Reign of Chaos 3 - Chapter V

OOC:RMA,it is the Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds,not the Skraine Confederacy.

(Fr:Magistrate K'Sarragh,Unity Starbase)
(The idea of a trading base is a good one;however,we propose the EC-100 system rather than the EC-16 system.
EC-100 is closer both to your southern colonies and our colonies in the Hoth Sector, as well as our colonies in the Senn Sector.
The Skraine Merchant's Guild has already established a trading center in Del'As'Mir,and it is expected that the High Council of the SMG would protest were we to bypass it.
-Magistrate K'Sarragh,Skraine Interstellar Coaliton of Worlds)

ETA until Particle Beam complete:3 posts
ETA until Organic Armour complete:8 posts
ETA until Paros colony complete:5 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

OOC:I'll post more on the battle in Emalghion when I get to talk to Asriel, and confirm things independantly.


(Message to:Magistrate K'Sarragh,Unity Starbase)
(From:Galactica Administration)
We did not mean to bypass the current trading outpost, but only enhance the ability to trade goods between our peoples. We will begin construction of a trading post in EC-100. Your merchants guild is invited to take joint command of the trading outpost, and can of course use it as they wish.
(Message Ends)


Rough deployment of antimatter bombs has been completed, and proper mine formations are being set out, and bulked up as needed. The initial completion of this now allows Operation:Adinkerke to begin in frontier systems. The details of this operation will be released at a later date.

(OOC:This is a defensive thing only, and will be a last resort)

Work is started on increasing the amount of shield layers Support and Strike Cruisers can support. While the project may weaken an individual layer, the total amount of layers added will offset this, and provide a slight increase in the total shield power and regeneration capability. ETA:3 Posts

Heavy Beam Cruiser ETA: 11 posts

Hyperspace Carrier ETA: 1 posts

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

In Milky way, the Raiek Lazerus' are on the move. They stop by Namer, where the Lazerus' total in milky way is brought up to six.

"This is Lazerus' VI, shecking in."
"Good to have you here six, Let's go! Set Hyperspace route to Isled!"

"Ok, now everyone here?"
"V, In Isled"
"IV, In Isled"
"III, In Isled"
"II, in Isled"
"I, In Isled"
"Splendid. All Lazerus' launch your fighters. Now Lazerus' IV and I, launch your wormhole generators"
"I, Initiating Generator."
"IV, Initiating Generator."
"Set Course to the Kelmoan system. We're gonna cut through the empty space."
"Ok, Sure."
"Yes, Sir."

In Kelmoan, there are only a few confed fighters defending the system, and all of the other ships were sent to Emalghion. The in-system defences were tense when they noticed a off-blue swirl appear in the middle of the system, just out of orbit of the planet. The Fed ships try and prepare for the Raiek attack, but to no avail. The 120 gunships fly through, engaging the forces, and the six lazerus' launch their space-bombs all around the system. The Gunships start to bombard the planet, but they notice that the planet seems to be abandoned. They stop with the planet, and take up strategic positions through the system, reviewing their mission-
Cut Off Confed Reinforcements

A diplomat left on Svass types up a message for Battledoctor or RMA, stating that in order for the Raiek to attack the Feds more forcefully, the Raiek need a base. They want to build up the Namer system to protect their entrance into this galaxy, then attack the confed systems of ******** and ********* and capture them, but to keep them, they will need a lot of Galactica fixed defenses.

Operation : Overwhelm (shipbuilding)
ETA: 9 posts

Research: Positron Science
ETA: 8 posts
"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 12-09-2001).)

(Message to:Raiek Command)
(High Encryption)
If you can provide protection during construction, we will begin deploying prefabricated stations, along with Missle Defence Bouys and Drones. Further assistance after that depends on the current state of combat with the Confederation.
{Message Ends)

(Message to:Tribunal)
We would like to discuss your disruption web, and the Confederations deployment of it. We can meet you on Unity Station.
(Message Ends)


Operation:Adinkerke is proceeding well, and components are in place.

Support and Strike Cruiser Upgrade. ETA:2 Posts

Heavy Beam Cruiser ETA: 10 posts

Hyperspace Carrier ETA: Complete

The new carriers are now in production, and are expected to enter service shortly.

New Research: Improving missle gravitic drives. Galacticas missle drives have used basic gravity engines to propel them since their inception, but even the newer standoff missle only uses a larger version of the mass missle drive. The new reserach is only a preliminery look into the upgrades that can be made, so it will not take long, but applying this to the current missles may take some time. ETA: 3 posts

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

(This message has been edited by RMA (edited 12-09-2001).)

