Reign of Chaos 3 - Chapter V

"This is Lazerus IV, We need assis-----"
"What the- ?"
"Get your backup over here! Lazerus V Taking severe damage! We need you ri---"
"Haorn? In the Milky way? Launch your bombs! ALL LAZERUS IN SYSTEM, LAUNCH YOUR SPACE BOMBS!!!!!! NO----"

5000 space-bombs suddenly drift toward the enemy fleet, and half of all the fed and haorn ships are damaged, some more than others, however 120 Galactica vessels are also damaged.

I only had 6 lazerus' to begin with, and they all go down in great fireballs, except one fact that was not noticed, These ships aren't invincible, they take damage like everyone else, however when they explode, they EXPLODE. One Lazerus' is at least 5 km long, and spherical. When one explodes, it vibrates the very texture of space almost to the point of rupture, sending extremely powerful shockwaves, millions of degrees of heat, Extremely powerful Gamma radiation, and intense light, waving back and forth through the spectrum, doing heavy damage to any ships nearby., and doing damage to the crew of them when the Gamma radiation seep through the hull and shields.
The Raiek only have 30 gunships left in the milky way, and they make the most of them... they storm the Haorn, launching their bombs and Javelins, and then ramming the ships at hyperspace speeds, taking out 25 Haorn ships.

Meanwhile, Raiek homeworld defenses have been put on high alert due to the battles in Milky Way.

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"

OOC: I have a very simple explanation for why the Haorn aren't listening to you; myself and Espona have already carefully planned out what the Haorn are going to do, and that includes attacking you and the Raiek.

Oh, and unless you want me to call your character a drug addict, I would appreciate you not calling mine one either. Second, your Point Defense Systems cannot hit Energy Leeches.

One note; not ALL of my frieghters made it through. Three were shot down, but a lot of their bombs drifted out and hit Raiek ships.


The Confederates hailed the Haorn fleet, requesting assistence against the last remnants of the Galactica fleet. The Haorn responded with a hail of gunfire, and dozens more ships were taken down, including the last 5 Galactica warcruisers. The Haorn pounded Galactica until there was nothing left but 100 blasted ships, and then they once again consontrated on the Raiek.

The Confederates then moved in. First, they surrounded Galactica. Then, they charged them, weapons blazing. Galactica was ready, but they couldn't stand up to the firstpower they got hit with, especially with the Haorn still firing some sub-space beamers and energy leeches at Galactica.

Soon, the Galactica fleet had been blasted into oblivion, and the Alliance trooper invasion force had entered the system. Knocking out the last of the system defenses, and as thousands and thousands of heavily armed troops began to land with tank and artillary, the Alliance fleet then returned to helping the Haorn against the Raiek Gunships. These were destroyed after some trouble, and then Emalghion was once again in the hands of the Confederate Alliance.

As the planets were captured by Haorn and Alliance troopers, the alliance greatfully thanked the Haorn for their services. They provided them with maps, histories, etc. and anything else that the Haorn would find interesting, and that included warrior songs and songs of battle.

Now, as the system was secured and defense pods deployed, the Haorn would repair their fleet, and then move on towards their next attack...

Total Remaining Ships:
Galactica: 50 (Retreated)
Alliance: 300
Haorn: 1,800
Raiek: None

OOC: Now, BD, if you choose to make your ships not retreat, then remember that my fleet would instantly engage you.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 12-11-2001).)


Originally posted by -REDCHIGH-:
**"This is Lazerus IV, We need assis-----"
"What the- ?"
"Get your backup over here! Lazerus V Taking severe damage! We need you ri---"
"Haorn? In the Milky way? Launch your bombs! ALL LAZERUS IN SYSTEM, LAUNCH YOUR SPACE BOMBS!!!!!! NO----"

5000 space-bombs suddenly drift toward the enemy fleet, and half of all the fed and haorn ships are damaged, some more than others, however 120 Galactica vessels are also damaged.

