Reign of Chaos 3 - Chapter VIII


The Govt stages a false memorial for the "suprise" attack by the prylak on the station, but for the most part, the concensus is kept as clueless as possible.
"Sir, We've recieved word from a surviving dreadnought sent on Kamikaze."
"Great.. did the Prylak fall for the plan?"
"Afraid for the most part they didn't. The station didn't get a chance to blow up, their beam basically froze the time of the station so it couldn't detonate."
"Damnit...." He turned to face the officer.
"The good news is we were able to take out four Prylak dreadnoughts on our own."
"four prylak dreadnoughts? with our own pieces of crap? How'd that happen without damage from the station?"
"Dont know sir, but it did."
"Ok.. ok.. Where's the starfortress now?"
"Um.. We dont know sir. "
"WHAT?!" Red's face is suddenly full of rage... or fear. "How could you lose a ship like that? It's not even a fleet! It's a Giant station of guns!"
"We're sorry, sir."
"SORRY?! Think 'Sorry' will save the lives that will be lost wherever the Starfortress strikes at?! Get your people on it! We have to find out where it's headed! God.. how are we supposed to deal with a fleet of Prylak ships that big?!"
"Fleet, sir?"
"Yes fleet... You know the Starfortress carries it's own fleet!"
"Sir, it left it's fleet behind to destroy the station nearby. We just lost the starfortress itself. "
"Hmm... that's some good news... ok.. Set that station to explode, but on manual... As soon as a temporal disturbance is detected, detonate. Otherwise, Wait until the ships are in close range. Also, tell the defense fleet to use their beams... constantly. It's our only hope. Use the beams at long range with our fighters trying to knock out their long-range weapons before they hit us too hard, and use the asteroids whenever possible. "
"Yes, sir. I'll send the orders right away."

Around Kivak (or whatever the system is called) The 2 dreadnoughts and 24 battlecruisers are wrecking havok on the station, and the only ships present are a minimal defense fleet- a single lazerus that was assigned to protect that quadrant of space is present, along with numerus frigates, and a crapload of fighters. The LAzerus pilot knows he can take out a single battle cruiser, but he can't get one alone. The fleet minus the Lazerus converges on the attacking fleet, and the javelins and space bombs drift and scratch the shields of a couple battlecruisers, which quickly turn to fire on the Raiek fleet. Although a few frigates are incinerated, the rest keep moving towards the lazerus, which was hidden behind debri and a large asteroid. The LAzerus charges the Battlecruisers, taking them both on, and the defense fleet charges with their primary weapons. Soon, the Lazerus' thoron beams finish off the two prylak ships, but by now the station has a few units of shielding left. The Lazerus commands it to explode, destroying a couple nearby battlecruisers, and damaging a dreadnought pretty bad. The Raiek recharge their shields as quickly as they can, all the while using their heavy thoron beams at a distance while they move away (monty python style), and one by one, a few battlecruisers fall, explode, and damage surrounding vessels, and javelins by the fighters pick off the damaged ships, launching their javelins randomly into the fray.

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"
"....This is only what I think. We can't in a million years guess what goes on in the snarling, churning bowels of Red's head."

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 02-28-2002).)

The Minerva appeared in the Haru'El system like a wrathful god, causing Sentinel Starbase to be diverted from it's orbit with the strength of it's spatial distortions.
The Defender of Hope entered from Ka'Skria, accompanied by every vessel from the home fleets of the Core Sector.
The battered amarda originally sent to the Milky Way remained in EC-001, desperately buying time for Skraine forces in Haru'El.
Sentinel Starbase's massive arrays of Hyperlattice Warheads WarGated at the Minerva, bypassing shields to impact against the thick armoured hull.
Spark Interceptors, Flare Gunboats and Blaze Gunships, all set on Autopilot and hastily filled with volatile explosives, were sent on suicide runs at the Minerva's flanks.
Firebolt Frigates, Skraine Corsairs, Firestorm Cruisers and Fireblade Battlecruisers tried desperately to engage the Minerva in a running battle, luring it towards Sentinel Starbase.
The Prylak commander of the Minerva was either reckless or blind, blasting away with his vessel's superior range as he approached the Starbase.
Finally the Starbase opened fire upon the Minerva, it's batteries of Hyperlattice Projectors ripping at the Starfortress' shields.
And then the Defender came into range, opening fire with it's Senn weaponry

OOC: Espy, please post a response. I don't know what weaponry the Defender of Hope has.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

OOC: Red forgot to post that the Nemesis-class Dreadnought has one less post. I am taking the liberty of assuming that he meant to put it.

