Kirrim Prime mission help

Where do you start the Kirrim prime ski resort missions??? 😕

I always wondered how to use the signature...

Station Pybin.

Captaintripps: Weak and Stupid. That's why we have wolves and other large predators.
(url="http://"")VoxHumana(/url) -- Comedy of the Future

The mission string begins in the bar on Kirrim Prime, after you have fulfilled a few requirements: done Miranu Diplomatic Relations missions, and I think joined the MTC; achieved a Dangerous (I think) combat rating. Then head on over there to the bar and you will be offered the first mission 50% of the time. If it doesn't come when you've done all that, you can reset the bar and all by going to the mission computer, accepting a mission, pressing i for mission list and aborting the mission - good luck :).

Thanx everyone, I'll try both pieces of advice 🙂
guess I'm in debt :redface:

note: I've had to type this 5 times... the form keapt screwin up :frown:

I always wondered how to use the signature...