I only had 6 lazerus' to begin with, and they all go down in great fireballs, except one fact that was not noticed, These ships aren't invincible, they take damage like everyone else, however when they explode, they EXPLODE. One Lazerus' is at least 5 km long, and spherical. When one explodes, it vibrates the very texture of space almost to the point of rupture, sending extremely powerful shockwaves, millions of degrees of heat, Extremely powerful Gamma radiation, and intense light, waving back and forth through the spectrum, doing heavy damage to any ships nearby., and doing damage to the crew of them when the Gamma radiation seep through the hull and shields.
The Raiek only have 30 gunships left in the milky way, and they make the most of them... they storm the Haorn, launching their bombs and Javelins, and then ramming the ships at hyperspace speeds, taking out 25 Haorn ships.

Meanwhile, Raiek homeworld defenses have been put on high alert due to the battles in Milky Way.

EEEK! You only had 6 Lazerus'???? I thought you had something like 18! 🙂 Ah well, I'll edit my posts...

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

The Galactica fleet had been forced to retreat from the Emalghion system, but they had cost the Confederate Alliance and the Haorn many ships. They stalwart Galactica troops had cost the Confederates many lives, but ultimately they had been overwhelmed. Unfortunately for the Confederate Alliance, Galactica had one more trick up their sleeve.

Emalghion's civilian population had been evacuated long before the battle had taken place. This gave the Galactica Army time to set large antimatter charges in all government complexes, military installations, planetary defenses, and even important commercial and civilian targets. As the Alliance troops were moving in on the major cities of Emalghion's stellars, these charges were remotely detonated.

In an atmosphere, antimatter charges are far more effective then they are in space. The resulting explosions vaporised areas for miles around the initial point of detonation, including almost all of the Confederate Alliance troops. Those that were left standing due to being dropped in unpopulated rural areas were left with scorched and useless planets.

Rush reinforcements were brought into the surrounding systems, and extensive minefields were setup. Battlestations werre constructed in Niot and Krraali, using prefabricated parts from Voinia. All ships in the area were put on high alert, and the instant any Confederate Alliance activity was detected. High Admiral Nera, who managed to escape from Emalghion, has ordered that all ships cluster around planets and stations in the center of the station, for more concentrated firepower. If they see any heavily modified Confederate Alliance freighters with weapons and afterburners coming at them, they are to attack.

Heavy Beam Cruiser ETA: 5 posts

Improved shielding ETA: 8 posts

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

(Message to Sijak, Tribunal, Galactica, and Skraine)
(High Band Frequency)
(From Confederate Alliance)
(We have enclosed in this message pictures of what Galactica has done to Emalghia. They have ruthlessly slaughtered hundreds and devastated this planet. And for what? Their own self-gain. This only shows that the Galactica imperium will stop at nothing to get what they want.)
(End Message)

As the Haorn Empire sent an additional 600 ships to help reinforce their battlefleet already in the Milky Way, the Confederate alliance worked on repairing Emalghia and the damage that Galactica had ruthlessly done to it.

What the Haorn and Confeds were to do next was unsure. Galactica had lost about 950 vessels, if not more, in the battle. But, on the other hand, the Confeds only had 400 ships left. The Haorn fleet would soon be back to full strength, and Confederate commanders were planning on letting the Haorn go ahead with Lythrawns original plan; assault Raiek directly. The only note would be that 200 Haorn ships would stay in Emalghion for a little while till the Confeds fully reinforced their fleet.

In the meantime, the Confeds would consontrate on three major fleets. The Emalghion fleet, composed of 400 vessels. The Leka fleet, composed of 400 vessels. And the Blaga fleet, composed of 200 vessels that would supported the Haorn.

As work on constructing 2 battlestations in Emalghion began, work on the large base in DSN-8789 continued. The Citadel Defense System had been installed, the defense pods had been placed, the bombs were ready, the 5 battlestations were ready, the sensor and comsat stations were complete, and now the only thing left to do was finish the main base station.

Work was finally completed on Anti-Gravity Engines, and the Confederacy instantly began work on upgrading their fleet with it. But not only would all their ships recieve the new engines, but their missiles and torpedoes would recieve it as well. This would leave to improved range, and greater targetting ability. Now it was only the Standoff missile that outdistanced the Confeds, for the Mass Missile had easily been outdistanced already.