Deep inside the heart of Phoenix command, BattleDoctor and a few of his most senior admirals were looking over reports from Voinia.

"...Then, at 15:37 Borb Station local, the two Starfortresses entered the system." said High Admiral Fera, pointing to a small holographic display of the Voinia system. "They then proceeded to destroy the Jura and the Lynx, the two Strike Cruisers left there as an early warning system. After that, one shp began firing at Voinia's orbital shipyards and stations as the other commenced a bombardment of the planet." Suddenly the holographic display went blank. "At 15:41, Borb Station lost sensors and visuals. We assume one of the Starfortresses hit it's sensor dome."

"Very interesting, Fera." responded Emperor BattleDoctor. "From what you interpreted from Borb Station's sensor displays, how well would they fare if they attacked us here, in the Sol system?"

"Those are two very powerful ships, sir, and the apparently sustained no damage in Voinia. However, we assume they will be moving on to Svass next, where they will hopefully be dealt from damage."

"One should note, sir, that we don't know how well their sensors will be able to penetrate Jupiter's atmosphere." said High Admiral Jhayam, another officer who was present. "It could be that they can only hit the moons, and anything in Jupiter's atmosphere will be untouched."

"Let us hope that that is true, Admiral," replied BattleDoctor.

The Nemesis-class Dreadnought project has been completed, and the prototype, the G.S.S. Nemesis, is now ready for active duty. With a neutronium-plated hull, organic armor systems, Hyperlattice shields, several backup shield systems, and a truly massive arsenal of all types of weapons, the Nemesis is the single most powerful class of ships ever produced in the Milky Way. Production of further Dreadnoughts has now begun in Eta Casseopea. The Nemesis is currently located in the Galactica-controlled system of Deneba.

An upgrade to the Nemesis-class of Dreadnoughts is being made. Rather than plating a standard hull with Neutronium Armor, the entire hull is to be made of Neutronium. This is fairly simple to change in the design, and this it is not a lengthy upgrade.

Nemesis-class Hull Upgrade: 7 Posts

Phalynx Missle: 9 Posts

"Look -- the trees!" Galan cries. "They have leaves!"

OOC: Shade has neglected to post the ETAs for the Balrog, and I've forgotten to talk to him about it. So I'll assume he forgot, and fix up the ETAs in this post.


The Lokai

Battlestations and planetary shield grids were being prepared for a possible attack by the Prylak. All across Confederate space, refugees were streaming away, and the Confederates were preparing to defend against the Prylak. In Mirava, the massive Chimaera Command Station was being outfitted with some extra weapons which may be useful against the Prylak.

In Pozdag, as refugees hyperspaced out using one jumplink, the Confederates were deploying a minefield of 600 Trans-Phasic Bombs in front of the minefield which they knew the Prylak would enter from. More bombs were arriving by the minute, and similar (and larger) minefields were being set up across Confederate space.

Finally, as the Confederates continued working, and as the last refugee ships began to load up and take off, the giant Prylak starfortress A.S.S. Lokai entered the system...

"Open fire!" The confederate commander yelled, and immediately the two battlestations in the system began to send off wave after wave of missiles and torpedoes into the battlecruisers which had just been launched.

As Photon Torpedoes and Trans-Phasic Missiles began to impact on the battlecruisers, the Prylak then accidentally ran into the minefield of trans-phasic bombs. Massive explosions shook the area as the bombs exploded in one large fireball...


OOC: I hope I didn't do anything to screw up your plan for the Lokai, Esponer. I didn't say how much damaged my weapons did, because I honestly have no idea. 🙂


Delphi Sensor Net
ETA: 5 Posts

Balrog-class Dreadnaught
ETA: 2 Posts

Trans-Phasic Weaponry
ETA: 5 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 02-24-2002).)

T'akara & Xe'ls
MOD - dreadnoughts destroyed modified.
The battlecruiser in Svass were falling one by one under the power of Svass Station. However, there was some cunning in that tactic. Battlecruisers meant little to dreadnought or Starfortress captains, and the Prylak were purposely allowing their opponents to become confident of their own power.

