Reign of Chaos 3 - Chapter VIII

OOC: I forgot that I had to research the sensor net, so I edited my posts to account for that.


(Message to Galactica)
(From Confederates)
(We are sending you the data on the Delphi Sensor Net, at least the data we have already researched. You may help us in the research process, and when the research is done, you can help us with deploying the sensor net. Agreed?)
(End Message)

(Message to Skraine)
(From Confederates)
(Very well, though we would prefer your armada would stay in Mirava. We have plenty of shipyards, and we could upgrade your ships with the necissary technologies ourselves. Speaking of your armada, what is the estimated ship count for it?)
(End Message)


Delphi Sensor Net
ETA: 8 Posts

Balrog-class Dreadnaught
ETA: 7 Posts

Trans-Phasic Weaponry
ETA: 8 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).


Originally posted by Espona:
**< Esponer, and/or Carno, and/or anyone else who is considered leader and/or moderator of the story, do I have Sub-space torps and/or EM bombs? Also, can I have the Infiltrator and/or Battleship?>

MOD: The Infiltrator would only be effective when shields were down. (It's also similar to the Attack Drones of Zone 4 I was planning on, but that's okay :)). The Battleship is fine. You don't have those two weapons, though, since I don't believe you've researched them, or had other governments supply them. Just so you know, throwing a sub-space warhead into a bomb shell is an easy enough project. As in, tiny.

Battledoctor, both the Balrog and Nemesis projects include the construction of a prototype, remember.


Flight of the Dragons
Of the twelve Starfortresses, the commanding one was lost in New Sol. Two more were destroyed by the Drakal, and a further two returned to Dromede for repairs. Seven Starfortresses will strike: Galactica, Alliance, Raiek, Sijak, Haorn and Skraine.

A.S.S T'akara - will attack Galactica
A.S.S Xe'ls - will attack Galactica
A.S.S Loki - will attack the Alliance
A.S.S Quezacotl - will attack Raiek
A.S.S Shiva - will attack Sijak
A.S.S Amun - will attack Haorn
A.S.S Minerva - will attack Skraine

(in case you were wondering, the first two are native American spirits, Loki is a Viking mythology, Quezacotl an Aztec God, Shiva a...I forget...Goddess, Amun is an Egyptian God, and Minerva a Roman Goddess)

It's a little difficult and time consuming to write six different entries, and none of these battles will be single post anyway, so each of you concerned can introduce them. Note:
a) The Starfortress (s) will appear through a jumpgate some distance from your own government. You will be able to detect them quite early, but their FTL propulsion is much better than your hyperdrives.
🆒 They will NOT attack any significant bases (Phoenix Command, Barad-dűr), first. Last is more likely.
c) They destroy everything in their path.

Also note that the Starfortress carries six Dreadnoughts and twenty four Battlecruisers. They can cause a considerable degree of spacial or even temporal disruption.

Don't make your opening posts long. I'll try and keep up with everyone, but it'll be hard. 😉


(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 02-19-2002).)

oh joy, we get TWO!

Have I ever said I like blowing things up?

Now I'll go write an email to BD, so he can write a good and easy to read post.

Hmm. I expect Svass Station is about to go up in a big bang. Dang.

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

The G.S.S Starbright, a deep space science vessel, lay in orbit of the Gadzair planet. Sixteen of it's crew were down in four seperate landing parties on the planet, and two more were on the starship, surveying the situation.

"Hey, Jona, I think there's something down there," one of the systems operators said after a long silence.

"Where, Takus?" Jona asked, turning around.

Takus pointed to the holo-map of Gadzair. "Just a hundred miles wests of party 2's position. They are obscure energy emissions."

Jona nodded. She even managed a smile, which was unlike her. "Let me see."

She quickly went to the console where Takus sat, and began a high level scan of the region. After a moment, she gave up. "I would have told you if anything else was there," Takus complained.


Jona contacted the landing parties, and ordered them to converge on the anomalous energy readings. 1 landing party would be held in reserve. Just in case.

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

The eight-man landing team reached the area quickly. There, they found a small shrine, and what appeared to be an entrance to an underground area. The shrine's lettering was the same lettering that had been found in many places. Just then, they received word from Jona that a translation had been produced back in Galactica space. They quickly translated the shrine, which appeared to have a slightly different language composition than the others, but used the same symbols.

Praise to Yaolanis, the Guardian, protector of all life and banisher of evil.

It was a simple enough shrine. But by the side of the symbol for "evil" was another symbol. It had not been translated. And, with shock, a realisation was made.

It was a lifeform. And more importantly, it was a Prylak. Their biology was common enough knowledge by now, and it was mistakable. Two sapphires were placed into the rock for their eyes.