As the upgrade to the new Plasma Webs was being worked on, Confederate scientists analyzed some samples of Haorn technology. They were worried that most of Haorn technology might not be compatible with Confed ships, but this is unconfirmed.


OOC: Once again, I have to post for Espona. His comp is really screwing up.

Espona was hunched over tactical reports when suddenly one of his admirals walked in. "Emporer, I've recieved word from the Milky Way. We were able to destroy 6 of the Raiek Lazerus Dreadnaughts, but we took heavy losses."

Espona growled. "Begin rush construction immediately! I want our shipyards to work as hard as they possibly can! And begin work on constructing more shipyards! At least 1 new shipyard per each system! Now go!!"

The admiral nodded, then ran out. Espona turned back to the tech report. Haorn scientists had begun work on a new weapon; the Ion Cannon. It was, in essence, just a very large artillary turret weapon, designed to provide support fire for destroyers and fleet cruisers. It was quite powerful, and would be installed on Haorn Motherships and 1 for each Haorn destroyer.

Ion Cannon
ETA - 5 posts


Citadel Defense System
Installation Project
ETA: 6 Posts

Plasma Web Upgrade
Upgrade Project
ETA: 1 Post

Anti-Gravity Engines
Upgrade Project:
ETA: 5 Posts


Anti-Grav Engines

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 12-11-2001).)

OOC: MY Operation: Overhwelm was just a ship construction project. I'm going to change the ships constructed, but keep the number of posts so everything adds up.

the Raiek around Raiek prime debate on what to do..
The Haorn are reinforcing the Milky Way confeds, and hurting Galactica, Raiek's ally. the Raiek have already decided to help galactica, but which way would be the best?

FINALLY they decide. After long talks with Galactica, galactica has agreed to send 250 ships through the wormhole to help defend my core planets, while I send 28 lazerus' to the north, using their wormhole generators.

Operation : Overwhelm (shipbuilding, +28 lazerus (add it up- 14 posts in the project, 2 lazerus' per post. I already had 23, so heh heh. Dont worry, thats almost all the ships i have, so my ship count is almost equal. almost, actually a little less. Around 2300.))
ETA: 6 posts

Research: Positron Science
ETA: 5 posts

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"

(This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 12-11-2001).)

As some new battlestations were started. With ship production at the very max and new shipyards being built, the Haorn were desperately trying to reinforce their critically weakened fleet. However, once the Ion Cannon was completed, the Haorn would have an easier job doing what they wished with smaller fleet numbers.

Meanwhile, in the Milky Way, the Haorn fleet had moved out to Blaga where it met 6 other Federation frieghters, once again, loaded with bombs. There was also 200 ships there to help the Haorn.

The ECTA was doing well, and was once again sending out scouts to find new places to colonize or to set up trading stations in. The Confeds were doing well, despite being cut off.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

BattleDoctor leaned back in his chair as he watched the latest propaganda vid play on his large office wallscreen.

The vid started with shots of Emalghion's planets, devastated. In red block print letters, from several different letters, the words "Death... Destruction..." scrolled down the screen, accompanied by sad music.

As shots of the destruction continued, a voice began to speak. "This is what the Confederates have done to the once fair planets of Emalghion. They have bombarded all life from them. The Confederate Alliance represents obliteration, waste, and suffering. Is this what you want the galaxy to be like?"

The music suddenly grew to be much brighter and happier, and shots of shining gray and magenta Galactica warships flying through space replaced the blasted planet. As these scenes alternated with proud looking Galactica soldiers, the voice continued. "...but you can make a difference. Join the Galactica Imperium Armed Forces, and help combat the Alliance threat. Do your part."

The vid ended with a smiling picture of Emperor BattleDoctor holding a beaming young Azdgari child wearing a Navy captain's hat, in front of the Imperial Seal of Galactica.

"This looks good." BattleDoctor said to the publicity and recruitment officers who were in his office. "Begin playing it right away."

Improved shielding ETA: 7 posts

Heavy Beam Cruiser ETA: 5 posts

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a Habańero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

"This is Haorn Corsk defense fleet 201, nothing to see here, seems like this will be another quiet- what the ****?? ALERT ALERT, ALL IN-RANGE MILITARY VESSELS! A RAIEK WORMHOLE!!~~~~" Thats all the message the small defense fleet got out before heavy thoron beams dissected the vessels.