OOC: Since Esponer isn't here, my Phantom scouting is frozen until he returns.


Moiraine read over RMA's message. Now, she was in trouble. She didn't particularly like Galactica, and the Confederacy had warned her against talking with them about the Disruption Web, or the Tribunal might not get their Anti-Grav engines. But what was Moiraine so troubled about? She was a Prylak, for heaven's sake. Prylak took orders from nobody.


Admiral Tasina soon found himself flying to Unity Station once again. He arrived at the main docking port, and exited his Pro'tas to find Galactica guards waiting for him...


Moiraine decided to send Phantoms into the Milky Way again, to explore. They went through the Spatial Fold in Hoth III. The scouts went north, and soon entered the Emalghion system. A truly enormous battle was raging here, Galactica pitted against the Confederate Alliance. The Phantoms stayed on the outside, their sensors taking in everything...


Title: Gen. II ships
ETA: 4 posts

Title: Battlestation Machine Gun upgrade

Title: Fusion Beam Upgrade
ETA: 4 posts

"Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

(OOC:This posts preceds as if the Confederates have just entered the system, for simplicities sake. This posts preceds with carnos apparent tactics in his posts) The Disruption Web can intercept about 1/3 of missles apparently, not every single one. It also takes about 90 seconds to recharge. Some numbers have been roughly checked with Asriel{not all, just some. Some have been extrapolated, then been reduced to stop whining from people})

The main Confederate fleet entered Emalghion to find themselves smashed into by 3000 missles. The missles had been at too close a range to engage with their disruption webs, but the area targeting reduced the amount of damage that could ahve been done, only destroying 80 odd ships, and damaging others. The wave just behind it, of 6000 missles, got hit by multiple disruption webs, which managed to destroy half the missles. The 3000 that got through wiped out 90 ships this time, some having already been heavily damaged.

The speed of the Galactica missle volleys, as usual, caught the Confederate off guard, entire volleys being launched every 2 seconds, each volley composing of over 10,000 missles. Another 3 volleys smashed into the Confederates, the last getting through completely unopposed, all the disruption webs recharging at the time. 730 Confederate ships had been destroyed. 160 each in the 2nd and 3rd waves, and 240 in the third on top of the initial volley.

The Galactica fleet really did outnumber the Confederates now, and every single missle had been aimed at a Confederate ship, leaving the Sijak alone. Less than 400 ships in the Confederate fleet had disruption webs left now. As the Confederate fleet collided with the Galactica fleet, it aimed straight for the heaviest ships, blowing scores of them up in seconds. The Galactica fleet had switched missle types for its forth volley, every ship shooting the new gyroscope missle. 90% of the missles shot past the Confederate ships, completely missing them. It was at that point that they twisted in space and smashed straight into the backside of the Confederate fleet.

Strangely enough, some ships had been dettached to bombard the missle silos on the planets and moons. A Planetary shield, while weak in overall terms, was extremely powerful compared to a ships shields, and they contracted down into the lower atmosphere, reducing power expenditures, and making the Confederate weapons waste energy streaming through the atmosphere. A Planetary missle silo had missles to waste however, and started releasing missles from cargo hatches. Without the initial velocity given by a launcher, the missles could just get to orbit, bu tthe Confederate ships where close enough. They ran into the missles, blowing a good chunk of them up.

The Sijak ships hadnt been targeted, although they had taken slight damage from being so close to the thousands of warheads going off at the Confederate fleet. With their numbers, the Confederates only had a few hundred less ships than Galactica, but Galactica still had its fixed defences. A message to talk had been sent to the Sijak when they had been spotted, but no response had arrived yet.

The Confederate Alliance had been shown what happens when you stick your head into a tigers mouth, and the response of the Sijak was awaited.

(OOC2:If you think the losses are high, well, you're wrong. I chopped of a few tens from what the losses should really be, when they were already a bit low. Running into a missle barrage, when you have to travel all that range is a very, very bad idea. My sig stands.)


The Galactica guards escorted Admiral Tasina to the Galactica offices on the stations, and the Galactica reprasentative spoke to him:
"We wish to talk about your Disruption Web, and possible access to its principles. In return, we would be ameniable to returning a similar offer.

"We would also like to talk about opening more trade up between our systems, so that both our peoples may prosper."