An order from the lead dreadnought brought the battlecruisers back, eliminating all missile buoys as they moved. The dreadnoughts and battlecruisers met, outside Svass Station's missile range, and then opened up in a volley of thousands upon thousands of modules, some of which created minor temporal rifts as they exploded, others making complete vacuums, where space ended. Svass Station was literally frozen for several seconds by the disturbances in the space-time continuum.

The station's shields collapsed, and yet more modules were launched, until the hull began the process of falling apart. Then the commander of the operation ordered the fleet to hold position. Sensor arrays had been targetted and destroyed instantly, and the disturbance of space and time would have cut off any messages that the defenders on Svass Station might attempt to send.

And then, the lead dreadnought approached the crippled station, it's weapon's systems destroyed, and he docked with it, sending out Prylak invaders into the station. The energy-resistant pressure-resistant flesh of the Prylak made their task all too easy. They stormed the station, eating anyone they came across, leaving remnants of them lying in the corridors. They met resistance, of course, but only a Haorn can really stand up to a Prylak.

The commander of the station made the difficult choice to self destruct, but the choice was ripped from his hands. The entire station went completely dead, an electro-magnetic pulse destroying everything electrical.

The Prylak's goals were cunning. They came across the commander of the station, who had killed himself, and they took his body away to the dreadnought for speech analysis. Several hours later, a very believable message would be sent out to Galactica, stating that the Prylak had unleashed a major attack, which had effected the station's systems, but that they had been destroyed ultimately, but that the two Starfortresses would likely approach Svass soon, and that reinforcements were needed. It would be stated that no ships were available.

The battlecruisers that had been in front of the Loki and it's dreadnought escort took considerable damage from the space bombs. One battlecruiser fell after being struck by a hundred or more of them, but it's plight was ignored.

Energy waves cleared the remaining bombs quickly - ships of the size of a battlecruiser or larger were armed with enough beam weapons across the ship to simply fired out everywhere that they would pass.

Three dreadnoughts each set immediately out to engage the battlestations, while the battlecruisers hunted down both refugee ships and defenders, and destroyed them. Ten of them then hyperspaced out to chase the others, and would indeed arrive in the next system before the first refugee vessel.

As the battle raged on, the Loki pushed towards the planet, ignoring all else. It's enormous armanent blasted against's the planetary shielding, which was, of course, linked with theb battlestations. The Confederates caused serious damage with their missiles to the dreadnoughts, but the Prylak had fired back, and now they were in close quarters.

Grenir had everything planned out. No-one was to die if possible. People could self destruct a battlestation - that didn't matter - but they could not self destruct a planet, Grenir thought. At least, he didn't think that the Confederates had developed any such system. The Prylak would, of course, be allowed a feast, but ultimately, Grenir wanted slaves.

For the first time in his life, Grenir would have his own system. He thought he'd call it "Thekzra", after his previous mistress, who he had killed accidentally.

MOD - the Minerva would, unfortunately, not approach the Starbase.
OOC - Shade, this looks to be your showdown already. You're rushing things. 😉 But that's okay.

The Prylak force, led by the Minerva, remained out of the Starbase's reach, opening fire with every with everything they had. Ranks of Skraine ships fell as they attempted to draw the Prylak to the Starbase - but the Prylak's secondary range was enough for them. Thakara loved to do the unexpected and the melodramatic, but right now, he would prefer to weaken the Skraine's defence before moving in for the kill.

"Destroy them! Destroy, destroy, destroy! Target and fire at will!" Thakara shouted over a No-one was listening to him, of course. They never did. He'd had to kill four sub-generals and countless lieutenants in the last year, for ignoring him. He thought he might kill a few more. "Don't move forward! They aren't going to trick us into -" that was, in fact, as far as he got.

His voice broke off as he saw a sleek, white ship speed out of the Skraine's fleet, outdistancing even their fastest vessels. The Prylak's barrage simply seemed to slip off it, it's shields, if it had any, not even rippling.

"What is that?" Thakara asked out loud, but the answer came to him even as he said it. It looked all too much like a ship he had heard of, in a story like a myth, so unbelievable it was, and yet, a story he knew to be true. Of the Prylak losing to twelve ships, each five metres in length, ships that were as white as the stars and as fast as light.

A Senn. Or, at least, a Senn ship. And this one was a cruiser, where armies had been lost against fighters. Thakara became very scared.

"Everything on that ship!" he suddenly screamed with renewed anger, and he stood up and personally retired one of the Prylak at the command position without a word. His bare violence sent the innocent Prylak sliding out of the seat, blue blood spurting out of it's face. Thakara ignored it, and took the Minerva's controls, aiming everything they had against the Senn ship.

