Reign of Chaos 3 - Chapter VII

(Message to:Sijak)
(Message from: Galactica)
(Your nanotechnology would allow us to shrink the size of our outfits. The Confederacy has already sent us info on their own nanotech, but your technology is far more advanced. We thank you for your offer.)
(Message Ends)


Neutronium Armour. ETA:19 posts

Antimatter Railgun Upgrade Research. ETA:To be decided...

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

OOC:Reds keyboard is buggered up, so I'm writing and posting this for him, with his approval.

(Message From:Raiek)
(Message To:Galactica)
(We offer to give you limited Positron technology, to improve your current antimatter warheads as well as helping you with the new ship you plan to build. In exchange, we would like help with our shield matrixes, access to your new armour, and assistance or access to something that will be specified later.)
(Message Ends)

Research: Upgraded positron shields
ETA: 8 posts


now, my response:

(Message From:Galactica)
(Message To:Raiek)
(We accept your offer, and we will send the scientists we can spare to help you. We are also implementing the Javelin weapon upgrade we helped you with, and we expect it to be useful for point defence purposes.)
(Message Ends)


Neutronium Armour. ETA:18 posts

Antimatter Railgun Upgrade Research. ETA:Esponer not shown up.

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

(Fr:Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds)
(We'd be happy to help you design new ships to use against the Prylak.
At this time we have availiable Hyperlattice Deflectors, Organic Armour, Particle Beams and our revolutionary WarGated Hyperlattice Warheads.
But we'd appreciate any technological help you could give us in return, to aid us in the development of our own warship designs. What have you to offer?
Magistrate K'Sarragh)

(To:Confederates, Tribunal)
(Fr:Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds)
(We can incorporate our Hyperlattice Deflectors and Organic Armour into the design of the Acheron Dreadnaught. The Deflectors can dissipate up to 40% of incoming damage, while the Armour is organic-based and can therefore regenerate quite fast.
Surely these technologies would be useful?
Magistrate K'Sarragh)

In order to build ships quicker and easier, the Skraine would have to construct a new and huge shipyard complex.
Survey ships went out to find the perfect site; they found it in Artanis Kel. Just beyond Chau'Skria itself, the system had been overlooked during the Great Expansion because it had no habitable planets.
What it did have were several huge asteroids, almost small moons, in semistable orbits around the single planet, a huge gas giant close in to the sun.
Charges were attached to the asteroids, and they were maneuvered close together, where they were connected by crude girders. It would take some time to turn the metallic asteroids into the largest shipyard complex the Skraine had ever built, but it would be worth it.
Hyperlattice Weaponry: 7 posts
Artanis Kel Shipyards: 10 posts
Acheron Dreadnaught: 24 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

(Message To:Skraine Coalition)
(message From:Galactica)
(Using your hyperlattice deflectors in conjunction with Galacticas gravitic sheath would allow our ship to be capable of absorbing great amounts of damage. Your organic armour also looks interesting, as it would allow a regenerative armour layer to be placed over our soon to be developed Neutronium Armour.
We have no need for your Particle Beam, having access to the more powerful Thoron beam. Your WarGated Hyperlattice Warheads are by far the most interesting, and would provide a powerful enhancement to Galacticas bombardment capability.

In return, we can offer the gravitic lens, which is capable of focusing beam weaponry to a very fine degree, enhancing range, precision, and strength. Use of it allows smaller beam projectors to be built for similar power outputs.

Our data shows your shield technology to be extremely resistant to damage, but slow to reload compared to other races. We offer to work with you, and provide our knowledge of multi-layered shields, which allows regeneration to be extremely quick.

We can also offer limited Neutronium Armour plating when the technology becomes availible, although supplies will be very limited, as yields are not expected to be high, and other commitments have already been made. The plating we do make availible to you, however, would allow the ships you fit it on to take more damage while your organic armour regenerates.

If their is anything else you are interested in, please notify us.)
(Message Ends)

OOC:Shade, get on AIM tommorrow, or whenever, since it helps to talk.


Neutronium Armour. ETA:17 posts

Antimatter Railgun Upgrade Research. (I've set an ETA of 8 posts total, since it seems about right compared to some other stuff, especially as this isnt a whole new area of technology. Subject to change). ETA:5 posts

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

(FR:Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds)
(Agreed. In return for your Gravitic Lens and multi-layered shielding, we will give you our Hyperlattice Deflectors and Organic Armour.
Perhaps we should work together to integrate the Hyperlattice Deflectors and Multi- Layered Shielding?
The Skraine will also send survey ships into your territory to seek out any possible hyperlattice crystal belts of your own, and instruct your scientists in thei use, if you wish.
Magistrate K'Sarragh.