Support/Strike Cruiser Upgrade. ETA:1 Posts

Heavy Beam Cruiser ETA: 9 posts

Gravitic Missle Drive upgrade research. ETA:2 posts

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

The Sijak pulled out of the Confederate-Galactica battle, confused at the oddly non-threatning message of the Galactica. They quickly formed a message to the Homeworld about what was hapening, and asking a quick plea of what to do.


Kenra got the message both from the fleet, and from the Confederates. She looked at them in confusion. She sighed and formed a response to the Confederates.

To: Confederate Alliance
From: Sijak Homeworlds
We understand your predicament, but it occurs to us that perhaps the Glactica have a say in this too. We listened to you without questioning, and we find that we have not listened to the whole story. We are sending two Ghosts over, onewith diplomats to hear the Glactica, and one with diplomats to hear you out. Until then, our ships have withdrawn, in the confused state we are in, we do no fighting.
end message sequence

Kenra sighed, and also sent a message to the fleet to respond to the Glactica that soon they would sort out exactly what was happening.


The fleet hung back, to the side of the two other fleets, there communications a web of confusion. With the message from Kenra, they all sighed in relief. So, they would have to wait, but at least someone would be coming to sort out the mess. They quickly sent a message to the Galactica.

To: Galactica fleet
From: The Sijak fleet.
We are the Sijak, coming from another galaxy, where two other races reign free, the Haorn and the Raiek. We are small, and were once slaves for the Prylak. Be at peace, we are confused by this, and our leader is sending diplomats, so we can see who tells the truth hear, and why this fighting is actually going on. We will not fight again until the two Ghosts come.
end message sequence


In Eta, the Sijak messaged the Skraine saying they were going to explore the South-east part of the galaxy, and would like to know if they had explored any down there before?


Upgrading Sijak Engines- 6 posts.

Building Assorted ships-300 a post.

Formerly known as

(Message to:Sijak fleet)
(From:Galactica fleet)
We thank you for your presence of mind, and we look forward to meeting your diplomat. So you have time to prepare, we are informing you that we know of the Raiek, who have approached us for a military alliance after being attacked by the Confederation, ad we are working with them in a limited regard.

We know they where once the Prylak, the ones responsible for the Confederacy gaining power in this galaxy, after our fleet was destroyed, but we believe people can change.

We have not been informed about the Haorn, and any information on them would be appreciated.

Also no we can not stop fighting with the Confederates, since they would gladly wipe us out.
(Message Ends)

The Sijak ships moving back has made it possible for Galactica to use far better targeting solutions, and it is now smashing the Confederates even harder.


Support/Strike Cruiser Upgrade. ETA:Completed

Work is started on tearing out large portions of several Support Cruisers weapons and internal structure, to give them more cargo room, and the ability to deliver larger parts of prefabricated battlestations quicker and faster into a danger zone. The work will be ongoing.

Heavy Beam Cruiser ETA: 8 posts

Gravitic Missle Drive upgrade research. ETA:1 posts

If someone makes a mistake, it is not my fault. I will however use it to my advantage.

Unfortunately for Galactica, the Sijak fleet had already done their job, and the Galactica fleet was critically weak. The Confeds surrounded the enemy fleet, using their superior speed to outflank the fleet. Once in position, they slowly closed in, blasting apart dozens and dozens of Galactica ships with missiles, torpedoes, and close range primary weapon fire. As Renegade fighters took down enemy ship after ship, Galactica desperately fought to keep from being totally annihilated.

At this close a range, disruption webs were quite useful. Just a single pulse could kill 50 some missiles if aimed and timed correctly. Galactica had only 700 ships to the Confederates 1000 ships, and Galactica soon suffered even more losses as they lost the remainder of their warcruisers, and their remaining support cruisers were dropping like flies.

At certain points in the battle, Confederate Styx Bombers, loaded with trans-phasic bombs, rammed larger vessels, blowing apart not only the ship they rammed, but blowing apart nearby vessels as well.

The Confederate Flagships, heavily defended by dozens of ships, plowed through the battlefield, incinerating anything and everything in their path. Soon, Galactica only had 550 vessels left to the Confeds 900.


(Message to Sijak)
(From Carnotaur, Confederacy)
(Very well, it's your decision. But we do warn you that Galactica is evil and imperialistic. They are completely unforgiving, even when we try to make some sort of peace with them. If we did make a peace with them, they would soon betray us.)
(End message)


The upgrade to the new Citadel Defense System is going well. The first systems to be outfitted with the new design are Dreden, Mirava, and Azdgari. After that will come the border systems, then the inner core systems.

