Reign of Chaos 3 - Chapter V

Please post in Chapter IV until there are 100 posts (and don't go above). If you manage that, you all get a cookie. Fair? πŸ™‚

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Chapter V
Moderated by Esponer, Battledoctor and Redchigh

Factoid: Ross 154 is actually a star system
(url="http://"")Milky Way(/url)
(url="http://"")Ross 154(/url)
(url="http://"")Eta Cassiopea(/url)

Factoid: There are 16 topics between the first and second chapter, 21 topics between II and III, and 27 topics between the III and IV.
(url="http://"")Chapter I(/url)
(url="http://"")Chapter II(/url)
(url="http://"")Chapter III(/url)
(url="http://"")Chapter IV(/url)

It has been said that things always get worse before they get better. Events truly portray that, although one can be left wondering; will things ever really end?

The stalemate between the Confederate Alliance and Galactica Imperium is as untouched as always. Despite the fact that more and more ships are going into combat now, and more and more people are dying, the lines are still even.

The Haorn strike again, but this time, they met opposition. The Raiek fought back, and thousands of ships on both sides have been destroyed, although little ground was made. And through the war, the threat from the Sijak increases, who now seem ever more powerful.

Through all this, the most powerful of races - the Prylak - have once again found their way into Ross 154, although they have yet to breach the defences of the Terrans.

That time will surely come, though, for none can oppose the Prylak...

Reign of Chaos 3, Chapter 5


(This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 12-04-2001).)

can i have that cookie now?

"The only reason for time is to stop everything from happening at once!"

OOC: No. πŸ˜› πŸ˜‰


With all Chimaeras now fully upgraded, the Confederacy had just gained an advantage. A small one, but anything was better than nothing.

The upgrade to Disruption Webs was now finished, and all Corsairs, Ravens, Aurora Sierra Battleships, and Alliance Flagships were now equipped with the devices. This would give the Confederacy a major edge in combat against the Galactica, who relied mostly on missiles.

The next upgrade; putting the Plasmator engines on the Corsairs, which would greatly enhance their speed. At the same time, the Confederacy wanted to upgrade their ships with their own engine designs. By combining Plasmator engines and the new Confed designs, the Corsair would be extremely maneuverable, making it equal to if not greater than the Plasmator in speed and maneuverability.

The Confeds were eagerly awaiting their Sijak reinforcements as they rushed just south of the Haorn border, evading all contact with the xenophobic species. Finally, they were clear of that threat, but now they had to make their way through Raiek space to get to Jumpgate 02. What would be the Raieks response...


(Message to Skraine)
(From Carnotaur of the Confederacy)
(We have shown you much grace, including trading with your people which has brought you much profit, as well as helping with the base in Cincal. So, we are wondering if you would give us your Plasma Web technology. In return we can give you much supplies and expensive and interesting items from the Milky Way galaxy, such as river eels or exotic spices, which would bring you much profit if you traded stuff for them. We await your response.)
(End Message)


Chimaera Supercarrier Upgrade Project
Upgrade Project

Corsair Engine Upgrade
Upgrade Project
ETA: 5 Posts


Citadel Defense System
ETA: 5 Posts

Anti-Grav Engines
ETA: 9 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

OOC: Carno, would you mind describing what your Disruption Web does? I missed it somewhere along the way and it's hard to find specific things in old posts. Thanks.

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a HabaΕ„ero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

OOC: My Disruption Web doesn't do anything. In fact, it doesn't even exist. I do, however, use a thing called a Tribunal Disruption Web. πŸ˜› πŸ˜‰ To read about what it does (which is, effectively, killing missiles), go to:

It's the RoC 3 Discussion Topic. Look at page 1.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

The Raiek Diplomats leave Scass, wondering if they made the right decision, and decide that they must have Galactica on their side. A Warfrigate with it's bombs removed is filled with supplies and scientists that know the secret of the Thoron beams, and it is sent through the wormhole to Svass, with 9 lazerus' escorting it to the wormhole in Ross154, and the 3 escorting it to Svass.
Upon recieving Gravity technology, a Project will begin, consisting of extremely powerful Gravity emitter built on stations and planets in Raiek space. The Emitters will work almost like repulsor beams, either pushing back an entire fleet slightly, or keeping a single ship well out of it's range.
Operation: Overwhelm
ETA: 13 posts

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"

OOC:Asriel,aren't your Scorpions beam weapons?(I'm looking for something powerful that will fit on a Gunship)
Kenra,didn't you get Prylak shields?Or was that the Terrans?