As he launched a breath-taking barrage, grinning broadly, expecting the pitiful Senn vessel to become mere subatoms, there was a flash on the viewscreen. When it has left, the Defender was nowhere to be seen. The modules collided in on themselves, causing beautiful and wasteful fireworks. Even as that happened, the Defender was seen again, at the other side of the Minerva. Thakara opened fire with every beam cannon in range. Once more, there was a flash, and the Defender appeared in another place.

Thakara was growing increasingly frustrated. He ordered the entire fleet to crush the Defender.

INFO - the Defender doesn't have Senn armanent, Shade, it has Skraine armanent. You just got a ship, it was your job to crew and arm it. : ) But don't worry, we'll assume it's well enough armed. It has a WarGate that can be used pretty much instantly, as you can see.


(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 02-27-2002).)

A wave of Styx Bombers, laden with bombs, suddenly appeared out of the atmosphere and charged the dreadnaughts. They fired off all their bombs, then hyperspaced out immediately, but many were taken down before they could. The bombs impacted on the dreadnaughts shields, causing lots of explosions, but the dreadnaughts suffered only a little minor damaged.

The Confederate commander looked out at the approaching death that awaited him and his fellow soldiers. As fires blazed about the command base, the commander quietly flipped off a safety cover for a large red button.

Putting his finger on the button, the commander waited until the dreadnaught and starfortress was just close enough. The battlestations were pulled into close orbit, and then he only spoke one word.

"Prylak; go to hell."

Pressing the button immediately set off a massive chain reaction of over 2,000 trans-phasic bombs. All three of the battlestations exploded at once, sending out thousands of tons of debris and flames into the nearby dreadnaughts. Then, the bombs on the planet detonated.

All across the planet, dozens upon dozens of bombs exploded, destroying everything that would be of use to the Prylak. Huge explosions tore apart cities and bases, missile launchers and mines, everything was destroyed. In some areas where there was enough bombs, whole sections of the planets crust were detonated and thrown, or blasted, into space. The molten rock started crashing into the dreadnaughts, damaging them furthur.

Admiral Scorcher had ordered that such an act would be done only for two reasons; to stop the Prylak, and to prevent the remaining soldiers and civillians from facing a horrible death at the hands of the Prylak.

Meanwhile, Nadej was still being evacuated, and was being rigged for defensive measures. A new battlestation had been completed in Mirava, and another one was started. The Confeds were doing everything in their power to stop the Prylak, which included rush construction. Hundreds upon hundreds of trans-phasic bombs and other vital materials were being imported from the Eta Cassiopea galaxy, and arangements were being made to immediately move out the Confederate Prototype Dreadnaught Balrog as soon as it was completed...


Delphi Sensor Net
ETA: 4 Posts

Balrog-class Dreadnaught
ETA: 1 Post

Trans-Phasic Weaponry
ETA: 4 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 02-28-2002).)

Commander Aurilae was one of the Skraine Warfleet's best commanders, and integration with the Skraine navigation computersd had improved her faculties.
Now she piloted the most powerful ship ever to grace the ranks of the Skraine Warfleet, dodging Prylak weapons fire with the Senn-enhanced WarGate, firing everything from Hyperlattice Warheads and the new Hyperlattice Webs to Projector bolts and Particle Beams, then 'Gating away out of fire to hit again.
But under the full force of the Prylak fleet, the Defender's shields were beginning to fail.
Guerilla tactics and evasion served to proplong the ship's life for much longer, however.
Aurilae became aware that the "shields down" alarm was blaring at her. She knew of the Wather's message when It had delivered the Defender, and decided to use the Defender to best advantage- ramming it into the Minerva.
Parts of the Minerva, as well as the Defender, vanished in a massive fireball as the Defender impacted.
There was a moment of searing pain before the Defender was once more in the Ka'Skria system...

(ooc: I've finished my research but in tyhe middle of invasion I can't start any more just now)

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Dar system, High orbit.

The first wave of Haorn lumbered forward to confront the massive Prylak vessel. The ships, comprised of Destroyers, launched their Rift Generators, their captains smiling smugly, knowing the invivsible Haorn weaponry would catch the Prylak off guard.