In orbit, a whole load more responsibility had just landed on Jona's shoulders. With increasing demands from Galactica Control, she ordered the landing team to go underground, and to drop comm bouys as they searched, to ensure contact with the ship.

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

The party opened up the seal, and went underground down a flight of stairs. Some sort of light aluminated the steps - bricks that shone in many different colours. More of the writing was on the walls, but for now, the end of the corridor was more tempting than translating the walls.

A heavy door made of some unrecognisable metal lay at the end of the long corridor. There were some vague signs of technology hidden within an Egyptian scheme. One of the aluminated lights, which was before dim, suddenly become very bright, and seemed to scan them. Then, the door opened.

Before them was a chamber filled with immense riches. It was like a burial chamber for a God - many rare gems and materials were there. In transparent vials stood chemicals that were obviously of some major scientific importance. One of the people in the team, a Voinian, recognised a pile of a black stone-like substance. "Chanor! Rarer than even Bronev..."

Near the end of the chamber was a grave, but it's lid was not there, and no-one lay inside it. Behind it was an engraving of what must be Yaolanis, and a console that made no effect to seem Egyptian stood before it. It looked easy enough to use - an easily translated symbol over one button said "Summon Hologram". The rest were unmarked.


The leader of the party shrugged, and pushed the button. It looked like nothing else could be done right now, and they were in a hurry.

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

Another light, this time from the outline around the symbol, seemed to flash out and scan them. And then, slowly, an image materialised out of the picture of Yaolanis.

The hologram looked surprisingly, or not so surprisingly, like a meeting ground between all the Strands, except larger. It stood twelve foot tall, and had a crimson and black crest on it's head, but wore only a brown robe.

"Two Voinians, two Igadzra, one human, one Miranu, one Zidagar and one Azdgari," it intoned in a faint voice. "Never in all their time have any of these races been together so."

"We are from the Galactica Imperium," replied the leader. "I assume you are a Gadzair?"

"A Gadzair?" it asked itself quietly. "If you would go so far as to classify the Guardian as a Gadzair."

"There was a symbol of a Prylak..." muttered one of the members of the team.

The eyes of Yaolanis, which burnt emerald, turned to the Azdgari who had spoken. "Then the time has come. The Pry'lahk have come once more to the Milky Way. I am sad that in such a time the Gadzair should have faded so much...but what is, is. They have come a second time?"

"A third," corrected the leader. "We destroyed them the second time."

And Yaolanis looked truly surprised, and there was pride in his eyes. "My have grown strong..."


The leader of the party, an Igadzra, told Yaolanis of the destruction caused by the Prylak. 'The first attack we encountered obliterated Galacticas fleets, and our most powerful base. In the ensuring aftermath, we lost ground to those who had stayed away from the final confrontation. We believed the Prylak to be finished. We fought others in this galaxy for years, but then they struck again. They wiped out almost all life in the galaxy, only a few population centers remaining. We have prepared for any attack which might come to finish us off, but so far we have been lucky. That luck may not last though.

'If they attack now, we might survive, but the chances are slim from what we know of their power.

'We found you after we found the Kayans had survived the biological weapon the prylak used against us, and found their DNA had been altered. A search of their historical records showed anomalies, and they have led us to you. We were hoping that what we found may assist us.

'We are curious as to who you are, and if you may help us in anyway against the Prylak.'

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 02-19-2002).)

"I am Yaolanis," the hologram replied. "Rather, I am the hologram of Yaolanis...I died long ago in truth. I am afraid that artificial intelligence, however advanced, will serve as little help about the Pry'lahk. There is something, however, that it is time for you to now."

"The Gadzair fought the Pry'lahk long ago, as I have mentioned. We fought for years upon years, and many died. For five thousand years ago, we controlled all of the Milky Way up to the Crescent border. Beyond that were dangers we were not ready to face, and so we originally blocked them. They were destroyed later, and thus we again asked our children, the Azdgari, to rebuild them..."

"You see, the Pry'lahk struck us with a terrible disease after we defeated them in the Battle of Tekanarrus. They..." Yaolanis fell almost completely silent. "They destroyed our capabilities of thus for long we were forced to clone ourselves from one body to another, but we died, and we began to wear away...never a perfect clone...the Pry'lahk retreated after the Battles of Xanteos and Mantoros, but the damage was done. The Gadzair were a dying race."

"And thus we made our creations. The Azdgari, the Zidagar, the Igadzra...I am so sorry that we had to weave in wars between you. Wars so deep only your genes know it, a war now broken. But it was necessary, ultimately. It was necessary. Miranu, Kayans...Voinians and humans, ahh, we made you not, but we guided you along your way. For we desperately needed the Milky Way to be safe."