(White-Alpha Encryption)
(To:Tribunal BASE ship Phyrexia )
(From:Councillor for Science Karaze)
(Tribunal,it is my pleasure ot accept your offer.
Several Tempests outfitted with the new EMP weaponry are now travelling to Hoth IV, so we can demonstrate our powers to you.
-Councillor for Science Karaze,Skraine University of Stellar Technology)

(White-Alpha Encryption)
(To:Confederate Alliance)
(From:Magistrate K'Sarragh)
(Confederates,unfortunately most foodstuffs edible to humans and other races of the milky way has been proven to be poisonous to the Skraine.
However,if you will demonstrate to us your technology,we may be able to do a technology swap.
We are particularly interested in more advanced shield capacitators.
-Magistrate K'Sarragh,Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds)

On Unity Starbase,K'Sarragh pulled out a map of Eta Cassiopea.(see map for details)
"Skraine core colonies are light green,in the Haru'El,Chau'Skria,Kel'enn Ri,Rau'Chi Kel, Rau'Ni Kel,Xu'aan,Skrineen and Ri'aal systems.
In the Hoth Sector the Skraine hold Hoth V,Hoth X,EC-103,Ancros, and Del'As'Mir.
In other parts of the galaxy,we have one colony in the Andornik Cluster,Cempak IV, and four colonies in the Senn Nebula- EC-104,Dreth'Val,Cincal and Den'Char.

"The Tribunal holds Hoth IV,Dimire,Uosa'Nad,Thrawn,and Helekar.
The Confederate Alliance holds Horon'Chars,Holadra,Dandredson,Dreden and Charon.

To the best of our knowledge the Galactica currently hold Ecrosneson,Deneba and Q'Ros,although they may have colonised more worlds further north.

That means that the sectors remaining relitavely unclaimed are the furtherest south-east part of the Senn Sector,the distant Andornik Cluster,and the systems of the south-west fringe.
You are welcome to establish colonies in any of those sectors,which are all relitavely uncharted."

ETA until Generation-II warships complete:3 posts
ETA until Missiles complete:2 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

The Heavy Thoron Beam, acquired from the Raiek, has been discovered to need a completely different type of power source from the kind that is currently fitted on Galactica warships. This means that an entirely new class of warship will have to be designed.

The current idea among the Galactica weapons researchers and shipbuilders is a large, heavy ship outfitted with a few Thoron Beams and some minor defensive weaponry and ECM systems. This ship would be stationed in the middle of fleets, unexposed to enemy weapons fire, and would provide heavy close supporting fire.

The new ship would be similar in design to a Warcruiser, just fitted with different weaponry. Most of the ammunition stores and other unnecessary items would be removed and replaced with power sources to provide ample energy for the Heavy Thoron Beams.

Heavy Beam Cruiser ETA: 15 posts

Hyperspace Carrier ETA: 5 posts

"NEVER EVER EVER stick a HabaΕ„ero pepper on your **** !" -forge
(url="http://"")Dancing Paul!(/url)

OOC: Yes indeedy, my scorpion turrets are beams. No, you can't have them. πŸ˜› πŸ˜‰


Seven Skraine Tempest frigates (?) entered the Hoth IV system, ready to watch the show. Phyrexia itself was far out of the center of the system, just so its fusion beam couldn't hit anything important. The Tempests followed, and stopped a safe watching distance behind.