Bridge of A.S.S Amun
"What are they doing? Aren't they going to fire?" Asked the Prylak captain. Then an officer looked up from his moniter." "Sir, ummmm... something strange is going on..."
"What in Groan's name are you talking about?" Inquired the captain.
"Well, I don't know how, but our shields are slowly being drained, however marginally, but they are draining!"
"What the--??? Open fire, all guns! We'll teach those fools to try an underhanded trick!!!" Hatches opened on the sides of the Starfortress, hundreds upon thousands of modules streaming out. The Haorn desperately retaliated with everything, lighting up space with exploding modules. It was not enough, however. You might call it a massacre, but it was much worse. After the relentless assault, all that was left of the battle group was countless tons of floating debris.

Espona looked at the horrif destruction. "An entire battle group gone, in just under 45 seconds!" All the Haorn officers stood dumbfounded. Then, seeing the Amun start again its relentless advance, Espona demanded to know when the reinforcements would arrvie. As if on cue, a massive armada arrived on the scene, readying itself for battle. The Satrfortress then deployed its whole fleet. Gaping doors opened, and the Dreadnoughts and Battlecruisers turned on the Haorn the second they left the doors. The Amun turned, then jumped to system HC-006. Espona was obviously dismayed at the news. "That puts them only two jumps away from Ho'Norus! Where's the Fallen Wraith???" He asked. "It's now IN the HC-006 system!" Answered the tech officer next to him.

The Fallen Wraith and its support fleet prepared for the jump to the Dar system. Seemingly out of nowhere, the S.S Amun popped back into real space. The two great ships faced each other. Quickly rapping out orders, the captain of the Fallen Wraith had the weapons readied. Knowing this, the Amun prepared its weapons as well, and moved into range. For a few seconds, time seemed to slow. Then, both opened fire.

Infiltrator:4 posts
Battleship: 7 posts
"He said no! Now we have to use the damn pigeons!"

(This message has been edited by Espona (edited 03-07-2002).)

The whole Hinwar battle group hypers in to the system. All fighters fly toward the fortress and begin shooting lightning. The lightning hits the shields and bounces off. Missiles fly from Hinwar frigates and make little purple splatters on the shields. Fighters goto the engine and are being picked off one by one. As a fight gets hit, it would ram the shields. Finaly out of the explosions, one frigate comes out. Grundys ship shot into hyperspace, as Grundy mourned as his entire fleet was gone in the wave of a hand.

Never pet a burning dog.
Come visit (url="http://"")Nova6s Webboards(/url).

(Message to Hinwar)
(Emergency Encryption)
(From Confederates)
(We desperately require aid. We can help supply you with resources to build more ships, but we need reinforcements, and we need them immediately. Any ships you could spare would be useful, and with help from the resources, supplies, and raw materials stored up by the ECTA, you should be able to rush build many more vessels. Can you help?)
(End Message)

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(Message to Confederates)
(Emergency Encryption)
(From Hinwar)
(I just lost my entire fleet in the blink of an eye. I will help you but I must warn you that the only good my ships can do is kamakaze the enemy. I will be there soon.)
(end message.)
Grundys fleet (his frigate) races toward the nearest confed planet.

Never pet a burning dog.
Come visit (url="http://"")Nova6s Webboards(/url).

OOC: Battledoctor, if I was going to advance the dreadnought, I would have posted it. I have to make a post about us getting together and finishing the dreadnought, and I wont do that as long as you get between me and the Skraine.

Message to Galactica
You will not get our half of the dreadnought until you agree to not support the Skraine when we attack them. We simply as you to look the other way. You have my word that no shot will be fired on the Skraine until the Prylak are defeated.

A lone Lazerus captain, still left in the Milky way from diplomatic relations with Galactica, is relaxing in a bar, when he hears from a Galactica pilot about the hinwar.
An hour later, the Lazerus is refueled, and heading towards hinwar coordinates.

Message to: Hinwar
From: Raiek
We have heard that you are fighting the Prylak. We will give you technology in order to better fight the Prylak, our brethren. You are welcome in our space to repair your frigate and recieve immediate raiek upgrades on your personal ship.
Raiek out.

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"
"....This is only what I think. We can't in a million years guess what goes on in the snarling, churning bowels of Red's head."

The prototype for the Confederate Dreadnaught, the C.S.S. Balrog , was finally completed.

The parts from the Skraine and Tribunal were quickly towed in and assembled together, and thus was born one of the most powerful ships in existence. The Confederates quickly outfitted and refueled the vessel, then sent it heading off towards the Milky Way through the Eta Cassiopea access point. It's final destination; Mirava, where the Confederate fleet of 900 vessels was staying.

