Reign of Chaos 3 - Chapter VIII

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Chapter VIII

(url="http://"")Milky Way(/url)
(url="http://"")Ross 154(/url)
(url="http://"")Eta Cassiopea(/url)

(url="http://"")Chapter I(/url)
(url="http://"")Chapter II(/url)
(url="http://"")Chapter III(/url)
(url="http://"")Chapter IV(/url)
(url="http://"")Chapter V(/url)
(url="http://"")Chapter VI(/url)
(url="http://"")Chapter VII(/url)

The free races have begun to recover their powers, and a new trust seems to be within them - at least between the Confederates and Galactica. Now, all eyes are on the Prylak, for their move.

However, the Raiek have declared hostilities towards the Skraine, once the Prylak are defeated, and no-one knows entirely what is happening beyond the Wolf Nebula, in the dark realms of the Haorn.

And unbeknownst to the free races, the Prylak have been victorious in their battle with the Drakal. Two Starfortresses fell, and two more returned to Dromede for reparations.

The other seven...only time will tell.

And all through this, Galactica moves step by step forward discovering the secret of their galaxy...

Reign of Chaos 3, Chapter VIII

In Confederate space, galactica had been busy with the asteroids ceded to it. The insides ahd been ripped out, nad massive stockpiles of missles had been emplaced. Fighter bays for Shrike Fighters had been installed on the asteroid bases, giving a much larger strike force than the carriers nearby could carry.

Galactica Missle Frigates had bene arriving, and had been training in battle sims with the Confederate defence forces. Galactica was ready to defend Confederate space.

Over in Galactica space, Galactica had been busy, as usual. Its ships had been fitted with Neutronium Armour, and the latest battle sims had been proving its worth. Missles that had positrons in place of the normal antimatter had also been tested. They were proving their worth, but the limited number would mean only the biggest ships could have them.



Proxima Nebula Expansion. ETA:7 posts


Neutronium refinement. ETA:2 posts

Nemesis-class Dreadnought: 16 Posts

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

The scout fleet in Andromeda had scouted, or scanned, a fairly good-sized portion of Andromeda, and were now setting up sensor bouys, hidden in sub-space of course, to monitor the area for any Prylak activity.

Meanwhile, the Confederates also deployed the same sensor bouys in The Pocket, New Sol, and with the Dreden System Enlargement project soon coming to a close, they hope to setup the new Delphi Sensor Net.

A large fleet of 500 warships was also assembled in the Mirava system, and more ships were to arrive shortly. The Confederates were also requesting vessels from the Skraine and Tribunal, for this was the warfleet that would soon invade Andromeda....

(Message to Skraine and Tribunal)
(From Carnotaur, Confederacy)
(Greetings fellows friends and allies. We are currently assembling a fleet of 500 or more vessels in the Mirava system for the upcoming offensive against the Prylak. We suggest that you begin assembling the warfleets that you will use now, and send them to Mirava as soon as you can. Though we will not be able to launch the offensive until a few Balrog Dreadnaughts are completed, we should still be prepared with the rest of our warfleets.

I also suggest that, when the research is completed, each one of us begin construction of a Balrog Dreadnaught. The Confederacy will construct the Valkaryie , the Tribunal can construct the Invincible , and the Skraine can construct the Sierra.)
(End Message)


Dreden System Enlargement
ETA: 2 Posts

Balrog-class Dreadnaught
ETA: 15 Posts

Trans-Phasic Weaponry
ETA: 12 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(Message to Confederacy)
(Encryption Beta 9)
(From Galactica)
(While we have offered to defend your systems in the Milky Way, the agreement did not include your systems in Eta Cassiopea. Galactica offers to defend those systems with forces already in Eta Cassiopea, allowing you to attack with more ships. We are offering assistance to the other races and governments that reside in Eta Cassiopea as well.)
(Message Ends)

(Message to Skraine, Tribunal)
(Encryption Eta 4)
(From Galactica)
(The Confederates are now being defended in the Milky way by Galactica, so that they may free up forces for when they strike at Andromeda. So that the other races may assist, Galactica is offering to defend your systems whent he attack commences, so that you may free up your forces. We await your replies.)
(Message Ends)



Proxima Nebula Expansion. ETA:6 posts


Neutronium refinement. ETA:1 posts

Nemesis-class Dreadnought: 15 Posts

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

(Message to RMA, Galactica)
(From Carnotaur, Confederates)
(Yes, that would be quite acceptable, especially when we need every ship we can possibly spare. We will also allow you the use of asteroid bases in our territory in Eta Cassiopea as you did in the Milky Way, and your ships will also be welcome to land in our bases to be repaired and refueled.)
(End Message)

The enlargement to the stations in the Dreden system was completed, and now only some final finishing touches had to be fixed up before the project would be officially over. Now Dreden Station, the massive superstation in the system, was much larger and more effective, and would be useful in constructing Balrog Dreadnaughts.