Hyperlattice Weaponry: 6 posts
Artanis Kel Shipyards: 9 posts
Acheron Dreadnaught: 23 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

(Message To:Skraine Coalition)
(Message From:Galactica)
(We will send scientists to work with yours on the shield grid matrixes. We will sned the gravitic lens data to you, but it will be up to you to intergrate it with your weapons. We welcome your help to look for more hyperlattice crystals. We recomend searching the Proxima Nebula. A fleet of our own is commencing scans there for other purposes already.)
(Message Ends)


Jupiter Base is the center of attention in the reduced Galactcia Imperium, and support complexs are springing up all over the Sol system. The system is becoming extremely industrialised.

Other Galactica systems in the Milky Way are experiencing a resurgence with the reopening of the Eta Cassiopea links, with materials pouring in. Ship building priorities in the systems have changed also. In the Milky Way, systems are building as many WarCruisers as they can, with Missle Frigates for backup, while in Eta Cassiopea, almost all production has been put towards producing Hyperspace carriers, and the new Shrike Class Light Attack Fighter.

With the loss of so many systems, Galactica has decided to look for new colonisation oppertunities, in this case in the Proxima Nebula. While it has been explored, and settled before, no settlements have stayed for long, and it is largely untouched. Modern Galactica sensors are capable of cutting through the interference with ease, and a small fleet has been despatched to update info on the planets in the nebula.


Neutronium Armour. ETA:16 posts

Antimatter Railgun Upgrade Research. . ETA:4 posts

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

(Message to Galactica)
(From Confederates)
(We are sorry, but at the moment we will be unable to aid you in researching any sort of new ship design for a while. We are already busy with working with the Tribunal, but if we do find time to help you, we will.)
(End Message)

(Message to Skraine)
(From Confederates)
(Yes, please include your new shield and armor designs. They would definitely aid in the vessel's overral effeciancy, and after all, we need it to be as powerful as possible if we are going to fight the Prylak.)
(End Message)

Confederate vessels were being built up throughout Confederate space. Ships were constantly being produce as the Confeds worked around the clock not only to buil hulls, but also the shipyards that would build the vessels.

As shipyards were being constructed as quickly as they could, the Confeds were also beginning construction of another battlestation in the Barad-dur system to help with defensive measures.

Scorcher had also sent out scouts to nearby abandoned colonies to see if they were inhabitable, while Lythrawn's two Empyrean Carriers finally arrived at Azdgari. The Carriers moved into a standard orbit and began sending down some Confederate personnel to see how well the colony had survived.


Dreden System Enlargement
ETA: 17 Posts

Acheron Dreadnaught
ETA: 22 Posts

Modulating Shields
ETA: 3 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Kenra read the message from the Galactica and then started to compile all of there information on nano tech to send to Galactica. She watched as it all loaded into the message output. She finished compiling it and sent a message to Galactica.

(To: Galactica)
(From: Sijak)
(In this message contains all we know about nanotechnology. We hope this is helpful, and if you need help on anything else, we can send a team of scientists to help. We hope your project goes well.)
End message sequence

Kenra sent the message and went to meet with the Committee. After a few brief arguements, they agreed with her descision to upgrade the Neutron Cannon/Turrets to Radium. It would take a month or two, and then they would have to put them on all the ships, but everyone thought it would be worth it, and the new ships could be outfitted with them as they were built.

Upgrade from Neutron to Radium on Primaries. 8 posts.

If your looking at this signature, you need a life.

(Message to:Skraine)
(Message from:Galactica)
(Initial looks over the Hyperlattice Defelctors show it would be impossible to combine our shield technologies. We will stick to our bargain however, as we still see uses for this shield design.)
(Message Ends)


(Message to:Sijak)
(Message from:Galactica)
(We thank you for the data on nanotech.)
(Message Ends)

Upon recieving the Sijak data, Galactica has begun looking into areas it may be used in.


Neutronium Armour. ETA:15 posts

Antimatter Railgun Upgrade Research.(checked with Esponer, only need 6 posts total) . ETA:1 post

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 01-27-2002).)

Galactica, recognizing the need for much heavier warships than it has now, has begun drawing up plans for an extremely powerful warship. More powerful than anything the Confederate Alliance is currently planning, this warship would incorporate the latest in technology available to Galactica, including Hyperlattice Deflectors from the Skraine, Neutronium Armor, and Shrike fighters.