"So in our last effort, we tried to make this place strong once more."

"And for long we lived on, as faded shadows of nearly spent shadows, the Council. The last I heard for long was that the Council had died. For ten years, I suppose, it was merely holograms that resided there. Then it left."

"I may be able to help you, maybe. There are Gadzair weapons still on this planet."


(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 02-19-2002).)

The Igadzra looked at his companions, and then back at Yaolanis. 'If you have weaponry on this planet, it would indeed come in useful against the Prylak. I expect more Galactica ships will arrive in orbit soon, and with your permission, I believe they would want to retrieve the weapons and begin fitting them. Scientists may also wish to come down and talk with you to learn more of this galaxies past, and technology. With your permission, i will relay this information to my ship.'


In orbit, Jona looked a bit nervous. It could have to do with the Galactican Support Cruisers and Carriers incoming. She'd never expected to be at the center of all this attention.

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

Yaolanis looked strangely at the Igadzra. "I believe that perhaps you do not understand. Our weapon's technology will no doubt have little to offer after five thousand years..."

"...but do you know yet of the supreme leader of the Pry'lahk, that called Itself the Divinity? A creature of immense power, it is, and the weapons we have counter It, not their fleets. And yet they go hand in hand, in a way even Cylora the Wise could not understand."

"I will make available to you the records in the Oracle, and the key to the power of the Nexus." The Igadzra looked confused. "In all species of the Milky Way resides a dormant psionic power, placed there by us. We also have that power. I offer to you the key to that power."


The Igadzra, who was now feeling a little out of his depth, replied. 'If these...weapons...fight the leader of the Prylak, they may indeed come in use, even if we do not yet know anything of it.

'As for this key, it may indeed be useful as well. I feel however, that I must ask my superiors for further advice. But I feel they would glady accept this gift.'

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

The Skraine Science Vessel Eiolaen was scouting the high-interference Dead Zone close to Haru'El when it's long-range sensors detected strange anomalies in the Hansan system.
The ship ventured closer; as soon as it entered the system, it fled.
The Eiolaen 's captain reported to Sentinel Starbase in a terrible panic; it took several minutes for him to calm down enough to tell Tereknor, Councillor for War, what had happened.
Tereknor turned pale, and opened a subspace relay to Magistrate K'Sarragh on Unity Starbase.
"Magistrate, the Pry'lahk have come again. I request permission to engage their forces."
"Do it. Thank goodness I recalled the attack fleet! The Defender is already stationed at Ka'Skria; it will head to Haru'El immediately. The Starfortress will have to go through Haru'El to get anywhere."
"This time we will not fail." Tereknor vowed. "Watcher protects!"
"Watcher protects!" K'Sarragh replied.
The attack fleet, recently recalled, joined the Defender of Hope in Haru'El, and the force moved into EC-001.
The Starfortress was waiting for them, it's own forces arrayed around it in an impressive show of strength.
"Fire Hyperlattice Warheads!" Commander Thraize commanded.
All the forces began to fire, and space lit up with their power...

OOC:Espy, could you post the next thingy? I don't know the Defender's power, or how powerful the Minerva is.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Deep in the Wolf Nebula, in orbit above the Haorn capital world, a monumental event was about to occur. The Fallen Wraith was leaving dry dock. The event was brodcasted to all the Haorn population, and not one citizen missed it. All eyes were on the most fortified place in Haorn space, the Dragon Fire starport. Espona himself watched from his viewport, and was swelling with emotion.

"All right, starting power-up sequence."
"Got it. All TART ships, stand by."
"Uh, Omega 10, change to vector 114."
"Scaffold standing by."
"Roger. This is the Fallen Wraith. Scaffold, stand by for alignment.
"Tractor beams steady. Aligning."
"We are aligned. Decks A-G online.F-S online. Engines up."
"What a beautiful sight."
"All ships, clear away."
"This is the Fallen Wraith. We have cleared the Scaffold. We are away."

And not a moment too soon.

Infiltrator: 6 posts
Mjolner Battleship: 9 posts


REDchigh is getting ready to send yet another messagee to the Skraine, but as he begins typing, his comp screen flashes red, then his vice-admiral's face appears.
"What is it?"
"We've detected two Immense prylak vessels in our Galaxy! We have reports that they have appear in the Milky Way as well!"
"Damnit... Where is it?"
"It is to the east of here, sir."
"Damnit.... "
"Send a warfleet on intercept?"
"Yea.. of course.."
"Yes, si-"
"Wait.. no.. dont.. We can't fight it in open space... reinforce it's viable target... probably the Kicon system.."
"Yes, sir... are you sure?"
"Yea.. Don't evacuate all the civilians, but rig the station to explode... rig a few other nearby planets and stations, especially Ricon, the Prylak are unpredictable. Dont send any ships until it's officially under attack.the Stations blowing up should do some damage. Arm our flagship, I'll be commanding it."
"Yes, sir."