The Raiek fleet of 26 Lazerus' slide through the system, taking out the in-system defenses without major losses. After the system is cleared, another wormhole appears, and 2 more lazerus enter realspace, followed by two of galactica's best warcruisers. One of them moves out, and one by one, 10 Lazerus join it, with their escorts, and they enter another wormhole, leading to the ****** system.

The Warcruiser left behind moves to the center of the system, and stars bombarding the planet, and the Raiek form a ring around it. The Warcruiser quickly moves the debri left from the attack, spiked with about 3000 space bombs, to the enter jumpoints, ready for the Haorn revenge.

OOC: The Warcruiser will move as far away from the battle as possible, and the Raiek will make sure it survives.

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"

Magistrate K'Sarragh viewed the Confederate broadcast with detached interest.
There were no running people,no slaughtered civilians-it appeared that the planet had been evacuated before the battle.
Skraine soldiers,at least,were entirely volunteers,and understood the risks involved in their careers.
In war,the enemy can not be viewed as an individual,or failure will ensue.
It was a clever scorched-earth policy,and the Skraine had employed similar tactics to hold off the Pry'lahk while preparing for the Great Exodus five hundred years ago.
Propaganda was against the beliefs of the Skraine;no Skraine would consider it or believe it.
K'Sarragh pressed the white "delete" button,and the message was consigned to oblivion.

However a Skraine Interstellar NEws(SINE) team would go through the Spatial Fold to discover the true facts of this incident-the Skraine had always believed in telling the truth.

ETA until Particle Beam complete:1 post
ETA until Organic Armour complete:6 posts
ETA until Paros colony complete:3 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

(Message, Rho-5 encrypted)

To: Confederate Alliance Command
From: BattleDoctor, Galactica.

The Galactica Imperium demands to know the identity of your new alien pets which you have used in battle against us. We wish not to fight a race who may have been unjustly tricked into combatting us, and thus we demand to know more about them. Send information about who these new aliens are to Nonpartisan Communications Satellite LRS-53 in the Stror system, or there will be reprecussions.

(End Message)

Improved shielding ETA: 6 posts

Heavy Beam Cruiser ETA: 4 posts

My state bird is the finger.

At the Skraine University of Stellar Technology,the Particle Beam researchers were ready to field test the beam.
The target was a small sheilded asteroid,and the prototype beam had been fitted to a new Firestorm Missile Cruiser.
The researchers were busy at their sensors and consoles as the beam fired,and a white stream of ions,travelling near the speed of light,shot from the beam emitter at the bow of the vessel.
The beam battered at the asteroid's shields,which flickered and sparked before they died,and ate away at the rock of the asteroid,finally destabilising it and tearing it apart.
A cheer rose from the researchers on the bridge;the beam had been a success,and it could now be produced in weapons factories throughout Skraine space.

The SINE team,travelling on a Fireblade Battlecruiser,arrived in Emalghion.
Confederate ships and the ruins of ships were everywhere in the system,mopping up the damage caused by the recent battle.
But it was obvious that it would be impossible to clean up the planets affected; Emalghion and it's two moons had been devestated by antimatter blasts,and study revealed that the warheads had been set off on the surface,not dropped by orbiting Confederate warships.
It was impossible to tell if civilians had been present in the populated areas when the blasts were set off,and upon that rested the question;did the Galactica Imperium employ strategically clever scorched earth techniques,or were they murdering fanatics who would stoop to killing their own citizens to strike a blow at their foes?
The newly appointed Councillor for the Gathering of Data on Extragalactic Affairs, D'An'era,decided that what was needed was an interview with an evacuee from Emalghion,and sent a message to Galactica.
But they also needed to see the Confederate side of the story,so a message was sent to them also.