This ship, currently called the Nemesis-class Dreadnought, will take an extremely long time to research and construct a prototype of, even with cooperation between Galactica and the Raiek. Currently it is in the most basic of design stages, and plans for new shipyards are being made to accomodate this colossal warship.

AT Railgun Upgrade: Completed

Neutronium Armor: 14 posts

Nemesis-class Dreadnought: 50 posts (including posts by myself, RMA, and Red)

My state bird is the finger.

(Fr:Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds)
(Are you certain of the incompatibility of our shield systems? We will send our own researchers to aid your efforts if you wish, the same team who developed the Deflectors. At best, we will be able to combine them effectively. At worst, we will be able to run them simultaneously.
Yours, Magistrate K'Sarragh)

(To:Confederates, Tribunal)
(Fr:Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds)
(Indeed, we must strive to create the perfect warships to destroy the Prylak.
Attached is the modified hull specifics and shielding schematics required to utilise our Deflectors and Organic Armour.
Yours, Magistrate K'Sarragh)

The Skraine survey ship, a huge research vessel almost half a kilometer long and packed with equipment, found the Galactica fleet deep within the Proxima Nebula.
Conducting deep penetration scans and onboard analyses of asteroid fragments found in the Proxima nebula, the survey ship found hyperlattice crystals in the DSN-7887 and DSN-7136 systems. Nothing so numerous as the belts in Eta Cassiopea, but still they were hyperlattice crystals in Galactica space.

(Fr:Skraine Research Vessel Dara'chelenna )
(We are proud to announce that we have found belts containing the ice asteroids known as Hyperlattice Crystals; these belts are in the DSN-7887 and DSN-7136 systems, as they are numbered in this galaxy.
We wish you many years of safe and prosperous mining in the aforementioned systems.
Yours, Lirćthet, Captain of the Dara'chelenna )

Hyperlattice Weaponry: 5 posts
Artanis Kel Shipyards: 8 posts
Acheron Dreadnaught: 21 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

OOC: Shade, I assume that when RMA said that the shields were incompatible, he had been told by Esponer that he couldn't combine the shields. Esponer likes to keep things balanced, and Multi-layered shields combined with your Hyperlattice Deflectors would be too powerful, I guess.

To: Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds
From: Galactica Space Navy R&D;

Sadly, Hyperlattice Deflectors are definitely incompatible with our Multi-Dynamic shield generators. Not to worry, we can still make use of your Hyperlattice Deflectors in our ship designs. Your technology will be very valuable to the Galactica Space Navy.

We would like to thank Captain Lirćthet and his crew for discovering Hyperlattice Crystals. Mining will being immediately.

End Message

Neutronium Armor: 13 posts

Nemesis-class Dreadnought: 49 posts

My state bird is the finger.

(Fr:Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds)
(It is a pity that our systems are incompatible. But at least they can be run simultaneously. While Captain Lirćthet is in the Milky Way, is there any other areas you would like us to examine?
Magistrate K'Sarragh)

(Fr:Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds)
(We currently have a research vessel in the milky way, helping Galactica find their own supply of Hyperlattice Crystals. Would you like us to examine your territories also, so that you may have your own supply of Hyperlattice Crystals for when the Acheron Dreadnaught comes into production and you need a steady supply.
Magistrate K'Sarragh)

Hyperlattice Weaponry: 4 posts
Artanis Kel Shipyards: 7 posts
Acheron Dreadnaught: 20 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

To: Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds
From: Galactica Space Navy R&D;

We would appreciate if your captain could keep a watch for any anomalous activities in the Milky Way, rather than anything in specific. The Imperium appreciates the presence of the Skraine survey ship in our galaxy.

End Message

Neutronium Armor: 12 posts

Nemesis-class Dreadnought: 48 posts

My state bird is the finger.

(To: Galactica Space Navy R&D;)
(Fr: Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds)
(In order to keep a sufficient watch out for Prylak incursions- I assume that is what you mean- in the Milky Way, we'd probably need to bring in more research vessels, and possibly establish a base in your galaxy for their supply. Would it be permissible to bring more research vessels through?
Magistrate K'Sarragh)

Hyperlattice Weaponry: 3 posts
Artanis Kel Shipyards: 6 posts
Acheron Dreadnaught: 19 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

To: Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds
From: Galactica Space Navy R&D;

Naval Command has granted you permission to enter the Milky Way and have free passage through Galactica Imperium territory. You may bring as many ships as you like, provided that your intentions are not hostile. That would be unwise at a time like this. We appreciate your help in guarding against the Prylak.