The Civilians in Ricon and Kicon are kept clueless to prevent panic, while the stations are slowly set to explode. A sensor engineer on Station Ricon Beta notices the signatures from the Starfortress... "Holy Sh*t.... Arm defense fleet.."
Unknown to them, the station's shields are powered fully, and will over heat and explode seconds before it explodes from prylak fire.

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"
"....This is only what I think. We can't in a million years guess what goes on in the snarling, churning bowels of Red's head."

"Well, that's that." said Rear Admiral Djak, a whippet-thin Azdgari, as he watched the last of the civilian freighters from Svass and Voinia jump out of the Svass system, headed for Kayia. "Now it's just this station's skeleton crew and the regional defense fleet."

As Djak reclined in his cushy leather chair behind the red imitation wood desk of his office and looked out the large viewport, a chime came from his desk's computer. He leaned over and pressed the button to activate the intercom and said, "Rear Admiral Djak."

"Sir!" said an agitated sounding voice over the intercom. "We need you to come down to Svass Station's command room, as soon as possible. Something's come up."

"Yeah, yeah." replied Djak nonchalantly. "Whatever."

As Djak entered the command room, the officer who the voice over the intercom had come from ran up to him and saluted with one wavering hand. "Admiral Sir! We've got a message from the G.S.S. Damascus, Support Cruiser patrolling in the Tientu system."

"Onscreen, officer." replied Rear Admiral Djak.

While the commlink was re-established, Djak found a nice chair to sit in. He leaned back an put his arms behind his head as the Support Cruiser captain's face came on to the gigantic screen covering one of the command center's walls. The captain did not salute, and got right to the point. "Sir, I'm picking up some crazy readings from long range scans of DSN-1188. Look at this..."

The captain's voice trailed off as the image switched to some energy distortion charts from DSN-1188. "There's something huge in that system, sir." continued the captain. "Might be two ships even... it's insane."

Djak was now on the edge of his seat, looking very worried. He turned to an officer by his side and said, "Compare those distortion readings to known Prylak signatures."

Rear Admiral Djak then turned back to the captain of the G.S.S. Damascus as the captain said with a note of disbelief in his voice, "Sir... this is very strange... I'm now picking the distortions up in DSN-4207... It's moving quite fast." The transmission then began to fade out, and after a few seconds the captain's voice could not be made out. The visual link was failing as well.

"Sir," said one of the officers in the command center. "We just lost contact with the Damascus."

"And it gets worse." noted another officer. "Those readings... Prylak."

"Stop all civilian freighters to Kayia and order those people to get to their local bunkers. Take them to... Voinia seems good. Yes, I want all civilian freighters not closer to Akrayhek or the Nebula to return to Voinia." ordered Emperor BattleDoctor to one of his aides. "Evacuate Mars Colony. Leave 4 Armored Divisions and a skeleton crew of defense officers. Bring the civilians here, to Phoenix Command."

The aide scuttled off and began to arrange what his Emperor had just told him. The Emperor stood in the vast command center at the core of Phoenix Command, itself the core of Jupiter Base. Two massive holograms were active, one a starmap showing the current location of the suspected Prylak invasion fleet and the other a map of the Sol system. The Galactica Imperium's highest levels of command had been spitting out orders to brace for an attack ever since Rear Admiral Djak had notified them of the approaching threat. Orders had already gone out to make sure Akrayhek was secure, and to abandon all non-essential installations. Voinia and Svass were the only Galacitca systems other than Sol with any significant amount of people still in them.

A good portion of the Galactica Space Navy had been recalled to the Sol system or sent to Svass. Almost all of the rest was reinforcing Confederate holdings. All of the Imperium was on high alert, making ready for a battle of a scale previously undreamt of.

Proxima Nebula Enlargement: 2 Posts

Nemesis-class Dreadnought: 8 Posts

"Look -- the trees!" Galan cries. "They have leaves!"

"Geez, I could really use a coffee..." Ray Sanjon said to himself, wiping his eyes and looking back at the radar screen. Sensor operator on the Ramora , a Raven Battlecruiser, Ray had been working for the past 6 hours while the Ramora went on patrol.