(Fr:Councillor D'An'era,Skraine WarFleet vessel Dark Nova )
(Re:Interview with Emalghion evacuees/Galactica military commnanders?)
(Greetings Galactica.I represent the Skraine Interstellar NEws agency,or SINE.
We are gathering data upon the recent battle in the Emalghion system,with the aim of making an accurate report on the event for the Skraine populace.
To this end,we would appreciate the opportunity to interview civilian evacuees from Emalghion,as well as the military commanders in charge of the battle.
-Councillor for the Gathering of Data on Extragalactic Affairs D'An'era,Skraine Interstellar NEws agency)

(Fr:Councillor D'An'era,Skraine WarFleet vessel Dark Nova )
(Re:Interview with Confederate military commanders?)
(Greetings Confederates.I represent the Skraine Interstellar NEws agency,or SINE.
We are gathering data upon the recent battle in the Emalghion system,with the aim of making an accurate report on the event for the Skraine populace.
To this end,we would appreciate the opportunity to interview the Confederate military commanders in charge of the recent battle.
-Councillor for the Gathering of Data on Extragalactic Affairs D'An'era,Skraine Interstellar NEws agency)

Particle Beam complete
ETA until Organic Armour complete:5 posts
ETA until Paros colony complete:2 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

OOC: Um... Red? Which system did you attack again? Your post makes no sense...


Scorcher laughed at Galacticas latest propoganda film. He turned to Admiral Specter. "Don't they know anything? We didn't bomb that planet out! Hehe... Send out some more propogand films with real information."

Specter nodded, and Scorcher went back to his normal duties when he noticed the messages from Galactica and the Skraine.

(Message to Skraine)
(From Scorcher, Confederate Alliance)
(Very well. You can come to Mirava, and I'll talk with you. We hope that you will find the Galactica Imperium guilty of such a ruthless act of devastation, no matter how many civillians were on that planet. That doesn't matter. What matters is that Galactica nearly totally destroyed and devastated a once wonderful planet just to stop us. What about next time when they can't evacuate all the civillians? We leave your decision up to you.)
(End Message)

(Message to Galactica)
(From Carnotaur, Confederate Alliance)
(We don't have to, and they aren't pets. If you hadn't allied with the Raiek in the first place, none of this would have happened. We might as well tell you who they are anyway; they're the Haorn. The Haorn Empire, native to the Ross 154 galaxy, hides behind the Haorn nebula and has been fighting the Prylak, and now Raiek, for many centuries. We both wanted to kill off as much Raiek as we could, so we cooperated. Carnotaur out.)
(End Message)

The Plasma web upgrade was finished, and now all Alliance Flagships, Aurora Battlecruisers, and Ravens had the new devices. Now the Confederates could work on a new upgrade project; outfitting their fleet of Alliance flagships (50 in all) with the new fusion beams from the Tribunal. The shields of the Alliance flagship would also be extremely enhanced with a new multi-emitter shield design, and new, more powerful shield generators. The weapon upgrade would include adding 4 more Anti-Proton turrets.

At the same time, materials for building shipyards were being stockpiled. Carnotaur had ordered this to make sure they had enough of the supplies and resources necissary when they started work on upgrading all their shipyards. For now, however, they were just getting ready.


Haorn ship production was at max as Haorn shipyards worked around the clock to churn out destroyer after destroyer, fleet cruiser after fleet cruiser. With a new, stronger defense perimeter of battlestations, the Haorn were counting on the fact that the Raiek were also very weak, and could not commence with a full scale attack without leaving their home space open.

Ion Cannon
ETA - 4 Posts


Citadel Defense System
Installation Project
ETA: 5 Posts

Plasma Web Upgrade
Upgrade Project

Anti-Gravity Engines
Upgrade Project:
ETA: 4 Posts

Alliance Flagship
Upgrade Project
ETA: 5 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 12-12-2001).)

Carno, I attacked Corsk, and have 10 lazerus' and one Galactica warcruiser going to a classified location.

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"

MOD: Okay then. Now how about actually saying a little bit more about which system it's in?


Many of the Raiek Lazerus' had been damaged from the assault on Corsk, and as they bombarded the planet, they failed to see a damaged Haorn destroyer. Moving full speed at one of the Lazerus', the destroyer rammed its engines, engulfing the aft section in a ball of fire. Though it didn't destroy it, the Lazerus was mostly disabled and would be unable to move out for a while.