Phyrexia proceeded to obliterate several smallish asteroids in about six seconds each with blasts of the fusion beam. Just to show off scorpion beam turrets, a few Plasmators left Phyrexia's bay and turned a small asteroid into slag with their turrets. As a finale, five Pro'tas carriers discharged from Phyrexia's bay. There were suddenly 75 Mantises zooming around Hoth IV, barely missing crashing into the Tempests. The Pro'tas commanders were just showing off. The 75 drone fighters converged on a single large asteroid. After about ten seconds of fire, the asteroid exploded, sending the Mantises flying. The ships returned to Phyrexia, and then it was the Skraine's turn. (You can do this part, Shade. I'm not exactly sure how EMP tech works.)


The Machine Gun was finally complete, as was the Daemon's upgrade. The Daemon heavy cruiser was fitted with machine guns, scorpion beam turrets, a Preliator launch bay, and a store of precision bombs. Research on the Gen. II ships continued...


Title: Machine Gun

Title: Generation II ships
ETA: 10 posts

Station Keld: 4 posts
Daemon upgrade: COMPLETE
Phantom/Mantis engine upgrade: 3 posts

"Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

OOC:Asriel,Tempests are cruisers.Both the Tempest and Cyclone will soon be replaced by the Fireblade Battlecruiser.

Councillor Karaze had ordered several basic Guard Drones brought along for target practice.
At her order,the drones detached from the modified Tempests,arraying themselves in a row.
There was a faint hum throughout the ship as the EMP beam began to charge.
Then a crackling,blue-white beam shot out of the beam array,striking the drone.
The drone's shields held for a second,then failed.The beam struck the drone's unprotected hull-heavy armour would help somewhat against the EMP weaponry,but not much-and blew out it's circuitry.
Each of the Tempests then opened fire upon a drone with their EMP turrets,blasting away the shields and blowing the circuits.

ETA until Generation-II warships complete:2 posts
ETA until Missiles complete:1 post

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

(To K'Sarragh, Skraine)
(From Tasina, Tribunal)

We like the look of your EMP technology, Magistrate. Enclosed is our Fusion Beam specs. We await a response with the EMP technology.


All the scout fleets returned to Hoth IV; their data was being analyzed. Research on the Generation II ships was going well. Mining on Uosa'Nad and Thrawn III had to be increased to match the upcoming ship production, and more mines were being built. Construction of Station Keld was about half-complete. It was going to be a truly massive station. The other Tribunal stations (Dimire Station, Helekar Station) were also being upgraded with Machine Gun batteries.


Phantom scouts in Dreden had reported "Anti-Grav Engines" being researched by the Confederation. Moiraine sent a message to find out what these were.

(To Scorcher, Confederate Alliance)
(From Moiraine, Tribunal)

We have heard rumors that you are researching something called "Anti-Grav" engines. This interests us. Are you willing to trade it to us when you complete the project?


Title: Gen. II ships
ETA: 9 posts

Station Keld: 3 posts
Phantom/Mantis engine upgrade: 2 posts
Battlestation Machine Gun upgrade: 3 posts

"Life's a bitch, but she's my bitch." -- Phoenix

3 Lazerus are sent through the wormhole to the Milky way, and they dock at Svass station. The Raiek Diplomats ask to see the emperor, but after they are turned away, they turn away on their own... to scan galactica border systems for small Fed fleets to crush πŸ˜›

Diplomats on Svass wait for the Emperor to tell them where to go, and Scientists on Raiek Prime and Zeno III wait for the Galactica Techs.
Operation: Overwhelm
ETA: 12 posts

"I- I Swear Officer.. The Dwarf was on fire when I got here!"

(Message to Moiraine, Tribunal)
(High Level Encryption)
(Secondary Encryption)
(From Carnotaur of the Confederacy)
(Yes, we are researching a tech called Anti-Gravity Engines. They, in effect, remove all intertia from a ship, allowing it to turn on a time or reverse course instantly without loosing speed. However, this tech is very dangerous, especially if it fell into the hands of the Tribunal. We cannot give you this technology (after we research it) unless you give us some technology which is worthwhile to us. Carnotaur out.)
(End Message)
(Delete Message Trail)


The Sijak fleet of 700 ships finally arrived in DSN-8209. Now with a total of 1,900 vessels ( not part of the standard defense fleet), the Confederacy was well capable of taking out the Galactica fleet in Emalghion. As another 100 newly built ships arrived, bringing the total ship count to 2,000 ships, the massive fleet set off for Emalghion.