Adjusting his earphones and switching to a deep-level sub-space scan, Ray leaned back as the computer processed the data. In the dark room, lit only by a few red lights, there was almost complete silence. Only the commander and helsman were there, and they were quiet, and far enough away from Ray that they didn't notice him.

Suddenly the door to the bridge opened and Lieutenant Jack Hunt walked into the room. Walking over to ray, Jack held two cups full of hot coffee in his hand, and handed one to Ray. "Oooooh... Thank goodness..." Ray said, drinking down half of his cup then setting it down.

Jack smiled. "I thought you'd need a little more of your daily medication to keep going until the shift ends."

Ray smiled, then turned to Jack. "Get the mail in yet?"

"Hehe; I thought you'd ask that," Jack replied, tossing Ray a datapad. "Anxious to hear from your girlfriend, eh?"

Ray shook his head. "Fiance, Jack! Fiance! Heck, you know I asked Sally to marry me before I left on this old ship. And anyway..."

Suddenly, a red light on the console began to flash, and a siren went off. Ray immediately leaned forward, looking at the console. "Oh my..." he said, his jaw dropping.

Jack leaned forward, and after taking one look at what he saw, rushed over to the com junction. Picking up the microphone and flipping a switch, the lieutenant broadcasted the order to the ship.

"Battlestations! Battlestations! All hands, battlestations! Captain, report to the bridge immediately! Red alert! This is no drill!"


"Captain on deck!" the ensign shouted as the captain of the Ramora , Mark James, walked through the door.

"This better not be a sensor glitch..." he muttered as he walked over to where Ray sat, his face pale. "What do you have?"

"Sir, I've checked the system, and this isn't a glitch. I'm detecting a massive sub-space distortion in the nearby Ragit system!"

"Is it a supernova? A black hole?" Mark asked.

Ray shook his head. "No, sir. It's a wormhole, sir. Yeah, a wormhole. I don't know where the heck it came from, but it's forming now, sir, and will be stable enough to go through in another 15 minutes."

Suddenly there was a loud bleep. Ray clicked a button, and the screen began to display some more readings, such as sub-space flux levels and so forth. As the text began to slowly get typed out onto the screen, everybody froze when the words "Energy Signature Trace" appeared...

Energy Signature Trace: Prylak - 0% Probability of Error in Identification

"My god..." Mark said slowly.

He turned to com officer. "Get me Confederate high command; now!"


Fleet Admiral Scorcher ran through the halls of Confederate Military High Command, stationed in Barad-dur. Running into the main conference room, a map of the Milky Way holographically displayed on one side, all the members of the top Confederate brass were there, as well as Lythrawn and President Carnotaur.

"What happened?" Scorcher said, seating himself at the table.

"The Raven Battlecruiser Ramora , while patrolling the DSN-3425 system, picked up Prylak energy signature from a wormhole in the Ragit system," Admiral Specter said. "That occured 10 minutes ago; within 5 more minutes, the Prylak will be able to come through."

Scorcher nodded. "We should pull back all our military forces from Pozdag and Nadej. Begin evacuation of all civillians in Pozdag, Nadej, and Mirava. Transport them all to Himgro and Blaga."

Carnotaur also nodded in approval. "Send a message to Galactica, the Tribunal, and the Skraine. Report to them the recent events and our current military status. Specter; pull back all patrols, especially the Ramora. Scorcher; what kind of ships are we dealing with?"

Looking at a datapad, Scorcher spoke slowly. "Well, as far as we can tell, only one, Mr. President. Thing is; it's bigger than 10 Alliance Flagships combined, and will probably have a sizable force of its own in hanger bays, if I know the Prylak correctly."

"That is indeed correct, Admiral Scorcher," Lythrawn said, speaking for the first time. "The ship you are dealing with is a Prylak Starfortress; much like the one the Terrans engaged in New Sol." He cast a quick glance at Firebird, who was completely silent. "I can give you the detailed specifications for the starfortress, but I must make clear that none of your ships, or even your whole navy most probably, will be able to stop this starfortress alone. Your best bet is to lure it to Barad-dur, if that is possible, destroying it here with the immense amount of weaponry you are equipped with."

Carnotaur nodded. Standing up, he spoke. "This is it, gentlemen. The Prylak are invading. Let's get to it; time is of the essence!"


Meanwhile, in DSN-3425, as the Ramora hyperspaced out, bound for Mirava, the giant Starfortress A.S.S. Lokai entered the system, casting a shadow over all it passed...


Delphi Sensor Net
ETA: 7 Posts

Balrog-class Dreadnaught
ETA: 6 Posts

Trans-Phasic Weaponry
ETA: 7 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).