Dreden System Enlargement
ETA: 1 Post

Balrog-class Dreadnaught
ETA: 14 Posts

Trans-Phasic Weaponry
ETA: 11 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(We thank you for the offer; however, any forces you send will be temporarily integrated into the structure of the Skraine WarFleet.)

(At last...the strike approaches. Our forces will move to Barad-Dur immediately; we will also bring the Defender of Hope , our gift of the Senn.)

Hyperlattice Web: 4 posts
Baelrog Dreadnaught: 13 posts
Grav Hyperlattice: 5 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

(Message to Skraine)
(From Confederates)
(We would prefer if you sent your ships to Mirava, where our fleet is gathering. We also thank you for bringing the Defender of Hope ; perhaps it can help against the deadly Starfortress.')

The Dreden System Enlargement was finally completed. The massive, majestic Dreden Station was the size of ten or more smaller battlestations, and its huge docking ring allowed for thousands of colonists and dozens upon dozens of vessels to dock at once. Near the core of the station was the massive shipyard, design to help construct Balrog Dreadnaughts.

Outside of the massive station were six battlestations, and two smaller colony stations for non-military purposes. On the planet and two smallers moon, there were massive and beautiful cities, will thousands of civillians living peacefully.

The next step for the Confeds was to deploy the Delphi Sensor Net. Already plans had been drawn up for the satellites, and Confederate frieghters were being equipped to deploy them.


Dreden System Enlargement
ETA: Completed

Balrog-class Dreadnaught
ETA: 12 Posts

Trans-Phasic Weaponry
ETA: 10 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Message to: Skraine
From: Raiek Imperium
Save the small talk. Even if you did somehow persuade me to ally you, once the public found out, the govt would be overthrown. While we have enough control to not launch any offensives, we have also given our navy orders to not fire on your ships, although it is unlikely the navy will follow it. I will, personally, work with allies of the skraine, and the skraine through messages, to prevent a Raiek ship from spotting a skraine ship, however a conflict would be inevitable.
The Skraine will still die after the Prylak are dealt with.

Shield Installing- 6 posts (?)
Galactica Dreadnought- (dont have a clue)

(what can I say.. I've been away all weekend)

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"
"....This is only what I think. We can't in a million years guess what goes on in the snarling, churning bowels of Red's head."

As ever decreasing numbers of Confederate ships stayed in their home systems to guard Confederate Alliance holdings, more and more Galactica ships arrived along with fighters and ammunition on bulk freighters. The Galactica Fleet has begun a mobilization to Confederate Alliance colonies in Eta Casseopea. Soon, Galactica Fleet ships will be in a position to keep any Confederate Alliance system secure from most attacks.

The relocation of Galactica civilians is progressing, and ships that used to be guarding former Voinian Empire space have been reassigned to either the South Tip, Jupiter Base, or sent to help guard the Confederate Alliance.

All of the Galactica Imperium eagerly awaits a report from the Confederacy on what they find in Andromeda.

Proxima Nebula Expansion: 5 Posts

Neutromium Refinement: Finished

Nemesis-class Dreadnought: 13 Posts

"Look -- the trees!" Galan cries. "They have leaves!"

The Confederates were beginning work on researching the satellites necissary for the Delphi Sensor Net. It would include a satellite about 1/5 the size of a standard battlestation, which would be equipped with large amounts of long and short range scanners. All the while, they would be hidden in sub-space, like the Firestorm Drones that the Confeds had used.

Meanwhile, the scout fleet in Andromeda kept on watching... And watching...


Delphi Sensor Net Research
ETA: 10 Posts

Balrog-class Dreadnaught
ETA: 11 Posts

Trans-Phasic Weaponry
ETA: 10 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 02-19-2002).)