The Haorn battlestation also took down a lot of gunboats and severely damaged another Lazerus as it exploded. It's core had been set to overload by the Haorn captains.

And though the Raiek expected retaliation, they found none. The Haorn simply couldn't make a counterattack. They could, however, fortify the systems that they still had. The Mojas system was abandoned, but the Battlestation and defense pods remained to damage any ship that attacked. Asteroids and derelict hulls were also put in place, so that when the Raiek came in, they would smash into the wreckage which would do at least some damage.

And now, in addition to the Ion Cannon, the Haorn began to work on an improvement to their Spectral Armor, which was good, but needed an update to stand against the Raiek.

Ion Cannon - 6 Posts (research extended due to updated model)
Spectral Armor Upgrade - 5 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

The Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds WarFleet Vessel Dark Nova , currently under contract to the Skraine Interstellar NEws agency,headed north to Mirava.
The planet was certainly beautiful,D'An'era thought,looking at it on the main viewscreen.
Confederate tourism networks said that Mira was the home of a race called the Miranu,and also the capital of the Confederate Alliance.
Shortly afterwards the small Skraine shuttlepod came into Mira's largest spaceport, and D'An'era and her crew of reporters and cameramen went looking for Admiral Scorcher's offices.

ETA until Organic Armour complete:4 posts
ETA until Paros colony complete:1 post

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

OOC: I had a long post developed, but as luck would have it, the Submit button crashed my machine. I think this is what I had... Oh, and carno, Corsk is in south east Haorn space. 😛

-The planet(s) in the Corsk system suddenly fragment and disintegrate after only 2 hours of Thoron planetary bombardment, due to the fact that every ship could concentrate on it. Most of the Lazerus' were barely damaged, except for the one that was caught off guard and nearly disabled. It takes detailed scans of the tiger nebula, and a detailed analysis of it's radiation, before it leaves using it's wormhole and heads home. The other 17 Lazerus' in the system deploy about 5000 space bombs, (spiked with debri from the battle, moved into place by the Galactica Warcruiser's gravity emitter), and leaves the presents in various strategic points in the system, then jump south, to Mojas- The only system the defensive reinforcements couldn't reach...

The fleet finds the same number of ships this time, but slightly better prepared, and several gunships are lost, however as soon as the Lazerus' jump into the system, they launch 5000 more bombs, and they drift towards the Haorn fleet, taking out most of the first energy leeches launched.

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"

C'mon.. lets keep it moving along...

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"

The Haorn fleet, in an effort to stop the massive wave of bombs, used their Trition Shard Cannons to start a chain reaction in the bombs. First one when off, then another, then another till most of them had exploded, allowing the Haorn to charge.

Using all the ships they had, the Haorn rammed the damaged Lazerus. As Fleet Cruisers and Destroyers pummelled into its hull, the structural integrity of the ship began to collapse, and the vessel finally imploded. The shockwave released damaged three nearby Lazerus', which were also rammed by the remainder of the Haorn fleet. In the end, two Lazerus' were taken out, and two more disabled in a way that they could not function for a while until they were repaired (Which would take a while), but the Haorn lost 40 ships and yet another system.


Ion Cannon - 5 Posts
Spectral Armor Upgrade - 4 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

OOC: Sorry for another four-day absence. I was setting up my new computer. 🙂


Tasina replied to the Galactica representative: "We may or may not be able to give you the plans for the Disruption Web. We can, however, discuss how it works -- for a price, of course. What would you like to know?"


(To Carnotaur, Confederacy)
(From Moiraine, Tribunal)

We noticed that you finished research on your Anti-Grav engines. We request the plans, per our agreement.


The Phantoms in Emalghion had recorded every second of that incredible battle. They returned to Station Keld, loaded with data...


Asriel wanted to upgrade the Phoenix's cloak radius technology. It had not been used often, mainly because its range was quite small. He had devised an upgrade, however, that would approximately double the range, while keeping the power requirements the same. His tech crew started working on this immediately.


Title: Gen. II ships
ETA: 3 posts

Title: Fusion Beam upgrade
ETA: 3 posts

Title: CRD upgrade
ETA: 5 posts

"Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix