.

(Dang smilies)
If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 03-08-2002).)


Originally posted by SilverDragon:
I wanted Tribunal from the start, after all.

Heh, I'd forgotten about that. Do well with it, if you do take over. 🙂

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