Reign of Chaos 3 - Chapter V

OOC:Whoops,didn't notice that.

(Fr:Magistrate K'Sarragh,Unity Starbase)
(Re:Senn Southwest)
(We apologise;the projected colony sites were meant to facilitate trade between our factions.
The colonies in Cielring and Bajro II have now been withdrawn, and colonies will be planned elsewhere.
At the present time we are investigating EC-220 and Kasene;we intend to hold the far south of the Senn Southwest,as well as the short route which goes south from Cincal.
The Kasene base would be involved mainly in trade with your bases in the area, Charon and EC-106,while EC-220 would focus on resource extraction.
We request permission for our freighters to traverse your territiories to ship goods and raw materials from or to our colonies in the Southwest to the more populated Senn Nebula subsector or the Hoth Sector.
The Skraine Cartography Bureau files for EC-220 and Kasene are attached.
-Magistrate K'Sarragh,Skraine Interstellar Coalition of Worlds)

(Skraine Cartography Bureau File Number 11,256-Kasene System)
(The Kasene System at first appears somewhat bland,especially after having recently traversed the asteroid-rich systems of the Hoth Sector.
However thick ore asteroid belts such as are present in the Kasene system are in fact quite rare in the systems close to the Senn Nebula,and should be exploited.
Kasene holds between it's outer and inner belts a single type-I(useless) gas giant, and, further in towards the yellow dwarf star,a single habitable world,Kasene Prime.
Kasene Prime is an arid and inhospitable world by M-class standards.The world is covered in savannah and barren mountains,and virtually all surface water is extremely saline,the main freshwater deposits being in deep water tables. However considerable gem deposits are present in the volcanically active areas, and this world could be profitable by the export of crystals for jewelery or industrial purposes.)

(Skraine Cartography Bureau File Number 11,684-EC-220 System)
(The EC-220 system holds a myriad of standard ice asteroids and one world, EC-220/2.
This world,while lifeless and windswept,has several small seas where ice asteroid impacts have provided the depression and liquid neccesary to create them.
It's main asset is a considerable amount of heavy elements and radioactives.)

ETA until Organic Armour complete:1 post
ETA until Coloniser complete:4 posts

(url="http://"")Shade's Shipyard(/url), the source for your ship needs.

Chapter V has ended. Please now post at (url="http://"")Chapter VI(/url)

If at first you don't succeed...Hit it harder! - Me
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).