End Message

Neutronium Armor: 11 Posts

Nemesis-class Dreadnought: 47 posts

My state bird is the finger.

(To:Galactica Space Navy R&D;)
(Fr:Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds)
(Of course our intentions are not hostile. We must all concentrate our efforts upon the true enemy, the Prylak. The research vessels Oris'aana , Terćth , Di'Cherra Khani and Ryth'arryn are now on their way to the Milky Way galaxy, accompanied by the support vessel SWF Arisanthi.
We expect to set up camp in the Sirabor system shortly.
Magistrate K'Sarragh)

Hyperlattice Weaponry: 2 posts
Artanis Kel Shipyards: 5 posts
Acheron Dreadnaught: 18 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Shipyards in Lalande and Lalande Beta were complete, and colonies were running in New Dimire, Lalande, and EC-209. The mining complex was going strong in Lalande Beta, and the Tribunal would soon have quite a lot of tucharium on their hands.


Research on the Acheron was going excellently; it was nearly halfway complete! The long-awaited Precision Bomb upgrade was finally complete; the fleet would now be refitted with the new weaponry.

There was apparently a small problem with the tucharium density upgrade: the machines that were used to compress the tucharium frequently overheated. The solution was simple: the machines were encased in a non-rusting substance, and placed in huge vats of water. The water acted as a coolant, and the coating on the machines prevented rusting.

Moiraine decided that it was time to re-establish good contacts with Galactica. Remembering what happened last time, she sent a message to the Emperor, asking permission to enter his space with a small fleet of Phantoms.

(From Moiraine, Tribunal)
(To BattleDoctor, Galactica)

We would like to establish good relations with you once again. To this end, I am requesting permission from you to enter your space with ten Phantoms. I await your response.


All this business of requesting was starting to grate on Moiraine's Prylak nerves. The Prylak were not accustomed to requesting permission to do anything from anybody. However, Moiraine quickly reminded herself that these were primitive humans that she was dealing with...


Title: Precision Bomb Refit
ETA: 4 posts

Title: Acheron Dreadnought
ETA: 17 posts

Title: Tucharium Density Upgrade
ETA: 7 posts

(url="http://"") Meowx Design (/url) | (url="http://"") The Onion (/url) | (url="http://"") The Arreat Summit (/url) | (url="http://"") The Lord Of The Rings (/url)
Email -- (url="http://"")

BattleDoctor read over the Tribunal leader's message, and wondered why they couldn't just talk over a commlink. He was uncomfortable dealing with the Tribunal, as they had long been considered something of a rebel group. Their affiliation with the Confederate Alliance hadn't helped matters.

However, BattleDoctor also knew that in times like these he couldn't afford to make any more enemies. Agreeing to the Tribunal's request, he began to write up a response.

To: Moiraine, Tribunal
From: BattleDoctor, Galactica

Your request to send a flight of Phantoms to Galactica Imperium space is approved. We await your arrival in the capital system of Svass within the next few days. The Galactica Imperium looks forward to meeting with the honorable Tribunal.

Neutronium Armor: 10 posts

Nemesis-class Dreadnought: 46 posts

My state bird is the finger.

Reading over Emperor BattleDoctor's message, Moiraine thought she detected a bit of sarcasm. "Honorable Tribunal" was probably just her Prylak mentality, and she shrugged it off. Preparing the fleet of Phantoms, she considered going herself. It would certainly shock the emperor, to see a full-fledged Prylak stepping out of one of the ships. It might also make him more....receptive to whatever she had to say.

She decided on it, and went to tell Tasina. Tasina, of course, advised against it, but she ignored him. She informed him that he was in charge of the government until she returned; she then gathered her supply of personal weaponry, in case it would be needed. She strapped herself into the Phantom, and prepared for a fun ride.

Moiraine's officers, once they found out, were horrified, of course. What if she was assassinated, or captured. Tasina calmly reminded them that she was a Prylak. Prylak were far better fighters than humans. If she was attacked, there was no doubt that she would survive.


Title: Precision Bomb Fleet Refit
ETA: 3 posts

Title: Acheron Dreadnought
ETA: 16 posts

Title: Tucharium Density Upgrade
ETA: 6 posts

(url="http://"") Meowx Design (/url) | (url="http://"") The Onion (/url) | (url="http://"") The Arreat Summit (/url) | (url="http://"") The Lord Of The Rings (/url)
Email -- (url="http://"")