To: Battledoctor of Galactica
From: Raiek Imperium
Emperor, The Raiek have a problem. We recieved the neutron armour samples, however our machinery is not able to outfit them on our ships. We would greatly appreciate any help you could give us with outfitting. We plan to outfit the armor after the Shielding outfit is finished. We would appreciate anything you have to help us, but we would be happy with a few freightors of engineers and outfitting supplies, and some more station parts would be highly appreciated, to set up scouts in systems hit by the Prylak.
Thank you.

REDchigh, along with most of the military, is exited about the shields, and a test has been prepared to show the efficiency of the new shielding units. It's an old-style frigate, more specifically, two side by side. One with the new shielding, one without. A lazerus faces them both, ready to fire until the frigates broadcast to stop. The Lazerus begins firing at both frigates with it's turrets, and after 5 minutes the unupgrades frigate's shields fail and the Lazerus stops. After a few more minutes, A message is recieved from the upgraded frigate...
"To all ships in system, We have discovered something odd about our shield readouts. The Shields seem to get stronger under the turret fire. The Shields are around 130% as I send this. Dont ask how, because we couldn't understand how capaciters could do this, but we have the readouts in front of us. Keep the fire going to see how high it goes."
the Lazerus keeps firing, and the Frigate's shields reach over 170%, but then they begin to ripple and glow with a blue hue. at 175%, the Shields suddenly partly fall, but instead of wavering out, the shielding "explodes" outward in a blue aura. The Aura seems to drift towards ships, with the blue glow holding onto the external shields, and after scientific scans and onboard readouts are recorded, it seems that the aura was slowly neutralizing ships' shields it touched. It took a while for the Raiek to realize why. They had developed positron shields. The Aura had a positive charge, while all standard shields have a balanced charge. The Positive radiation was attracted to the negative ions within the shields, and upon contact, the negative ions (from shields) and positive ions (from positrons) cancelled out, weakening several ship's shields. No ship was destroyed, however this effect would be looked into for the next few weeks.

Nemesis: 12 posts
Shilding: 1 post.

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"
"....This is only what I think. We can't in a million years guess what goes on in the snarling, churning bowels of Red's head."


(I am urging you not to attack for your own good. The Senn defeated your ancestors, the Prylak. What hope have (i)you(/i), weakened and crumbling, to fight it?
We will only defend; I ask you for a simple ceasefire. If you leave us alone, we will leave you alone. IE, no travel through the Wormhole either way, and no use of the trans-galactic Wormhole Generators on your Lazerus'es.)

(Unfortunately our Defender of Hope must remain behind; the Watcher stated that it cannot be used for offense, and we need it should the Raiek be foolish enogh to attack us.
We apologise for this misunderstanding.)

Hyperlattice Web: 3 posts
Baelrog Dreadnaught: 10 posts
Grav Hyperlattice: 4 posts

Sorry about that; not sure what happened there to change my username to "ek)". Odd.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

(Message, Gamma-6 Encryption)
To: Raiek
From: Galactica

It has come to our attention through one of our liason officers that you are currently disputing something or other with the Skraine. The Galactica Imperium would not support the Raiek in a conflict with the Skraine, and we may be forced to suspend Neutronium Armor shipments if your squabbling persists. Now is not the time to be fighting amongst one another when the threat of Prylak invasion is hanging over our heads.

(End Message)

Proxima Nebula Enlargement: 4 Posts

Nemesis-class Dreadnought: 11 Posts

"Look -- the trees!" Galan cries. "They have leaves!"

As tensions grew between the Raiek and Skraine, the Haorn began building ships in a frenzy in the reaches of their nebula. Choosing for the time being to let the others squabble amongst themselves and to remain isolated, the Haorn also began building their own dreams of ambition, and conquest...

New research
Infiltrator: 7 posts
A small, agile, unmanned aircraft that has an ultra powerful drill to burrow into a ship. Once inside, it targets a vital system, say, the engines or power generator. Then, a powerful bomb inside the Infiltrator will detonate, either causing immense damage to the target ship itself, or crippling and possibly disabling it.

Mjolner-class Battleship: 10 posts
Significantly larger than a Destroyer, the Haorn plan for this to be a mainstay for any batlegroup. Capable of holding hundreds of the famed Leeches, and support Sub-Space Beamers, Rift Generators, as well as Trition Shard Cannon/Turrets, Infinity Turrets too, this ship is MADE to strike fear into the hearts of any opponent.


