Are there Hunter related missions?

Are there any missions available from spaceport bars in relation to the anoying Hunters? If so, what are they?


Bounty Hunters only appear if you have dominated planets. Visit the dominated planets, hail them and release them from servitude. The bounty hunters will stop bothering you.

Why dominate planets anyway? If you have a ship powerful enough to get tribute at a decent planet, you don't need the money!

There is a plug that turns bounty hunter ships into shuttles. Maybe you need that. Personally, though, I give back all the worlds I stole, once I get tired of being attacked by Crescent Warships.

(url="http://"")Old & Unimproved: Cerberus Station!(/url)

whats wrong with making alot of money?
Its realy sweet when you max out on money. Besides not only does dominating a planet give you money but it allows you to land on the planet.

watch out for them zidigar beams

Yeah, but it tends to be a little on the boring side, and often not worth the effort :).. especially seeing as by the time you have the rating + ship to take on most planets (obviously not including ones like Meria in the Sumer...), money shouldn't be a problem anyway :).

The best planet/station to demand tribute from is the Voinian refueling outpost In the west of the Voinian Empire, I can't remember the name of the station but what I do remember is that they only send out Shuttlecrafts, Cargo Shuttles and Freighters (The Freighters unarmed for F***'s sake!). I took it over in a shuttlecraft 😄 (I got the deadly rating in a tougher ship and then bought the shuttlecraft.)

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