Beyond Crescent - Beyond Boring???

I downloaded this plugin, and starting to wonder why. I have had exactly 2 halfway interesting missions, 3 invisible planets, and little else. I wrote to the plugin author, and he assured me that the invisible Gadzair system planets are all a part of the plot line. So what gives? Should I just give up on this plugin?

Imagination is more important than knowledge - Albert Einstein

Just open up the plugin and look like everyone else 😉

Animal Rights Activists don't love animals... they hate humans.

I played the plug for about 5 minutes. I got mad at how little I could do. And the fact that it seamed to screw up some of the other plugs.


"God is dead." - Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

I share your disappointment with Beyond the Crescent. I only downloaded it in the first place because it was one of the highest rated plug-ins on the add-on page, but apparently too many people are far too easily amused. There sure was a lot of flying all around the galaxy just to read a short script and be told to fly off to some other remote destination. The only thing more tedious and boring than that is calculus homework.

My favorite plug-ins are Star Wars, Voinian, F-25 and MAGMA. And don't bother with that plug-in described as the most astronomically accurate yet, because it is a huge download and it sucks too. I nearly fell asleep playing it. Reign of the Voinians part two was buggy as hell, so I can't recommend that one either.

Yes, I was quite disappointed with that plug-in, which essentially had no plot and just threw you into the middle of a horribly planned out mission line.

However, I am currently working on a new plug-in called "Legends of the Gadzair" which should hopefully be a success. The plug will have a special mission set where you will help go beyond the crescent and discover the mysteries of the Gadzair.

Any comments or suggestions on what people would like for the plug are welcome. You can tell them to me here, or e-mail me at

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

<poster admits that he's an idiot>

(This message has been edited by Starkiller (edited 02-15-2002).)

I think he's probably talking about Galaxy's Edge as the most astronomically accurate - that was its main selling point :). And it certainly is a hungry plugin - I had to give EVO about 80mb of RAM in my emulator for it to load! And it's quite hard to put up with only having one jump of fuel on most ships, even if they do regenerate quite quickly.

I played it long enough to get a ship up from the shuttle, and to find out that the map was just huge, but 90% uninhabited.. but not long enough to try out any combat.

I don't think it could be FH that he's talking about :).

Frozen Heart was good, but it wasn't the all-time best plug ever. The graphics were not amazing, nor was the fact that the mission plotlines seemed to never end or just stop abruptly without a specific end. Nice writing in the mission dialogues, though.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Thanks, MartiNz. Galaxy's Edge was the name I was looking for in my last post. That plug sure did suck, didn't it?

Well I'm sure there was fun to be had in it - and I did like the different spaceport bar style and the bigger pictures.. but there was a reason that rush delivery missions gave you 6 months or more to complete them.. and I didn't get upto getting anything beyond those sorts of missions.

I think a good pplug-in is Star Wars.
By the way, I'm on the mission where you have to locate the warlord Zninj or somethin like that. I got the mission from Byss. I found the base at Eol Sha, and returned to Byss. But nothing happened. Any help?

do I pilot a UE destroyer? certainly not!