Along the way, they gathered up the trans-phasic bombs in DSN-8209 and the Trans-Phasic Bombs in Kelmoan. Then, tractor beaming them with 20 Ravens, the total 700 Trans-Phasic Bombs were towed through hyperspace into the Emalghion system.

Upon entering the Emalghion system, the Galactica fleet was quite stunned at the massive amount of Trans-phasic bombs. But only a few ships had been destroyed before Galactica activated their gravity wells to repell the Trans-Phasic Bombs. However, it was too late. They were already too close, and there was simply too many of them. Many of the warheads collided, sending out deadly shockwaves into the Galactica fleet.

As the enemy fleet suffered heavy losses, the main Confederate fleet jumped in and opened fire with all their weapons. The enemy fleet, which was already quite busy with the mines, was caught off guard. As the last of the trans-phasic bombs exploded, killing a total of 100 Galactica vessels, the Confederate fleet charged in. Galactica recovered just in time to hit them with a barrage of missiles, hitting the Confederates hard. But they continued on.

Though the Galactica fleet was at the far side of the battle, and normally they would have hit the Confederates hard with massive missile barrages, the Confeds simply used their new Disruption Webs against the incoming barrages, destroying most of the missiles that were fired. Many got through, just not as much as would have normally got through. The Confeds charged, full speed, relatively unhurt by the missile barrages.

The two fleets met in a massive fusillade as dozens of Corsairs and Ravens went straight for the Galactica warcruisers. As most of the other fleet consontrated on the other fleets, five flagships and 20 Aurora Battleships engaged the Galactica warcruisers. Supported by 60 some Corsairs and Ravens, the Galactica capitol ships were hit hard.

As one warcruiser was blow apart by the combined firepower of six flagships, another was swarmed by Auroras and Ravens, and was quickly taken down. A third warcruiser was taken down by both a swarm of ships and flagships. As the fourth and one of the last warcruisers was attacked, the Sijak ships in the Confederate fleet took down practically every single Galactica fighter and bomber that they had within minutes. As Shock Missiles blasted holes in the sides of support cruisers and ghosts weaved in and out of frigates, neutrino rockets soared forward, destroying enemy ship after ship.

In the meantime, work was steadily progressing on the Anti-Gravity Engines and Corsair Upgrade. Another improvement was also made to the Corsair upgrade; an extra Anti-Proton Turret would be added, increasing the deadliness of the already devastating vessel. After the Corsair upgrade, the Confederates were hoping to put together a new design for the Raven, which had, time and again, proven itself in battle to be the most valuable ship the Confederacy had.


Corsair Engine Upgrade
Upgrade Project
ETA: 4 Posts


Citadel Defense System
ETA: 4 Posts

Anti-Grav Engines
ETA: 8 Posts

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 12-07-2001).)

OOC:Carno,I thought that Emalghion belonged to you anyways.
Asriel;don't worry if the Confeds won't share.I'll soon be researching Hyperlattice Manipulation Physics,which will leave them in the dust. :)(It replaces my plan to research Zero-Point Physics)

(White-Alpha Encryption)
(To:Tribunal BASE ship Phyrexia )
(From:Councillor Karaze,Skraine WarFleet Tempest Nova Flare
(We thank you for the specifications to the Fusion Beam.
We are now sending over the specifications for the basic EMP cannon we use,as well as the specifications for the continuous-firing mechanism used to create the EMP beam.
-Councillor for Science Karaze,Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds Warship Nova Flare )

The Tempests begin to depart the Hoth IV system,heading through Dimire to Kling'Dret,and upwards towards Skrineen,home to the Skraine University of Stellar Technology.