Upon hearing of the message from the Hinwar, Carnotaur immediately authorized that the ECTA should begin transporting cargo, supplies, resources, and other raw material to the Hinwar bases in Eta Cassiopea. The frieghters sent out immediately, but they were only just barely able to manage transporting it all, for many of the ECTA frieghters had been moved to the Milky Way to help transport refugees.


(Message to Galactica)
(From Confederation)
(We would like to know whether or not your Nemesis dreadnaught has been completed, for we heard that the prototype was ready, but that the Raiek were refusing to transport their section. If there is anything we can do to help you in this matter, we will try do so. We would offer the services of our own prototype dreadnaught, but we're having problems fighting off the starfortress attacking us.)
(End Message)


Delphi Sensor Net
ETA: 3 Posts

Balrog-class Dreadnaught

Trans-Phasic Weaponry
ETA: 3 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 02-28-2002).)

Grundy flys back to New Liadon and grins as the frieghters have already landed. He lands to see that about 50 fighters were almost complete.

Never pet a burning dog.
Come visit (url="http://"")Nova6s Webboards(/url).

MOD - Carnotaur, those bombers would have been ineffective. The Starfortress was in the way. Two, I somehow doubt you have that many bombs. You never made a project out of placing bombs everywhere, did you? Three, you just killed billions of your own people. Clever, eh? Four, you can't place bombs in that other system before the Prylak arrive - and I don't see how you can expect to have ships everywhere, and still have 900 (more than you should have total), in Mirava. It's a matter of four hours until they arrive, and four days before you can plant the bombs. Five, Nadej is most certainly not completely evacuated. Do you seriously think you can empty a system in a few hours? If America wanted to "evacuate" America, it would take months, maybe years.


Ten Prylak battlecruisers entered Sumo after a four hour hyperspace. They met little resistance there, quickly dispatching Confederate and civilian ships present. The larger civilian ships were boarded, and their crews were captured. They then waited in Sumo for the refugee ships, which were several hours from arriving, to come. (no, you can't change course mid-hyperspace)

Meanwhile, Grenir was aboard the Loki, and he was in high humour. He held a banquet with the sub-generals present, over the foolishness of the Confederates. Within several days, the deaths of several billion of their own people would cause massive revolts all throughout their space. Grenir had wanted slaves, but now, he was going to have a field day.

All he needed at the moment was to capture the remaining refugee ships. At which point, Pozdag would become his.



Originally posted by SilverDragon:
MOD - Carnotaur, those bombers would have been ineffective. The Starfortress was in the way. Two, I somehow doubt you have that many bombs. You never made a project out of placing bombs everywhere, did you? Three, you just killed billions of your own people. Clever, eh? Four, you can't place bombs in that other system before the Prylak arrive - and I don't see how you can expect to have ships everywhere, and still have 900 (more than you should have total), in Mirava. It's a matter of four hours until they arrive, and four days before you can plant the bombs. Five, Nadej is most certainly not completely evacuated. Do you seriously think you can empty a system in a few hours? If America wanted to "evacuate" America, it would take months, maybe years.

OOC: I can understand all your points, but killing billions is total nonsense. Pozdag isn't even a very big colony. Heck, it's more of a small military outpost. Most of my civillians are either on Mirava (which is a much nicer place than Pozdag) or in Eta Cassiopea (even nicer over there). I might have killed something like 5 million, but no more.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

OOC:Esponer, you forgot 2 little things. One, Galactica is always ready to blow things up, and it doesnt wait about to do anything. Two, if the EMP blast wiped out all the systems that could destruct the station, the antimatter has just gone up.

Svass Station sat in space, desolate. The EMP blast had wiped out Galacticas electrical systems. That included the antimatter containment systems. Normally, the emergency gravitic containment system would have held the antimatter for some time, but the antiamtter storage pods wherent the only places that contained antimatter. Thousands of missles in the missle pod magazines contained antimatter, and they'd been designed to be ejected incase of containment failure. They hadnt had time however, the EMP pulse blasting the shielded jettison circuits first. The initial blast took less than a microsecond to breach the main containment pods, and then it was all over.

The resulting maelstrom took out everything near the station, and yhen some. Nothing in the system was left undamaged. It didnt help the Prylak ships in the system that most of them where already heavily damaged. More explosions followed.