Work on the Anti-Gravity engines was progressing slowly but nicely, and soon would be giving the Confederacy an extreme advantage in the way of speed, turning, and overall (sp?) maneuverability.

With the new Fusion Beam technology, the Confederacy is planning to equip all of their flagships (of which they now have about 25) with the new and deadly weapons. In the update, the flagships will also get 2 more anti-proton turrets, another photon torpedo launcher, and a Styx Bomber bay. This will probably be done before the Raven upgrade.

The ECTA is doing extremely well, and is now planning to research a new kind of engine system along with the Confederacy to shorten hyperjump times. This would not only allow the ECTA to deliver cargo and send out trade ships quicker, but the Confederacy would also be able to bring in reinforcements and move ships quicker. Research is to commence after the Anti-Gravity engines.


Citadel Defense System
Installation Project
ETA: 9 Posts

Plasma Web Upgrade
Upgrade Project
ETA: 4 Posts


Anti-Grav Engines
ETA: 3 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

OOC: Espona can't post, so I'm posting this for him.


The Haorn commander thought over Lythrawns request, which was quite odd. Finally, he shrugged, and escorted Lythrawns battlecruiser back to the Haorn system. There Lythrawn met the Haorn Emporer, Espona, and the two sat down at a table.

Lythrawn spoke first, telling Espona of how one of his Frigates had detected a Raiek wormhole in the Namer system. The Confeds were now assembling a small strike for to come in, distract the Raiek, while a Haorn fleet moved in to make the final attack. It involved some risks, but Lythrawn was confident it could be done. He hated the Raiek, and wanted to get rid of them. He did, however, have one note; the Haorn could not kill all the Raiek, and the Haorn also had to let all the Raiek slaves go.

Espona thought about it, and finally agreed. And after some talking about the history of the Haorn, the culture of the Haorn, and what had happened to Lythrawn, Lythrawn once again felt like a fleet admiral as he led 3,000 Haorn warships towards their destination; Jumpgate 02.

Maneuvering around Raiek patrols and systems, the massive fleet finally arrived. Going through the jumpgate, Lythrawn stayed in Ross 154, and headed back towards Terran space. The Haorn, however, continued onto the Confederate side.

The first meeting between the two was tense. The Haorn didn't trust the Confeds, and the Confeds didn't trust the Haorn completely either. But Scorcher was there, and he did trust the Haorn. With 3 Corsairs leading the impressive Haorn fleet, they set out for the Blaga system....

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(Fr:Magistrate K'Sarragh,Unity Starbase)
(Re:Trading Base)
(Several heavy transports carrying prefabricated supplies to build the trading base are now heading to the EC-100 system.
We presume that this base will be constructed on the small,barren planetoid in the system rather than an orbital station?
The Skraine Merchants Guild has expressed considerable interest in the base,and feels that much of our trade between our southern systems could be conducted there.
With your permission of course,they wish to name the base Trader's Outpost.
-Magistrate K'Sarragh,Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds)

(Fr:Magistrate K'Sarragh,Unity Starbase)
(Re:Sijak Colonisation)
(The galactic south-east,also known as the Senn Sector due to the presence of the Senn Nebula,has received heavy scans in the western sector recently.
The Skraine have established colonies in EC-104,Dreth'Val and Den'Char within the nebula,and on Cincal and Paros in the west of the Sector.
However the systems to the east and south of the Senn Sector have received very sparse examination by the Skraine-mostly a simple charting of hyperlinks four hundred years ago during the Great Expansion-and little is known about them.
We are sending our rudimentary starcharts to you now.
-Magistrate K'Sarragh,Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds)

ETA until Particle Beam complete:2 posts
ETA until Organic Armour complete:7 posts
ETA until Paros colony complete:4 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

"haven't you noticed, there haven't been any major warfleets to pass through here..."
"You're right.."
"What should we do?"
"Scan Emalgion.."
"Ok... all the weapon's fire is interefering.. I can't pick up anything.."
"Very well... All ships, set wormhole course to Emalgion.. every lazerus' with it's own wormhole."
All the ships go through, and soon, six wormholes appear at various strategic spots in Emalghion, opening fire on the Confeds as soon as they are in realtime, and they start shooting all their weapons, saving their bombs because they could hit Galactica ships as well. The Raiek Warfleet does everything they can to avoid shooting the Sijak, and not a single shot hits them.

Message to: Galactica
Ok, we will profide defense in the systems as soon as this battle is over.