(This message has been edited by Espona (edited 02-19-2002).)

Message to: Skraine
From: Raiek
Fools, did you not read our first message? We granted a ceasefire for the sole purpose of survival, as long as we dont come in contact with you. We will make it a little more favorable... we will not attack you during any battle with the Prylak. While our population hates you, we have more scorn for the Prylak. We will withhold any offensives against you until the battle against the Prylak is over. Deal?

Message to: Galactica
From: Raiek
You withold the Neutronium, we withold our half of the dreadnought. Our spite for the Skraine does not involve you. We will not attack the skraine while the Prylak are a threat, so we expect the neutronium by the end of the week, our work on the dreadnought has already halted, if we dont get the neutronium we'll destroy our half of the dreadnought, and without our help, you'll have to redesign the whole dreadnought. Your decision. The Raiek and Skraine have a ceasefire, so we expect the neutronium. Stick to your end of the bargain, and we'll work on the dreadnought again.

Raiek part of the dreadnought is halted until we get neutronium. We dont get it by Galactica's next post, our half of the dreadnought is scrapped, forcing galactica to redesign the whole 'naught.
Shielding outfitting: Completed.

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"
"....This is only what I think. We can't in a million years guess what goes on in the snarling, churning bowels of Red's head."

OOC: You don't have any bombs or torpedoes (though I did suggest you try and research one); your armor leech and energy leech are your only long-range weapons. Here is a list of all your weapons:

Energy Leech
Armor Leech
Trition Shard Cannon/Turret
Sub-Space Beamer
Sub-Space Generator
Rift Generator
Infinity Railgun


(Message to Skraine)
(From Confederates)
(Don't worry; the Phyrexia will help us adequately, and besides; the Skraine must be well defended, for they control a vital link to Eta Cassiopea. You can also help defend Confederate and Tribunal space with the Defender of Hope , if you wish to do so.)
(End Message)

(Message to Raiek)
(From Confederates)
(We would like to inform you that the Skraine, whom you are threatening with war, are our close allies, and we will fight to defend them. We have a sizable navy, and with our Balrog Dreadnaught project nearing completion, it would be foolish to try anything against the Skraine. We suggest you try a more diplomatic approach before intergalactic pressure builds against you.)
(End Message)

The Confederates were contuing the slow work on the Delphi Sensor Net, and sent a message to Galactica, asking for their help in the setup of the network of satellites. With help from Galactica, the project would move much more swiftly, and at the moment, time was extremely vital.


Delphi Sensor Net
ETA: 9 Posts

Balrog-class Dreadnaught
ETA: 9 Posts

Trans-Phasic Weaponry
ETA: 9 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 02-19-2002).)

OOC: Red, I don't think you understand... we're not building one ship right now, we're researching a class of them. All you are doing is having scientists help research and thus speed the research up. You really have nothing to scrap that we don't already have.

Galactica, seeing as the Raiek-Skraine conflict has not escalated to open combat yet, are continuing with Neutronium Armor shipments to the Raiek. Galactica is still officially against any tension between the Raiek and the Skraine, and is highly advising the Raiek not to let this get any bigger than it already is. Galactica will take no action, however, until shots are fired.

Galactica has agreed to give and aid that the Confederates require in researching and constructing the Delphi sensor net. They await further information from Alliance command.

Proxima Nebula Enlargement: 3 Posts

Nemesis-class Dreadnought: 10 Posts

"Look -- the trees!" Galan cries. "They have leaves!"

(This message has been edited by BattleDoctor (edited 02-18-2002).)

(I'm not sure you understand, (i)Dictator(/i) REDchigh. We will not attack you during the aproaching Prylak War; you will not attack us during that time.
After the War, we will not attack you. We would advise you to keep your distance after the War also; any attack will be countered by the Defender of Hope.
The Denfender was created by beings far more powerful than your Pry'lahk forebears to defend us against the Pry'lahk; against their power, your forces will stand no chance.)

(to: Confederates)
(fr: Skraine)
(We request to return our vessels to Eta Cassiopea; several new technologies are coming to fruition, and once they are completed and integrated into our warships, we expect our forces to be more powerful.)

Hyperlattice Web: 2 posts
Baelrog Dreadnaught: 8 posts
Grav Hyperlattice: 3 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.