Meanwhile,back at the SUST,the Skraine research teams working on the missiles finally completed their final tests-the missiles were ready to be produced.
The huge ore stockpiles on Del'As'Mir would soon be utilised to build the new warships and missiles.
A demonstration was hastily organised for Magistrate K'Sarragh.

Several days later,K'Sarragh arrived in the Ancros system,where the demonstration would take place.
Several small asteroids had been moved into position as targets,and a Whirlwind had been outfitted with the new weaponry to demonstrate it.
As K'Sarragh watched,the Whirlwind began demonstration of the Dart missile.
A small cannister launched from the Whirlwind.
A few seconds after it's launch,it detonated.
Several hundred tiny Darts* hurtled towards the asteroid,cratering it with kinetic strikes.
Then the Lance missile was demonstrated on another asteroid.
A volley of sleek missiles launched from the Whirlwind,speeding towards the target at high speed.
The Lances hit,shattering the asteroid.

ETA until Generation-II warships complete:1 post
Missile research complete

*OOC:Oops,my finger slipped from the "D" key onto the "F" key for a moment there. πŸ™‚

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.


Originally posted by Shade:
OOC:Carno,I thought that Emalghion belonged to you anyways.
Asriel;don't worry if the Confeds won't share.I'll soon be researching Hyperlattice Manipulation Physics,which will leave them in the dust. :)(It replaces my plan to research Zero-Point Physics)

I don't care, my version will be much better than yours. πŸ˜› Not to mention that you are driving everyone nuts with your tons of OOC posts. Just stop it!

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

Carnotaur,I apologise if you find my Out-Of-Context questions offensive or annoying.
They seldom exceed three lines,are always much shorter than the actual in-context post, and I would not post them if I did not consider them important.
It's just that I often find things to ask.
And I'm thinking of not researching Hyperlattice Manipulation Physics now. I probably need better shields and armour anyway,and I have some ideas for those.

BTW,sorry for this OOC post.

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.


Originally posted by Shade:
**Carnotaur,I apologise if you find my Out-Of-Context questions offensive or annoying.
They seldom exceed three lines,are always much shorter than the actual in-context post, and I would not post them if I did not consider them important.
It's just that I often find things to ask.
And I'm thinking of not researching Hyperlattice Manipulation Physics now. I probably need better shields and armour anyway,and I have some ideas for those.

BTW,sorry for this OOC post.


There's nothing really wrong with OOC posts, it's just that you use them too much. Apology accepted.

Now someone besides me post!! πŸ™‚

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

OOC:Your acceptance of my apology is accepted.
I'd post on-topic if someone posted something relating to me!
Here's something you can post about:a while ago you said you'd supply me with trade goods in return for the Plasma Web.I said that Terran-edible foodstuffs were poisonous to Skraine,and perhaps we could do a technology swap.I said I was interested in better shield rechargers.
You haven't replied yet.
Another thing,and I don't want them off you,but:do you have particle beams?Or is it ion disruptor beams?I remember getting hit by some kind of beam during our brief battle.

Oops,another OOC post.

(edit)Oh wait,there is something I can post about(/edit)

Skraine University of Stellar Technology
As Researcher K'raia pressed the final "send report" button,the weariness seemed to wash from her body.
Standing,she could see the row of sleek,jet-black Generation-II warship prototypes finished on the SUST shipyard fields,glistening with frost in the cold morning light.
Towering above the others was the huge form of the Fireblade Battlecruiser, designed to replace both the Tempest and Cyclone.
Two-thirds of it's height was the sleeker Firestorm Missile Cruiser,designed to replace the Tempest,and provide an essential support platform for other warships.
Smaller than that was the Firebolt Attack Frigate,built with two WarGates to replace both the Whirlwind and the abortive Tornado.
Beyond those were the two fighters;the Flare Gunboat,loaded with as much firepower as possible while still retaining it's mobility,and the Spark Light Fighter, the only one capable of ship-bourne launching,armed with several EMP cannons and a Dart cannister rack.
The blueprints were going out now to shipyards across the Coalition,ready to be rushed into production.The Generation-I ships would remain in service,however.