Operation : Overwhelm (shipbuilding)
ETA: 8 posts

Research: Positron Science
ETA: 7 posts

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"

The Confederate fleet realized that it was in major trouble, but fought on. After damaging a few Lazerus' and killing another 50 Galactica ships, they retreated back to Kelmoan. Hiding behind a minefield of 100 Trans-Phasic bombs, the Haorn fleet was redirected to intercept the Raiek fleet.

As the 3,000 Haorn warships rushed to the aid of the fleet in Kelmoan, the frieghters in Blaga (full of mines) turned around and also headed towards Kelmoan. The Haorn fleet was already close by, and it soon arrived in the system. The Confeds now had 850 some ships, and 3,000 Haorn warships. The Raiek had approximately 18 Lazerus' (though the Confeds weren't sure), and the Galactica fleet had about 500 ships left.


As work on installing the Citadel Defense system in the capitol worlds continued, research on the Anti-Gravity engines was coming to a close. Only a few small problems had to be worked out, and then the amazing technology would be installed.

Meanwhile, another project was nearing completion; the upgrade to the new plasma web was still going on, and the fleet in Kelmoan was quickly outfitted with it before they went back into battle. As the rush refit on the Kelmoan fleet was completed, normal upgrade work continued.

The ECTA was doing nicely, and their profits were soaring as their fleet of frieghters grew and grew and grew with help from the Confederates. The ECTA easily outdid Galactica with their trading stations, mines, and surging profits. As artifacts from Iconian were distributed about Eta Cassiopea, the Lalande Beta mines were completed. Now the valuable and rare ore from the asteroids in that system was mined and could be used for trading as well.


In Ross 154, Lythrawn finally returned from his trip to the Haorn. Coming back into Terran space, he was greeted by the battlecruiser Dark Fortress commanded by Captain Tretheck. Once aboard, Lythrawn told Tretheck about his plans to visit another alien race. This race was in Eta Cassiopea, and would be rather interesting to meet. Lythrawn only hoped they would be friendly.

Who was this alien race? The Skraine.

(Message to Sijak Diplomats, Milky Way)
(From Carnotaur, Confederacy)
(We would like to give you a final warning and bit of advice; don't deal with Galactica, they are evil, imperialistic, and cruel. They destroy innocent lives, they bomb out planets just to keep us from using them. They have ruthlessly slaughter millions in their quest for vengeance. They no not forgiveness nor mercy. We offer them a symbol of peace, they blatantly reject us. You like knowledge? So do we. But Galactica either destroys knowledge or uses it to conquer everyone else. They are the Prylak of this galaxy. Believe me, you will just be exploited if you deal with Galactica. On the other hand, we can offer you much more. And if you do deal with Galactica, we won't supply you with our Anti-Gravity engines, and believe me, they would greatly aid your ships. But you won't have them if you deal with Galactica. We don't want to threaten you, but it is our only choice in this matter. We want peace, you want peace, Galactica is only concerned with conquest. We bid you good luck and wise judgement in this matter. - Carnotaur)
(End Message)


Citadel Defense System
Installation Project
ETA: 8 Posts

Plasma Web Upgrade
Upgrade Project
ETA: 3 Posts


Anti-Grav Engines
ETA: 2 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 12-10-2001).)

The commander of the fleet muttered angerly and opened up a connection with the Confederates.

"We are sending diplomats to both of you, and that is the end of it! We are not going to take your word over there's, just because you say so, who knows, maybe your the evil empire around here, and your trying to exploit us."

"We will wait for our diplomats, and if that does not suit you, then fire on us now, and we'll see how you like the Sijak angry. We will wait, and we do not want war, but please, have patience, it will be sorted out in just a bit."

The commander ended it on an almost pleading note, for the fleets could turn on them without a moments notice.

Formerly known as

(Message to Sijak)
(From Carnotaur, Confederate Alliance)
(We are sorry if we offended or annoyed you, we were only concerned for our safety.

Believe me, we are not the evil empire. We only want peace, and would greatfully accept a peace treaty with Galactica, but they would just ignore it and attack us even more.

We do not want to open fire or attack you. That is the very last thing on our minds. We just want peace with the Sijak, for you are a friendly and knowladgable ally for us. And how are we exploiting you? We even offered our Anti-Gravity engines for free!

But, I will leave it at that for now. As a token of our goodwill, we are sending to you now the history, map, and data on many of the species of the Milky Way. We hope that it will be of interest to you. -Carnotaur)
(End Message)

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

OOC: Sorry for being gone so long. I am having trouble keeping up with the story due to certain things, and it's really starting to wear down on me.