(Message to:Raiek High Command-Redchigh only)
(Encryption Level:Alpha Zeta * Beta - Triple Level)
(Transported by Courier)
(Message From:Galactica High Command)
(We will defend the Skraine against the Prylak. We ask that you not attack them till these ships of the Prylaks have been defeated. We also ask that you come and talk to us personally, once it is safe. If possible, any assistance will be greatfully recieved.)
(Message Ends)

OOC:Red get one AIM when possible. Discussion needed.


At Jupiter base, Galacticas high staff was discussing the latest reports, including the sudden cessation of reports from Svass Station.

Since time was short, shipyards in the Milky Way had been ordred to just produce one type of ship. Shrike Attack Fighters. With their stealthy features, and extremely powerful weapon, they would be Galacticas best hope against the Prylak. Already, scores of them where situated on Jupiers moons, and inside Phoenix Command, ready for launch. More sat silent in space, dead zones to sensors.

The reports of the Starfortress' attacks had been delved over in great depth. Weak points did not seem to exist. One of the best points seemed to be the cavernous bays that housed the dreadnaughts and battlecruisers, but they were heavily shielded and armoured.

Svass Station had been ordered not to use the multiple drive function on the standoff missles, despite the consequences it seemed to have entailed. Standoff missles effectively had unlimietd range, since they could drift for as long as needed before the second drive system activated. If the Prylak tried retreating out of range as the last sensor reports from Svass Station had showed, it might prove useful.

More useful though, would be the Thoron Beams buried on the moons, far larger than the emplacements on Svass Station, and capable of much greater output. As would the countless weapon platforms inside Jupiter Base prove useful.

Every hyperexit point in the Sol system had already been heavily mined in accordance with Galactcia policy. Not it was even heavier, and new minefields where beggining to be deployed between the points and Jupiter Base. The Prylak might go round them, but then they'd run into the concentrated firepower of Missle Bouys and Drones that dwarfed what Svass Station had had. Plus a few other surprises.


Nemesis-class Hull Upgrade: 6 Posts

Phalynx Missle: 8 Posts

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 03-01-2002).)

MOD: Carnotaur, settle on 300 million. Even a hundred could cause a revolt, you know. RMA, I don't know where you got the impression you could moderate my posts. Your "modification" of the Svass events revoked. And standoff missiles don't have unlimited range, I'm afraid. I know; real physics would be nice, but this isn't it. You have to get used to the fact that "anti-matter" is just a weapon prefix and that both light and rockets have a range. I'm sorry.


High orbit, Dar system

Several Motherships arrived on scene. Recognizing the threat, the Prylak launched another flotilla of modules. The Motherships flicked on the Sub-space emitters, some not fast enough. Three Motherships were surrounded and destroyed. The rest of the modules were sucked harmlessly into nothingness. Then, unexpectedly, the Motherships charged forward, plowing into the Prylak battle group. The Prylak had smartly spread themselves out, and only two Battlecuisers were lost. Meanwhile, the Dreadnoughts had positioned themselves in front of the Haorn battle group. The Haorn downed the shields of three Prylak with the Rift Generators. Sub-space Beamers opened up on the defensless ships, destroying two. The Prylak retaliated with everything they had. The Haorn found themselves facing a wall of beam weaponry and modules. In a single second, 200 of the 400 Haorn were annihalted. The Haorn found reinforcements of three hundred Destroyers warp in, and the combined groups charged the Prylak. Antoher three Dreadnoughts were lost, another hundred Haorn falling to beam weaponry. Again, two hundred Haorn warped in, knowing they had plenty in reserve, and the Prylak did not. They were determined to push hard, and break the Prylak. The Prylak, in the meantime, shoved right back.
The battle raged back and forth, the Amun all the while waiting, choosing the right moment to attack.

Infiltrator:4 posts
Battleship: 7 posts

"He said no! Now we have to use the damn pigeons!"

OOC:Esponer, Galactica has always had the problem of if its antimatter containment systems are breached, it goes up. We just havent gone round telling everyone, since it would be a silly thing to do. It was a disadvantage we took so the warheads could be more powerful than other peeps. Just no one has used it against us.

Add the fact any Galactica self-destruct circuit wouldnt be knocked out by an EMP blast. Especially when you consider the fact Svass Station was our HQ, and we wouldnt just make it easy for anyone to do anything to it.

Add on to all this the amount of times BD or I has done something fair, and it's just been ignored 'because'. Gets a bit annoying after a while.

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.