Generation-II Warships complete
(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

(This message has been edited by Shade (edited 12-06-2001).)

(Message to Skraine)
(From Carnotaur of the Confederacy)
(Very well, we would probably be interested in a technology trade. If you give us your Plasma Web technology, then we will give you some of our shield knowledge. Is this agreeable?)
(End Message)


The Confederacy, to help trade relations with the Skraine, has started the ECTA - the Eta Cassiopea Trading Association. They mainly just do one thing; trade with the Tribunal and Skraine. The trading items; anything interesting and useful. Many artifacts from the Milky Way are brought in, such as river eels or samples of phased crystals (for use as gems and stuff). The Skraine have proved to be quite inquisitive about all this, despite the fact that they can't eat any food (which is why the ECTA doesn't trade that stuff with the Skraine).

So far the ECTA has gained quite a profit using their specially upgraded frieghters (which have been installed with extra armor and weapons), and it is planned that roughly 1/3 of the profits made will go to the Confederate Alliance. The other 2/3 will go to the ECTA to use as they wish to build or buy more frieghters, to purchase goods, and to construct trading stations. The ECTA even hopes to be able to set up several trading stations within Tribunal and Skraine space...

(Message to Skraine and Tribunal)
(From Commander Velros of the Eta Cassiopea Trading Association)
(As you know, just recently the Confederate Alliance has started the ECTA to help trade relations with the Skraine and Tribunal. To help our association, we humbly request to set up one or two trading stations in both Skraine and Tribunal space. Thrawn would be a good spot for the trading stations. The stations will be armed to some degree, just in case they are ever attacked. But believe me; we are a peaceful government, and we only wish to trade peacefully between our governments. What do you say?)
(End Message)


Meanwhile, back in the war torn Milky Way, work progressed on the major military defense base in DSN-8789. The large base station was only barely started, while 4 of the smaller battlestations were completed. There was now only two last battlestations to complete, and these were the ones with the two large Ion Disruptor Beam Turrets. The primary base battlestation would take a lot longer. The defense pods had already been launched, and construction on the science station was begun. This station was to scan the jumpgate for any approaching ships, and would be able to warn the base long before a fleet actually arrived. Any ship can move through the large base, that is except for Raiek and Galactica vessels. Skraine vessels have to be scanned before they pass through.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 12-06-2001).)

Lythrawns dreadnaught, the Dark Lord , silently gluided through the Pria system. Alone it went, Lythrawn silently watching the remains of his once glorious home planet. He had been born on Pria, much of his childhood had been spent on Pria. But not it was blasted and in ruins.

Though the Haorn caused it, Lythrawn didn't hold much against them. If the Prylak had just been more careful, and more friendly, it would have never happened.

Taking a last glance at the Prylak homeworld, the Dark Lord silently gluided off...


As Haorn warships patrolled the Ren system, powerful sentinels against all who opposed the Haorn Empire, nobody onboard any of the ships had any idea that Lythrawn had returned, or that he would even consider visiting the Haorn; the arch enemy of the Prylak race.

This was proved wrong as the Dark Lord jumped into the system, shields activated but weapons unarmed. As over a hundred warships closed in, they were hailed by Lythrawn.

"This is former Prylak Fleet Admiral Lythrawn. I once attacked the Milky Way galaxy, and went into exile. I have changed since then, and have now come back to visit my old 'Enemy' in peace. I have much news to bring you. I even have some information on a race you are fighting; the Raiek. If you don't want my information, I'll leave. If you do accept to see me, I wish to see your emporer in the Haorn system at once. I await your answer."


The Confederates were building up a fleet of 100 some ships (not including the standard fleet that is in every border system), in the border outpost of Blaga. The use of this fleet is unknown, but there are 12 frieghters guarded by the fleet. Each of these frieghters carry 80 Trans-Phasic Bombs. The use of them is classified, but the fleet was organized shortly after a message was sent to Carnotaur from a Prylak Frigate loyal to Lythrawn in the Blaga system, which then moved back to Ross 154.

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).