Also, Carno, who says I wouldn't recognize a peace treaty if you offered one up? hint**hint

A question: Why would anti gravity engines negate the effects of Gravity Emitters? I could still latch onto the mass of whatever has the engine in it, regardless of the drive systems.

The Galactica fleet had suffered heavy losses in Emalghion. The original defense fleet of over 1200 was now down to around 700 warships. However, reinforcements have been brought in to the system and the fleet is now at around 1000 warships. Antimatter bombs have been placed at jump point exits, close enough that a fleet would not have time to react before hitting the fields.

Galactica forces are clustered around Emalghion's planets, so that any incoming bombs would have a long way to travel and would be easily repelled. Planetary missile silos have been equipped with standoff missiles and are ready to fire as soon as anything enters the system. Any attack on the system would be easily repelled. Large derelicts and hulks have also been placed around the jump points, for Alliance capital ships to smash into.

Galactica researchers have begun work on dramatically improving the shields on Galactica warships. The current Multi-Dynamic shields are becoming outdated, and an improvement on the layer-cycling design of the shields is being researched. ETA: 10 posts.

Work on improving missile drives has been completed. This has made them much faster, and combined with the recent gyroscope upgrades this had made them far more effective.

Heavy Beam Cruiser ETA: 7 posts

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)


Originally posted by BattleDoctor:
Also, Carno, who says I wouldn't recognize a peace treaty if you offered one up? *hinthint***

Because you would do what I would do; stab your enemy in the back. 😄 😉 I might consider it, once I defeat you in battle. 😉


Originally posted by BattleDoctor:
**A question: Why would anti gravity engines negate the effects of Gravity Emitters? I could still latch onto the mass of whatever has the engine in it, regardless of the drive systems.

Simple; the whole way the Anti-Grav Engines work is by creating a powerful Anti-Gravity Field around the ship. This allows for no intertia, and also works with the engine system. I won't go into exactly how the engine works though, just why it negates the gravity emitters.

Also, you would only have more like 600 vessels left at the most, and only 200 more ships in the area.

And finally, Espona gave me permission to post this.


Now that the frieghters from Blaga had finally arrived in Kelmoan, the main attack would commence.

The Haorn and Confederate fleets (3,000 Haorn and 1,000 Confed ships, 150 newly built ships had just arrived) jumped off to the Emalghion system, towing 150 Trans-phasic bombs, and followed by the 14 frieghters, still laden with Trans-Phasic bombs.

The fleets arrived in Emalghion shortly thereafter, and slammed into Galacticas defense wall. However, the Haorn were in front, and they suffered little losses. Then, the trans-phasic bombs were sent at the fleet, but they were suddenly detonated just after they cleared the fleet.

This large explosion which disrupted sensor readings and blasted away a lot of the missiles which had been sent at them, and gave the Haorn and Confeds the time they needed.

Once the explosions were finished, the Haorn Motherships charged their rift generators and plowed forward, blazing away with energy leeches, sub-space beamers, trition shard cannons, and followed by a similar Confederate assault.

While this was going on, the frieghters arrived, and immediately charged not the Galactica fleet (which would easily push away the bombs), but the Raiek dreadnaughts. As Haorn destroyers and Confed warships covered them, the frieghters (equipped with extra armor, engines, and shields) rammed the Raiek Lazerus'.

The result was disasterous.

Giant explosions sent rippling shockwaves through the system, hitting many Galactica, Confed, and Haorn vessels. But the Raiek took the brunt of the attack; all of their might Lazerus dreadnaughts had been hit, and their shields severely weakened by the suicide attack. The Haorn fleet then charged in, hitting the Raiek with all they had. As the Raiek were pounded heavily by the Haorn, who assembled a line of Haorn motherships and charged into the fray, blasting apart Raiek gunboats and crumpling the hull armor of the dreadnaughts.

The Galactica fleet was also hit hard. Though they had an equal amount of ships with the Confeds, the Haorn were helping, and the Galactica fleet was easily blasted out of the sky by the superior Haorn ships.

As the Confeds pounded the Galactica fleet, splitting their formations up and taking them down one by one, any ship which tried to get away to use their missiles was instantly pounced upon by Corsairs.

As a Confederate flagship went down in a massive blaze of glory as it was hit from three sides by Galactica warcruisers, a Haorn mothership guarded by Confederate ships charged in. The warcruisers were bashed aside, their hull armor nearly crumpling. As a warcruiser was blown apart and two more disabled, another flagship was forced to retreat after it took heavy damage.

Galactica Losses: 200 ships
Confederate Losses: 150 ships
Haorn Losses: 200 ships
Raiek Losses: ??


Citadel Defense System
Installation Project
ETA: 7 Posts

Plasma Web Upgrade
Upgrade Project
ETA: 2 Posts


Anti-Grav Engines
ETA: 1 Post

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

OOC: Carno, how could 14 freighters, even modified ones, make it all the way to my fleet? I'm going to disregard that part as it is ridiculous.

Also, if you can still have 1000 ships around I can certainly have that many.

Since when were you allied with the Haorn? I must have totally missed that post...

I still don't understand the Anti-Gravity Engine. Space doesn't have much gravity anyway, especially far from planets. What would an anti-gravity field around the ship do?

Good call on that peace treaty agreement. Pity, though, I had such a nice idea for backstabbing you... 😄

Galactica had been hit hard by the attack, but the Confederate Alliance wasn't doing very well either. In a preposterous stunt to buy some time away from the missiles, they had detonated a large group of bombs in front of their own fleet. This had caused a considerable amount of damage to their fleet. They had also been battered by the large minefields that Galactica had set, and the derelict hulks had smashed many Haorn warships, which had ben in front.

Surprised by the strange and unidentified warships attacking them, Galactica was a tad slow to react. This resulted in many ships being destroyed before they could bring their ECM systems online and commence the jamming of the Haorn weapons. Ion Miniguns switched to Point Defense mode, and the Galactica fleet was momentarily safe as no ships were in primary weapons range yet.

The commander of the fleet in Emalghion, Fleet Admiral Gytshan, opened a channel to the largest Haorn ships it could find. Trying desperately to save his own rough Voinian hide, he began to speak. "Unidentified vessels, I am Fleet Admiral Gytshan of the Galactica Imperium. We mean you no harm but if you continue to attack us we will be forced to defend ourselves. Our conflict here is with the malicious and warlike Confederate Alliance, and we are truly sorry if they have tricked you into allying with their cause. Please, leave Galactica Imperium space and we will not attack you."

The Confederate Alliance fleet was advancing on the Galactica fleet, which was clustered around the stellars of Emalghion. The going was slow, however. The Galactica Missile Frigates in the system were being protected by the heavier warships, enabling them to use their amazing missile power without having to focus on their own defense. This onslaught of missiles, combined with the firepower from planetside missile silos, in-system defense drones, and larger warships battered the Alliance fleet badly.

As the Confederate Alliance invasion fleet neared the Galactica defense lines, a trick which was as yet unused in battle was utilized by the Galactica defenders. A group of 20 Hyperspace Carriers materialized in the middle of the Confederate Alliance fleet. Using their well designed launch systems, they rapidly disgorged their large fighter wings directly into the enemy fleet. Quickly leaving realspace again, they left their fighters to do damage to the Confederates.

So many fighters could not be dealt with easily, and the Galactica Fighter-Bombers nimbly flew around the Alliance warships. Dropping their large payloads of Antimatter Bombs, increased since the development of new containment systems, they caused chaos within the Alliance ranks. So close that weapons couldn't hit them easily, they unloaded their weapons and then began to jet towards the Galactica fleet, expending their fuel tanks with their afterburners. The mass of fighters had destroyed many Confederate ships, and they had also managed to keep the fire away from the bulk of the Galactica fleet, still well protected by their ECM and PD systems. As the Confederate Alliance neared, the Galactica fleet continued to fire unending volleys of missiles. The battle raged on as they awaited a response from the Haorn command ships.

Heavy Thoron Beam Cruiser ETA: 6 posts

Improved Shield systems ETA: 9 posts

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

OOC: Simple BD; the Raiek and Galactica fleets were too busy with the Haorn and Confeds. Second, they had afterburners. Third, they came out of hyperspace close to the Raiek dreadnaughts, so they didn't have very far to go. Fourth, they were heavily guarded. Fith, they are friegthers. No one would normally think a bunch of frieghters were much of a problem, especially comparing one of them to a Haorn mothership.

And I won't explain the Anti-Gravity engines anymore, at least not now. I have to go to bed soon anyway, so I can't write that long of a post.

Also, I detonated the bombs far enough in front of my fleet so that I wasn't damaged. 😛

And no, I had 850 ships at the end of the battle. I got 150 reinforcement ships. That's 50 less than what you got. 😛


Galactica, however, greatly underestimated the power of the Haorn.

The Haorn charged the Galactica fleet, tearing massive holes in their line as hundreds and hundreds of energy leeches lanced out and blasted into the Galactica fleet. Armor Leeches were also launched, and tore great holes in the armor plating of Galactica warships.

The Galactica fleet had taken extreme damage so far, and their point defense systems had done nothing to the energy leeches. Not to mention they were considerably confused at the fact that the Haorn weapons were invisible. As the fighter force that had been sent was easily crushed, a total of five Raiek Lazerus' had gone down under considerable Haorn firepower, and the rest had been badly damaged.

The Galactica fleet simply couldn't stand up to all the firepower as the Raiek were momentarily ignored and the Haorn focused their full firepower on the Galactica fleet. Raining down invisible death, dozens of ships were slaughtered and torn apart. Galactica had only 400 ships when the Haorn now focued all of their firepower on the Raiek, and left the Confeds to finish off the battered and blasted Galactica fleet, which was dispersing, abandoning positions, and loosing their tactical advantage.

The Haorn, meanwhile, were becoming desperate to kill the Raiek. They had lost 800 vessels to the massive Raiek fleet, and had only taken down 5 dreadnaughts. As a Haorn mothership was disabled, the Haorn pushed it into a Raiek Lazerus, destroying the enemy ship and severely damaging two nearby dreadnaughts. As three Haorn motherships used their rift generators to tear apart another dreadnaught, the Haorn still knew that the Raiek were still quite powerful and the battle was nowhere close to being over yet...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 12-10-2001).)

OOC: Honestly, shouldn't the Haorn be able to decide whether they continued the attack or not? Whatever...

The battle was proving costly for both sides. Galactica anti-missile systems, such as Point Defense and ECM, had proven very effective against the Haorn weaponry. The Haorn fleet had largely been ignored, as a show of good faith, but for some reason they had opted not to respond (If the actual Haorn player wants to change this then I can edit my post) and the Galactica fleet had been hit hard. However, the Galactica fighter attacks and the endless barrages of missiles had left the Confederate Alliance fleet badly damaged.

Though it appeared that Galactica ships were dispersing, this was all false and probably a hallucination due to the notorious drug abuse of the Alliance's fleet commander, who was leading the attack. The Galactica fleet was actually consolidating, forming better and better defenses through mroe concentrated firepower. As the defense fleets drew closer to the planets, the numbers of losses began to dwindle as the outer layers of planetary shields helped to shield them. The missile barrage from silos planetside never ceased, proving a constant annoyance to the Alliance and the Haorn. The few alliance ships which were able to enter the atmosphere were gunned down easily by the ground based defenses. Any troop ships which tried to land were denied a safe drop of their soldier cargoes by wings of Fighter-Bombers from airstrips.

The battle raged on, with the Alliance mostly fighting Galactica and the Haorn concentrating on the Raiek. Ship counts slowly dwindled, but Galactica made it clear to the Confederate Alliance that they would not surrender at any cost. As the Alliance fleet neared, Galactica began to set to work on the Alliance fleet with their powerful Gravity Emitters.

An Alliance Flagship fell as a trio of Warcruisers took the bridge clean off with a ball of wreckage. Support Cruisers on the front lines tore Aurora Battleships and Ravens apart, using the debris to cause massive hulll breaches in other ships. Missile Frigates flew in low over large Alliance warships, strafing them and shooting Standoff Missiles directly into their bridges, effectively disabling them. Fighter Bombers continued to drop Antimatter bombs onto ships and into groups of ships, causing much chaos to the Confederates.

So far, the Galactica fleet had kept the awe-inspiring power of their Laser Frigates in reserve. These ships were expensive to build, but well worth it. The first Laser Frigate to be employed jetted directly into the middle of the Alliance fleet. It absorbed a great deal of firepower with its powerful sheilding, and then unleashed all of its firepower at once. It created a pincushion effect, shooting antimatter beams out of each one of its beam ports. When its armor began to lose integrity, the command module jettisoned, leaving the weapons module to explode. This one ship had blown a massive hole in the middle of the dwindling Alliance fleet. Unfortunately for the Alliance, the next wave of ships coming at them consisted of 30 Laser Frigates. These cut through any Alliance ships they came near, including 2 Flagships.

Total remaining Galactica ships: 325
Total remaining Alliance ships: 400
Haorn and Raiek: ???

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)